Here is another one. | World Can't afford a Taliban Win in Afghanistan: Obama

"The world cannot afford the price that will come due if Afghanistan slides back into chaos or al Qaeda operates unchecked."

"We have a shared responsibility to act -- not because we seek to project power for its own sake, but because our own peace and security depends on it."

Most of us know obushama is a sell out continuing neocon policies. So what?

He is a lying POS.
Here is another one. | World Can't afford a Taliban Win in Afghanistan: Obama

"The world cannot afford the price that will come due if Afghanistan slides back into chaos or al Qaeda operates unchecked."

"We have a shared responsibility to act -- not because we seek to project power for its own sake, but because our own peace and security depends on it."

Most of us know obushama is a sell out continuing neocon policies. So what?

He is a lying POS.

Yeah that's been made clear. Are you consistent? Have you condemned the bush admin for the same things?
Wow, I guess all those Republican deep thinkers really got me today. I pointed out that Afghanistan is two or three times as big as Vietnam and had twice the population.

Size wise, I remember Afghanistan to be like a quarter million square mile and South Vietnam something like 70,000 square miles with all of Vietnam twice that. But I don't think we occupied ALL of Vietnam, did we?

And that we had a half million troops in Vietnam and a hundred thousand in Afghanistan.

Well, I wasn't quoting anyone except my memory so I didn't attach any links.

So, since I'm relying on memory, let's see if those "deep thinkers" can prove me wrong.

I did say, "Vietnam", but those Republican "deep thinkers" and "quick with the facts" have to know that we didn't occupy ALL of Vietnam. At least that's how I remember it. I thought we only occupied "SOUTH VIETNAM". I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.

If memory serves, the population of "South Vietnam" was something like 15, 16 or at most 17 million".

I believe I heard on the news that the population of Afghanistan is somewhat MORE than 30 MILLION.

Oops. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

I believe I said that we had half a million troops occupying half the population of Afghanistan in Vietnam while a hundred thousand are in Afghanistan. Well, I think I was probably wrong there too. I think that with the 40,000 troop INCREASE the right is whining for, that would bring the troop count up to 100 thousand in Afghanistan.

So, the point was, we couldn't win in Vietnam with 5 times the troops and half the population.

Is that clear to those conservatard "deep thinkers"?

Someone even said, "If the government in Afghanistan falls....".

Well, I got news for the conservatards. There IS NO government in Afghanistan. We are fighting to protect a "strawman". Something that doesn't exist. Of course, constervatards are good with that. They have had so much practice trying to make "gays" evil and "religion" real.

Always looking forward to their "facts" and "figures". Cuz they are so good at "figuring out" their "facts.

Usually, I rush off to find facts and figures, but I don't think I have to this time. I'm pretty sure I'm "close" to the facts. If not, I'm sure they will prove me wrong - or not.

I take it you sleep with your mom ????

Look at these right wingers. First, they are mostly stupid. They scream in big red letters but have nothing to say.

They say, "Obama has has months to think about this - DO SOMETHING!" Only, because they are kind of "stupid", they don't know what, just "something".

Doesn't matter that Obama has been spending time on all the other screw ups left to him by the Republicans.

So they want to "prop up" the govenment in Afghanistan. The question is, "Does Afghanistan even have a government?" You don't mean that pitiful thing in the capital?

The State Department etimates there are a hundred al Queda living in Afghanistan. It takes a hundred thousand Americans to fight a hundred people?

Some in the Military say that the Afghan people so dispise the Taliban, if we just left, but supplied them with arms, they would go after the Taliban.

See, the right wingers don't discuss any of these points. Instead, they call dirty names and say, "Do you sleep with your mom?"

Why? Becuase they are truly stupid people. They have no ideas. Not real ones. Just stock answers -send more troops - drop bombs - threaten. Those aren't ideas. You can't debate that. Those are the slogans of the stupid.
Look at these right wingers. First, they are mostly stupid. They scream in big red letters but have nothing to say.

They say, "Obama has has months to think about this - DO SOMETHING!" Only, because they are kind of "stupid", they don't know what, just "something".

Doesn't matter that Obama has been spending time on all the other screw ups left to him by the Republicans.

So they want to "prop up" the govenment in Afghanistan. The question is, "Does Afghanistan even have a government?" You don't mean that pitiful thing in the capital?

The State Department etimates there are a hundred al Queda living in Afghanistan. It takes a hundred thousand Americans to fight a hundred people?

Some in the Military say that the Afghan people so dispise the Taliban, if we just left, but supplied them with arms, they would go after the Taliban.

See, the right wingers don't discuss any of these points. Instead, they call dirty names and say, "Do you sleep with your mom?"

Why? Becuase they are truly stupid people. They have no ideas. Not real ones. Just stock answers -send more troops - drop bombs - threaten. Those aren't ideas. You can't debate that. Those are the slogans of the stupid.

I would think that the safety of our serviceman that are in harms way would be right at the top of his agenda, rdean. Apparently, you, and obama think not. When the "right" says to do something, obama, they mean give the troops the protection, or get them the hell out of there.
Can I clarify anything for you on what I stated rdean? Ya wanna call me stupid rdean?
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On this thread, the right wing has not offered anything of relevance. Let's move on.

Yelling and screaming, folks, is not relevant commentary.

Go drool elsewhere.
On this thread, the right wing has not offered anything of relevance. Let's move on.

Yelling and screaming, folks, is not relevant commentary.

Go drool elsewhere.

And, we have a president that's afraid to take action, because he doesn't want to offend anyone.
I bet Iran, Russia, and China are taking notes on just how weak this president is. just sayin...
On this thread, the right wing has not offered anything of relevance. Let's move on.

Yelling and screaming, folks, is not relevant commentary.

Go drool elsewhere.

The claim in the above quoted post muttered by JakeSnakley is just purely dishonesty by him/her/it.

Joke likes to grace the forum with 'pronoucements' rather than respond to any points.
Ame®icano;1711553 said:
Obama is showing himself to be a true leader.

He is listening to both sides and not rushing to make a hasty decision on Afghanistan.

All Americans should be grateful we have been blessed with such a wise Commander-in-Cheif

And he's doing that for how long? Three months of thinking?

My pet rock is wiser then that.

you still have a pet rock?......

Sure, it's hanging' someplace around. I didn’t have a heart to throw him away. :D
Look at these right wingers. First, they are mostly stupid. They scream in big red letters but have nothing to say.

They say, "Obama has has months to think about this - DO SOMETHING!" Only, because they are kind of "stupid", they don't know what, just "something".

Doesn't matter that Obama has been spending time on all the other screw ups left to him by the Republicans.

So they want to "prop up" the govenment in Afghanistan. The question is, "Does Afghanistan even have a government?" You don't mean that pitiful thing in the capital?

The State Department etimates there are a hundred al Queda living in Afghanistan. It takes a hundred thousand Americans to fight a hundred people?

Some in the Military say that the Afghan people so dispise the Taliban, if we just left, but supplied them with arms, they would go after the Taliban.

See, the right wingers don't discuss any of these points. Instead, they call dirty names and say, "Do you sleep with your mom?"

Why? Becuase they are truly stupid people. They have no ideas. Not real ones. Just stock answers -send more troops - drop bombs - threaten. Those aren't ideas. You can't debate that. Those are the slogans of the stupid.
Deano do you realize you have just Whined more than Jake Starky....
Thanks, Harry, comments coming from trolls like you are like receiving manna from heaven. Merely validates my position is that you guys don't have a single clue or remedy for what's going on. That's why the GOP and the libertarians got smashed last year. That's why the GOP is running candidates not tied to the palinistas this year. That's why the Conservatives got hammered in the 23rd. Keep it up, Harry, keep it up. LOL.
Thanks, Harry, comments coming from trolls like you are like receiving manna from heaven. Merely validates my position is that you guys don't have a single clue or remedy for what's going on. That's why the GOP and the libertarians got smashed last year. That's why the GOP is running candidates not tied to the palinistas this year. That's why the Conservatives got hammered in the 23rd. Keep it up, Harry, keep it up. LOL.

I think JackoffSnarky is actually crying.
Thanks, Harry, comments coming from trolls like you are like receiving manna from heaven. Merely validates my position is that you guys don't have a single clue or remedy for what's going on. That's why the GOP and the libertarians got smashed last year. That's why the GOP is running candidates not tied to the palinistas this year. That's why the Conservatives got hammered in the 23rd. Keep it up, Harry, keep it up. LOL.
Look at these right wingers. First, they are mostly stupid. They scream in big red letters but have nothing to say.

They say, "Obama has has months to think about this - DO SOMETHING!" Only, because they are kind of "stupid", they don't know what, just "something".

Doesn't matter that Obama has been spending time on all the other screw ups left to him by the Republicans.

So they want to "prop up" the govenment in Afghanistan. The question is, "Does Afghanistan even have a government?" You don't mean that pitiful thing in the capital?

The State Department etimates there are a hundred al Queda living in Afghanistan. It takes a hundred thousand Americans to fight a hundred people?

Some in the Military say that the Afghan people so dispise the Taliban, if we just left, but supplied them with arms, they would go after the Taliban.

See, the right wingers don't discuss any of these points. Instead, they call dirty names and say, "Do you sleep with your mom?"

Why? Becuase they are truly stupid people. They have no ideas. Not real ones. Just stock answers -send more troops - drop bombs - threaten. Those aren't ideas. You can't debate that. Those are the slogans of the stupid.

I would think that the safety of our serviceman that are in harms way would be right at the top of his agenda, rdean. Apparently, you, and obama think not. When the "right" says to do something, obama, they mean give the troops the protection, or get them the hell out of there.
Can I clarify anything for you on what I stated rdean? Ya wanna call me stupid rdean?

First, I bet you weren't complaining when our soldiers were sent to Iraq with old and rusty equipment.

Second, I bet you didn't complain when dozens of Arabic translators were kicked out for being gay leaving only six Arabic translators in the entire Bahgdad area.

Third, only a stupid, pathetic moron would believe that our soldiers are just sitting out somewhere on a rock under the sun. They have barracks and compounds and do things like "guard duty".

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Look at these right wingers. First, they are mostly stupid. They scream in big red letters but have nothing to say.

They say, "Obama has has months to think about this - DO SOMETHING!" Only, because they are kind of "stupid", they don't know what, just "something".

Doesn't matter that Obama has been spending time on all the other screw ups left to him by the Republicans.

So they want to "prop up" the govenment in Afghanistan. The question is, "Does Afghanistan even have a government?" You don't mean that pitiful thing in the capital?

The State Department etimates there are a hundred al Queda living in Afghanistan. It takes a hundred thousand Americans to fight a hundred people?

Some in the Military say that the Afghan people so dispise the Taliban, if we just left, but supplied them with arms, they would go after the Taliban.

See, the right wingers don't discuss any of these points. Instead, they call dirty names and say, "Do you sleep with your mom?"

Why? Becuase they are truly stupid people. They have no ideas. Not real ones. Just stock answers -send more troops - drop bombs - threaten. Those aren't ideas. You can't debate that. Those are the slogans of the stupid.
Deano do you realize you have just Whined more than Jake Starky....

But it's a really fine whine.
Look at these right wingers. First, they are mostly stupid. They scream in big red letters but have nothing to say.

They say, "Obama has has months to think about this - DO SOMETHING!" Only, because they are kind of "stupid", they don't know what, just "something".

Doesn't matter that Obama has been spending time on all the other screw ups left to him by the Republicans.

So they want to "prop up" the govenment in Afghanistan. The question is, "Does Afghanistan even have a government?" You don't mean that pitiful thing in the capital?

The State Department etimates there are a hundred al Queda living in Afghanistan. It takes a hundred thousand Americans to fight a hundred people?

Some in the Military say that the Afghan people so dispise the Taliban, if we just left, but supplied them with arms, they would go after the Taliban.

See, the right wingers don't discuss any of these points. Instead, they call dirty names and say, "Do you sleep with your mom?"

Why? Becuase they are truly stupid people. They have no ideas. Not real ones. Just stock answers -send more troops - drop bombs - threaten. Those aren't ideas. You can't debate that. Those are the slogans of the stupid.

I would think that the safety of our serviceman that are in harms way would be right at the top of his agenda, rdean. Apparently, you, and obama think not. When the "right" says to do something, obama, they mean give the troops the protection, or get them the hell out of there.
Can I clarify anything for you on what I stated rdean? Ya wanna call me stupid rdean?

First, I bet you weren't complaining when our soldiers were sent to Iraq with old and rusty equipment.

Second, I bet you didn't complain when dozens of Arabic translators were kicked out for being gay leaving only six Arabic translators in the entire Bahgdad area.

Third, only a stupid, pathetic moron would believe that our soldiers are just sitting out somewhere on a rock under the sun. They have barracks and compounds and do things like "guard duty".

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
First....Rdean, I was against us going into Iraq...period. I have stated over and over that I would have never pulled the trigger on that.
second...what in hell does that have to do with the price of rice in China? I never even thought about that Rdean
third, of course they aren't sitting around, but they aren't manned enough to get the job done, and they are becoming statistics.
So you are saying that Obama has more important things to take care of other than the service men and woman that are in harms way. Look in the mirror if you want to see a stupid moron, rdean, that will be the mug that's staring back at you.
PS try and stay on the damn topic next time...who was talking about Iraq? :cuckoo:
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Look at these right wingers. First, they are mostly stupid. They scream in big red letters but have nothing to say.

They say, "Obama has has months to think about this - DO SOMETHING!" Only, because they are kind of "stupid", they don't know what, just "something".

Doesn't matter that Obama has been spending time on all the other screw ups left to him by the Republicans.

So they want to "prop up" the govenment in Afghanistan. The question is, "Does Afghanistan even have a government?" You don't mean that pitiful thing in the capital?

The State Department etimates there are a hundred al Queda living in Afghanistan. It takes a hundred thousand Americans to fight a hundred people?

Some in the Military say that the Afghan people so dispise the Taliban, if we just left, but supplied them with arms, they would go after the Taliban.

See, the right wingers don't discuss any of these points. Instead, they call dirty names and say, "Do you sleep with your mom?"

Why? Becuase they are truly stupid people. They have no ideas. Not real ones. Just stock answers -send more troops - drop bombs - threaten. Those aren't ideas. You can't debate that. Those are the slogans of the stupid.

Obama is only one who has no idea what he's doing.

He's still voting "present".

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