Breaking: National Archives Acknowledges a Whopping 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails -- Faces Lawsuit for their Release

Bu bu bu but ex presidents, that's where the problems lie.


What are you stuttering for you Bitch? Talk with your chest.

Do have some questions you would like answered or are you content to beat up a strawman? Is that about as much a Soy like you can handle? 😄

Let me try to infer what you want answered since you're being such a Bitch about it. 😄

If Hunter Biden committed tax fraud and fraud on a firearm purchase then he should be prosecuted for those like anyone else would. The reality is he was being prosecuted for it like the son of an elite would which we all know isn't like how the rest of us would be treated. Do I get upset over that? Not really. That would be like getting upset over rain except that rain more directly affects me than Hunters petty mundane acts of criminality. That said I'm as amused to see him feeling the heat as I would any other elite discovering that the rules suddenly have to apply to them because of unexpected public pressure.

Donald Trumps criminality did more directly affect me so obviously I give more of a shit about it. That piece of shit tried to nullify my vote and I hope to see his ass rotting in prison because even more than the violent rioters on Jan 6th Trump as President had a duty to uphold the rule of law in this country that exists to protect all of our rights. Instead he subverted democracy for his own ends when as President he's supposed to be its greatest defender.
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So the National Archives has Joe Biden’s pseudonym emails and is protecting the Usurper from scrutiny. How much bribery money has the National Archives received and what entity may be funding them?

Any govt emails, if not classified, should be available to the public via FOIA just like his official emails.

What your reporter failed to mention is, under the LAW, govt employees are only required to forward their govt related emails, to the National Archives, and required to NOT SEND to NARA any personal emails not involving government.

So, the likelihood of NARA having ANY of Biden's personal conversations... with his son or anyone, is SLIM to NIL....under any of his email names.
Donald Trumps criminality did more directly affect me so obviously I give more of a shit about it. That piece of shit tried to nullify my vote and I hope to see his ass rotting in prison because even more than the violent rioters on Jan 6th Trump as President had a duty to uphold the rule of law in this country that exists to protect all of our rights. Instead he subverted democracy for his own ends when as President he's supposed to be its greatest defender
What are you stuttering for you Bitch? Talk with your chest.

Do have some questions you would like answered or are you content to beat up a strawman? Is that about as much a Soy like you can handle? 😄

Let me try to infer what you want answered since you're being such a Bitch about it. 😄

If Hunter Biden committed tax fraud and fraud on a firearm purchase then he should be prosecuted for those like anyone else would. The reality is he was being prosecuted for it like the son of an elite would which we all know isn't like how the rest of us would be treated. Do I get upset over that? Not really. That would be like getting upset over rain except that rain more directly affects me than Hunters petty mundane acts of criminality. That said I'm as amused to see him feeling the heat as I would any other elite discovering that the rules suddenly have to apply to them because of unexpected public pressure.

Donald Trumps criminality did more directly affect me so obviously I give more of a shit about it. That piece of shit tried to nullify my vote and I hope to see his ass rotting in prison because even more than the violent rioters on Jan 6th Trump as President had a duty to uphold the rule of law in this country that exists to protect all of our rights. Instead he subverted democracy for his own ends when as President he's supposed to be its greatest defender.

I see I hit the target.

Hey snowflake, a simple yes would have sufficed.

He hasn't blocked anything, moron. The lawsuit hasn't even started yet.

Spend 5 seconds thinking about what you're responding to first.
Link to me saying he blocked something?

Learn to read, Moroner.
From my read it doesn't seem to be saying he has 5,400 different aliases but that there were 5,400 emails to how ever many alias accounts he has which is probably a few. What's the big deal with that? I'm failing to see the controversy here. The President has codenames and alias email accounts all of which the government seems to be aware of and have records for. :dunno:

So there shouldn’t be a problem releasing them to congress right?
Imaging thinking that wikipedia is the definitive source as to what executive privilege covers.

You are showing your lack of education.
Never made that claim.

I note you have failed to bring a list of all the other things EP covers.

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