Breaking News Alert: Reporters LOSE IT – STAND ON CHAIRS, SCREAM at Trump Press Event

It just occurred to me, maybe at a press conference people don't always take questions.
I am so very proud of you! (Seriously!) You are exactly right! Sometimes they are held to make announcements or to give a briefing. Questions are not always taken.

What the reporters are probably upset about is that they did not get the opportunity to continue this whole 'birther' distraction.
Do you know why that's being talked about again?

Because Hillary made a smart assed remark about it and the MSM piled on.
Because of Trump's comments to WaPo yesterday. There's a post up the line somewhere.
Reid: Yeah, yeah and and Trumps tax returns, Trump tax returns, TRUMPS TAX RETURNS GODDAMNIT

I wonder if Reid would like to explain his incredible wealth by being a senator in Congress.

Harry Reid's Long, Steady Accretion of Power & Wealth | RealClearPolitics

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich?
I have a friend in the IRS who told me he's been cheating on his taxes.

Its okay if you are a member of congress.
Yeah, the Globalist Elite-controlled Government/Corporate Media is definitely freaking out over Trump's recent surge in the polls. It's not supposed to happen this way. No one advocating putting Americans first again, is supposed to win. I love it. Go Trump!
What the fuck has that got to do with doing what you say you're going to do? He got the cameras there for a free campaign ad and a free advert for his new hotel. Cold blooded, manipulative liar. And you're bowing to him. YOU GUYS ARE SICK!!!!
Trump 'rolled' your LIB MSM Hillary ass lickers.
Need a mint?
I want him in the Oval office. Just as millions and millions of decent hardworking sane patriotic Americans do.
Honestly, Danny, I could give two shits what you want.
Trump just ate the stupid LIB MSM's lunch.
Do you need a mint baby?
At the end he told them exactly what they did NOT want to hear.
How many ways can Trump make ignorant fools of them?
Stay tuned. He makes the LIB MSM look like the pajama-metro-pussies they are with both hands behind his back.
You poor Alt-Righties....can't be Birthers anymore?

Birthers is a pejorative conjured up by the left-wing moonbat brigade. And for the record, the people that questioned Obama on that was a relative few.. including the Clinton camp.
Yeah, the Globalist Elite-controlled Government/Corporate Media is definitely freaking out over Trump's recent surge in the polls. It's not supposed to happen this way. No one advocating putting Americans first again, is supposed to win. I love it. Go Trump!
What the fuck has that got to do with doing what you say you're going to do? He got the cameras there for a free campaign ad and a free advert for his new hotel. Cold blooded, manipulative liar. And you're bowing to him. YOU GUYS ARE SICK!!!!

It was awesome. He tripped em up bigtime. They thought they were attending a joyous 'Birther' ambush, but instead observed many Veterans praising and endorsing Trump. The man's a genius. Good on em.
The potential President of the United States is not supposed to be stealing free air time with a planned lie. Wonder how Kellyanne is going to like this.....

Oh, poor babies. The MSM is so corrupt. I gotta like anyone who fucks with media hacks. Good on Trump. :rock:
Yeah, the Globalist Elite-controlled Government/Corporate Media is definitely freaking out over Trump's recent surge in the polls. It's not supposed to happen this way. No one advocating putting Americans first again, is supposed to win. I love it. Go Trump!
What the fuck has that got to do with doing what you say you're going to do? He got the cameras there for a free campaign ad and a free advert for his new hotel. Cold blooded, manipulative liar. And you're bowing to him. YOU GUYS ARE SICK!!!!
Trump 'rolled' your LIB MSM Hillary ass lickers.
Need a mint?
I want him in the Oval office. Just as millions and millions of decent hardworking sane patriotic Americans do.
Honestly, Danny, I could give two shits what you want.
Trump just ate the stupid LIB MSM's lunch.
Do you need a mint baby?
At the end he told them exactly what they did NOT want to hear.
How many ways can Trump make ignorant fools of them?
Stay tuned. He makes the LIB MSM look like the pajama-metro-pussies they are with both hands behind his back.
You poor Alt-Righties....can't be Birthers anymore?

You poor Clinton Bootlickers. The Clintons are the original 'Birthers.' And you're voting for em. Ya dang dumbasses. :cuckoo:
What the fuck has that got to do with doing what you say you're going to do? He got the cameras there for a free campaign ad and a free advert for his new hotel. Cold blooded, manipulative liar. And you're bowing to him. YOU GUYS ARE SICK!!!!
Trump 'rolled' your LIB MSM Hillary ass lickers.
Need a mint?
I want him in the Oval office. Just as millions and millions of decent hardworking sane patriotic Americans do.
Honestly, Danny, I could give two shits what you want.
Trump just ate the stupid LIB MSM's lunch.
Do you need a mint baby?
At the end he told them exactly what they did NOT want to hear.
How many ways can Trump make ignorant fools of them?
Stay tuned. He makes the LIB MSM look like the pajama-metro-pussies they are with both hands behind his back.
You poor Alt-Righties....can't be Birthers anymore?

Birthers is a pejorative conjured up by the left-wing moonbat brigade. And for the record, the people that questioned Obama on that was a relative few.. including the Clinton camp.

Yes, the Clintons are the original 'Birthers.' But their loyal butt sniffers continue to live in denial over it.
Why are you bragging about this one? Trump called a Press Conference and refused to take a single question. That is LOW.

So they can misquote him and call him a racist? Fuck the MSM...they're sold-out jackals and the way to beat them is to ignore them.
Then he shouldn't have called a press conference. Do you think he'll be any more trustworthy with his trusty followers once he's in office? Poor sots.

What does any of this have to do with trustworthiness?
It just occurred to me, maybe at a press conference people don't always take questions.
This is where you have been gong wrong. He called a press event to say he had an announcement regarding the birther issue. He withheld that announcement until the end. I don't recall (maybe I missed it) the announcement stating that Trump would be taking questions.

Even CNN admitted that they would not air a group of people praising Trump or endorsing him.

Don't you find that to be wrong? They would do so for Clinton if she asked.

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