Breaking News: A Message From President-Elect Donald J. Trump

A lot of people say he's not their president but he said it long before they did. King trumpery's first allegiance is to his 1%cronies and the DC Dino's he's hiring. That's why he will reverse safety regs, the Paris accord, the Iran treaty. Remember too, he said wages are too high and agrees with Lyin'Ryan that Medicare and SocSec should be ended.

IOW, for the Rs, it's SSDD and you fools who voted for him because Poooting owns him will be paying a big price for your hatred of the US Constitution.

He's not my president because I'm not rich enough. He's not your president for the same reason.

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He is speaking to you, the American people.

I expect Trump will take to the Internet to communicate with voters on an unprecedented scale not only because of the bias of the msm but because he will have to win Republican voters first to win Republicans in Congress for some of his agenda.
I think it's cute how he tried to look all presidential. But he sounds like a kid giving his first oral speech in front of the 3rd grade class. Ugh, he sounds so unpresidential. But that's why you folks elected him.

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