Breaking News Alert: Reporters LOSE IT – STAND ON CHAIRS, SCREAM at Trump Press Event

Reid: Yeah, yeah and and Trumps tax returns, Trump tax returns, TRUMPS TAX RETURNS GODDAMNIT

I wonder if Reid would like to explain his incredible wealth by being a senator in Congress.

Harry Reid's Long, Steady Accretion of Power & Wealth | RealClearPolitics

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich?

Same way they all did. Hell, it only became "illegal" for them to engage in insider trading in 2012. 'Course, partisanshitheads will always try to make it about "one" party or "the other".

Another example; when the pilot program for this for profit prison system madness rolled out in TN, then gov (now senator) Lamar Alexander and his sweet wife Honey held stock in Corrections Corporation of America.

This is how your system works.
The only reason Reid and Castro are not in jail right now is because Obama protected them from prosecution, claiming no need to press charges because they are 'sorry'.

I must have missed that legal defense in college.

You can always tell what someone is capable of by quietly observing what they incessantly accuse others of.
Why are you bragging about this one? Trump called a Press Conference and refused to take a single question. That is LOW.

So they can misquote him and call him a racist? Fuck the MSM...they're sold-out jackals and the way to beat them is to ignore them.
Then he shouldn't have called a press conference. Do you think he'll be any more trustworthy with his trusty followers once he's in office? Poor sots.
Yeah, the Globalist Elite-controlled Government/Corporate Media is definitely freaking out over Trump's recent surge in the polls. It's not supposed to happen this way. No one advocating putting Americans first again, is supposed to win. I love it. Go Trump!
What the fuck has that got to do with doing what you say you're going to do? He got the cameras there for a free campaign ad and a free advert for his new hotel. Cold blooded, manipulative liar. And you're bowing to him. YOU GUYS ARE SICK!!!!

It was awesome. He tripped em up bigtime. They thought they were attending a joyous 'Birther' ambush, but instead observed many Veterans praising and endorsing Trump. The man's a genius. Good on em.
Well she didn't lie about that, anyway. When she says she's holding a press conference, she actually takes questions from the press. Trump's acting like a used car salesman. Be proud of him if you like.
Are you pissed at Trump's handling of the 'All In For Hillary' Media? :p I do not feel sorry for them one bit. They have admittedly given Hillary a pass on every scandal that has come out while attempting to demonize Trump on everything. In my eyes most are not even a LEGITIMATE news agency anymore - by their own admission (Cuomo on CNN) they are advocates for Hillary Clinton.
Oh, bullshit, Jackson.
Oh, you are right, Old Lady. Hillary is known for her frequent press conferences and straight forward truth. LOL
Why are you bragging about this one? Trump called a Press Conference and refused to take a single question. That is LOW.

So they can misquote him and call him a racist? Fuck the MSM...they're sold-out jackals and the way to beat them is to ignore them.
Then he shouldn't have called a press conference. Do you think he'll be any more trustworthy with his trusty followers once he's in office? Poor sots.

What does any of this have to do with trustworthiness?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

When it started I said I hope the only thing he says is "Clinton started it, I finished it, he was born in the US end of story. I'm done talking about it" and he fucking delivered.

It was perfect. Now back to the important things we're acing in this country.

Media is flipping out :lol: I mean wtf did they expect? They start up 3 year old stupidity that is no longer relevant you're going to get played and made to look like the fools you are. Trump is the Godfather, he can't be fucked with or manipulated. What a glorious way to end their once again impotent attacks. They are running out of BS to throw at him and the public is tiring of it.
Trump took away the MSM's candy. Then their lunch.
This IS THE MAN!!!! America needs desperately!
Trump craps bigger than the LIB MSM. They know it and best of all he knows they know he knows it.
Trump is a fucking genious at 'rolling' LIB Hillary ass lickers.
In his statement before the appearance ALL he said was he was going to make an "important statement".
He did. He stated he could get millions of dollars of free air time.
Yeah, the Globalist Elite-controlled Government/Corporate Media is definitely freaking out over Trump's recent surge in the polls. It's not supposed to happen this way. No one advocating putting Americans first again, is supposed to win. I love it. Go Trump!
What the fuck has that got to do with doing what you say you're going to do? He got the cameras there for a free campaign ad and a free advert for his new hotel. Cold blooded, manipulative liar. And you're bowing to him. YOU GUYS ARE SICK!!!!

It was awesome. He tripped em up bigtime. They thought they were attending a joyous 'Birther' ambush, but instead observed many Veterans praising and endorsing Trump. The man's a genius. Good on em.
The potential President of the United States is not supposed to be stealing free air time with a planned lie. Wonder how Kellyanne is going to like this.....
Well she didn't lie about that, anyway. When she says she's holding a press conference, she actually takes questions from the press. Trump's acting like a used car salesman. Be proud of him if you like.
Are you pissed at Trump's handling of the 'All In For Hillary' Media? :p I do not feel sorry for them one bit. They have admittedly given Hillary a pass on every scandal that has come out while attempting to demonize Trump on everything. In my eyes most are not even a LEGITIMATE news agency anymore - by their own admission (Cuomo on CNN) they are advocates for Hillary Clinton.
The media I watch has not been overly kind to Hillary. They've been tough on your candidate because he's a buffoon.
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Yeah, the Globalist Elite-controlled Government/Corporate Media is definitely freaking out over Trump's recent surge in the polls. It's not supposed to happen this way. No one advocating putting Americans first again, is supposed to win. I love it. Go Trump!
What the fuck has that got to do with doing what you say you're going to do? He got the cameras there for a free campaign ad and a free advert for his new hotel. Cold blooded, manipulative liar. And you're bowing to him. YOU GUYS ARE SICK!!!!
Trump 'rolled' your LIB MSM Hillary ass lickers.
Need a mint?
I want him in the Oval office. Just as millions and millions of decent hardworking sane patriotic Americans do.
Why are you bragging about this one? Trump called a Press Conference and refused to take a single question. That is LOW.

So they can misquote him and call him a racist? Fuck the MSM...they're sold-out jackals and the way to beat them is to ignore them.
Then he shouldn't have called a press conference. Do you think he'll be any more trustworthy with his trusty followers once he's in office? Poor sots.

What does any of this have to do with trustworthiness?
It just occurred to me, maybe at a press conference people don't always take questions.
Yeah, the Globalist Elite-controlled Government/Corporate Media is definitely freaking out over Trump's recent surge in the polls. It's not supposed to happen this way. No one advocating putting Americans first again, is supposed to win. I love it. Go Trump!
What the fuck has that got to do with doing what you say you're going to do? He got the cameras there for a free campaign ad and a free advert for his new hotel. Cold blooded, manipulative liar. And you're bowing to him. YOU GUYS ARE SICK!!!!
Trump 'rolled' your LIB MSM Hillary ass lickers.
Need a mint?
I want him in the Oval office. Just as millions and millions of decent hardworking sane patriotic Americans do.
Honestly, Danny, I could give two shits what you want.
The media I watch has not been overly kind to Hillary. They've been tough on your candidate because he's a baboon.
Colorful opinion of Trump. The media has begun to be hard on Hillary because at some point you just can't cover up THAT much scandal and CRIME.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors

Over 100 calls a day to Fraud Centers complaining about the Hillary campaign STEALING money from people's bank accounts, complaints being sent to State Attorney Generals and the FEC....just what she did in 2007.

At what point does enough become enough. For liberals it seems only if Hillary is caught standing over a dead body with the gun in her hand and 20 eye witnesses.
It just occurred to me, maybe at a press conference people don't always take questions.
I am so very proud of you! (Seriously!) You are exactly right! Sometimes they are held to make announcements or to give a briefing. Questions are not always taken.

What the reporters are probably upset about is that they did not get the opportunity to continue this whole 'birther' distraction.
:laugh: Ya gotta love Trump. He loves fuckin with the corrupt MSM. This one is hilarious. They all thought it was gonna be a joyous 'Birther' ambush on Trump. But he flipped the script on em bigtime. Truly awesome. WTG Trump!
I couldn't have said that better. :laugh:

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