Breaking: New CIA Source – Washington Post’s Russia Story “An Outright Lie”

Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.
I don't give much credibility to anyone who uses that dopey disinformation political spectrum image. You know what disinformation is don't you?
As far as legs for the trump being a commie sock puppet goes, you have to be an idiot not to realize the power of the story. And it is not going to work to just blame the media. Republican politicians, leaders, are calling for hearings and investigations. The media reporting that Republican and Democratic leaders are calling for investigations and hearings are real news, not fake news. If you think the "weak" news about the CIA and FBI backing the story is weak, good luck with your delusional fantasy world.
Why is it important to YOU that it was NOT the Russians?
Please tell us.

NO ONE has said that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians or anybody else did not hack us

Hell, we KNEW that was the case going in, and we KNEW that much of it was because of Hillary's actions - her actions were criminal. Hell, at the VERY BEST her actions were incompetent; yet y'all STILL put her up as your nominee

The question is, did the Russians actually work to disrupt or influence our elections?

Assange says no, and there is disagreement in the intelligence community - the fucking media is PATHETIC

they have been running RUMORS as actual news - the only good news is that most Americans now understand that our "traditional media" can no longer be trusted
Also, I have a phucking comment directed at our Government and US Corporations.

Please quit Phucking Hiring Chinese Nationals to fill positions in your corporations. Almost all of them to a man, do some opportunistic spying for China.
In fact, there should be a law that prevents any US corporation or Government Agency from employing Nationals from China, Russia, Iran and other Nations that have an unfriendly attitude towards us. Corporate Espionage is as bad as State Sponsored Espionage, and costs us Billions.

Russia, I am on the fence about. They have changed quite a bit in the last 20 years, and are actually willing to work with us, even on military operations....but I'd still put my rule in place for them too, or any other Nation that is on the list. Syria, Somalia, Libya, places like that. No immigration, no work visas for those nations, and no acceptance of refugees. Perhaps allow Political Asylum for useful persons who need sheltered.
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.
WHO hacked the DNC and Podesta emails and dumped them on a timely manner on wikileaks?

Republicans? Trump? If not the Russians, then who?
Who knows who all hacked Hildabeasts server, she was obviously loose with it. And obviously a total fuck up...
Now your assessment is rather interesting because the original story in the WP stating it was Russia was a so-called secret report by "unnamed sources", as well. Yet you choose to believe those unnamed sources over these unnamed sources. Interesting...
Now here is a real fake news story that fits the definition of fake news. An unidentified source claiming to be a former CIA person quoting and anonymous source written by an anonymous source on a shady blog site. So here it is, vomited out on USMB. Let's see how fast the trump cultists jump on this story.
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.
WHO hacked the DNC and Podesta emails and dumped them on a timely manner on wikileaks?

Republicans? Trump? If not the Russians, then who?

Uhhh, I dunno, a mole/whistleblower inside the DNC/Hillary camp?

That make as much sense as the WaPo story (heavy on STORY) claiming that "The Russians Are Coming!, The Russians Are Coming!" (notice the old comedy movie reference?).
Why is it important to YOU that it was NOT the Russians?
Please tell us.

NO ONE has said that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians or anybody else did not hack us

Hell, we KNEW that was the case going in, and we KNEW that much of it was because of Hillary's actions - her actions were criminal. Hell, at the VERY BEST her actions were incompetent; yet y'all STILL put her up as your nominee

The question is, did the Russians actually work to disrupt or influence our elections?

Assange says no, and there is disagreement in the intelligence community - the fucking media is PATHETIC

they have been running RUMORS as actual news - the only good news is that most Americans now understand that our "traditional media" can no longer be trusted
ONLY Trump supporters believe Trump on the Russians, MOST of America do believe it's the Russians....they left signatures from the hack that lead the Intelligence community to the Russians, the Russians were the ONLY nation that had a stake in Trump being elected vs Hillary....
Congress is asking for the Intelligence community's top secret info on it to be we all can see....

The Russians had means, and had motive....

IF NOT THEM, then it was Trump Campaign or the Republican Party....

I do not believe it was a Trumpster or the RNC, they learned their lesson with watergate.
Now here is a real fake news story that fits the definition of fake news. An unidentified source claiming to be a former CIA person quoting and anonymous source written by an anonymous source on a shady blog site. So here it is, vomited out on USMB. Let's see how fast the trump cultists jump on this story.
A Bernie Sanders supporter DNC insider? John Podesta had a problem, which was discovered, leaving his computer password and computer exposed
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.
WHO hacked the DNC and Podesta emails and dumped them on a timely manner on wikileaks?

Republicans? Trump? If not the Russians, then who?
WHY is it so important for Trump followers to parrot it was not the Russians?
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.
Hildabeast the fucking whore she is, had Karma kick the fucking shit out of her and the DNC.
She obviously had gobs of things to hide and she fucked up by not securing her fucking server. The fucking bitch lost live with it.:lmao:
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.

You have people from both sides of the aisle saying that this needs to be investigated. This could drag on for more than four years. It is much more than just the media. This may lead to evidence that will eventually Impeach and Remove Comrade Trump. Pence could be the next President, and since he is right of right, he would only be a one termer.

Either the Republicans push back against the Love affair that Trump and Putin are having or they will feel the pain in 2018.
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.

You have people from both sides of the aisle saying that this needs to be investigated. This could drag on for more than four years. It is much more than just the media. This may lead to evidence that will eventually Impeach and Remove Comrade Trump. Pence could be the next President, and since he is right of right, he would only be a one termer.

Either the Republicans push back against the Love affair that Trump and Putin are having or they will feel the pain in 2018.
Democrats are going to lose in the midterms because Progressives don't vote in midterms. Snowflakes are lazy fuck ups...
Everyone knows Russia hacked the DNC. That was announced before the election. The only disagreement is "Why?" One only has to look at what they did with the hacked material to see who they wanted for president. They got him. They got their Agent in the White House. Enjoy your trip to Hell.
WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich - Who Was MURDERED in DC - Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

WHY is it so important for Trump followers to parrot it was not the Russians?
Could've been anyone on the planet, the fucking bitch was so loose with her server along with the DNC. Progressives are nothing but a bunch of fuck ups… fact

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