BREAKING NEWS: Appeals court rules part of President Obama’s health care law unconsti

I disagree. I think a media that HONESTLY excoriates the President and/or Congress for their sins is doing their job as the media was intended to do. The media has not been doing its job for some years now to the point that the raw truth of many things is not given an honest hearing or is glossed over to make the President and his advocates look better. And it allows the President and his advocates to continue in the delusion that he is doing okay and no change of course is needed.

Believe me, getting re-elected is the MOST important thing to most of them, and if the media was really doing its job, they would be doing a better job of getting it right and/or doing it better.

And we wouldn't be discussing Obamacare going to the Supreme Court because it never would have been passed in the first place.

Two things about your post:

I think a media that HONESTLY excoriates the President and/or Congress for their sins is doing their job as the media was intended to do.

1) Do I have to be reminded of it 24/7? Which is what this discussion was about.

and 2) Do you honestly believe the media will be honest?


Nobody forces you to watch or listen or read anything 24/7. If you don't want to see, hear, or read it, it is very easy to avoid it.

But the country is bleeding to death, we have people that have been hurting not for weeks or months, but extending into years, and we have a government hell bent on continuing policies that caused the problem and refusing to change anything that would reverse the current destructive course we are on.

I think that needs 24/7 attention.

And no, as I said, I do not believe most of the Media will be honest because too much of it is also ideologically blind to the point they are incapable of recognizing and/or acknowledging the truth about their designated heroes and icons.

It is not getting better and it won't for a long time to come.

And I believe that I said 24/7 on all stations or that was my intention. Need I become a hermit just to survive?

Honestly, there is a new country song, I don't remember who sings it or its title and the guy discusses leaving his job, getting on a boat and just sailing away for ever... the idea is damned tempting! Except I hate the taste of fish and I am allergic to seafood. :D

"He, however, didn't wring his hands about what a terrible and unmanageable mess he inherited. He set about working with Congress to restore fiscal sanity while assuring Americans that they were fixing it, what we could expect, and brighter days were ahead. We could look forward encouraged and expecting great things. And he delivered."

And quadrupled the debt. But he didn't have an opposition who obstructed EVERYTHING, with a fear mongering Propaganda machine bitching about EVERYTHING 24/7/365, and huge loudmouth brainwashed dupe 1/2 nation...
The mandate should have never been put in the law. The penalty is to low. Half the middle class will be excluded. There are a number of perfectly legal alternatives that can be used if the mandate is struck down. For example, the government could have an open enrollment period as they did with the Medicare drug program. Those who do not sign up for insurance, pay a penalty if they sign up later. We were never going to get anything near 100% compliance anyway, so the mandate is really just amounts a matter of principal.

Nope it was a matter of collecting a large amount of cash to help fund this monster. This is a deficit increasing problem.
The money spent on the health insurance policies do not go to the government. It goes to the insurance companies. There is no direct effect on the deficit.
"He, however, didn't wring his hands about what a terrible and unmanageable mess he inherited. He set about working with Congress to restore fiscal sanity while assuring Americans that they were fixing it, what we could expect, and brighter days were ahead. We could look forward encouraged and expecting great things. And he delivered."

And quadrupled the debt. But he didn't have an opposition who obstructed EVERYTHING, with a fear mongering Propaganda machine bitching about EVERYTHING 24/7/365, and huge loudmouth brainwashed dupe 1/2 nation...

Aren't you missing your cartoons? :)
The mandate should have never been put in the law. The penalty is to low. Half the middle class will be excluded. There are a number of perfectly legal alternatives that can be used if the mandate is struck down. For example, the government could have an open enrollment period as they did with the Medicare drug program. Those who do not sign up for insurance, pay a penalty if they sign up later. We were never going to get anything near 100% compliance anyway, so the mandate is really just amounts a matter of principal.

Nope it was a matter of collecting a large amount of cash to help fund this monster. This is a deficit increasing problem.
The money spent on the health insurance policies do not go to the government. It goes to the insurance companies. There is no direct effect on the deficit.

The money spent on the health insurance policies do not go to the government. It goes to the insurance companies.

Which the Government takes many pieces of, every time the money changes hands, just like what happens to you and I.
Nope it was a matter of collecting a large amount of cash to help fund this monster. This is a deficit increasing problem.
The money spent on the health insurance policies do not go to the government. It goes to the insurance companies. There is no direct effect on the deficit.

The money spent on the health insurance policies do not go to the government. It goes to the insurance companies.

Which the Government takes many pieces of, every time the money changes hands, just like what happens to you and I.

Not to mention the HUGE chunk of healthcare that the government already controls-- Medicare, Medicaid, VA--most of which is out of control and will sink us if they don't get a handle on it. So our fearless leaders, despite their abysmal track record on managing such programs, would prefer to put us all under their authority and control and you can be sure they will make it so miserable for the insurance companies that the insurance companies will bail out. And that leaves the door open for government to take over healthcare for all those unfortunate souls dumped by the insurance companies.

If we don't dump obamacare as quickly as possible and begin major reforms on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, we will sink as there is no way we can bail as fast as these programs are filling all the boat.
The mandate should have never been put in the law. The penalty is to low. Half the middle class will be excluded. There are a number of perfectly legal alternatives that can be used if the mandate is struck down. For example, the government could have an open enrollment period as they did with the Medicare drug program. Those who do not sign up for insurance, pay a penalty if they sign up later. We were never going to get anything near 100% compliance anyway, so the mandate is really just amounts a matter of principal.

There are alternatives. But do you seriously think Republicans will allow any alternative other than "repeal Obamacare" to pass?
Some of the alternatives do not require congressional approval. They can be handled by executive order.

If the Republicans control government in 2013, they would undoubtedly pass a bill to repeal the Healthcare law. Since most of the current bill would have already been implemented and the insurance pools, would be scheduled to open in a matter of months, the new law would have be identical to about 95% of the current law. They would add some Republican solutions to healthcare cost such as tort reform and remove anything that might result in abortion funding, but there would only be minor changes.
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Nope it was a matter of collecting a large amount of cash to help fund this monster. This is a deficit increasing problem.
The money spent on the health insurance policies do not go to the government. It goes to the insurance companies. There is no direct effect on the deficit.

The money spent on the health insurance policies do not go to the government. It goes to the insurance companies.

Which the Government takes many pieces of, every time the money changes hands, just like what happens to you and I.
You can say that about almost any financial transaction. However, less policies being sold is not going to directly increase the deficit.

The individual mandates should have never been in the law. There are so many exclusions, it's really not going to force many people to buy insurance. A much better alternative would be to allow carriers to put a surcharge on individuals who go without insurance coverage accompanied by limited coverage of preexisting conditions. In stead of mandating, the government coerces.
And there has been something like 1500 different exemptions to obamacare so far.

Why so many?

It is a bad law and never should have been passed.

Anyone with half a brain knows it.
And there has been something like 1500 different exemptions to obamacare so far.

Why so many?

It is a bad law and never should have been passed.

Anyone with half a brain knows it.

And how can anybody with half a brain not understand that when all their friends and cronies get exemptions, the rest of us will be expected to pick up the slack. The whole idea was sold on the basis that the cost would be spread so that it would become affordable for everybody. Well the pool to spread it on is drying up fast.
well of course Ollie

you think HC is expensive now?

just wait until it's free!


Yeah, right. ;) One Term does come to mind though, "Denial of Coverage". You can have it, you just can't use it. :D
The New and Improved "Catch-22" Insurance Plan".
Just don't get hurt and you will be fine.
And there has been something like 1500 different exemptions to obamacare so far.

Why so many?

It is a bad law and never should have been passed.

Anyone with half a brain knows it.
Some health insurance policies do not meet minimum standards set forth in the law. Their policies lacked coverage for major illnesses. In order that policy holders are not stuck having no insurance, the government has granted one year exemptions to give policy holders time to find other policies. 1500 out of millions of health insurance policies is not that many. These exemptions do not indicate any shortcoming in law, but rather the shortcomings in cheap near worthless health insurance policies some states have allowed companies to sell.
And there has been something like 1500 different exemptions to obamacare so far.

Why so many?

It is a bad law and never should have been passed.

Anyone with half a brain knows it.

And how can anybody with half a brain not understand that when all their friends and cronies get exemptions, the rest of us will be expected to pick up the slack. The whole idea was sold on the basis that the cost would be spread so that it would become affordable for everybody. Well the pool to spread it on is drying up fast.

Nah, it is all very scientific, like Musical Chairs. :)
And there has been something like 1500 different exemptions to obamacare so far.

Why so many?

It is a bad law and never should have been passed.

Anyone with half a brain knows it.
Some health insurance policies do not meet minimum standards set forth in the law. Their policies lacked coverage for major illnesses. In order that policy holders are not stuck having no insurance, the government has granted one year exemptions to give policy holders time to find other policies. 1500 out of millions of health insurance policies is not that many. These exemptions do not indicate any shortcoming in law, but rather the shortcomings in cheap near worthless health insurance policies some states have allowed companies to sell.
Yep, just ignore who is on the list and you sound credible. How many on that list supported it? How many knew what was in it before they supported it? How long would the phone call take to increase your coverage, relating to something important to you personally? I especially appreciate the new powers for government to raid your savings and checking accounts when you have a problem paying medical expenses. Government could not get anymore personal and caring than that huh.
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well of course Ollie

you think HC is expensive now?

just wait until it's free!


Yeah, right. ;) One Term does come to mind though, "Denial of Coverage". You can have it, you just can't use it. :D
The New and Improved "Catch-22" Insurance Plan".
Just don't get hurt and you will be fine.

and you can prick your finger, but you can't finger your prick too Intense.......~S~

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