I presume the reason that he is a US ambassador now is because he is a politician who is telling the great nobel peace prize winner what he wants to hear.

Obama can't send more troops before he receive the Prize. If he send troops now, he wouldn't be only one that received prize for doing nothing, but also only one that lost the prize for doing something. :)
Ame®icano;1711562 said:
I presume the reason that he is a US ambassador now is because he is a politician who is telling the great nobel peace prize winner what he wants to hear.

Obama can't send more troops before he receive the Prize. If he send troops now, he wouldn't be only one that received prize for doing nothing, but also only one that lost the prize for doing something. :)

Seems he could just bring em all home and make the world all lover each other, right ?
I mean that was the prize deal wasn't it ?
Ame®icano;1711562 said:
I presume the reason that he is a US ambassador now is because he is a politician who is telling the great nobel peace prize winner what he wants to hear.

Obama can't send more troops before he receive the Prize. If he send troops now, he wouldn't be only one that received prize for doing nothing, but also only one that lost the prize for doing something. :)

Seems he could just bring em all home and make the world all lover each other, right ?
I mean that was the prize deal wasn't it ?

I think Pres. Bush was spot on. He did somethign never done before. He took the fight to the terrorists, rather than the terrorists continuously attacking the US and then go and hide in their safe haven countries.
Bush attacking Iraq after 9/11 was idiotic

As someone once said: It was like attacking Mexico in response to Pearl Harbor


Look. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Democrats are anti-war, leave the terrorists alone any they will go away then bury our heads in the sand types. We should just leave Afghanistan lock, stock and barrel tomorrow. After the Taliban and bin Laden come back into power and blow up an American city we will then be justified to nuke their asses...but if there is a Democrat regime in place I gues we could shoot 45 cruise missiles at Osama's herd of goats and sheep then call it a victory!
So he rejected a bunch of plans that had no clear end game and exit strategy. Good.

No, he rejected a solid plan to send the right number of troops to do the job, because dip shit liberals like yourself have pressured Obama to not send more, so now you fucking retards put our soldiers in danger. Hope youre happy fuck wad.
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Let's forget for a moment that we are sending these additional troops there for any objective to win the war. Perhaps sending them there because the the General that the President appointed has said that he needs them, otherwise we will lose this war is a good enough reason. If not then, maybe the fact that sending additional American troops there to support the already deployed AMERICAN troops will at least give them some larger measure of force and PROTECTION against the enemy they are facing. I'm sure those of you who are supporting this "let's wait and see" attitude that the President seems to be advocating are not advocating leaving American troops in harms way, just to support your man in the White House, surely not. Afghanistan is not Iraq, in many regards, among them is the terrain your battlespace exists in. With Iraq you had the ability to deploy assests that complimented boots on the ground i.e. airpower, mobile infantry, robots, UAVS, etc. In Afghanistan because of the nature of the battlespace you need boots on the ground to confront and enemy that has many places to cover that they did not have in Iraq. Case in point that the democrats like to point out, Tora Bora caves were bombed repeatedly by USAF B-52's and B-1's and as we can see now with little results. So we are at a point in Afghanistan where, we must ask ourselves, do we wish to be there? if so then we must commit to win it, if not then leave and stop using the lives of US Military men and women as political assests.
Ame®icano;1711553 said:
Obama is showing himself to be a true leader.

He is listening to both sides and not rushing to make a hasty decision on Afghanistan.

All Americans should be grateful we have been blessed with such a wise Commander-in-Cheif

And he's doing that for how long? Three months of thinking?

My pet rock is wiser then that.

you still have a pet rock?......
Wow, I guess all those Republican deep thinkers really got me today. I pointed out that Afghanistan is two or three times as big as Vietnam and had twice the population.

Size wise, I remember Afghanistan to be like a quarter million square mile and South Vietnam something like 70,000 square miles with all of Vietnam twice that. But I don't think we occupied ALL of Vietnam, did we?

And that we had a half million troops in Vietnam and a hundred thousand in Afghanistan.

Well, I wasn't quoting anyone except my memory so I didn't attach any links.

So, since I'm relying on memory, let's see if those "deep thinkers" can prove me wrong.

I did say, "Vietnam", but those Republican "deep thinkers" and "quick with the facts" have to know that we didn't occupy ALL of Vietnam. At least that's how I remember it. I thought we only occupied "SOUTH VIETNAM". I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.

If memory serves, the population of "South Vietnam" was something like 15, 16 or at most 17 million".

I believe I heard on the news that the population of Afghanistan is somewhat MORE than 30 MILLION.

Oops. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

I believe I said that we had half a million troops occupying half the population of Afghanistan in Vietnam while a hundred thousand are in Afghanistan. Well, I think I was probably wrong there too. I think that with the 40,000 troop INCREASE the right is whining for, that would bring the troop count up to 100 thousand in Afghanistan.

So, the point was, we couldn't win in Vietnam with 5 times the troops and half the population.

Is that clear to those conservatard "deep thinkers"?

Someone even said, "If the government in Afghanistan falls....".

Well, I got news for the conservatards. There IS NO government in Afghanistan. We are fighting to protect a "strawman". Something that doesn't exist. Of course, constervatards are good with that. They have had so much practice trying to make "gays" evil and "religion" real.

Always looking forward to their "facts" and "figures". Cuz they are so good at "figuring out" their "facts.

Usually, I rush off to find facts and figures, but I don't think I have to this time. I'm pretty sure I'm "close" to the facts. If not, I'm sure they will prove me wrong - or not.

I take it you sleep with your mom ????
The problem is that if the Afghani don't successfully do so, the Taliban will take over, and Al Qaida will have their stronghold back.

It's not about them. It's about us and protecting our country.

If they don't clean up their own mess, they deserve the hell that awaits them.

How about we clean up our own mess here at home first?

It's not about them. The problem is that the Al Qaida terrorists had safe haven there because the Taliban gave it to them.

Unfortunately, it's not about their mess. It's about the terrorists there attacking the US inside the US, and going back there to hide.

That is the problem.

You don't know very much about the issue yet you want to justify our occupation?
Then why is Obama keeping us there?

Because he knows...(well maybe he doesn't personally know but there are some in the loop who do)...if we pull out the vacuum backlash would completely obliterate our economy. A major backlash would be retaliation against our allies such as Saudi and the UAE. They own so much of America that if they were forced to switch their petrodollar to the Euro they would first have to withdraw all its american ownership. We use our military to protect those allies in exchange for them keeping a majority of OPEC in USD instead of the Euro and they reinvest a chunk of that change in US markets keeping our economy alive. Halliburton move its headquarters to the UAE a couple of years ago and it wasn't for the benefit of avoiding the US laws it's been breaking for several years. (that was a nice perk though.)

Well hell----at least we're there for a good reason then------how come this reason didn't work for Bush?

Because you can't justify killing thousands of people to maintain running protection rackets. That's why you've never seen the Mafia on the NYSE.
So much for really supporting the troops and yet another campaign promise broken.

Not surprising.

Maybe someone should read to him from the Constitution that part where it is his first and foremost duty to protect America.
So much for really supporting the troops and yet another campaign promise broken.

Not surprising.

Maybe someone should read to him from the Constitution that part where it is his first and foremost duty to protect America.

At the end of the day we have no one to blame but ourselves. The systems to hold our government accountable have been in place for quite a while but s
ince we care more about childish games played by deified roid busters, video games, movies, and "weekends" we have chosen the path of accepting the consequences of our selfishness. We may not like those consequences....but we cannot avoid them.
Who said the following?

Obama unveils Afghanistan plan - Afghanistan-

"“If the Afghanistan government falls to the Taliban or allows al-Qaida to go unchallenged,” said (blank) “that country will again be a base for terrorists

a) President Bush Jr

b) President Bush Sr.

c) Dick Cheney

e) Pres. Douche Bag aka Barak Hussein Obama

Answer below

The answer is...





Pres. Douche Bag.
Campaign 2008 » Blog Archive » Quote: Obama on Afghanistan

Posted on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 by campaign2008

“It’s time to heed the call from General McKiernan and others for more troops. That’s why I’d send at least two or three additional combat brigades to Afghanistan. We also need more training for Afghan Security forces, more non-military assistance to help Afghans develop alternatives to poppy farming, more safeguards to prevent corruption, and a new effort to crack down on cross-border terrorism. Only a comprehensive strategy that prioritizes Afghanistan and the fight against al Qaeda will succeed, and that’s the change I’ll bring to the White House.”

–Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), in Richmond, Virginia on national security policy.

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