Breaking: New CIA Source – Washington Post’s Russia Story “An Outright Lie”

Liberals are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, parroting every sentence being reported about the Russians hacking the elections.

Barry 'I jump to conclusions before I know what the f* is going on' Obama already declared to the world that the Russians hacked the election and that he was on the verge of ordering a Cyber Attack on Russia in retaliation, risking committing an Act of War in doing so.

In the NEXT breath Obama orders an investigation TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED.

:wtf:I thought he KNEW which is why he was about to start a war with Russia?!

Julian Assange is declaring it was an inside job by a Hillary campaign member...

The media and Libs are screaming 'The Russians! The Russians! The Russians!'......

MEANWHILE..."The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election".

And NOW "White House spokesman Josh Earnest got confused during his daily briefing today and mistakenly said “China” was behind the election-related hacking."

WAS it a 'mistake'...or is that the Obama administration doesn't know what the F* happened and is looking like a barrel full of monkeys, scrambling to get their story straight / find out what happened?

The TRUTH - on display for the whole world to see right now - is the Obama administration doesn't have a clue what the hell happened, and their running around pointing fingers, threatening war with Russia without being sure of anything is making them look like the 3 Stooges (all rolled up into 1) are running the United States!

I am NOT defending Putin / Russia - we don't even know if they were involved.

I am not defending Trump because there is no need - he played no part in hacking if it happened.

I am NOT saying Russia did not do it.

The ONLY thing I am saying is that instead of running around, ranting, pointing fingers, almost declaring war and THEN asking for an investigation, Obama and his administration should take a breath, get their shit together, conduct an investigation, and act on what REAL EVIDENCE they find.

This issue should NOT be dropped - it should be investigated. Potential foreign interference in our election is too much of a threat to simply ignore.

CONFUSION: WH spokesman claims 'China' hacked election - The American Mirror

Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources
WHY is it so important for Trump followers to parrot it was not the Russians?

It is their leader's words. The bow to the really "smart guy."

Honestly, between his refusal to divest from his business deals around the world and his Russian ties, it is entirely possible that he will not survive his first term.

His refusal to divest is a very, very serious proposition. See Below:

Trump Must Divest Or Face Impeachment | The Huffington Post

He will be dogged by all these issues for years and....HE DESERVES IT!
Liberals are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, parroting every sentence being reported about the Russians hacking the elections.

Barry 'I jump to conclusions before I know what the f* is going on' Obama already declared to the world that the Russians hacked the election and that he was on the verge of ordering a Cyber Attack on Russia in retaliation, risking committing an Act of War in doing so.

In the NEXT breath Obama orders an investigation TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED.

:wtf:I thought he KNEW which is why he was about to start a war with Russia?!

Julian Assange is declaring it was an inside job by a Hillary campaign member...

The media and Libs are screaming 'The Russians! The Russians! The Russians!'......

MEANWHILE..."The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election".

And NOW "White House spokesman Josh Earnest got confused during his daily briefing today and mistakenly said “China” was behind the election-related hacking."

WAS it a 'mistake'...or is that the Obama administration doesn't know what the F* happened and is looking like a barrel full of monkeys, scrambling to get their story straight / find out what happened?

The TRUTH - on display for the whole world to see right now - is the Obama administration doesn't have a clue what the hell happened, and their running around pointing fingers, threatening war with Russia without being sure of anything is making them look like the 3 Stooges (all rolled up into 1) are running the United States!

I am NOT defending Putin / Russia - we don't even know if they were involved.

I am not defending Trump because there is no need - he played no part in hacking if it happened.

I am NOT saying Russia did not do it.

The ONLY thing I am saying is that instead of running around, ranting, pointing fingers, almost declaring war and THEN asking for an investigation, Obama and his administration should take a breath, get their shit together, conduct an investigation, and act on what REAL EVIDENCE they find.

This issue should NOT be dropped - it should be investigated. Potential foreign interference in our election is too much of a threat to simply ignore.

CONFUSION: WH spokesman claims 'China' hacked election - The American Mirror

Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources

And we should believe one accused rapist defending another accused rapist? Sure....
WHY is it so important for Trump followers to parrot it was not the Russians?

It is their leader's words. The bow to the really "smart guy."

Honestly, between his refusal to divest from his business deals around the world and his Russian ties, it is entirely possible that he will not survive his first term.

His refusal to divest is a very, very serious proposition. See Below:

Trump Must Divest Or Face Impeachment | The Huffington Post

He will be dogged by all these issues for years and....HE DESERVES IT!
'Trump MUST be Impeached...because he beat Hillary'.

And we should believe one accused rapist defending another accused rapist? Sure....
Rapist? No one is talking about the WHITE BILL COSBY in this thread so let's leave him out of it...

So No, you liberal partisan F*! Did you even READ what I posted or the links I provided?

The heads of the Intel Community do not buy the Russian hacking story.

Julian Assange, who exposed tons of hacked e-mails, says it wasn't the Russians, that it was from inside Hillary's own camp.

BARRY shows he doesn't know what the F* happened because one minute he is about to commit an Act of War and the next he is asking' what the f* just happened'.

And now the WH is declaring the CHINESE did it.

The ONLY ones who are positive the Russians did it are the sources of FAKE NEWS' and the libs who are parroting everything they write about it .
Now here is a real fake news story that fits the definition of fake news. An unidentified source claiming to be a former CIA person quoting and anonymous source written by an anonymous source on a shady blog site. So here it is, vomited out on USMB. Let's see how fast the trump cultists jump on this story.
But isn't that a similar narrative to what you Libs are saying " Unidentified CIA source" claiming Russia hacked the DNC email to influence the election ? The only difference is the media is jumping all over this shit. The same media that was revealed by the hacked emails to be working with the Clinton campaign to influence the election.
Which of the emails were not authentic?

The ones where Podesta is talking about pedophilia?
Why 4 years, since according to libs and the WP the CIA has already solved it.
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.

You have people from both sides of the aisle saying that this needs to be investigated. This could drag on for more than four years. It is much more than just the media. This may lead to evidence that will eventually Impeach and Remove Comrade Trump. Pence could be the next President, and since he is right of right, he would only be a one termer.

Either the Republicans push back against the Love affair that Trump and Putin are having or they will feel the pain in 2018.
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football

lowest percentage play out there!

Leftists and dems did not care when China and Russia were hacking our info and it actually endangered the lives of United States servicemen and spies

But now that their queen has been dethroned, THIS is a big deal

it's more than just a little amusing to watch

and, oh yeah, there is disagreement about the actual facts - imagine that!

Breaking: New CIA Source – Washington Post’s Russia Story “An Outright Lie”
Prolific investigative journalism website True Pundit, run by a gentleman who goes by the twitter handle Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine), has been on the bleeding edge of newsflow throughout the election – breaking several stories himself, including the pending NYPD Weiner Laptop investigation before it was officially announced.

In a breaking story this evening, “CIA personnel with direct knowledge of the case” told True Pundit that the WaPo story was utter horseshit, and that there is nothing definitive about the hacks whatsoever.

So was it the Trump campaign or the RNC that did the hacking?

Since you claim it was not the Russians then who else would do it and why? Who got the advantage from the hacks and then leaks?

Why is it important to YOU that it was NOT the Russians?
Please tell us.
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.
WHO hacked the DNC and Podesta emails and dumped them on a timely manner on wikileaks?

Republicans? Trump? If not the Russians, then who?
There was no hacking at all. It was a leak. Probably by a Democrat horrified at what was happening.

We know that Seth Rich leaked information to Wikileaks and was murdered for it. He may not have been the only one.
We know that Seth Rich leaked information to Wikileaks and was murdered for it. He may not have been the only one.
Rather than have to admit they were betrayed by one of their own (who ended up dead, right?) they embrace the idea that it was 'the Russians' - highly plausible.
Why 4 years, since according to libs and the WP the CIA has already solved it.
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.

You have people from both sides of the aisle saying that this needs to be investigated. This could drag on for more than four years. It is much more than just the media. This may lead to evidence that will eventually Impeach and Remove Comrade Trump. Pence could be the next President, and since he is right of right, he would only be a one termer.

Either the Republicans push back against the Love affair that Trump and Putin are having or they will feel the pain in 2018.

Nope, there is plenty of evidence and they have come to a conclusion due to that evidence, but just like Benghazi, there needs to be MULTIPLE HEARINGS to see what the Russians really did and if the Trump campaign aided the hacking. It could take years and years!
Boy, this must really be bothering putin. He has all his Hacks out this morning, denouncing the CIA report. I guess this is getting closer to a Trump-Putin connection than Vlad wants....FUNNY! :lmao:
We know that Seth Rich leaked information to Wikileaks and was murdered for it. He may not have been the only one.
Rather than have to admit they were betrayed by one of their own (who ended up dead, right?) they embrace the idea that it was 'the Russians' - highly plausible.
The Russia fabrication came after the recounts, blaming Jim Comey and fake news. It's just the latest. Now that this has failed, democrats will come up with something else.
Former Army Intel Officer: CIA Director John Brennan Is Playing Political Games Out of Loyalty to Obama

"Retired Army intelligence officer Tony Shaffer alleged Monday that CIA Director John Brennan is playing political games via a secret CIA assessment stating Russia interfered with the election to support GOP President-elect Donald Trump.

Speaking to WMAL radio Monday,
Shaffer claimed that the secret CIA assessment, obtained by The Washington Post and described in an article last Friday, is a product of Brennan’s loyalty to President Barack Obama, The Washington Examiner reports."
We know that Seth Rich leaked information to Wikileaks and was murdered for it. He may not have been the only one.
Rather than have to admit they were betrayed by one of their own (who ended up dead, right?) they embrace the idea that it was 'the Russians' - highly plausible.
The Russia fabrication came after the recounts, blaming Jim Comey and fake news. It's just the latest. Now that this has failed, democrats will come up with something else.

The CIA does not fabricate. Your boy is in trouble. He will be dogged with the Russian connection for years.
We know that Seth Rich leaked information to Wikileaks and was murdered for it. He may not have been the only one.
Rather than have to admit they were betrayed by one of their own (who ended up dead, right?) they embrace the idea that it was 'the Russians' - highly plausible.
The Russia fabrication came after the recounts, blaming Jim Comey and fake news. It's just the latest. Now that this has failed, democrats will come up with something else.

Former Army Intel Officer: CIA Director John Brennan Is Playing Political Games Out of Loyalty to Obama

"Retired Army intelligence officer Tony Shaffer alleged Monday that CIA Director John Brennan is playing political games via a secret CIA assessment stating Russia interfered with the election to support GOP President-elect Donald Trump.

Speaking to WMAL radio Monday,
Shaffer claimed that the secret CIA assessment, obtained by The Washington Post and described in an article last Friday, is a product of Brennan’s loyalty to President Barack Obama, The Washington Examiner reports."

Nope, there is plenty of evidence and they have come to a conclusion due to that evidence...

Then by all means SHOW IT!

Evidently YOU know more than the heads of the Intel Agencies who say there isn't any definitive proof, YOU know more than the Obama administration - who declared Russia did it, declared they aren't sure, and now has accused CHINA, Julian Assange declared it was an inside job, ...

The Obama administration is looking for a friggin' Christmas Miracle in the form of DEFINITIVE evidence, and it just so happens that YOU are the only one who has it. Step u, Jim - don't leave Barry hanging!
Why 4 years, since according to libs and the WP the CIA has already solved it.
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.

You have people from both sides of the aisle saying that this needs to be investigated. This could drag on for more than four years. It is much more than just the media. This may lead to evidence that will eventually Impeach and Remove Comrade Trump. Pence could be the next President, and since he is right of right, he would only be a one termer.

Either the Republicans push back against the Love affair that Trump and Putin are having or they will feel the pain in 2018.
I'm pretty sure JimH52 is throwing that number out there in the hopes that it will affect the next Presidential election. I wonder which losser the Democratic Party will choose next? I'm laying odds on that moonbat Warren. I can see it now touted as the first women president who self-identifies as a Native American
The proven originators of 'Fake News' declares the Russians Did it - SO IT'S TRUE.

The CIA - who got 'Iraqi WMD Wrong' & ran weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS out of Benghazi - say the Russians did it - SO IT'S TRUE

Liberals are parroting the 'Fake News' sites - SO IT'S TRUE.

The heads of our Intel Agencies say no definitive Evidence - 'Fake News'

Julian Assange - who did the leaking - says it was an inside job - 'Fake News'

The WH has said / demonstrated they have no clue - 'Fake News'

The WH says the CHINESE did it - THE WH IS LYING

Jim, ya notice how the only ones saying the Russians did it are the 'FAKE NEWS' SITES and the Liberals parroting them?!

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