Breaking: Newly Released Podesta Emails Confirms Facebook Colluded With Hillary During Election

Is there anything wrong with AN AMERICAN working with AN AMERICAN in AN AMERICAN election?

When the Russians do it, it's bad because they're not American. Don't you get that?
Zuckerberg is not just any American. He's a Jewish American. That's a big problem. Always beware the Jew because they always cry out in pain as they strike you. They've done it for thousands of years. It's why they've been kicked out of over a hundred countries.

Your religion doesn't matter. Being Jewish is not more a problem than being Christian. If you hate the US so much that you'd go against its principles, why don't you leave? (Taken from right wingers on a constant basis of, you don't like the country so fuck off)
The Jewish dominated media has indoctrinated you well.

Is there anything wrong with AN AMERICAN working with AN AMERICAN in AN AMERICAN election?

When the Russians do it, it's bad because they're not American. Don't you get that?
Zuckerberg is not just any American. He's a Jewish American. That's a big problem. Always beware the Jew because they always cry out in pain as they strike you. They've done it for thousands of years. It's why they've been kicked out of over a hundred countries.

Ivanka Trump is Jewish, so remember that while you slurp her bath water...
Facebook Zoinkenberg pig is a piece of crap

A totalitarian at heart! he will be be damned ... scum!

He thinks he can be presidant lol. Sad thing is, seeing that everyone one below the age of 35 are retarded he has a good chance.

Is there anything wrong with AN AMERICAN working with AN AMERICAN in AN AMERICAN election?

When the Russians do it, it's bad because they're not American. Don't you get that?
Zuckerberg is not just any American. He's a Jewish American. That's a big problem. Always beware the Jew because they always cry out in pain as they strike you. They've done it for thousands of years. It's why they've been kicked out of over a hundred countries.

Ivanka Trump is Jewish, so remember that while you slurp her bath water...

Does Jewish bath water taste different? Maybe like chicken stock or something?

Steve, these links are not true dear... Facebook and Twitter were all over the news yesterday after being on the Hill talking about the fake Russian accounts links to the fake news bots against Hillary. Zuckerberg hired 30,000 new people to watch for fake accounts while twitter has a hard time because people do not have to use real names..

There is nothing on WIKILEAKS quoting about these claims he worked with Clinton.


I don't see anything "breaking". The Zuckerberg email is so vague that it reveals nothing, and Sandberg had been outspoken of her support for Hillary. She was even being considered for a cabinet position should Hillary have won.

These are fake reports ....The social media sites ( especially Twitter ) came to DC yesterday about the Russian hack and of coarse fake news is coming out today
The true story is on Fox News as well

Twitter removed 200 Russian accounts that targeted Facebook users during election

Steve, these links are not true dear... Facebook and Twitter were all over the news yesterday after being on the Hill talking about the fake Russian accounts links to the fake news bots against Hillary. Zuckerberg hired 30,000 new people to watch for fake accounts while twitter has a hard time because people do not have to use real names..

There is nothing on WIKILEAKS quoting about these claims he worked with Clinton.


As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative with impeccable moral values, I only post the truth.

Is there anything wrong with AN AMERICAN working with AN AMERICAN in AN AMERICAN election?

When the Russians do it, it's bad because they're not American. Don't you get that?
Zuckerberg is not just any American. He's a Jewish American. That's a big problem. Always beware the Jew because they always cry out in pain as they strike you. They've done it for thousands of years. It's why they've been kicked out of over a hundred countries.

Your religion doesn't matter. Being Jewish is not more a problem than being Christian. If you hate the US so much that you'd go against its principles, why don't you leave? (Taken from right wingers on a constant basis of, you don't like the country so fuck off)
The Jewish dominated media has indoctrinated you well.

Oh, how fucking convenient that everything YOU think is not indoctrination, and everything you don't like is people being indoctrinated.

But I think actually that you're just on here for entertainment and nothing much goes on inside that head of yours.

Steve, these links are not true dear... Facebook and Twitter were all over the news yesterday after being on the Hill talking about the fake Russian accounts links to the fake news bots against Hillary. Zuckerberg hired 30,000 new people to watch for fake accounts while twitter has a hard time because people do not have to use real names..

There is nothing on WIKILEAKS quoting about these claims he worked with Clinton.


As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative with impeccable moral values, I only post the truth.

Millions of honest people have posted links that is not real news ( including democrats ) These stories are set up to look real...with real web pages to look legit.

I have probably posted some too.. and I am a christian and try my best with moral values but fall short everyday ..


Steve, these links are not true dear... Facebook and Twitter were all over the news yesterday after being on the Hill talking about the fake Russian accounts links to the fake news bots against Hillary. Zuckerberg hired 30,000 new people to watch for fake accounts while twitter has a hard time because people do not have to use real names..

There is nothing on WIKILEAKS quoting about these claims he worked with Clinton.


As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative with impeccable moral values, I only post the truth.

Christian conservative with impeccable moral values is an oxymoron.

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