Breaking News Benghazi

Gaffney explains Obama's Purpose in Benghazi​

11/5/12 | Frank Gaffney Jr

Frank Gaffney on Benghazigate scandal

American Politics, US politics, political opinion, conservative columnists, United States of America, USA

Gaffney talks about Benghazi's purpose was to try to secure weapons left over from Gadhafi's stock pile. The US was moving these weapons to arm our enemies.... jihadists & al Qaeda!!

GAFFNEY: The real reason behind Benghazigate - Washington Times

GAFFNEY: The real reason behind Benghazigate Was Obama gun-walking arms to jihadists?

Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at and Clare Lopez at — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate

The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists who have taken over or are ascendant in much of the Middle East. Starting in March 2011, when American diplomat J. Christopher Stevens was designated the liaison to the “opposition” in Libya, the Obama administration has been arming them, including jihadists like Abdelhakim Belhadj, leader of the al Qaeda franchise known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

Fox News has chronicled how the Al Entisar, a Libyan-flagged vessel carrying 400 tons of cargo, docked on Sept. 6 in the Turkish port of Iskenderun. It reportedly supplied both humanitarian assistance and arms — including deadly SA-7 man-portable surface-to-air missiles — apparently destined for Islamists, again including al Qaeda elements, in Syria.

What cries out for further investigation — and debate in the remaining days of this presidential election — is whether this shipment was part of a larger covert Obama effort to transfer weapons to our enemies that could make the Iran-Contra scandal, to say nothing of Operation Fast and Furious, pale by comparison.

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(Excerpt) Read more at ..


A father and a mother used the word “murder.” A brother said he won’t second-guess decisions made in the heat of battle.

The families of three Americans killed in the Sept. 11 U.S. consulate attack in Benghazi, Libya, are offering widely different reactions to recent reports that U.S. personnel issued several requests for help that were turned down.

Patricia Smith, who voted for Obama in 2008 at the insistence of her son, said reporting by Fox News is the basis for much of her belief that Obama is ultimately responsible for her son’s death.

Turn off Fox
It's bad News for America.

If FOX is reporting the truth, and as yet, I've not seen anyone officially disputing what FOX has put out, then why would anyone even consider turning off FOX news? Are you saying that the truth is bad news for America? Consider that if left to the other networks, we would all believe that what happened in Benghazi was the result of a mob gone bad and had been completely unforeseeable. Do you want to live in a country where the government has the press in it's pocket and you get all the news the government wants you to hear?

"If". Fox uses deceptive propaganda that plays on fear and paranoia, spreads confusion and falsehoods, exploits our divisions, and pits us against each other.

Yet to see? "CIA security officers in a Benghazi post responded within 25 minutes to a call for help from a nearby State Department compound after it came under attack Sept. 11, officials said Thursday, seeking to refute a Fox News report asserting that CIA managers ordered them to stay put."

U.S. says CIA responded within 25 minutes to Benghazi attack - Los Angeles Times

After the USS Cole was bombed, how long did it take the DoD to finish it's investigation of the matter.

It is dispicable trying to turn an deadly attack on Americans into non-truthful campaign propaganda. Mitt (aka Mr. Sketch) is unfit for the Presidency, just as Fox is unfit for broadcasting news.
Patricia Smith, who voted for Obama in 2008 at the insistence of her son, said reporting by Fox News is the basis for much of her belief that Obama is ultimately responsible for her son’s death.

Turn off Fox
It's bad News for America.

If FOX is reporting the truth, and as yet, I've not seen anyone officially disputing what FOX has put out, then why would anyone even consider turning off FOX news? Are you saying that the truth is bad news for America? Consider that if left to the other networks, we would all believe that what happened in Benghazi was the result of a mob gone bad and had been completely unforeseeable. Do you want to live in a country where the government has the press in it's pocket and you get all the news the government wants you to hear?

"If". Fox uses deceptive propaganda that plays on fear and paranoia, spreads confusion and falsehoods, exploits our divisions, and pits us against each other.

Yet to see? "CIA security officers in a Benghazi post responded within 25 minutes to a call for help from a nearby State Department compound after it came under attack Sept. 11, officials said Thursday, seeking to refute a Fox News report asserting that CIA managers ordered them to stay put."

U.S. says CIA responded within 25 minutes to Benghazi attack - Los Angeles Times

After the USS Cole was bombed, how long did it take the DoD to finish it's investigation of the matter.

It is dispicable trying to turn an deadly attack on Americans into non-truthful campaign propaganda. Mitt (aka Mr. Sketch) is unfit for the Presidency, just as Fox is unfit for broadcasting news.

You feel no reason to trust FOX. I feel no reason to trust the LA Times. The Whitehouse should release the paper trail. This incident SHOULD be political in that it speaks to Obama's foreign policy.
Benghazi Gates Part 2, What happened to Ambassador Stevens?​

YouTube ^
By: Dave Mellon

I am still recovering from the election but I feel a deep commitment to getting the true story of what happened at Benghazi out to the public. I originally posted this article at 12:49 AM PST yesterday morning and that was a mistake. So I hope it is okay to repost it tonight at a more decent hour.

This is a draft version. It is brief, 5 min 05 seconds, because I realized after posting Part 1 (14 mins+) that it is too much to ask my fellow Freepers to watch a long video with no knowledge of who I am (a newbie). I will do a substantial update to both videos as soon as I recover from sleep deprivation (working on the videos) and acute depression/anxiety (election night loss syndrome). I know I need better scripts and a narrator with a clear voice (not me). I added some facts by typing them right on to the video stills and photos.

The Benghazi Gates Part 1, A Two Pronged Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Libya
Video Link:
[ame=]The Benghazi Gates Part 1, A Two Pronged Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Libya - YouTube[/ame]

Benghazi Gates Part 2, What Happened to Ambassador Stevens?
Video Link:
[ame=]Benghazi Gates Part 2, What Happened to Ambassador Stevens? - YouTube[/ame]

Remember Benghazi
Video Link:
[ame=]Remember Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]
After Obama Re-elected Benghazi Investigation Suddenly Picks Up Steam​

By: Curt


The House Foreign Affairs Committee has scheduled an open hearing for next Thursday on the Libya terror attack and has invited Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to testify, Fox News has learned.

The committee joins two others planning to hold hearings, albeit closed ones, that day.

…The House Intelligence Committee will hold its closed hearing on the attack on Nov. 15, Fox News has learned. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, CIA Director David Petraeus and Matt Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, are expected to testify.

The Senate Intelligence Committee plans to meet the same day to discuss the Libya attack — that hearing will also be closed to the public.

Before Obama won we heard nothing. Not from the media, not from Obama.

Now…they wanna talk.

Oh, but wait.

Benghazi documents available to senators only when they are out of town

Under pressure from senators, the State Department is allowing some lawmakers to look at cables and other documents related to the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, but only today and tomorrow, when most senators are not in Washington.

read more:
After Obama Re-elected Benghazi Investigation Suddenly Picks Up Steam | Flopping Aces

Hmm..?? I wonder, does this mean Gen. Petraeus now able to speak out about Benghazi?[/I]
What does it say about you that you just learned about the hearing today?

Jesus, you rubes are easy.

Why don't you look and see who the chairman of the House committee holding the hearing is. Republican or Democrat?

After you are done smacking your head over your own stupidity, ask yourself, "Gee, you think they put the hearing off so they could, like, run for re-election back home?"

And then check the fucking recess schedule, dumbasses.
Yep. I heard about the hearings earlier.

Wonder why some are behind closed doors??

Eric Cantor || Majority Leader || House Calendar

Please note that days in session are shaded dark.

What does it say about you that you just learned about the hearing today?

Jesus, you rubes are easy.


Obviously, you missed the earlier post by me about this subject. But that's okay I understand that you'd still prefer to ding me, rather than to answer the post honestly.
Can the moderators combine all of the Ben-Gotcha threads into this one collective cesspoll of GOP angst?

What the hell is wrong with you? :eusa_sick: How can ANYBODY, no matter how far they've got their heads up Barack Obama's backside not be offended at the senseless deaths of these four Americans? They didn't have to die! They shouldn't have died.

At every step of the way, this administration REFUSED to do the right thing. There was all kinds of warning that the situation on the ground had deteriorated, but instead of putting more security in, they took some away. It was the anniversary of 9/11, but instead of having our forces at alert status, they weren't at the ready. When the attack commenced, they sent no help. And when it was over, they deflected to the ridiculous video meme.

It's been over SEVEN WEEKS. There's no excuse for the way they've continued to stonewall on what really happened in Benghazi. Clearly, they're kicking the can down the road in order to try and fool as many voters as they can ahead of this election. And frankly, American voters DESERVE full disclosure as it pertains to Barack Obama's competence. He fucked this thing up at every step of the way, and not only did four Americans pay with their lives, we've yet to see the effects on the region after having allowed a SUCCESSFUL 9/11 attack. This has emboldened our enemies and will quite likely serve to further destabilize Libya.

Nobody cares.

Let me ask you this...if there were protests outside of an embassy here, would China or Russia have your blessing to send in their troops and/or warplanes?

Who cares? I care! The families of those poor dead people care. Obama is a monster and you don't care? How typical.
It really is amazing what has been coming out since wed morning

Just another act of revenge by the Obama regime. Funny that Gen. Petraeus would resign as immediately after Obama's election. Was he forced to resign? I think so.
Panetta: DOD moved quickly on Libya consulate attack (diverted nearby unarmed drone)​

Politico ^

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the U.S. military “did everything they were in position to do” about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.

In a letter and timeline sent to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Panetta said the Sept. 11 attack on the consulate and nearby annex in Benghazi were over before U.S. forces could arrive.


As Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey has noted, “It was 9/11 everywhere in the world,” on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.

Several hundred reports had been received about threats to U.S. facilities around the world, Panetta said.


Read more:
Panetta: DOD moved quickly on Libya consulate attack - Kate Brannen and Darren Samuelsohn -
On the evening of September 11, 2012, General Carter Ham commander of AFRICOM and Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette commander of Carrier Strike Group Three (CSG-3) currently located in the Middle East were both mysteriously and immediately relieved of duty.
Who ordered that they be relieved of duty at such a crucial time, especially when there was an attack on the Benghazi Consulate and annex that caused the lives of 4 men and jeapordized the lives of more than thirty others.

Shouldn't these people also be questioned at these Committee investigative meetings?

Admiral & Africom General Fired. Petraeus Resigns..... Nothing To See Here! - PredatorMasters Forums

Read more:
On the evening of September 11, 2012, General Carter Ham commander of AFRICOM and Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette commander of Carrier Strike Group Three (CSG-3) currently located in the Middle East were both mysteriously and immediately relieved of duty.
Who ordered that they be relieved of duty at such a crucial time, especially when there was an attack on the Benghazi Consulate and annex that caused the lives of 4 men and jeapordized the lives of more than thirty others.

Shouldn't these people also be questioned at these Committee investigative meetings?

Admiral & Africom General Fired. Petraeus Resigns..... Nothing To See Here! - PredatorMasters Forums

Read more:

Except: "General Ham is not getting fired nor is he in any trouble for the accusation of disobeying a lawful order."

General Carter Ham Fired for Ignoring Stand Down Order- Fiction!

More cries of Wolfe.

Turn off Fox.
It's Bad News for America.

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