Breaking News Benghazi

What laser capability did Benghazi team have?
By Jennifer Griffin
Published November 04, 2012

Sources who have debriefed the team that was at the CIA annex the night of the attack in Benghazi say that the CIA operators from the Global Response Staff, or GRS, were equipped with Mark 48 machine guns and had two types of laser capability. Each weapon had both a “passive” as well as a “visible” laser that could be used against the Libyan attackers.
Fox News has learned the guns were fitted with PEQ-15 lasers. The “passive” laser is not visible to the naked eye but can help team members identify hostile forces when the shooter is wearing NODS, or Night Observation Device attached to their helmet. The visible laser system places a red dot on the attacker and warns the attacker not to shoot, encouraging them to flee the scene. US troops often use the visible laser to scare children or other civilians who find themselves in the middle of combat activity. When civilians see the laser they often back off in order not to be shot.
The GRS team that was present at the CIA annex provided security for the CIA station, as they do around the world. They are highly trained in countersurveillance, close target reconnaissance and in depth reconnaissance. Enemy fighters have learned in Afghanistan and Iraq to use their cell phones to follow or intercept these “passive” lasers without having night vision or NODS.
The Annex team also had Ground Laser Designators, or GLD. This kind of laser equipment emits code and signal when there is overhead air support, unmanned aerial surveillance, drones or Spectre gunships, for instance.
A source present the night of the attack says that the GRS team that was defending the annex asked where the air support was at midnight. Former SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed 5 hours and 15 minutes later.

Read more: What laser capability did Benghazi team have? | Fox News
What the hell is wrong with you? :eusa_sick: How can ANYBODY, no matter how far they've got their heads up Barack Obama's backside not be offended at the senseless deaths of these four Americans? They didn't have to die! They shouldn't have died.

At every step of the way, this administration REFUSED to do the right thing. There was all kinds of warning that the situation on the ground had deteriorated, but instead of putting more security in, they took some away. It was the anniversary of 9/11, but instead of having our forces at alert status, they weren't at the ready. When the attack commenced, they sent no help. And when it was over, they deflected to the ridiculous video meme.

It's been over SEVEN WEEKS. There's no excuse for the way they've continued to stonewall on what really happened in Benghazi. Clearly, they're kicking the can down the road in order to try and fool as many voters as they can ahead of this election. And frankly, American voters DESERVE full disclosure as it pertains to Barack Obama's competence. He fucked this thing up at every step of the way, and not only did four Americans pay with their lives, we've yet to see the effects on the region after having allowed a SUCCESSFUL 9/11 attack. This has emboldened our enemies and will quite likely serve to further destabilize Libya.

Nobody cares.

Let me ask you this...if there were protests outside of an embassy here, would China or Russia have your blessing to send in their troops and/or warplanes?

And that's all you think it was...mere protests? You're unaware of the fact that four Americans were killed, one of them being a United States ambassador? If a Russian or Chinese embassy here within the United States were attacked and their ambassador killed, I would expect the Chinese or Russians to do what they would do if their countries were attacked, since another nation's embassy, no matter where it is located, is considered as being their soil. I would expect that they do exactly what should have been done in this instance. And, that's bringing whatever resources are available to bear, to assist those being attacked. Does that answer your question? But, see, your hypothetical is a stupid one in the first place, as I don't think anyone in their right mind would attack a Chinese or Russian embassy located here within the United States, and murder their ambassador. You're stretching. And, you're clearly clueless as to the mechanics of embassies and consulates.

In the first place, the idea would be to save their citizens so once a protests starts, it may turn violent. So prudence would suggest that they take preemptive measures; not wait until its happened. So we're talking before shots are fired here. Got it?

Alarming to know you'd invite Russian or Chinese aggression based on the actions of a few in that country. I don't know what their infantry support aircraft would be but when they start strafing and American city, its alarming to think that you guys would think, "Well, that was justified."

Yes yes.. we get it. You don't care about what happened in Benghazi. Fine.. there is no ambiguity in this thread title so since you don't care about the issue, just don't click on this thread. Some of us, however, care very much about what happened in Benghazi. Some of us can empathize and are horrified by what happened to those people. Some of us have enough imagination to realize what those folks went through. Some of us recognize that we've been lied to and that the truth of what happened is political in that it reflects on the job Obama has done regarding foreign policy. You can tell yourself and others all day long that Obama has been great on foreign policy, but the events leading up to and in Benghazi tell the real story.

It's not just me; nobody cares.:eusa_clap:

Speak for yourself bitch.

Fuck you by the way Candyass!
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Did anyone see the interview with Saxby Chambliss this morning. He was questioned as to what he and Lindsay Graham said to make the Tunisians turn over the terrorist they had in custody. What pressure did the two senators apply. Chambliss said "We just asked. They complied immediately. No one had asked before."
Nobody cares.

Let me ask you this...if there were protests outside of an embassy here, would China or Russia have your blessing to send in their troops and/or warplanes?

And that's all you think it was...mere protests? You're unaware of the fact that four Americans were killed, one of them being a United States ambassador? If a Russian or Chinese embassy here within the United States were attacked and their ambassador killed, I would expect the Chinese or Russians to do what they would do if their countries were attacked, since another nation's embassy, no matter where it is located, is considered as being their soil. I would expect that they do exactly what should have been done in this instance. And, that's bringing whatever resources are available to bear, to assist those being attacked. Does that answer your question? But, see, your hypothetical is a stupid one in the first place, as I don't think anyone in their right mind would attack a Chinese or Russian embassy located here within the United States, and murder their ambassador. You're stretching. And, you're clearly clueless as to the mechanics of embassies and consulates.

In the first place, the idea would be to save their citizens so once a protests starts, it may turn violent. So prudence would suggest that they take preemptive measures; not wait until its happened. So we're talking before shots are fired here. Got it?

Alarming to know you'd invite Russian or Chinese aggression based on the actions of a few in that country. I don't know what their infantry support aircraft would be but when they start strafing and American city, its alarming to think that you guys would think, "Well, that was justified."

You really are a dumbass who refuses to educate herself on what happened there.
Our people were attacked on what is internationally considered sovereign American soil & by an organized group of terrorists.
So far we have been lied to by our leaders to cover up their own actions

I am appalled by you and many others apathy.
Frankly you liberal assholes disgust me!
Did anyone see the interview with Saxby Chambliss this morning. He was questioned as to what he and Lindsay Graham said to make the Tunisians turn over the terrorist they had in custody. What pressure did the two senators apply. Chambliss said "We just asked. They complied immediately. No one had asked before."

I heard him say that a couple nights ago.

We needed some "quality" time with the terrorist.
Nobody cares.

Let me ask you this...if there were protests outside of an embassy here, would China or Russia have your blessing to send in their troops and/or warplanes?

And that's all you think it was...mere protests? You're unaware of the fact that four Americans were killed, one of them being a United States ambassador? If a Russian or Chinese embassy here within the United States were attacked and their ambassador killed, I would expect the Chinese or Russians to do what they would do if their countries were attacked, since another nation's embassy, no matter where it is located, is considered as being their soil. I would expect that they do exactly what should have been done in this instance. And, that's bringing whatever resources are available to bear, to assist those being attacked. Does that answer your question? But, see, your hypothetical is a stupid one in the first place, as I don't think anyone in their right mind would attack a Chinese or Russian embassy located here within the United States, and murder their ambassador. You're stretching. And, you're clearly clueless as to the mechanics of embassies and consulates.

In the first place, the idea would be to save their citizens so once a protests starts, it may turn violent. So prudence would suggest that they take preemptive measures; not wait until its happened. So we're talking before shots are fired here. Got it?

Alarming to know you'd invite Russian or Chinese aggression based on the actions of a few in that country. I don't know what their infantry support aircraft would be but when they start strafing and American city, its alarming to think that you guys would think, "Well, that was justified."

if our country were in the chaos and war that Libya is still, yeah, I would assume they probably would. I would pray we never would let things get to that here. Comparing the two situations is like comparing ice cream to fire.
Guys, out of 100 or smore embassies we are bound to have across the world today how many do you think "can not be stormed"?

How about in 2001, 1991 or 1981?

This is a non issue being pumped by either stupid Romney supporters who do not understand any real reasons to vote for him or being pumped by Obama who would rather not debate the debt. Maybe both.

So yeah, Obama knows a bunch of angry armed folks got together and did something bad to us. What kind of word games can we play with what it needs to be called?
Yeah, Right. FOXNEWS beg to differ. FOXNEWS has been leading this propaganda attack to discredit Obama and it is simple not working. No one really cares about four americans killed in Benghaze when almost 10,000 americans killed in afghanistan and iraq and they don't care?
And that's all you think it was...mere protests? You're unaware of the fact that four Americans were killed, one of them being a United States ambassador? If a Russian or Chinese embassy here within the United States were attacked and their ambassador killed, I would expect the Chinese or Russians to do what they would do if their countries were attacked, since another nation's embassy, no matter where it is located, is considered as being their soil. I would expect that they do exactly what should have been done in this instance. And, that's bringing whatever resources are available to bear, to assist those being attacked. Does that answer your question? But, see, your hypothetical is a stupid one in the first place, as I don't think anyone in their right mind would attack a Chinese or Russian embassy located here within the United States, and murder their ambassador. You're stretching. And, you're clearly clueless as to the mechanics of embassies and consulates.

In the first place, the idea would be to save their citizens so once a protests starts, it may turn violent. So prudence would suggest that they take preemptive measures; not wait until its happened. So we're talking before shots are fired here. Got it?

Alarming to know you'd invite Russian or Chinese aggression based on the actions of a few in that country. I don't know what their infantry support aircraft would be but when they start strafing and American city, its alarming to think that you guys would think, "Well, that was justified."

You really are a dumbass who refuses to educate herself on what happened there.
Our people were attacked on what is internationally considered sovereign American soil & by an organized group of terrorists.
So far we have been lied to by our leaders to cover up their own actions

I am appalled by you and many others apathy.
Frankly you liberal assholes disgust me!

We'll just have to learn to live with your disgust I suppose.
Yeah, Right. FOXNEWS beg to differ. FOXNEWS has been leading this propaganda attack to discredit Obama and it is simple not working. No one really cares about four americans killed in Benghaze when almost 10,000 americans killed in afghanistan and iraq and they don't care?

Thank God for FoxNews and The Blaze TV, and also Drudgereport for keeping the American public informed .
Yes yes.. we get it. You don't care about what happened in Benghazi. Fine.. there is no ambiguity in this thread title so since you don't care about the issue, just don't click on this thread. Some of us, however, care very much about what happened in Benghazi. Some of us can empathize and are horrified by what happened to those people. Some of us have enough imagination to realize what those folks went through. Some of us recognize that we've been lied to and that the truth of what happened is political in that it reflects on the job Obama has done regarding foreign policy. You can tell yourself and others all day long that Obama has been great on foreign policy, but the events leading up to and in Benghazi tell the real story.

It's not just me; nobody cares.:eusa_clap:

Speak for yourself bitch.

Fuck you by the way Candyass!

In the first place, the idea would be to save their citizens so once a protests starts, it may turn violent. So prudence would suggest that they take preemptive measures; not wait until its happened. So we're talking before shots are fired here. Got it?

Alarming to know you'd invite Russian or Chinese aggression based on the actions of a few in that country. I don't know what their infantry support aircraft would be but when they start strafing and American city, its alarming to think that you guys would think, "Well, that was justified."

You really are a dumbass who refuses to educate herself on what happened there.
Our people were attacked on what is internationally considered sovereign American soil & by an organized group of terrorists.
So far we have been lied to by our leaders to cover up their own actions

I am appalled by you and many others apathy.
Frankly you liberal assholes disgust me!

We'll just have to learn to live with your disgust I suppose.

Fuck you
And that's all you think it was...mere protests? You're unaware of the fact that four Americans were killed, one of them being a United States ambassador? If a Russian or Chinese embassy here within the United States were attacked and their ambassador killed, I would expect the Chinese or Russians to do what they would do if their countries were attacked, since another nation's embassy, no matter where it is located, is considered as being their soil. I would expect that they do exactly what should have been done in this instance. And, that's bringing whatever resources are available to bear, to assist those being attacked. Does that answer your question? But, see, your hypothetical is a stupid one in the first place, as I don't think anyone in their right mind would attack a Chinese or Russian embassy located here within the United States, and murder their ambassador. You're stretching. And, you're clearly clueless as to the mechanics of embassies and consulates.

In the first place, the idea would be to save their citizens so once a protests starts, it may turn violent. So prudence would suggest that they take preemptive measures; not wait until its happened. So we're talking before shots are fired here. Got it?

Alarming to know you'd invite Russian or Chinese aggression based on the actions of a few in that country. I don't know what their infantry support aircraft would be but when they start strafing and American city, its alarming to think that you guys would think, "Well, that was justified."

if our country were in the chaos and war that Libya is still, yeah, I would assume they probably would. I would pray we never would let things get to that here. Comparing the two situations is like comparing ice cream to fire.

And there lays the rub.

You and other conservatives love to impose American values on the rest of the world. While I think the rest of the world would do well to emulate this nation, I am aware of the fact that we can't impose those values. You guys see this as, "Well, this is the US; we're civilized and those other countries where things like "this" happen are just above savages."

We have a large amount of killings by firearms--as I recall--we're very close to the top of the table when compared to other industrialized countries. To say they are more violent than we are is a canard.

Our country, by the way, is at war.
Liberals hate FOXNews for actually reporting the facts about Obamination.

The media in their demented minds is supposed to protect the black messiah.

When unemployment isn't being fixed, the media should say "improving economic data."

When 4 Americans die in a terrorist attack, the media should say "rioters overran the compound."

When Fast and Furious kills Mexicans and Americans, the media should lie "Bush started the program."
Yeah, Right. FOXNEWS beg to differ. FOXNEWS has been leading this propaganda attack to discredit Obama and it is simple not working. No one really cares about four americans killed in Benghaze when almost 10,000 americans killed in afghanistan and iraq and they don't care?

Thank God for FoxNews and The Blaze TV, and also Drudgereport for keeping the American public informed .

The screwballs in the American public perhaps.
Yeah, go figure. We did not nuke the place the day after four Americans were killed.

I assume we have an embassy in Mexico City. If this is an issue what kind of defense team does Fox / Romney propose it gets? Dangerous place with that mafia drug cartel problem they have. What is our special response time to go bail em out if it happens? Oh and if it happens do we shell Caracus or just keep vacationing on the tourist compounds to get back at them?

This is a political non issue btw. Thank goodness for Obama we are talking about it instead of tax cuts, deregulating wall street or whatever Romney is running on.

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