Breaking News Benghazi

Wonder why they didn't move this one to the Middle East or Conspiracy Theory forums too.

Maybe you're not sniveling loud enough, you candy-assed piece of shit!


Yes yes.. we get it. You don't care about what happened in Benghazi. Fine.. there is no ambiguity in this thread title so since you don't care about the issue, just don't click on this thread. Some of us, however, care very much about what happened in Benghazi. Some of us can empathize and are horrified by what happened to those people. Some of us have enough imagination to realize what those folks went through. Some of us recognize that we've been lied to and that the truth of what happened is political in that it reflects on the job Obama has done regarding foreign policy. You can tell yourself and others all day long that Obama has been great on foreign policy, but the events leading up to and in Benghazi tell the real story.

It's not just me; nobody cares.:eusa_clap:

Continue wishing that if you will. Drip..drip..drip.. :eusa_whistle:
There's A Reason Why All Of The Reports About Benghazi Are So Confusing
Michael Kelley | Nov. 3, 2012, 10:28 PM |

At this point it's clear that the US had something to hide at Benghazi, and that's why reports coming out of the Libyan city have been so confusing.
Two key details about the the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans provide cannot be underestimated.
"The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation," officials briefed on intelligence told the Wall Street Journal, and there's evidence that U.S. agents—particularly murdered U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens—were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to Syrian rebels.
WSJ reports that the State Department presence in Benghazi "provided diplomatic cover" for the previously hidden CIA mission, which involved finding and repurchasing heavy weaponry looted from Libyan government arsenals. These weapons are presumably from Muammar Gaddafi's stock of about 20,000 portable heat-seeking missiles, the bulk of which were SA-7 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles.

What's odd is that a Libyan ship—which reportedly weighed 400 tons and included SA-7s—docked in southern Turkey on Sept. 6 and its cargo ended up in hands of Syrian rebels. The man that organized that shipment, Tripoli Military Council head Abdelhakim Belhadj, worked directly with Stevens during the Libyan revolution.

Read more: There's A Reason Why All Of The Reports About Benghazi Are So Confusing - Business Insider
Faux logic:

Why won't they talk about it? Why won't the release information! It's a cover up!
Oh, now you've released information! I don't believe your information! It's a cover up!

Fucking nutjobs.
Faux logic:

Why won't they talk about it? Why won't the release information! It's a cover up!
Oh, now you've released information! I don't believe your information! It's a cover up!

Fucking nutjobs.

It's just like the 9/11 conspiracy twoofers....Dylan Avery should do a film about Ben Gotcha too.

Yes yes.. we get it. You don't care about what happened in Benghazi. Fine.. there is no ambiguity in this thread title so since you don't care about the issue, just don't click on this thread. Some of us, however, care very much about what happened in Benghazi. Some of us can empathize and are horrified by what happened to those people. Some of us have enough imagination to realize what those folks went through. Some of us recognize that we've been lied to and that the truth of what happened is political in that it reflects on the job Obama has done regarding foreign policy. You can tell yourself and others all day long that Obama has been great on foreign policy, but the events leading up to and in Benghazi tell the real story.

It's not just me; nobody cares.:eusa_clap:

On the contrary, I think you're mistaken. More like, pretty much no leftists care...right?
Faux logic:

Why won't they talk about it? Why won't the release information! It's a cover up!
Oh, now you've released information! I don't believe your information! It's a cover up!

Fucking nutjobs.

I just gave you positive rep for such a wonderfully idiotic post.

You truly embody the thoughts and feelings of a true left wing troll. And that's exactly what you are.
Faux logic:

Why won't they talk about it? Why won't the release information! It's a cover up!
Oh, now you've released information! I don't believe your information! It's a cover up!

Fucking nutjobs.

It's just like the 9/11 conspiracy twoofers....Dylan Avery should do a film about Ben Gotcha too.

We get that you don't give a flying fuck about the men that died. And that you don't give a flying fuck about what happened.

We get it. Just like you probably thought everyone was a "little eichmann" and deserved to die in the towers.

We get your hate on. It's obvious.
Faux logic:

Why won't they talk about it? Why won't the release information! It's a cover up!
Oh, now you've released information! I don't believe your information! It's a cover up!

Fucking nutjobs.

I just gave you positive rep for such a wonderfully idiotic post.

You truly embody the thoughts and feelings of a true left wing troll. And that's exactly what you are.

Yes, I'm left wing. That should have been abundently clear by my lack of mouthbreathing, knuckledragging and moonshine drinking.
Ten pages of bickering and no one even mentions the CIA element. Yeah you wanna know the truth lol.
Libyan Leaks: More Secret Documents Reveal Obama’s failure in Libya

By Shoebat Foundation on November 3, 2012

Exclusive Walid Shoebat Bombshell
Barack Obama’s claim to election fame – that Al-Qaeda has been destroyed – needs a reality check, according to a group of anti-Al Qaeda Libyans in exile. “We beg to differ,” they exclaimed. “Obama gift-wrapped Libya, handed it over to Al-Qaeda, and we can prove it.”
The group stated they have come into possession of some highly classified documents that in their view, “will bring the Obama Administration down.” They were not bluffing; they provided the first installments of official classified documents which we provided in some of our previous reporting. “The rest,” they say, “will be provided when Mitt Romney is in office. His election is our only hope for humanity,” they said.
These documents include evidence of highly sophisticated weaponry provided to jihadists which leads them to doubt that any solutions will take place under what they called “The Obama regime”.
We have come into the possession of an array of records obtained from top-level sources inside the Libyan government. They include passports of Al-Qaeda operatives and identifications of terrorists from many nations—Chad, Egypt and Pakistan to name a few—which are now all camped in Libya as they enter by crossing borders guarded and managed officially by what they called “government appointed Al-Qaeda leaders.”
This explains why the drafts of two letters on September 11th expressing worry that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under ‘troubling’ surveillance and that the Libyan government failed to fulfill requests for additional security. “It wasn’t failure,” these pro-U.S. agents said, “but the Libyan government’s mafia-like system, subordinate to Al-Qaeda and installed with the blessings of the Obama administration that is responsible for the deaths of Americans in Benghazi,” they said.

The wealth of intelligence includes countless documents, which we will soon turn over to the National Center For Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism. They show evidence of bribes [see image to above] by the government to top-officials, weapons dealing, and bank siphoning by al-Qaeda operatives, to include copies of bank transactions that illustrate the subordination of the newly established Libyan government to Al-Qaeda. These included Bin Laden’s personal driver Sufyan Gammou and Abdul Wahhab Hassan Qayed, the brother of the recently assassinated Abu Yahya al-Libi. Qayed was officially put in charge of Libyan border control. This arrangement is responsible for the passage of large amounts of Al-Qaeda operatives into Libya.

In one classified document (see image to above) it stated that, “…it was commissioned that Fadlallah Haran Musa is to head the centers of the National Security Fares in Barqa [east of Libya] and to also commission Khalid Atiyeh to be his assistant.” These two, according to our sources, are “Islamist operatives connected to Al-Qaeda.”
Sufyan Gammu of Ansar Al-Sharia in Darnah (white cap and long beard) is one of the most wanted men from Al-Qaeda. He used to be the special driver for Usama Bin Laden and is now roaming free in Libya, protected by the government.

Salem Al-Barrani Dirbi of Al-Qaeda is now the leader of Abu Salim Martyrs Brigade, which was kept in check by the previous regime, spoke openly in this video (wearing blue), telling his story about how he is now free from the previous regime after having lived in hiding in the mountains since 1996; he boasts about living freely in Benghazi today.
Also noteworthy is Abdul Baset Azzouz. Known for his vicious and cunning abilities, he was the first adviser to Ayman Al-Zawahiri and became the leader of Al-Qaeda in Darnah, Libya. He can be seen in this video, giving his testimony from Libya (wearing yellow). Azzouz can even be seen recruiting entire communities in Libya to join the jihadists.

Then you have Abdul Hakim Al-Hassadi (below), member of the Jama’at Islamiyeh fighting forces in Libya, who left in 1995 out of fear of the previous Gaddafi regime. He fled to Afghanistan where he stayed until he returned in 2011, with the blessings of the Obama administration and NATO forces.

Al-Hassadi was accompanied by Muftah Al-Dawadi (below), who was an inmate in Abu Salim for his membership in Al-Qaeda after carrying out terrorist operations in Sibrata; he has now become the main conduit to facilitate the production of false travel documents for terrorists.

Perhaps most troubling is Abdul Wahhab Hassan Qayed, the brother of Abu Bakr Hassan Qayed (aka Abu Yahya al-Libi), the number 2 man in Al-Qaeda who was killed by U.S. drones. In the photo to the below/ left, Wahhab is seen to the below/right and his now deceased brother to the left. Abdul Wahhab now works in the Libyan Interior Ministry in charge of Border Control and Strategic Institutions in Libya.

Read the rest here.

One of the most troubling aspects of this situation is that Washington, knowing full well that they had assassinated AQ#2 (Libyan)via a drone hit still tried to pawn off Benghazi as a "protest gone wrong".

Hells bells AQ#1 called for a revenge attack over his assassination.

Who the hell would buy into that shit? But then all one has to do is spend a day at the USMB reading lib posts about Benghazi and you begin to understand what mindless lemmings are on the left.

Normally intelligent individuals continually shilling for their Master.
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Ten pages of bickering and no one even mentions the CIA element. Yeah you wanna know the truth lol.

Well I'm just back in. I always thought that the attack was for two reasons.

Revenge for the drone attack on AQ #2 who was a Libyan but also to deal a blow to the CIA operation that has been just talked about as an "annex".

It was not an "annex" it was a true CIA operative site. They were based there to attempt to rid Libya of all of Ghaddafi's WMD's.

I believe it was Glen that actually did an interview with ABC before leaving on this latest mission to Libya.

I'll try to get a link to that interview again.

So I always thought that the Ambassador's death was just considered a bonus for AQ. And that the real goal was to destroy any intelligence that the CIA had gathered regarding all of the WMD's.
I expect we'll see more on Benghazi in about 100 hours:

A security breakdown in Benghazi - The Washington Post

The Post’s View
A security breakdown in Benghazi

By Editorial Board,

Nov 02, 2012 11:19 PM EDT
The Washington Post Published: November 2

NEWS REPORTING about the Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, has moved from the political and mostly pointless issue of when the Obama administration had publicly acknowledged that a terrorist attack had taken place to more essential questions: Why was there a security failure at the consulate, and how did U.S. forces in Libya and outside the country respond to the emergency? The result is a host of unanswered questions.

Following a single background briefing, the State Department has mostly refused to respond to inquiries about Benghazi, citing an ongoing investigation by a review board. But considerable evidence has emerged that Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who died in the attack, and his security staff were deeply concerned about what they considered to be inadequate security. Fox Newsreported this week that a secret cable described an Aug. 15 “emergency meeting” at the consulate, at which the State Department’s regional security officer “expressed concerns with the ability to defend Post in the event of a coordinated attack due to limited manpower, security measures, weapons capabilities, host nation support and the overall size of the compound.”

Fox reported that the cable, dispatched to Washington, said the emergency meeting included a briefing about al-Qaeda training camps in the Benghazi area and Islamist militias, including those that allegedly carried out the Sept. 11 attack. In another cable on Sept. 11, hours before the attack, Mr. Stevens described “growing problems with security” in Benghazi and “growing frustration” with the local militias and police, to which the State Department had entrusted the consulate’s defense. Separately, according to a report on, Mr. Stevens may have dispatched a letter to Benghazi authorities, complaining that a policeman assigned to guard the consulate was photographing it on the morning of Sept. 11.

Fox’s aggressive reporting, though undercut by blustery and often scurrilous commentary, nevertheless seems to have prompted the CIA and Pentagon to provide reporters with their accounts of Sept. 11 — even as the State Department and the White House insist that all should await the official investigation results. From these, and a report Friday by the Wall Street Journal, it emerges that the CIA mission in Benghazi was considerably larger than the consulate and may have been partly responsible for its defense. According to the CIA account, on the night of Sept. 11 a six-member paramilitary force set out to rescue consulate personnel, arriving some 50 minutes after the attack began. Surviving Americans were evacuated to the CIA station, which itself came under attack hours later.

The Pentagon and CIA accounts describe a reaction to the attack that, while inadequate, was the best that could be mustered. Even if so, that leaves the question of why the various agencies were not better prepared for such an emergency, given the clear warnings. Did the Obama administration’s political preoccupation with maintaining a light footprint in Libya lead to an ill-considered reliance on local militias, rather than on U.S. forces? Given the region’s instability, why were no military rapid-reaction assets — such as Special Forces or armed drones — within reach of Northern Africa?

While the agencies separately defend themselves — or not — the White House appears determined to put off any serious discussion of Benghazi until after the election. Sooner or later, however, the administration must answer questions about what increasingly looks like a major security failure — and about the policies that led to it.
Faux logic:

Why won't they talk about it? Why won't the release information! It's a cover up!
Oh, now you've released information! I don't believe your information! It's a cover up!

Fucking nutjobs.

I just gave you positive rep for such a wonderfully idiotic post.

You truly embody the thoughts and feelings of a true left wing troll. And that's exactly what you are.

Yes, I'm left wing. That should have been abundently clear by my lack of mouthbreathing, knuckledragging and moonshine drinking.


I can tell you have never ever drank moonshine. Too funny. It's a trip you'll never forget and it will leave you screaming "the south will rise again".
As promised , I found it. I'm not a conspiracy nut. I see things as they are. I read the profile of Glen when Sept 11 happened and my gut reaction was that this had nothing to do with a video.

This hit had to do with the CIA base hunting down WMD. Seemed and still seems more than reasonable. And terrifying. Go to the links.

This is ABC left wing nuts.

This is one of the men Panetta let die. I look at this young man and I want justice done.


One of the Americans killed alongside Ambassador Christopher Stevens in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya Tuesday told ABC News before his death that he was working with the State Department on an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war-torn nation.

In an interview with ABC News last month, Glen Doherty, a 42-year-old former Navy SEAL who worked as a contractor with the State Department, said he personally went into the field to track down so-called MANPADS, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, and destroy them. After the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department launched a mission to round up thousands of MANPADS that may have been looted from military installations across the country. U.S. officials previously told ABC News they were concerned the MANPADS could fall into the hands of terrorists, creating a threat to commercial airliners.

READ: Nightmare in Libya: Thousands of Surface-to-Air Missiles Unaccounted For

Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL Killed in Libya, Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons - ABC News
Can the moderators combine all of the Ben-Gotcha threads into this one collective cesspoll of GOP angst?

What the hell is wrong with you? :eusa_sick: How can ANYBODY, no matter how far they've got their heads up Barack Obama's backside not be offended at the senseless deaths of these four Americans? They didn't have to die! They shouldn't have died.

At every step of the way, this administration REFUSED to do the right thing. There was all kinds of warning that the situation on the ground had deteriorated, but instead of putting more security in, they took some away. It was the anniversary of 9/11, but instead of having our forces at alert status, they weren't at the ready. When the attack commenced, they sent no help. And when it was over, they deflected to the ridiculous video meme.

It's been over SEVEN WEEKS. There's no excuse for the way they've continued to stonewall on what really happened in Benghazi. Clearly, they're kicking the can down the road in order to try and fool as many voters as they can ahead of this election. And frankly, American voters DESERVE full disclosure as it pertains to Barack Obama's competence. He fucked this thing up at every step of the way, and not only did four Americans pay with their lives, we've yet to see the effects on the region after having allowed a SUCCESSFUL 9/11 attack. This has emboldened our enemies and will quite likely serve to further destabilize Libya.

Nobody cares.

Let me ask you this...if there were protests outside of an embassy here, would China or Russia have your blessing to send in their troops and/or warplanes?

And that's all you think it was...mere protests? You're unaware of the fact that four Americans were killed, one of them being a United States ambassador? If a Russian or Chinese embassy here within the United States were attacked and their ambassador killed, I would expect the Chinese or Russians to do what they would do if their countries were attacked, since another nation's embassy, no matter where it is located, is considered as being their soil. I would expect that they do exactly what should have been done in this instance. And, that's bringing whatever resources are available to bear, to assist those being attacked. Does that answer your question? But, see, your hypothetical is a stupid one in the first place, as I don't think anyone in their right mind would attack a Chinese or Russian embassy located here within the United States, and murder their ambassador. You're stretching. And, you're clearly clueless as to the mechanics of embassies and consulates.
I served 30 fucking years in the military. But, I damn sure didn't serve one second for the nasty liberal, non-American trash that I have observed


Now I've asked my friends north and south if for one minute some one asked you to go Special Ops to attempt to back up your fellows under fire in Benghazi, would you ever have considered it "too risky"?

You see this statement by Panetta sticks in my craw. I just don't have words for this.

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