BREAKING: Moscow announces END to massive troop buildup near Ukraine

Moscow announces END to massive troop buildup near Ukraine

  • a cheap KGB trick

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • the Real End of escalation, Moscow realized that it can´t pull off distraction of our ally Ukraine

    Votes: 1 50.0%

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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
BREAKING: Moscow announces END to massive troop buildup near Ukraine
"Russia's defense minister said Thursday that massive military exercises near the border with Ukraine had been completed, and that he had ordered troops to return to their permanent bases by May 1, according to state media."

"Moscow Troops Withdraw From Ukraine Border After NATO F-16s Intercept Jets Over Baltic
alliance's Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) at Uedem, Germany, sent fighter jets from bases in Estonia, Lithuania and Poland to track the two Russian Tu-160 Blackjack bombers, which were being escorted by Su-27 and Su-35 fighter aircraft.
The Russians were also operating an A-50 Mainstay airborne warning and control plane that was escorted by fighters, NATO said.

The alliance sent up German and Italian fighter aircraft, Polish Air Force F-16s fighters and Royal Danish Air Force F-16s were also deployed. It said the Russian bombers stayed in international airspace above the Baltic Sea and returned to mainland Russia after three hours.

Guys, so what its all about ?
1) a cheap KGB trick
2) the Real End of escalation, Moscow realized that it can´t pull off distraction of our ally in Eastern Europe - Ukraine

BREAKING: Moscow announces END to massive troop buildup near Ukraine
"Russia's defense minister said Thursday that massive military exercises near the border with Ukraine had been completed, and that he had ordered troops to return to their permanent bases by May 1, according to state media."

"Moscow Troops Withdraw From Ukraine Border After NATO F-16s Intercept Jets Over Baltic
alliance's Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) at Uedem, Germany, sent fighter jets from bases in Estonia, Lithuania and Poland to track the two Russian Tu-160 Blackjack bombers, which were being escorted by Su-27 and Su-35 fighter aircraft.
The Russians were also operating an A-50 Mainstay airborne warning and control plane that was escorted by fighters, NATO said.

The alliance sent up German and Italian fighter aircraft, Polish Air Force F-16s fighters and Royal Danish Air Force F-16s were also deployed. It said the Russian bombers stayed in international airspace above the Baltic Sea and returned to mainland Russia after three hours.

Guys, so what its all about ?
1) a cheap KGB trick
2) the Real End of escalation, Moscow realized that it can´t pull off distraction of our ally in Eastern Europe - Ukraine

It's what Russia does. See how far they can push the issue, before they are confronted. None of this is new.
BREAKING, Great News! : US Senate Committee Unanimously Approved bill to Increase Military Aid to Ukraine as Moscow gathers troops. SFRC passed bill authorizing $300 million in aid/year to Ukraine


The bill contains an amendment from Republican Senator Ted Cruz that requires the State Department to determine whether 20 ships, including the Akademik Cherskiy, Umka, and Errieit, are subject to U.S. sanctions for helping to build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a project to bring Russian gas to Germany under the Baltic Sea. The determination is required within 15 days of passage.

The pipeline, led by Russian state gas company Gazprom (GAZP.MM) and its Western allies, would bypass Ukraine, depriving it of billions of dollars in transit fees and likely undermining the country's efforts against Russian aggression. Biden has said the pipeline is a bad deal for Europe, but the project is about 95% complete.

It is both one of his cheap KGB tricks and the end of his failed escalation on the Ukraine border. Putin is lashing out because he hates the new sanctions and he's beginning to lose grip on his people, hundreds of thousands of whom took to the streets to protest his treatment of Navalny.

It is both one of his cheap KGB tricks and the end of his failed escalation on the Ukraine border. Putin is lashing out because he hates the new sanctions and he's beginning to lose grip on his people, hundreds of thousands of whom took to the streets to protest his treatment of Navalny.

you are a smart man, 3 great points, i do agree with you ( i missed this point ) , Navalny protests shocked the old czar )))

USA is way more corrupt and dangerous than Russia

the war in Ukraine isn’t just the front line against Russian military aggression. It’s also the front line to defend the spirit, and the promise, of democracy.

American support, in any form — whether through diplomatic gestures or weapons — sends a signal to Ukraine’s soldiers and civilians that they haven’t been forgotten, and that the democratic world order, which they want to be a part of so badly, is still worth fighting for. And these days, I think that’s a message the whole world needs to hear.

USA is way more corrupt and dangerous than Russia

the war in Ukraine isn’t just the front line against Russian military aggression. It’s also the front line to defend the spirit, and the promise, of democracy.

American support, in any form — whether through diplomatic gestures or weapons — sends a signal to Ukraine’s soldiers and civilians that they haven’t been forgotten, and that the democratic world order, which they want to be a part of so badly, is still worth fighting for. And these days, I think that’s a message the whole world needs to hear.

It’s about repaying the neo Nazis in Ukraine who made his family filthy rich
Russia has a far superior nuclear arsenal than our 1970s garbage and Putin is laughing at the decomposing corpse
Terrible news !!
I wanted an invasion as eastern Ukraine belongs to Russia
Russia has a far superior nuclear Arsenal
badly outdated at least 30 years old ussr´s crap
Russia has modernized their nukes
The US has not and xiden was to close down many silos
Move with your clan to Omsk , western civilization dont need you , we take couple talented gays from Muscovy instead

BREAKING: Moscow announces END to massive troop buildup near Ukraine
"Russia's defense minister said Thursday that massive military exercises near the border with Ukraine had been completed, and that he had ordered troops to return to their permanent bases by May 1, according to state media."

"Moscow Troops Withdraw From Ukraine Border After NATO F-16s Intercept Jets Over Baltic
alliance's Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) at Uedem, Germany, sent fighter jets from bases in Estonia, Lithuania and Poland to track the two Russian Tu-160 Blackjack bombers, which were being escorted by Su-27 and Su-35 fighter aircraft.
The Russians were also operating an A-50 Mainstay airborne warning and control plane that was escorted by fighters, NATO said.

The alliance sent up German and Italian fighter aircraft, Polish Air Force F-16s fighters and Royal Danish Air Force F-16s were also deployed. It said the Russian bombers stayed in international airspace above the Baltic Sea and returned to mainland Russia after three hours.

Guys, so what its all about ?
1) a cheap KGB trick
2) the Real End of escalation, Moscow realized that it can´t pull off distraction of our ally in Eastern Europe - Ukraine

It was another hoax from the MSM. It was an exercise just as the Russians said.

How many times do we have to go through this bullshit?

McCain claimed Russia was going to overtake all of Georgia, that didn’t happen.

The MSM and “national security experts” said Russia was going to overtake all of Ukraine back during the Ukraine revolution when Crimea and Donbas said no to the new government. That didn’t happen.

Now this latest “troop buildup” we were told Russia was preparing to invade and take Ukraine again, that didn’t happen.

Do you really think we will keep falling for this shit?

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