Breaking News Benghazi

Guys, out of 100 or smore embassies we are bound to have across the world today how many do you think "can not be stormed"?

How about in 2001, 1991 or 1981?

This is a non issue being pumped by either stupid Romney supporters who do not understand any real reasons to vote for him or being pumped by Obama who would rather not debate the debt. Maybe both.

So yeah, Obama knows a bunch of angry armed folks got together and did something bad to us. What kind of word games can we play with what it needs to be called?

You have to be kidding me.

This was an AQ hit. You know......AQ is dead GM is alive.....

This was freaking AQ and it took the Libyan President to tell us all the truth. How crazy is that?

The whole O Administration was out lying their asses off blaming a video and it took the Libyan President to tell the truth.
Tell me that most of you do realize that the leader of the attack had been released from Gitmo to Ghaddafi who promised he would never ever let this man out of jail?

Please tell me most of you know truth? This was an AQ hit. Obama couldn't have it. They've been running on Obama killed Osama and took out AQ.
Tell me that most of you do realize that the leader of the attack had been released from Gitmo to Ghaddafi who promised he would never ever let this man out of jail?
Please tell me most of you know truth? This was an AQ hit. Obama couldn't have it. They've been running on Obama killed Osama and took out AQ.

Um...I don't think Ghaddafi was in a position to keep his promise here. Just sayin'
Something else to think about. We are constantly sending armed drones into Pakistani air space and hitting targets with the Pakistan goverment protesting but we still do it. We sent a Seal team in with stealth aircraft so they would not be alerted and they protested but we still did it and this is a country with nuclear weapons. So what was so important we could not risk it in Libya with a questionable government?
Something else to think about. We are constantly sending armed drones into Pakistani air space and hitting targets with the Pakistan goverment protesting but we still do it. We sent a Seal team in with stealth aircraft so they would not be alerted and they protested but we still did it and this is a country with nuclear weapons. So what was so important we could not risk it in Libya with a questionable government?

The take out of the ME and should be the US, Obama & Co should not be trusted. Not with a penny.
Do you think that maybe we can get a few answers on November 7, 2012?

Perspective: A security breakdown in Benghazi
Posted: November 4, 2012 - 3:25pm

The Pentagon and CIA accounts describe a reaction to the attack that, while inadequate, was the best that could be mustered. Even if so, that leaves the question of why the various agencies were not better prepared for such an emergency, given the clear warnings. Did the Obama administration’s political preoccupation with maintaining a light footprint in Libya lead to an ill-considered reliance on local militias, rather than on U.S. forces? Given the region’s instability, why were no military rapid-reaction assets — such as Special Forces or armed drones — within reach of Northern Africa?

While the agencies separately defend themselves — or not — the White House appears determined to put off any serious discussion of Benghazi until after the election. Sooner or later, however, the administration must answer questions about what increasingly looks like a major security failure — and about the policies that led to it.
Perspective: A security breakdown in Benghazi |
Tell me that most of you do realize that the leader of the attack had been released from Gitmo to Ghaddafi who promised he would never ever let this man out of jail?

Please tell me most of you know truth? This was an AQ hit. Obama couldn't have it. They've been running on Obama killed Osama and took out AQ.

If I recall the news stories, Gadaffi had been keeping about 600 Al Qaeda linked prisoners. Makes you wonder why Obama and Hillary didn't realize that Libya was a dangerous place for an unarmed consulate office.
Looks like Vel wants to spew his Fox News talking point lies all over this thread...

Thus he shall wallow in the thread filled with his own... discharge?

I haven't heard Obama dispute anything that FOX News has reported. You can tell he doesn't like having it reported but he still hasn't disputed it. I think if he could, he would.
Looks like Vel wants to spew his Fox News talking point lies all over this thread...

Thus he shall wallow in the thread filled with his own... discharge?

I haven't heard Obama dispute anything that FOX News has reported. You can tell he doesn't like having it reported but he still hasn't disputed it. I think if he could, he would.

He is avoiding real reporters anyway.. He is a freeking coward.
Tell me that most of you do realize that the leader of the attack had been released from Gitmo to Ghaddafi who promised he would never ever let this man out of jail?

Please tell me most of you know truth? This was an AQ hit. Obama couldn't have it. They've been running on Obama killed Osama and took out AQ.

If I recall the news stories, Gadaffi had been keeping about 600 Al Qaeda linked prisoners. Makes you wonder why Obama and Hillary didn't realize that Libya was a dangerous place for an unarmed consulate office.

Eastern Libya gave root to more non native AQ in Iraq/Afghanistan than any other Arab country....
Tell me that most of you do realize that the leader of the attack had been released from Gitmo to Ghaddafi who promised he would never ever let this man out of jail?
Please tell me most of you know truth? This was an AQ hit. Obama couldn't have it. They've been running on Obama killed Osama and took out AQ.

Um...I don't think Ghaddafi was in a position to keep his promise here. Just sayin'

We have no happy here Bod. I'm glad I found your post.

The big G let this bastard out on his "anniversary". He blew it then. I'll give you more. Do you want it? The leader of this attack was a former Gitmo prisoner.

I just want to make it thru this election. Then we can really talk shit. Let's see how life goes.
Tell me that most of you do realize that the leader of the attack had been released from Gitmo to Ghaddafi who promised he would never ever let this man out of jail?

Please tell me most of you know truth? This was an AQ hit. Obama couldn't have it. They've been running on Obama killed Osama and took out AQ.

If I recall the news stories, Gadaffi had been keeping about 600 Al Qaeda linked prisoners. Makes you wonder why Obama and Hillary didn't realize that Libya was a dangerous place for an unarmed consulate office.

Eastern Libya gave root to more non native AQ in Iraq/Afghanistan than any other Arab country....

I'm hitting the "are you fucking kidding me point"

It's the video. It must be the video that angered them.

Not that we just killed AQ #2 with a drone and we smeared it on ourselves. Biden and Obama out there going "we killed AQ"
Guys, out of 100 or smore embassies we are bound to have across the world today how many do you think "can not be stormed"?

How about in 2001, 1991 or 1981?

This is a non issue being pumped by either stupid Romney supporters who do not understand any real reasons to vote for him or being pumped by Obama who would rather not debate the debt. Maybe both.

So yeah, Obama knows a bunch of angry armed folks got together and did something bad to us. What kind of word games can we play with what it needs to be called?

You have to be kidding me.

This was an AQ hit. You know......AQ is dead GM is alive.....

This was freaking AQ and it took the Libyan President to tell us all the truth. How crazy is that?

The whole O Administration was out lying their asses off blaming a video and it took the Libyan President to tell the truth.

It's not that our embassy was attacked, it's the reaction to the attack that is disgusting. Our elected officials watched the attack in real time with the resources to put an end to it and save the lives of those in the embassy, and they didn't have the courage or desire to help. A c130 gunship was on scene and could not get an order to fire. There is nothing honorable about the Obama administration and they deserve nothing but to live in dishonor the rest of their miserable lives.
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Looks like Vel wants to spew his Fox News talking point lies all over this thread...

Thus he shall wallow in the thread filled with his own... discharge?

I haven't heard Obama dispute anything that FOX News has reported. You can tell he doesn't like having it reported but he still hasn't disputed it. I think if he could, he would.

He is avoiding real reporters anyway.. He is a freeking coward. tell us some things you've done that make you....ahem...."brave".
This article raises interesting points.
Cynicism Confirmed
By Bing West
November 3, 2012 5:59 P.M. Comments13
The following is a lead story about Benghazi from the Washington Post on November 2:

U.S. intelligence officials said they decided to offer a detailed account of the CIA’s role to rebut media reports that have suggested that agency leaders delayed sending help. . . . The decision to give a comprehensive account of the attack five days before the election is likely to be regarded with suspicion, particularly among Republicans who have accused the Obama administration of misleading the public.

Suspicion? The accurate word is confirmation.

Identical stories appeared in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. The Times explained that, “The account, given by the senior officials who did not want to be identified, provided the most detailed description to date of the C.I.A.’s role.”

The intent is to cause the press and the public to lose interest in a story that seems exhaustively repetitive, while the key issues are never addressed:

1. Why did the State Department ignore repeated warnings that security at Benghazi was deficient?

2. Did operations centers in Washington receive or monitor requests for help during the attack on 9/11/12?

3. Did the president direct the military to use all means to save American lives?

4. If authorized to enter Libyan territory, why did the military not send a fighter aircraft overhead to frighten what the White House claimed was a mob? Why did the military not send an ad hoc rescue force from Sigonella Navy Base, while the CIA was sending six men as the rescue force from Tripoli, about equal distance from Benghazi? Is the U.S. military too rigid to do anything helpful during a seven-hour battle?

5. Why did the White House persist for weeks in spinning a false story about a mob enraged by a YouTube video, when no intelligence supported the story? Who gave our ambassador to the U.N. her “talking points” that emphasized the video? Our intelligence community says it did not come from intelligence agencies.

Cynicism Confirmed - By Bing West - The Corner - National Review Online
Guys, out of 100 or smore embassies we are bound to have across the world today how many do you think "can not be stormed"?

How about in 2001, 1991 or 1981?

This is a non issue being pumped by either stupid Romney supporters who do not understand any real reasons to vote for him or being pumped by Obama who would rather not debate the debt. Maybe both.

So yeah, Obama knows a bunch of angry armed folks got together and did something bad to us. What kind of word games can we play with what it needs to be called?

You have to be kidding me.

This was an AQ hit. You know......AQ is dead GM is alive.....

This was freaking AQ and it took the Libyan President to tell us all the truth. How crazy is that?

The whole O Administration was out lying their asses off blaming a video and it took the Libyan President to tell the truth.

It's not that our embassy was attacked, it's the reaction to the attack that is disgusting. Our elected officials watched the attack in real time with the resources to put an end to it and save the lives of those in the embassy, and they didn't have the courage or desire to help. A c130 gunship was on scene and could not get an order to fire. There is nothing honorable about the Obama administration and they deserve nothing but to live in dishonor the rest of their miserable lives.

Good post and I agree 100%.

Those fucking arm chair quarterbacks sat safe on their asses in DC and if they did watch it in real time they watched 3 very brave men fight a 7 hour gunbattle for their lives.

I never had any feeling about Barry one way or the other but this incident puts me in the disgusted to the max category.

How a sitting US POTUS could stand by and watch three men die when all he had to do was say, "Go get em." is beyond me.

From what I've been reading they had several teams on stand by who were told to stand down. We also have a General Hamm who was prepared to ignore that order and he was promptly relieved of his command.

Apparantly Barry was to busy getting ready to fly to Vegas for another fund raiser. I guess we can see where his priorities were. They certainly weren't on three very brave men fighting for their lives.

I hope that fuck gets kicked to the curb tomorrow.
Looks like Vel wants to spew his Fox News talking point lies all over this thread...

Thus he shall wallow in the thread filled with his own... discharge?

I haven't heard Obama dispute anything that FOX News has reported. You can tell he doesn't like having it reported but he still hasn't disputed it. I think if he could, he would.

Great point. No white house spokesperson is able to contradict anyhitng reported on this, wheather it be FOX, CBS, daily beast. CBS has been gentle with the comments regarding the dispicable lack of action by the white house concerning the attack, but they are the only one of the big 3 networks attempting to do their jobs and not protect this clueless mistake in the white house.
CBS Held Damaging Obama Benghazi Tape
Fox nation ^ | 11/5/12 | Bret Baier

CBS Held Damaging Obama Benghazi Tape - 60 Minutes - Fox Nation

ANALYSIS: Two days before the election, CBS posted additional portions of a Sept. 12 "60 Minutes" interview where President Obama seems to contradict himself on the Benghazi attack. As the Benghazi investigation gets more attention and focus, CBS is once again adding to the Benghazi timeline.

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