Look at these right wingers. First, they are mostly stupid. They scream in big red letters but have nothing to say.

They say, "Obama has has months to think about this - DO SOMETHING!" Only, because they are kind of "stupid", they don't know what, just "something".

Doesn't matter that Obama has been spending time on all the other screw ups left to him by the Republicans.

So they want to "prop up" the govenment in Afghanistan. The question is, "Does Afghanistan even have a government?" You don't mean that pitiful thing in the capital?

The State Department etimates there are a hundred al Queda living in Afghanistan. It takes a hundred thousand Americans to fight a hundred people?

Some in the Military say that the Afghan people so dispise the Taliban, if we just left, but supplied them with arms, they would go after the Taliban.

See, the right wingers don't discuss any of these points. Instead, they call dirty names and say, "Do you sleep with your mom?"

Why? Becuase they are truly stupid people. They have no ideas. Not real ones. Just stock answers -send more troops - drop bombs - threaten. Those aren't ideas. You can't debate that. Those are the slogans of the stupid.

I would think that the safety of our serviceman that are in harms way would be right at the top of his agenda, rdean. Apparently, you, and obama think not. When the "right" says to do something, obama, they mean give the troops the protection, or get them the hell out of there.
Can I clarify anything for you on what I stated rdean? Ya wanna call me stupid rdean?

First, I bet you weren't complaining when our soldiers were sent to Iraq with old and rusty equipment.

Second, I bet you didn't complain when dozens of Arabic translators were kicked out for being gay leaving only six Arabic translators in the entire Bahgdad area.
Third, only a stupid, pathetic moron would believe that our soldiers are just sitting out somewhere on a rock under the sun. They have barracks and compounds and do things like "guard duty".

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

How old are you? 8?

Second....They violated military policy..Don't ask, don't tell. When your running the streets, sucking dicks and hanging out in gay bars and then TELLING EVERYONE ABOUT IT...that's kind of not in keeping with MILITARY DISCIPLINE. think the only thing they have to do is "Guard duty"? You are obviously another one of those anti-military LIBTARD loons who only use our troops if it gains you some political capital.
The loony right whinge is on the loose again.

They can't influence anything, so all they can do is cry and sigh, squall and bawl, pine and whine.

Keep it up, folks, but I will tell you that your pity party is pathetic.
Why? Becuase they are truly stupid people. They have no ideas. Not real ones. Just stock answers -send more troops - drop bombs - threaten. Those aren't ideas. You can't debate that. Those are the slogans of the stupid.

You are so wrong.

They are no stupid. Apologize.

Dick Cheney's Halliburton stands to lose a gazillion dollars, may be more, if the troops pull out to soon.

Thanks, Harry, comments coming from trolls like you are like receiving manna from heaven. Merely validates my position is that you guys don't have a single clue or remedy for what's going on. That's why the GOP and the libertarians got smashed last year. That's why the GOP is running candidates not tied to the palinistas this year. That's why the Conservatives got hammered in the 23rd. Keep it up, Harry, keep it up. LOL.

"you guys"....there it is again....what "guys' might that be Jake?.....
Thanks, Harry, comments coming from trolls like you are like receiving manna from heaven. Merely validates my position is that you guys don't have a single clue or remedy for what's going on. That's why the GOP and the libertarians got smashed last year. That's why the GOP is running candidates not tied to the palinistas this year. That's why the Conservatives got hammered in the 23rd. Keep it up, Harry, keep it up. LOL.

I think JackoffSnarky is actually crying.

its actually Whining...something Jake is getting a reputation for ......
The loony right whinge is on the loose again.

They can't influence anything, so all they can do is cry and sigh, squall and bawl, pine and whine.

Keep it up, folks, but I will tell you that your pity party is pathetic.

another classic Starky Whine....thats all you do Jake, whine about others whining....
Harry, show 10.2 is evidence of anything significant other than the Pubs had a chance to save the universe in 2001 to 2006 but didn't.

You have to stop your whining, Harry, and give us something relevant.
Harry, show 10.2 is evidence of anything significant other than the Pubs had a chance to save the universe in 2001 to 2006 but didn't.

You have to stop your whining, Harry, and give us something relevant.
Jake, your whining again.
Harry, show 10.2 is evidence of anything significant other than the Pubs had a chance to save the universe in 2001 to 2006 but didn't.

You have to stop your whining, Harry, and give us something relevant.

shall we take a count here Jake and see who our fellow posters think Whines or me? game....
Harry, show 10.2 is evidence of anything significant other than the Pubs had a chance to save the universe in 2001 to 2006 but didn't.

You have to stop your whining, Harry, and give us something relevant.

shall we take a count here Jake and see who our fellow posters think Whines or me? game....

Hands down...Jake is the whiner. At most, Harry has a quiet whimper. :lol:
Harry, show 10.2 is evidence of anything significant other than the Pubs had a chance to save the universe in 2001 to 2006 but didn't.

You have to stop your whining, Harry, and give us something relevant.

shall we take a count here Jake and see who our fellow posters think Whines or me? game....

Hands down...Jake is the whiner. At most, Harry has a quiet whimper. :lol:

Oh fuck. Now you've done it. Opened the flood gates.

Jake-off is gonna be crying a river and whining like a bitch for DAYS, now that he officially is declared to be be the big-time whining bitch. Can't you just hear him as he stomps his widdle feetsies and whines in his shrill effeminate voice, "It isn't fair, isn't fair, isn't FAIR!"
shall we take a count here Jake and see who our fellow posters think Whines or me? game....

Hands down...Jake is the whiner. At most, Harry has a quiet whimper. :lol:

Oh fuck. Now you've done it. Opened the flood gates.

Jake-off is gonna be crying a river and whining like a bitch for DAYS, now that he officially is declared to be be the big-time whining bitch. Can't you just hear him as he stomps his widdle feetsies and whines in his shrill effeminate voice, "It isn't fair, isn't fair, isn't FAIR!"

i take it you have seen the Starky Whine?......
Hands down...Jake is the whiner. At most, Harry has a quiet whimper. :lol:

Oh fuck. Now you've done it. Opened the flood gates.

Jake-off is gonna be crying a river and whining like a bitch for DAYS, now that he officially is declared to be be the big-time whining bitch. Can't you just hear him as he stomps his widdle feetsies and whines in his shrill effeminate voice, "It isn't fair, isn't fair, isn't FAIR!"

i take it you have seen the Starky Whine?......

It's difficult to miss.

The bitch does it incessantly.
I think it's time to bring the troops home from Afganistan. Without a strategy of a victory, or an end game, this will end up like Viet Nam, with a lot of our military becoming statistics. I don't want to see that again.....ever.

I agree. If they can't come up with cogent plan to get the entire job done then the best thing to do is get the hell out.

The problem is that if we just pull out it will create a massive vaccum, a place from where more attacks against the West would be planned with immunity.

There is not a clear solution right now - except extermination - which is not something I would take lightly, but in the absence of a better choice, finds preferable to nuclear bombs going off in EU/ American cities.
Jakey you tool the run up in unemployment began after your boys took control of the house and senate. At that point in time the dow was over 14k and unemployment was at about 5.5 except of course for Micigan and California where they've been doing everything they can to run every businessman and entepreneur out of the state with a good deal of success I might add.
I think it's time to bring the troops home from Afganistan. Without a strategy of a victory, or an end game, this will end up like Viet Nam, with a lot of our military becoming statistics. I don't want to see that again.....ever.

I agree. If they can't come up with cogent plan to get the entire job done then the best thing to do is get the hell out.

The problem is that if we just pull out it will create a massive vaccum, a place from where more attacks against the West would be planned with immunity.

There is not a clear solution right now - except extermination - which is not something I would take lightly, but in the absence of a better choice, finds preferable to nuclear bombs going off in EU/ American cities.

Oh the hell with it. Let's just pull all our troops out of everywhere, bring em' all home, give em all a house and a car and tell 'em they can't say a word about ANYTHING. Screw the consequences!!! Obama want's a more manageable country anyway. With half of us blown to hell, he's got a fighting chance of making good on the healthcare for the other half and jobs for everybody.
Harry, show 10.2 is evidence of anything significant other than the Pubs had a chance to save the universe in 2001 to 2006 but didn't.

You have to stop your whining, Harry, and give us something relevant.

shall we take a count here Jake and see who our fellow posters think Whines or me? game....

Harry, go ahead, but it doesn't matter at all, if you can't give the relevancy in light of Reagan's administration's rate in the third full year. Are you suggesting they are both bad presidents? OK, but one can equally suggest that the economy will recover this time as it did last time.

What I am saying is the rate doesn't mean anything unless someone gives some critical and objective analysis here to it. No one has.
Jakey you tool the run up in unemployment began after your boys took control of the house and senate. At that point in time the dow was over 14k and unemployment was at about 5.5 except of course for Micigan and California where they've been doing everything they can to run every businessman and entepreneur out of the state with a good deal of success I might add.

Garyd, your analysis is faulty because you are suggesting that everything went whacky because of cause and effect after Obama's election. You have to demonstrate the evidence supports your conclusion. You can't.

Hey, loony fringe whinge. I can last with you to the end and beyond. lol
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Harry, go ahead, but it doesn't matter at all, if you can't give the relevancy in light of Reagan's administration's rate in the third full year. Are you suggesting they are both bad presidents? OK, but one can equally suggest that the economy will recover this time as it did last time.

What I am saying is the rate doesn't mean anything unless someone gives some critical and objective analysis here to it. No one has.

the economy will recover because of the people of this country.....the cream(the people) will rise to the top like we always do....and the shit(the politicians and any asshole business people who try to undermine us) will sink to the bottom....and screw Reagan....he doesn't matter no more.....

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