Breaking: Michael Jackson Child Porn stockpile

aww poor troll....gonna troll to the very end...pretending he don't understand. LOL!
Such a shame that one of the greatest recording artists ever will have this as his final legacy. Lesson to be learned: Control your demons. No secret stays secret.

Michael Jackson Stockpiled Nude Images Of Children And Animal Torture, According To Police Report
My wife is a huge fan of his music, and she chooses to ignore all the other stuff. Sadly, that's what enabled him in the first place, people who surrounded him and protected him from the consequences of his actions.
I second this. When you multiply a positive by a negative, the product is still a matter how good the positive may be.

God bless you always!!!

Yeah, he was great back in the 90's, then, he went nuts I guess.
MJ was a very confused, not yet fully matured man, who got lost during his childhood and never essence he was man child filled with curiosity and confusion. That warped journey of trying to find himself, led in down a road of self hatred, self indulgence, denial, lies and sadly in the end....a lonely death.

If we do anything, we should understand the effects of child abuse, because he was abused as a child and how it impact us as adult. May this man finally rest at peace and my God continue to have mercy on his soul.

For me, he will forever be the talent that took my generation into the most exciting era of modern music next to Motown.

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