BREAKING NEWS: Appeals court rules part of President Obama’s health care law unconsti

Doesn't change anything

Some courts have approved it others have denied

Have to wait for that 5-4 Supreme Court decision

Very probably. so let's look at that.

Given to uphold it, the Clinton and Obama appointees.

Given to reject it, Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts.

So like all of these things, it's going to come down to Justice Kennedy.

What I have seen of Kennedy is that he's really a swing vote. He votes against social conservatives but usually votes in favor of economic conservatives.

Clearly, these guys realize that the individual mandate is probably going to be impossible to enforce. Seriously, what are you going to do? It isn't like car insurance, where you can arrest the uninsured when you catch them driving without insurance.
i bet you was one of the dimocrats ( thats not a spelling mistake ) who complained that G bush was not available when the country was in crisis .

That would be one bet you lost. 1) I left the Democratic Party during the Carter years, 2) I was a Republican and voted for George Bush in 2000 and in 2004, 3) when the bullshit about President Bush being on vacation so often came up, I said the exact same thing that you just quoted me about.

You would lose your bet.

George Bush was never "not available when the country was in crisis". President Obama has never been not available while this country IS in crisis. Now whether or not his "leadership" has helped at all is a different question.


The difference I see here is that President Bush has never been invisible during a crisis. He might have been at Camp David or at the family place in Kennebunkport or in Crawford--did George & Laura ever take a vacation anywhere else?--but his "red phone" was always at the ready and there was never any question that he was aware and involved in what was going on.

One of the biggest complaints about Obama, even sometimes among the Democrats, is that he so often appears to be MIA when he should be visibly involved and exercising leadership in serious negotations.

Appearances are not always fact.

The two of them have different styles. One can argue that Bush was more evident in times of crisis than Obama has been, but then the moments of crisis that he suffered were different than President Obama's. Hell President Obama's biggest crisis has been ongoing for nearly 2.5 years now. If you want Obama in the limelight throughout that time, the man would never be allowed to sleep. We would have 24/7 news coverage on every station about the economy... hmm, come think about it I suspect the suicide rate would skyrocket with that as well! :)

Can you just imagine 24/7 news coverage on the fact that the unemployment rate is in the toilet and not going to get any better? As you know, I have been unemployed for too long. I have suffered through periods of depression and at times it frigging seems hopeless every morning when I get up and start looking for a job. I'm not suicidal, but, I have to say last Monday only made things look even more bleaker than they had two weeks ago.

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i bet you was one of the dimocrats ( thats not a spelling mistake ) who complained that G bush was not available when the country was in crisis .

That would be one bet you lost. 1) I left the Democratic Party during the Carter years, 2) I was a Republican and voted for George Bush in 2000 and in 2004, 3) when the bullshit about President Bush being on vacation so often came up, I said the exact same thing that you just quoted me about.

You would lose your bet.

George Bush was never "not available when the country was in crisis". President Obama has never been not available while this country IS in crisis. Now whether or not his "leadership" has helped at all is a different question.


The difference I see here is that President Bush has never been invisible during a crisis. He might have been at Camp David or at the family place in Kennebunkport or in Crawford--did George & Laura ever take a vacation anywhere else?--but his "red phone" was always at the ready and there was never any question that he was aware and involved in what was going on.

One of the biggest complaints about Obama, even sometimes among the Democrats, is that he so often appears to be MIA when he should be visibly involved and exercising leadership in serious negotations.

He is a Master of Indecision. Like voting Present, the position sometimes changes like the tide.
That would be one bet you lost. 1) I left the Democratic Party during the Carter years, 2) I was a Republican and voted for George Bush in 2000 and in 2004, 3) when the bullshit about President Bush being on vacation so often came up, I said the exact same thing that you just quoted me about.

You would lose your bet.

George Bush was never "not available when the country was in crisis". President Obama has never been not available while this country IS in crisis. Now whether or not his "leadership" has helped at all is a different question.


The difference I see here is that President Bush has never been invisible during a crisis. He might have been at Camp David or at the family place in Kennebunkport or in Crawford--did George & Laura ever take a vacation anywhere else?--but his "red phone" was always at the ready and there was never any question that he was aware and involved in what was going on.

One of the biggest complaints about Obama, even sometimes among the Democrats, is that he so often appears to be MIA when he should be visibly involved and exercising leadership in serious negotations.

Appearances are not always fact.

The two of them have different styles. One can argue that Bush was more evident in times of crisis than Obama has been, but then the moments of crisis that he suffered were different than President Obama's. Hell President Obama's biggest crisis has been ongoing for nearly 2.5 years now. If you want Obama in the limelight throughout that time, the man would never be allowed to sleep. We would have 24/7 news coverage on every station about the economy... hmm, come think about it I suspect the suicide rate would skyrocket with that as well! :)

Can you just imagine 24/7 news coverage on the fact that the unemployment rate is in the toilet and not going to get any better? As you know, I have been unemployed for too long. I have suffered through periods of depression and at times it frigging seems hopeless every morning when I get up and start looking for a job. I'm not suicidal, but, I have to say last Monday only made things look even more bleaker than they had two weeks ago.


Do you think those who are seeing their 401Ks, IRAs, and other investments decline week after week, who are unemployed and/or have friends, neighbors, and family who are unemployed and sinking futher into despair, who see 'going out of business' sales becoming more and more common or businesses that 'used to be there' just vanish overnight, who see their medicare taxes go up year by year while Congress gets their COLA but Social Security recipients don't; who see their disposable income decline but prices at the pump, grocery store, utlities, other necessities are more expensive. . . .do you honestly think all of those people are unaware of how 'bleak' it is???????

If the media was doing its job, it would dang sure be giving us 24/7 HONEST coverage of what is happening. Obama and/or Congress promised THIS - but THAT happened. Obama and/or promised if we do THAT, THIS OTHER THING won't happen, but it did anyway. Every country that has tried to spend itself rich is now on the brink of economic collapse with rioting in the streets, while those who cut back on spending and exercised fiscal sanity are well on their way to full recovery.

And every nation that has increased taxes to increase government entitlements is now seeing those become more and more insolvent and unsustainable and producing negative consequences that were not originally anticipated.

Repeal of Obamacare would be one of the most economically sane actions that our President and Congress could do now, and the appeals court has given them a splendid reason to do so. That and a few other fiscqlly sane and simple reassurances to the people would do wonders to get us started on the road to recovery too.

If we had a media saying that 24/7, we would return to some semblance of normal in no time. Unfortunately, we have a media too reluctant to fully expose the President and Congress's incompetence.
The difference I see here is that President Bush has never been invisible during a crisis. He might have been at Camp David or at the family place in Kennebunkport or in Crawford--did George & Laura ever take a vacation anywhere else?--but his "red phone" was always at the ready and there was never any question that he was aware and involved in what was going on.

One of the biggest complaints about Obama, even sometimes among the Democrats, is that he so often appears to be MIA when he should be visibly involved and exercising leadership in serious negotations.

Appearances are not always fact.

The two of them have different styles. One can argue that Bush was more evident in times of crisis than Obama has been, but then the moments of crisis that he suffered were different than President Obama's. Hell President Obama's biggest crisis has been ongoing for nearly 2.5 years now. If you want Obama in the limelight throughout that time, the man would never be allowed to sleep. We would have 24/7 news coverage on every station about the economy... hmm, come think about it I suspect the suicide rate would skyrocket with that as well! :)

Can you just imagine 24/7 news coverage on the fact that the unemployment rate is in the toilet and not going to get any better? As you know, I have been unemployed for too long. I have suffered through periods of depression and at times it frigging seems hopeless every morning when I get up and start looking for a job. I'm not suicidal, but, I have to say last Monday only made things look even more bleaker than they had two weeks ago.


Do you think those who are seeing their 401Ks, IRAs, and other investments decline week after week, who are unemployed and/or have friends, neighbors, and family who are unemployed and sinking futher into despair, who see 'going out of business' sales becoming more and more common or businesses that 'used to be there' just vanish overnight, who see their medicare taxes go up year by year while Congress gets their COLA but Social Security recipients don't; who see their disposable income decline but prices at the pump, grocery store, utlities, other necessities are more expensive. . . .do you honestly think all of those people are unaware of how 'bleak' it is???????

If the media was doing its job, it would dang sure be giving us 24/7 HONEST coverage of what is happening. Obama and/or Congress promised THIS - but THAT happened. Obama and/or promised if we do THAT, THIS OTHER THING won't happen, but it did anyway. Every country that has tried to spend itself rich is now on the brink of economic collapse with rioting in the streets, while those who cut back on spending and exercised fiscal sanity are well on their way to full recovery.

And every nation that has increased taxes to increase government entitlements is now seeing those become more and more insolvent and unsustainable and producing negative consequences that were not originally anticipated.

Repeal of Obamacare would be one of the most economically sane actions that our President and Congress could do now, and the appeals court has given them a splendid reason to do so. That and a few other fiscqlly sane and simple reassurances to the people would do wonders to get us started on the road to recovery too.

If we had a media saying that 24/7, we would return to some semblance of normal in no time. Unfortunately, we have a media too reluctant to fully expose the President and Congress's incompetence.

Did you forget who you were typing that response to? Just to remind you, read the last paragraph of what you quoted.

No, I am not unaware of how bleak it is. Do you think I want to be reminded 24/7?

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The difference I see here is that President Bush has never been invisible during a crisis. He might have been at Camp David or at the family place in Kennebunkport or in Crawford--did George & Laura ever take a vacation anywhere else?--but his "red phone" was always at the ready and there was never any question that he was aware and involved in what was going on.

One of the biggest complaints about Obama, even sometimes among the Democrats, is that he so often appears to be MIA when he should be visibly involved and exercising leadership in serious negotations.

Appearances are not always fact.

The two of them have different styles. One can argue that Bush was more evident in times of crisis than Obama has been, but then the moments of crisis that he suffered were different than President Obama's. Hell President Obama's biggest crisis has been ongoing for nearly 2.5 years now. If you want Obama in the limelight throughout that time, the man would never be allowed to sleep. We would have 24/7 news coverage on every station about the economy... hmm, come think about it I suspect the suicide rate would skyrocket with that as well! :)

Can you just imagine 24/7 news coverage on the fact that the unemployment rate is in the toilet and not going to get any better? As you know, I have been unemployed for too long. I have suffered through periods of depression and at times it frigging seems hopeless every morning when I get up and start looking for a job. I'm not suicidal, but, I have to say last Monday only made things look even more bleaker than they had two weeks ago.


Do you think those who are seeing their 401Ks, IRAs, and other investments decline week after week, who are unemployed and/or have friends, neighbors, and family who are unemployed and sinking futher into despair, who see 'going out of business' sales becoming more and more common or businesses that 'used to be there' just vanish overnight, who see their medicare taxes go up year by year while Congress gets their COLA but Social Security recipients don't; who see their disposable income decline but prices at the pump, grocery store, utlities, other necessities are more expensive. . . .do you honestly think all of those people are unaware of how 'bleak' it is???????

If the media was doing its job, it would dang sure be giving us 24/7 HONEST coverage of what is happening. Obama and/or Congress promised THIS - but THAT happened. Obama and/or promised if we do THAT, THIS OTHER THING won't happen, but it did anyway. Every country that has tried to spend itself rich is now on the brink of economic collapse with rioting in the streets, while those who cut back on spending and exercised fiscal sanity are well on their way to full recovery.

And every nation that has increased taxes to increase government entitlements is now seeing those become more and more insolvent and unsustainable and producing negative consequences that were not originally anticipated.

Repeal of Obamacare would be one of the most economically sane actions that our President and Congress could do now, and the appeals court has given them a splendid reason to do so. That and a few other fiscqlly sane and simple reassurances to the people would do wonders to get us started on the road to recovery too.

If we had a media saying that 24/7, we would return to some semblance of normal in no time. Unfortunately, we have a media too reluctant to fully expose the President and Congress's incompetence.

It's a Master / Lap Dog thing. ;)
Appearances are not always fact.

The two of them have different styles. One can argue that Bush was more evident in times of crisis than Obama has been, but then the moments of crisis that he suffered were different than President Obama's. Hell President Obama's biggest crisis has been ongoing for nearly 2.5 years now. If you want Obama in the limelight throughout that time, the man would never be allowed to sleep. We would have 24/7 news coverage on every station about the economy... hmm, come think about it I suspect the suicide rate would skyrocket with that as well! :)

Can you just imagine 24/7 news coverage on the fact that the unemployment rate is in the toilet and not going to get any better? As you know, I have been unemployed for too long. I have suffered through periods of depression and at times it frigging seems hopeless every morning when I get up and start looking for a job. I'm not suicidal, but, I have to say last Monday only made things look even more bleaker than they had two weeks ago.


Do you think those who are seeing their 401Ks, IRAs, and other investments decline week after week, who are unemployed and/or have friends, neighbors, and family who are unemployed and sinking futher into despair, who see 'going out of business' sales becoming more and more common or businesses that 'used to be there' just vanish overnight, who see their medicare taxes go up year by year while Congress gets their COLA but Social Security recipients don't; who see their disposable income decline but prices at the pump, grocery store, utlities, other necessities are more expensive. . . .do you honestly think all of those people are unaware of how 'bleak' it is???????

If the media was doing its job, it would dang sure be giving us 24/7 HONEST coverage of what is happening. Obama and/or Congress promised THIS - but THAT happened. Obama and/or promised if we do THAT, THIS OTHER THING won't happen, but it did anyway. Every country that has tried to spend itself rich is now on the brink of economic collapse with rioting in the streets, while those who cut back on spending and exercised fiscal sanity are well on their way to full recovery.

And every nation that has increased taxes to increase government entitlements is now seeing those become more and more insolvent and unsustainable and producing negative consequences that were not originally anticipated.

Repeal of Obamacare would be one of the most economically sane actions that our President and Congress could do now, and the appeals court has given them a splendid reason to do so. That and a few other fiscqlly sane and simple reassurances to the people would do wonders to get us started on the road to recovery too.

If we had a media saying that 24/7, we would return to some semblance of normal in no time. Unfortunately, we have a media too reluctant to fully expose the President and Congress's incompetence.

It's a Master / Lap Dog thing. ;)

Moi? Really? Are you serious?

You know me better than that.

Forcing Citizens to purchase Health Insurance is just wrong. Threatening Force against Citizens who choose not to purchase a product is truly Un-American. I don't see how anyone can support this Mandate.
Appearances are not always fact.

The two of them have different styles. One can argue that Bush was more evident in times of crisis than Obama has been, but then the moments of crisis that he suffered were different than President Obama's. Hell President Obama's biggest crisis has been ongoing for nearly 2.5 years now. If you want Obama in the limelight throughout that time, the man would never be allowed to sleep. We would have 24/7 news coverage on every station about the economy... hmm, come think about it I suspect the suicide rate would skyrocket with that as well! :)

Can you just imagine 24/7 news coverage on the fact that the unemployment rate is in the toilet and not going to get any better? As you know, I have been unemployed for too long. I have suffered through periods of depression and at times it frigging seems hopeless every morning when I get up and start looking for a job. I'm not suicidal, but, I have to say last Monday only made things look even more bleaker than they had two weeks ago.


Do you think those who are seeing their 401Ks, IRAs, and other investments decline week after week, who are unemployed and/or have friends, neighbors, and family who are unemployed and sinking futher into despair, who see 'going out of business' sales becoming more and more common or businesses that 'used to be there' just vanish overnight, who see their medicare taxes go up year by year while Congress gets their COLA but Social Security recipients don't; who see their disposable income decline but prices at the pump, grocery store, utlities, other necessities are more expensive. . . .do you honestly think all of those people are unaware of how 'bleak' it is???????

If the media was doing its job, it would dang sure be giving us 24/7 HONEST coverage of what is happening. Obama and/or Congress promised THIS - but THAT happened. Obama and/or promised if we do THAT, THIS OTHER THING won't happen, but it did anyway. Every country that has tried to spend itself rich is now on the brink of economic collapse with rioting in the streets, while those who cut back on spending and exercised fiscal sanity are well on their way to full recovery.

And every nation that has increased taxes to increase government entitlements is now seeing those become more and more insolvent and unsustainable and producing negative consequences that were not originally anticipated.

Repeal of Obamacare would be one of the most economically sane actions that our President and Congress could do now, and the appeals court has given them a splendid reason to do so. That and a few other fiscqlly sane and simple reassurances to the people would do wonders to get us started on the road to recovery too.

If we had a media saying that 24/7, we would return to some semblance of normal in no time. Unfortunately, we have a media too reluctant to fully expose the President and Congress's incompetence.

Did you forget who you were typing that response to? Just to remind you, read the last paragraph of what you quoted.

No, I am not unaware of how bleak it is. Do you think I want to be reminded 24/7?


I would think you would want it fixed. Sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the problems aren't there won't fix it. A media that glosses over the President's and the Congress's culpability and failure won't fix it. Reagan also had a financial mess on his hands when he took office--double digit interest rates, double digit inflation, fuel costs off the charts, high unemployment, a sluggish economy. It wasn't sugar coated. We were all living it. We knew how bad it was.

He, however, didn't wring his hands about what a terrible and unmanageable mess he inherited. He set about working with Congress to restore fiscal sanity while assuring Americans that they were fixing it, what we could expect, and brighter days were ahead. We could look forward encouraged and expecting great things. And he delivered.

President Obama doesn't do that. He keeps telling us that 'we're not even halfway there' and blames everybody but the kitchen sink for failure to achieve improvement with his ill founded policies. No way does he give us ANY reason for optimism or encouragement. And over the many times he tells us what results to expect as a result of this or that policy, he hasn't delivered yet.

THAT is what the media should be telling the people and be working to actually inform them so they can vote more intelligently when the next election rolls around.
Doesn't change anything

Some courts have approved it others have denied

Have to wait for that 5-4 Supreme Court decision

Very probably. so let's look at that.

Given to uphold it, the Clinton and Obama appointees.

Given to reject it, Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts.

So like all of these things, it's going to come down to Justice Kennedy.

What I have seen of Kennedy is that he's really a swing vote. He votes against social conservatives but usually votes in favor of economic conservatives.

Clearly, these guys realize that the individual mandate is probably going to be impossible to enforce. Seriously, what are you going to do? It isn't like car insurance, where you can arrest the uninsured when you catch them driving without insurance.

It will be the usual 5-4 conservative judgement
Doesn't change anything

Some courts have approved it others have denied

Have to wait for that 5-4 Supreme Court decision

Very probably. so let's look at that.

Given to uphold it, the Clinton and Obama appointees.

Given to reject it, Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts.

So like all of these things, it's going to come down to Justice Kennedy.

What I have seen of Kennedy is that he's really a swing vote. He votes against social conservatives but usually votes in favor of economic conservatives.

Clearly, these guys realize that the individual mandate is probably going to be impossible to enforce. Seriously, what are you going to do? It isn't like car insurance, where you can arrest the uninsured when you catch them driving without insurance.

It will be the usual 5-4 conservative judgement

Which again, is a good thing. ObamaCare is a disaster waiting to happen. The sooner we kill it, the better.
Doesn't change anything

Some courts have approved it others have denied

Have to wait for that 5-4 Supreme Court decision

Very probably. so let's look at that.

Given to uphold it, the Clinton and Obama appointees.

Given to reject it, Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts.

So like all of these things, it's going to come down to Justice Kennedy.

What I have seen of Kennedy is that he's really a swing vote. He votes against social conservatives but usually votes in favor of economic conservatives.

Clearly, these guys realize that the individual mandate is probably going to be impossible to enforce. Seriously, what are you going to do? It isn't like car insurance, where you can arrest the uninsured when you catch them driving without insurance.

It will be the usual 5-4 conservative judgement

Yes, if there is any justice or sanity left in this country, that would be a good thing. Much better a court that would rule 9 to zero in favor of unalienable rights, freedom, and fiscal sanity. But I guess that is too much to hope for.
Obamacare is obviously unconstitutional - every mandate in the bill is.

Forcing a program on an individual then forcing more bullshit violates all the principals this country was founded on....

Obama and the rest of his gang are a bunch of fucking tyrants...

This is a free country - that means you don't tell individuals what they need to do, or how to live THEIR lives.
Do you think those who are seeing their 401Ks, IRAs, and other investments decline week after week, who are unemployed and/or have friends, neighbors, and family who are unemployed and sinking futher into despair, who see 'going out of business' sales becoming more and more common or businesses that 'used to be there' just vanish overnight, who see their medicare taxes go up year by year while Congress gets their COLA but Social Security recipients don't; who see their disposable income decline but prices at the pump, grocery store, utlities, other necessities are more expensive. . . .do you honestly think all of those people are unaware of how 'bleak' it is???????

If the media was doing its job, it would dang sure be giving us 24/7 HONEST coverage of what is happening. Obama and/or Congress promised THIS - but THAT happened. Obama and/or promised if we do THAT, THIS OTHER THING won't happen, but it did anyway. Every country that has tried to spend itself rich is now on the brink of economic collapse with rioting in the streets, while those who cut back on spending and exercised fiscal sanity are well on their way to full recovery.

And every nation that has increased taxes to increase government entitlements is now seeing those become more and more insolvent and unsustainable and producing negative consequences that were not originally anticipated.

Repeal of Obamacare would be one of the most economically sane actions that our President and Congress could do now, and the appeals court has given them a splendid reason to do so. That and a few other fiscqlly sane and simple reassurances to the people would do wonders to get us started on the road to recovery too.

If we had a media saying that 24/7, we would return to some semblance of normal in no time. Unfortunately, we have a media too reluctant to fully expose the President and Congress's incompetence.

Did you forget who you were typing that response to? Just to remind you, read the last paragraph of what you quoted.

No, I am not unaware of how bleak it is. Do you think I want to be reminded 24/7?


I would think you would want it fixed. Sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the problems aren't there won't fix it. A media that glosses over the President's and the Congress's culpability and failure won't fix it. Reagan also had a financial mess on his hands when he took office--double digit interest rates, double digit inflation, fuel costs off the charts, high unemployment, a sluggish economy. It wasn't sugar coated. We were all living it. We knew how bad it was.

He, however, didn't wring his hands about what a terrible and unmanageable mess he inherited. He set about working with Congress to restore fiscal sanity while assuring Americans that they were fixing it, what we could expect, and brighter days were ahead. We could look forward encouraged and expecting great things. And he delivered.

President Obama doesn't do that. He keeps telling us that 'we're not even halfway there' and blames everybody but the kitchen sink for failure to achieve improvement with his ill founded policies. No way does he give us ANY reason for optimism or encouragement. And over the many times he tells us what results to expect as a result of this or that policy, he hasn't delivered yet.

THAT is what the media should be telling the people and be working to actually inform them so they can vote more intelligently when the next election rolls around.

Who says I don't want it fixed? But do you think I want to be reminded about how screwed up this world is every time I turn on my computer or TV? When a man is dying of Stage IV Lung Cancer and in the hospital, do you think he wants the hospital TV on a station that constantly reminds him that the one year survival rate is less than 5%?

Do you think I want to get up in the morning, turn on the computer to start sending out resumes and the first thing I read is... "IT IS HOPELESS! DON'T BOTHER LOOKING FOR A JOB TODAY BECAUSE FOR EVERY RESUME YOU SEND OUT THERE ARE 500 OTHERS GOING TO BE RECEIVED FOR THE SAME JOB. MAY AS WELL JUST GO BACK TO BED AND SLEEP IT OFF."

Did I say President Obama was doing a good job? Please quote where I said that.

You are right, he tells everyone we are still in the slump and things are going to take a long time to climb out of, but by gosh, it is not his fault. I know it. You know it. Do you think I need to be reminded of it 24/7?

Does a dying man want to be reminded that he is dying?

How does President Obama being on TV 24/7 assuring us that the problems will get better help me in the least? Hell, I would rather not see his face and know that something was being done to fix this mess. I, however, know better than that and that is why someone new should be in that office, but I have to tell you that I am not convinced that anyone who participated in Thursday Night's debate are qualified to solve this problem nor that they would put America first over their own desires.

A media that glosses over the President's and the Congress's culpability and failure won't fix it.

Correct they won't, but neither will a media that excoriates the President or Congress for their sins... not that this is likely to happen mind you.

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Did you forget who you were typing that response to? Just to remind you, read the last paragraph of what you quoted.

No, I am not unaware of how bleak it is. Do you think I want to be reminded 24/7?


I would think you would want it fixed. Sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the problems aren't there won't fix it. A media that glosses over the President's and the Congress's culpability and failure won't fix it. Reagan also had a financial mess on his hands when he took office--double digit interest rates, double digit inflation, fuel costs off the charts, high unemployment, a sluggish economy. It wasn't sugar coated. We were all living it. We knew how bad it was.

He, however, didn't wring his hands about what a terrible and unmanageable mess he inherited. He set about working with Congress to restore fiscal sanity while assuring Americans that they were fixing it, what we could expect, and brighter days were ahead. We could look forward encouraged and expecting great things. And he delivered.

President Obama doesn't do that. He keeps telling us that 'we're not even halfway there' and blames everybody but the kitchen sink for failure to achieve improvement with his ill founded policies. No way does he give us ANY reason for optimism or encouragement. And over the many times he tells us what results to expect as a result of this or that policy, he hasn't delivered yet.

THAT is what the media should be telling the people and be working to actually inform them so they can vote more intelligently when the next election rolls around.

Who says I don't want it fixed? But do you think I want to be reminded about how screwed up this world is every time I turn on my computer or TV? When a man is dying of Stage IV Lung Cancer and in the hospital, do you think he wants the hospital TV on a station that constantly reminds him that the one year survival rate is less than 5%?

Do you think I want to get up in the morning, turn on the computer to start sending out resumes and the first thing I read is... "IT IS HOPELESS! DON'T BOTHER LOOKING FOR A JOB TODAY BECAUSE FOR EVERY RESUME YOU SEND OUT THERE ARE 500 OTHERS GOING TO BE RECEIVED FOR THE SAME JOB. MAY AS WELL JUST GO BACK TO BED AND SLEEP IT OFF."

Did I say President Obama was doing a good job? Please quote where I said that.

You are right, he tells everyone we are still in the slump and things are going to take a long time to climb out of, but by gosh, it is not his fault. I know it. You know it. Do you think I need to be reminded of it 24/7?

Does a dying man want to be reminded that he is dying?

How does President Obama being on TV 24/7 assuring us that the problems will get better help me in the least? Hell, I would rather not see his face and know that something was being done to fix this mess. I, however, know better than that and that is why someone new should be in that office, but I have to tell you that I am not convinced that anyone who participated in Thursday Night's debate are qualified to solve this problem nor that they would put America first over their own desires.

A media that glosses over the President's and the Congress's culpability and failure won't fix it.

Correct they won't, but neither will a media that excoriates the President or Congress for their sins... not that this is likely to happen mind you.


I disagree. I think a media that HONESTLY excoriates the President and/or Congress for their sins is doing their job as the media was intended to do. The media has not been doing its job for some years now to the point that the raw truth of many things is not given an honest hearing or is glossed over to make the President and his advocates look better. And it allows the President and his advocates to continue in the delusion that he is doing okay and no change of course is needed.

Believe me, getting re-elected is the MOST important thing to most of them, and if the media was really doing its job, they would be doing a better job of getting it right and/or doing it better.

And we wouldn't be discussing Obamacare going to the Supreme Court because it never would have been passed in the first place.
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I would think you would want it fixed. Sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the problems aren't there won't fix it. A media that glosses over the President's and the Congress's culpability and failure won't fix it. Reagan also had a financial mess on his hands when he took office--double digit interest rates, double digit inflation, fuel costs off the charts, high unemployment, a sluggish economy. It wasn't sugar coated. We were all living it. We knew how bad it was.

He, however, didn't wring his hands about what a terrible and unmanageable mess he inherited. He set about working with Congress to restore fiscal sanity while assuring Americans that they were fixing it, what we could expect, and brighter days were ahead. We could look forward encouraged and expecting great things. And he delivered.

President Obama doesn't do that. He keeps telling us that 'we're not even halfway there' and blames everybody but the kitchen sink for failure to achieve improvement with his ill founded policies. No way does he give us ANY reason for optimism or encouragement. And over the many times he tells us what results to expect as a result of this or that policy, he hasn't delivered yet.

THAT is what the media should be telling the people and be working to actually inform them so they can vote more intelligently when the next election rolls around.

Who says I don't want it fixed? But do you think I want to be reminded about how screwed up this world is every time I turn on my computer or TV? When a man is dying of Stage IV Lung Cancer and in the hospital, do you think he wants the hospital TV on a station that constantly reminds him that the one year survival rate is less than 5%?

Do you think I want to get up in the morning, turn on the computer to start sending out resumes and the first thing I read is... "IT IS HOPELESS! DON'T BOTHER LOOKING FOR A JOB TODAY BECAUSE FOR EVERY RESUME YOU SEND OUT THERE ARE 500 OTHERS GOING TO BE RECEIVED FOR THE SAME JOB. MAY AS WELL JUST GO BACK TO BED AND SLEEP IT OFF."

Did I say President Obama was doing a good job? Please quote where I said that.

You are right, he tells everyone we are still in the slump and things are going to take a long time to climb out of, but by gosh, it is not his fault. I know it. You know it. Do you think I need to be reminded of it 24/7?

Does a dying man want to be reminded that he is dying?

How does President Obama being on TV 24/7 assuring us that the problems will get better help me in the least? Hell, I would rather not see his face and know that something was being done to fix this mess. I, however, know better than that and that is why someone new should be in that office, but I have to tell you that I am not convinced that anyone who participated in Thursday Night's debate are qualified to solve this problem nor that they would put America first over their own desires.

A media that glosses over the President's and the Congress's culpability and failure won't fix it.

Correct they won't, but neither will a media that excoriates the President or Congress for their sins... not that this is likely to happen mind you.


I disagree. I think a media that HONESTLY excoriates the President and/or Congress for their sins is doing their job as the media was intended to do. The media has not been doing its job for some years now to the point that the raw truth of many things is not given an honest hearing or is glossed over to make the President and his advocates look better. And it allows the President and his advocates to continue in the delusion that he is doing okay and no change of course is needed.

Believe me, getting re-elected is the MOST important thing to most of them, and if the media was really doing its job, they would be doing a better job of getting it right and/or doing it better.

And we wouldn't be discussing Obamacare going to the Supreme Court because it never would have been passed in the first place.

Two things about your post:

I think a media that HONESTLY excoriates the President and/or Congress for their sins is doing their job as the media was intended to do.

1) Do I have to be reminded of it 24/7? Which is what this discussion was about.

and 2) Do you honestly believe the media will be honest?

I think the Media, too easily abandons it's role as Witness, to that of Spokesperson, for whatever agenda it supports. Sometimes so caught up in spin, it is not capable of unbiased reporting.
Who says I don't want it fixed? But do you think I want to be reminded about how screwed up this world is every time I turn on my computer or TV? When a man is dying of Stage IV Lung Cancer and in the hospital, do you think he wants the hospital TV on a station that constantly reminds him that the one year survival rate is less than 5%?

Do you think I want to get up in the morning, turn on the computer to start sending out resumes and the first thing I read is... "IT IS HOPELESS! DON'T BOTHER LOOKING FOR A JOB TODAY BECAUSE FOR EVERY RESUME YOU SEND OUT THERE ARE 500 OTHERS GOING TO BE RECEIVED FOR THE SAME JOB. MAY AS WELL JUST GO BACK TO BED AND SLEEP IT OFF."

Did I say President Obama was doing a good job? Please quote where I said that.

You are right, he tells everyone we are still in the slump and things are going to take a long time to climb out of, but by gosh, it is not his fault. I know it. You know it. Do you think I need to be reminded of it 24/7?

Does a dying man want to be reminded that he is dying?

How does President Obama being on TV 24/7 assuring us that the problems will get better help me in the least? Hell, I would rather not see his face and know that something was being done to fix this mess. I, however, know better than that and that is why someone new should be in that office, but I have to tell you that I am not convinced that anyone who participated in Thursday Night's debate are qualified to solve this problem nor that they would put America first over their own desires.

Correct they won't, but neither will a media that excoriates the President or Congress for their sins... not that this is likely to happen mind you.


I disagree. I think a media that HONESTLY excoriates the President and/or Congress for their sins is doing their job as the media was intended to do. The media has not been doing its job for some years now to the point that the raw truth of many things is not given an honest hearing or is glossed over to make the President and his advocates look better. And it allows the President and his advocates to continue in the delusion that he is doing okay and no change of course is needed.

Believe me, getting re-elected is the MOST important thing to most of them, and if the media was really doing its job, they would be doing a better job of getting it right and/or doing it better.

And we wouldn't be discussing Obamacare going to the Supreme Court because it never would have been passed in the first place.

Two things about your post:

I think a media that HONESTLY excoriates the President and/or Congress for their sins is doing their job as the media was intended to do.

1) Do I have to be reminded of it 24/7? Which is what this discussion was about.

and 2) Do you honestly believe the media will be honest?


We each have our precious moments, so Yes. Just not often enough, nor timely enough.
Who says I don't want it fixed? But do you think I want to be reminded about how screwed up this world is every time I turn on my computer or TV? When a man is dying of Stage IV Lung Cancer and in the hospital, do you think he wants the hospital TV on a station that constantly reminds him that the one year survival rate is less than 5%?

Do you think I want to get up in the morning, turn on the computer to start sending out resumes and the first thing I read is... "IT IS HOPELESS! DON'T BOTHER LOOKING FOR A JOB TODAY BECAUSE FOR EVERY RESUME YOU SEND OUT THERE ARE 500 OTHERS GOING TO BE RECEIVED FOR THE SAME JOB. MAY AS WELL JUST GO BACK TO BED AND SLEEP IT OFF."

Did I say President Obama was doing a good job? Please quote where I said that.

You are right, he tells everyone we are still in the slump and things are going to take a long time to climb out of, but by gosh, it is not his fault. I know it. You know it. Do you think I need to be reminded of it 24/7?

Does a dying man want to be reminded that he is dying?

How does President Obama being on TV 24/7 assuring us that the problems will get better help me in the least? Hell, I would rather not see his face and know that something was being done to fix this mess. I, however, know better than that and that is why someone new should be in that office, but I have to tell you that I am not convinced that anyone who participated in Thursday Night's debate are qualified to solve this problem nor that they would put America first over their own desires.

Correct they won't, but neither will a media that excoriates the President or Congress for their sins... not that this is likely to happen mind you.


I disagree. I think a media that HONESTLY excoriates the President and/or Congress for their sins is doing their job as the media was intended to do. The media has not been doing its job for some years now to the point that the raw truth of many things is not given an honest hearing or is glossed over to make the President and his advocates look better. And it allows the President and his advocates to continue in the delusion that he is doing okay and no change of course is needed.

Believe me, getting re-elected is the MOST important thing to most of them, and if the media was really doing its job, they would be doing a better job of getting it right and/or doing it better.

And we wouldn't be discussing Obamacare going to the Supreme Court because it never would have been passed in the first place.

Two things about your post:

I think a media that HONESTLY excoriates the President and/or Congress for their sins is doing their job as the media was intended to do.

1) Do I have to be reminded of it 24/7? Which is what this discussion was about.

and 2) Do you honestly believe the media will be honest?


Nobody forces you to watch or listen or read anything 24/7. If you don't want to see, hear, or read it, it is very easy to avoid it.

But the country is bleeding to death, we have people that have been hurting not for weeks or months, but extending into years, and we have a government hell bent on continuing policies that caused the problem and refusing to change anything that would reverse the current destructive course we are on.

I think that needs 24/7 attention.

And no, as I said, I do not believe most of the Media will be honest because too much of it is also ideologically blind to the point they are incapable of recognizing and/or acknowledging the truth about their designated heroes and icons.
The Government is definitely compounding the problem, paying off and buying off potential political allies at our expense, multiplying the debt with nada to show for it.... :( Like a Potential Gang Rapist it wants more stimulus. Fannie and Freddie setting us up for a repeat too.

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