Breaking News Benghazi

Yeah, go figure. We did not nuke the place the day after four Americans were killed.

I assume we have an embassy in Mexico City. If this is an issue what kind of defense team does Fox / Romney propose it gets? Dangerous place with that mafia drug cartel problem they have. What is our special response time to go bail em out if it happens? Oh and if it happens do we shell Caracus or just keep vacationing on the tourist compounds to get back at them?

This is a political non issue btw. Thank goodness for Obama we are talking about it instead of tax cuts, deregulating wall street or whatever Romney is running on.

It should be noted that the day, week, and month after we do whatever we do; we will still have to deal with these countries we invade; Americans will still be in those countries (and a hundred others) exposed.

Oh, Caracus isn't in Mexico...and we do have US EMBASSY in Mexico.

Yeah, go figure. We did not nuke the place the day after four Americans were killed.

I assume we have an embassy in Mexico City. If this is an issue what kind of defense team does Fox / Romney propose it gets? Dangerous place with that mafia drug cartel problem they have. What is our special response time to go bail em out if it happens? Oh and if it happens do we shell Caracus or just keep vacationing on the tourist compounds to get back at them?

This is a political non issue btw. Thank goodness for Obama we are talking about it instead of tax cuts, deregulating wall street or whatever Romney is running on.
2 idiots find each other in the darkness. :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, go figure. We did not nuke the place the day after four Americans were killed.

I assume we have an embassy in Mexico City. If this is an issue what kind of defense team does Fox / Romney propose it gets? Dangerous place with that mafia drug cartel problem they have. What is our special response time to go bail em out if it happens? Oh and if it happens do we shell Caracus or just keep vacationing on the tourist compounds to get back at them?

This is a political non issue btw. Thank goodness for Obama we are talking about it instead of tax cuts, deregulating wall street or whatever Romney is running on.

It should be noted that the day, week, and month after we do whatever we do; we will still have to deal with these countries we invade; Americans will still be in those countries (and a hundred others) exposed.
Guys, out of 100 or smore embassies we are bound to have across the world today how many do you think "can not be stormed"?

How about in 2001, 1991 or 1981?

This is a non issue being pumped by either stupid Romney supporters who do not understand any real reasons to vote for him or being pumped by Obama who would rather not debate the debt. Maybe both.

So yeah, Obama knows a bunch of angry armed folks got together and did something bad to us. What kind of word games can we play with what it needs to be called?

A couple of weeks ago on a busy Saturday, I had a customer come running back into my store to tell me that her purse had been stolen and would I call the police. The police arrived and the woman told them that, no, her car hadn't been locked. In fact the window was rolled down and her purse had been in plain view on the front seat. She had left her valuables in plain sight without providing any means of security in an area that thieves can easily target. Would any of you consider this woman to be smart?
In the first place, the idea would be to save their citizens so once a protests starts, it may turn violent. So prudence would suggest that they take preemptive measures; not wait until its happened. So we're talking before shots are fired here. Got it?

Alarming to know you'd invite Russian or Chinese aggression based on the actions of a few in that country. I don't know what their infantry support aircraft would be but when they start strafing and American city, its alarming to think that you guys would think, "Well, that was justified."

if our country were in the chaos and war that Libya is still, yeah, I would assume they probably would. I would pray we never would let things get to that here. Comparing the two situations is like comparing ice cream to fire.

And there lays the rub.

You and other conservatives love to impose American values on the rest of the world. While I think the rest of the world would do well to emulate this nation, I am aware of the fact that we can't impose those values. You guys see this as, "Well, this is the US; we're civilized and those other countries where things like "this" happen are just above savages."

We have a large amount of killings by firearms--as I recall--we're very close to the top of the table when compared to other industrialized countries. To say they are more violent than we are is a canard.

Our country, by the way, is at war.

Look at this point in time we realize you are not American. I've been sort of hunting you. Going thru all of your posts.

This one is just such a great give away. You and other conservatives love to impose American values on the rest of the world. While I think the rest of the world would do well to emulate this nation, I am aware of the fact that we can't impose those values

I'm just trying to figure out where you are from. And trust me. I will nail you.
Yeah, Right. FOXNEWS beg to differ. FOXNEWS has been leading this propaganda attack to discredit Obama and it is simple not working. No one really cares about four americans killed in Benghaze when almost 10,000 americans killed in afghanistan and iraq and they don't care?

Too funny. You've lost your LilOLady personna.


What a fake asshole you are.
There's some troubling things going on here. First, the CIA gave the newsmedia a press briefing the other day but excluded Fox News. Remember when the WhiteHouse wanted to exclude Fox News from any and all WhiteHouse coverage and events, press conferences, and the AirForce One press pool and the rest of the media objected on freedom of the press grounds, so the WhiteHouse backed down? Apparently David Axelrod this far along in the election season now has his male appendage so
deeply up the rest of the media's rectums that nobody made a peep at this latest turn of events. And then there's this little blurb from my local newspaper this AM: "Benghazi Developements; Fox Reports Mission Considered Move. Fox News reported on its website that it has seen a classified cable indicating the US Mission in Benghazi, Libya, at an emergency meeting less than a month before the terrorist attack discussed suspending operations and recommended moving to the CIA annex nearby. In another development, Fox said security officials present in Libya at the time of the attack disputed a recent CIA assertion of a speedy response. The officials reported a significant lag from realization of the threat to arrival of assistance. News services to which (this paper) subscribes had not reported either stories late Saturday"
Well, the response was definitely even slower than the security officials present in Libya at that time ever could have expected. We all know that maybe the pres and the DOD were all standing transfixed like deer in the headlights in the situation room while the Ambassador was being sodomized to death, although Barry might even have been having Michelle or Kommisar Jarret reading him bedtime stories or whatever else 2.6 GPA students with lots of incompletes at Columbia do before bedtime and the media is desperately sticking to their "Three Monkleys" routine in behalf of Barry "Hear No Evil! See No Evil! Do No Evil!"
2 idiots find each other in the darkness. :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, go figure. We did not nuke the place the day after four Americans were killed.

I assume we have an embassy in Mexico City. If this is an issue what kind of defense team does Fox / Romney propose it gets? Dangerous place with that mafia drug cartel problem they have. What is our special response time to go bail em out if it happens? Oh and if it happens do we shell Caracus or just keep vacationing on the tourist compounds to get back at them?

This is a political non issue btw. Thank goodness for Obama we are talking about it instead of tax cuts, deregulating wall street or whatever Romney is running on.

It should be noted that the day, week, and month after we do whatever we do; we will still have to deal with these countries we invade; Americans will still be in those countries (and a hundred others) exposed.

I would appreciate it if you would leave your mating habits out of my discussion
if our country were in the chaos and war that Libya is still, yeah, I would assume they probably would. I would pray we never would let things get to that here. Comparing the two situations is like comparing ice cream to fire.

And there lays the rub.

You and other conservatives love to impose American values on the rest of the world. While I think the rest of the world would do well to emulate this nation, I am aware of the fact that we can't impose those values. You guys see this as, "Well, this is the US; we're civilized and those other countries where things like "this" happen are just above savages."

We have a large amount of killings by firearms--as I recall--we're very close to the top of the table when compared to other industrialized countries. To say they are more violent than we are is a canard.

Our country, by the way, is at war.

Look at this point in time we realize you are not American. I've been sort of hunting you. Going thru all of your posts.

This one is just such a great give away. You and other conservatives love to impose American values on the rest of the world. While I think the rest of the world would do well to emulate this nation, I am aware of the fact that we can't impose those values

I'm just trying to figure out where you are from. And trust me. I will nail you.

Nice to know I'm being stalked.
You really are a dumbass who refuses to educate herself on what happened there.
Our people were attacked on what is internationally considered sovereign American soil & by an organized group of terrorists.
So far we have been lied to by our leaders to cover up their own actions

I am appalled by you and many others apathy.
Frankly you liberal assholes disgust me!

We'll just have to learn to live with your disgust I suppose.

Fuck you

Soliciting sex on a political message board....not a good idea.
Yeah, Right. FOXNEWS beg to differ. FOXNEWS has been leading this propaganda attack to discredit Obama and it is simple not working. No one really cares about four americans killed in Benghaze when almost 10,000 americans killed in afghanistan and iraq and they don't care?

Thank God for FoxNews and The Blaze TV, and also Drudgereport for keeping the American public informed .

David Ignatius of the Washington Post and Sheryl Atkinson of CBS have been following the issue and have had a number of their own 'scoops' ala leaks form the CIA, State dept. and military speaking to Benghazi, but its far better for the issue to be consigned to Fox, so it can be safely ignored by folks how want to comfort themselves in their partisanship.
if our country were in the chaos and war that Libya is still, yeah, I would assume they probably would. I would pray we never would let things get to that here. Comparing the two situations is like comparing ice cream to fire.

And there lays the rub.

You and other conservatives love to impose American values on the rest of the world. While I think the rest of the world would do well to emulate this nation, I am aware of the fact that we can't impose those values. You guys see this as, "Well, this is the US; we're civilized and those other countries where things like "this" happen are just above savages."

We have a large amount of killings by firearms--as I recall--we're very close to the top of the table when compared to other industrialized countries. To say they are more violent than we are is a canard.

Our country, by the way, is at war.

Look at this point in time we realize you are not American. I've been sort of hunting you. Going thru all of your posts.

This one is just such a great give away. You and other conservatives love to impose American values on the rest of the world. While I think the rest of the world would do well to emulate this nation, I am aware of the fact that we can't impose those values

I'm just trying to figure out where you are from. And trust me. I will nail you.

Very very creepy.
Faux logic:

Why won't they talk about it? Why won't the release information! It's a cover up!
Oh, now you've released information! I don't believe your information! It's a cover up!

Fucking nutjobs.

I just gave you positive rep for such a wonderfully idiotic post.

You truly embody the thoughts and feelings of a true left wing troll. And that's exactly what you are.

Yes, I'm left wing. That should have been abundently clear by my lack of mouthbreathing, knuckledragging and moonshine drinking.

Also your lack of care for those who died, your denigration of those who do, and your blind following of the leftwing propaganda. What a good little nazi you would make...they didn't believe any of the cons either and look where that got them.
Looks like Vel wants to spew his Fox News talking point lies all over this thread...

Thus he shall wallow in the thread filled with his own... discharge?
Looks like the fucking liars at Fox News have been exposed for what they really are... FUCKING LIARS! :eusa_clap:

New Benghazi Account Bolsters CIA - Yahoo! News

"There were no orders to anybody to stand down in providing support," said the official. The official's comments appeared to be a direct rebuttal of a Fox News report that CIA teams on the ground had been told by superior officers to "stand down" from providing security support to the consulate.

It was a good thing. Petraeus told the truth and Obama can't blame him.

The military has a Chain Of Command. There is always a signed order that tells the military what to do. Where is the freaking order? The actual order will tell us who gave it. Congress must demand to see it.
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