Breaking: New CIA Source – Washington Post’s Russia Story “An Outright Lie”

The CIA does not fabricate. Your boy is in trouble. He will be dogged with the Russian connection for years.

let's assume for just a minute that you are correct (you aren't, but what the hell, let;s play fantasyland!)

at this point, what difference does it make?

I'm getting AT LEAST one and maybe 2 or 3 SCOTUS appointments!

and if Trump's SCOTUS appointments are anything like his cabinet picks, I will be really happy

I expect to be happy, and you are right about one thing, I can think of ONE lie Trump told!

Cuz, I'm not tired of all this winning

Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football

lowest percentage play out there!

Leftists and dems did not care when China and Russia were hacking our info and it actually endangered the lives of United States servicemen and spies

But now that their queen has been dethroned, THIS is a big deal

it's more than just a little amusing to watch

and, oh yeah, there is disagreement about the actual facts - imagine that!

Breaking: New CIA Source – Washington Post’s Russia Story “An Outright Lie”
Prolific investigative journalism website True Pundit, run by a gentleman who goes by the twitter handle Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine), has been on the bleeding edge of newsflow throughout the election – breaking several stories himself, including the pending NYPD Weiner Laptop investigation before it was officially announced.

In a breaking story this evening, “CIA personnel with direct knowledge of the case” told True Pundit that the WaPo story was utter horseshit, and that there is nothing definitive about the hacks whatsoever.


I do not like Trump much, but he did win. What the democrat party is doing is insidious. I do hope Trump quietly destroys the first half black president by declassifying select documents. Then doing the same for John McCain, McConnell and the rest.
I've yet to see an official assessment by them. Have you seen one, other than unnamed sources?
We know that Seth Rich leaked information to Wikileaks and was murdered for it. He may not have been the only one.
Rather than have to admit they were betrayed by one of their own (who ended up dead, right?) they embrace the idea that it was 'the Russians' - highly plausible.
The Russia fabrication came after the recounts, blaming Jim Comey and fake news. It's just the latest. Now that this has failed, democrats will come up with something else.

The CIA does not fabricate. Your boy is in trouble. He will be dogged with the Russian connection for years.
Now here is a real fake news story that fits the definition of fake news. An unidentified source claiming to be a former CIA person quoting and anonymous source written by an anonymous source on a shady blog site. So here it is, vomited out on USMB. Let's see how fast the trump cultists jump on this story.
no different than your sources.
There is no proof whatsoever Russia changed the election outcome…
Trump blatantly told the Russians to Hack Hillary. He is a Putin Agent.
Trump blatantly told the Russians to Hack Hillary. He is a Putin Agent.


I am going to say this as nicely as I can

ANYONE who says this is a fool

ANYONE who actually believes this really is not very smart OR just does not understand the English language

Those who aren't stupid or just plain do not understand the English language are flat out lying

Again - people that say this are either dim witted & lack common sense & communication skills or brazenly saying things that they know to be untrue


What Trump said was said in snark - anyone with common sense understands this
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football

lowest percentage play out there!

Leftists and dems did not care when China and Russia were hacking our info and it actually endangered the lives of United States servicemen and spies

But now that their queen has been dethroned, THIS is a big deal

it's more than just a little amusing to watch

and, oh yeah, there is disagreement about the actual facts - imagine that!

Breaking: New CIA Source – Washington Post’s Russia Story “An Outright Lie”
Prolific investigative journalism website True Pundit, run by a gentleman who goes by the twitter handle Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine), has been on the bleeding edge of newsflow throughout the election – breaking several stories himself, including the pending NYPD Weiner Laptop investigation before it was officially announced.

In a breaking story this evening, “CIA personnel with direct knowledge of the case” told True Pundit that the WaPo story was utter horseshit, and that there is nothing definitive about the hacks whatsoever.


1 source vs 17 intel Agencies

Well thats an easy choice
Remember when republicans tried this same shit with WMD's? Laughed at Dems, called them names only to a few years later admit it was a mistake?

Dont let their laughing pass the graveyard fool you
1 source vs 17 intel Agencies


No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails Read more at:

"Hillary Clinton in last night’s presidential debate tried to avoid talking about the substance of the damaging WikiLeaks disclosures of DNC and Clinton campaign officials by claiming 17 U.S. intelligence agencies determined that Russia was responsible for this.

"After Clinton made this claim, she scolded Trump for challenging U.S. intelligence professionals who have taken an oath to help defend this country.
What Clinton said was false and misleading."

- Surprise, surprise. :rolleyes:

"First of all, only two intelligence entities – the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – have weighed in on this issue, not 17 intelligence agencies. And what they said was ambiguous about Russian involvement."

No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails

If you want to add #3, the CIA, then go for it, but I would not trust anything they say until it has been verified, which it has NOT been.
Trump blatantly told the Russians to Hack Hillary. He is a Putin Agent.
If Trump told you to go 'F* Yourself' 1) would that REALLY mean he wanted you to do it, and 2) WOULD YOU - would you feel obligated?

Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football

lowest percentage play out there!

Leftists and dems did not care when China and Russia were hacking our info and it actually endangered the lives of United States servicemen and spies

But now that their queen has been dethroned, THIS is a big deal

it's more than just a little amusing to watch

and, oh yeah, there is disagreement about the actual facts - imagine that!

Breaking: New CIA Source – Washington Post’s Russia Story “An Outright Lie”
Prolific investigative journalism website True Pundit, run by a gentleman who goes by the twitter handle Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine), has been on the bleeding edge of newsflow throughout the election – breaking several stories himself, including the pending NYPD Weiner Laptop investigation before it was officially announced.

In a breaking story this evening, “CIA personnel with direct knowledge of the case” told True Pundit that the WaPo story was utter horseshit, and that there is nothing definitive about the hacks whatsoever.


1 source vs 17 intel Agencies

Well thats an easy choice

Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.
WHO hacked the DNC and Podesta emails and dumped them on a timely manner on wikileaks?

Republicans? Trump? If not the Russians, then who?
It was Ritchie and the DNC killed him. Him or some other mole. Assange said he had a direct line into the DNC from a Whistle Blower. Ritchie and several other key figrures in THE DNC wound up dead during the election. You can make your own judgements, but the leaks stopped after a rapid succession of mysterious deaths of DNC insider staffers. But the damage was done.

Besides that, does it matter where the leaked data came from? The Emails were legit. All of this is simply deflection for the filth and hatred, criminality, and bigotry uncovered at the DNC. That is why all The FAKE NEWS stories are being put out by the MSM, because seriously the DNC is in it's Death Throws grasping for it's last breath.

When you spend nearly 2 Billion to fix and rig an election, and your opponent only spends around $200 million most of his own money btw, and you can't buy your way in to the White House against someone like Donald Trump.....when you have several heads of DNC operatus fired for corruption and the head of the DNC forced to step down, and her replacement was caught rigging several debates, you have


Finally....finally all this corruption and Evil was exposed....but Lefty wants to talk about Comey, Alt-Right, Russians, Aliens, Racism, Misogyny, Latinophobia, Xenophobia, Homophobia, ANYTHING....ANYTHING at all that the FAKE MEDIA can deflect to, so that they don't have to discuss that absolute in your face rejection of the Corrupt DNC at Local, State, a National Elections.

And as if that wasn't enough, they Hillary Clinton and George Soros gave Jill Stein 8 Million Dollars (More than twice the amount of her campaign funding) to Circumvent and Subvert a Legitimate Election Process.

They ought to be locked up, all of them, but the American people are too busy filling their veins with the Opiates of Main Stream Media Fake News to really care.
Last edited:
Our friends on the left and in the media are desperate and this whole "Russians" thing is the political version of a "Hail Mary" pass in football
The libs on this board are just as desperate, continuing to parrot the 'FAKE NEWS'.
It is an overall effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency similarly to the effort to delegitimize the Obama administration with the birther issue, which ironically was an important factor in trump's rise in the political theater. The trump Russia connection has far stronger legs than the birther business and will probably hang over trump till the day he leaves office. Payback is a bitch.

Actually the Russian connection has no legs except for what the media is giving it. It is one of the weakest substantiated stories of 2016. There is zero evidence of Russian interference in our elections.

I challenge you to present any.
WHO hacked the DNC and Podesta emails and dumped them on a timely manner on wikileaks?

Republicans? Trump? If not the Russians, then who?
Th fact that you don't know who did it, doesn't mean Russia had anything to do with it. Right?
1 source vs 17 intel Agencies


No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails Read more at:

"Hillary Clinton in last night’s presidential debate tried to avoid talking about the substance of the damaging WikiLeaks disclosures of DNC and Clinton campaign officials by claiming 17 U.S. intelligence agencies determined that Russia was responsible for this.

"After Clinton made this claim, she scolded Trump for challenging U.S. intelligence professionals who have taken an oath to help defend this country.
What Clinton said was false and misleading."

- Surprise, surprise. :rolleyes:

"First of all, only two intelligence entities – the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – have weighed in on this issue, not 17 intelligence agencies. And what they said was ambiguous about Russian involvement."

No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails

If you want to add #3, the CIA, then go for it, but I would not trust anything they say until it has been verified, which it has NOT been.

Clinton, Trump clash on Russia's role in election
We don’t know how many separate investigations into the attacks they were. But the Director of National Intelligence, which speaks for the country’s 17 federal intelligence agencies, released a joint statement saying the intelligence community at large is confident that Russia is behind recent hacks into political organizations’ emails. The statement sourced the attacks to the highest levels of the Russian government and said they are designed to interfere with the current election.

We rate Clinton’s statement True.
Leftists and dems did not care when China and Russia were hacking our info and it actually endangered the lives of United States servicemen and spies
Do you have any proof of this? I mean besides the Russian Communist Party, leftists like that.
Clinton, Trump clash on Russia's role in election
But the Director of National Intelligence, which speaks for the country’s 17 federal intelligence agencies, released a joint statement saying the intelligence community at large is confident that Russia is behind recent hacks into political organizations’ emails.

Interesting - YOU are saying that 'Politifact', that has been busted in the past lying for Obama, says the 'overseer' of all 17 agencies has declared the Russians hacked the elections. Of course the article you linked to is dated 19 OCTOBER.

It was reported YESTERDAY, however, "The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday."

Maybe you need to keep current on the news. Just sayin'...

Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources
Clinton, Trump clash on Russia's role in election
But the Director of National Intelligence, which speaks for the country’s 17 federal intelligence agencies, released a joint statement saying the intelligence community at large is confident that Russia is behind recent hacks into political organizations’ emails.

Interesting - YOU are saying that 'Politifact', that has been busted in the past lying for Obama, says the 'overseer' of all 17 agencies has declared the Russians hacked the elections. Of course the article you linked to is dated 19 OCTOBER.

It was reported YESTERDAY, however, "The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday."

Maybe you need to keep current on the news. Just sayin'...

Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources

Hey, check this out. Did Russia hack us yes or no?

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