Breaking News Benghazi

So there was a circling aircraft with gatling guns and automatic cannons, capable of decisively stopping the attack within minutes if not seconds. But they could not get permission from the White House Residence to do so.

There is no more basic principle to the American fighting man that you don't abandon your buddies man in combat. For a commander to order troops to "stand down" and not go to the aid of others under attack, is beyond outrage!

What Barack Obama has done is beyond criminal. It's time he be impeached for his criminal involvement in "Fast & Furious" and this Benghazi scandal.
It's a good thing we have an "unbiased investigation" going on:eusa_eh:


America is a seething hotbed of “Islamophobia,” filled with ignorant racist rubes who irrationally fear the benign Muslim religion, according to the Obama administration’s lead investigator into the Benghazi atrocities.

So said former Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering in more polished, diplomatic language during an Oct. 23 panel discussion at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. The talk was on “what role the faith community can play in fighting Islamophobia,” a make-believe mental illness that Islamists would love to have listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Radical Islam’s stateside defenders frequently accuse anti-terrorism hawks of “McCarthyism,” hurling the epithet “Islamophobe” the same way American leftists use the word “racist” to shut down debate.

Pickering’s pontifications came two and a half weeks after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton named him to head a State Department “Accountability Review Board” tasked with examining the circumstances surrounding the deaths on Sept. 11, 2012, the 11th anniversary of 9/11, of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, information management officer Sean Smith, and security personnel Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods at the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya

Benghazi Investigator Slams America and ‘Islamophobes’

WOW, this is truely an example of the naivity and complacency of the mindless
Looks like the fucking liars at Fox News have been exposed for what they really are... FUCKING LIARS! :eusa_clap:

"There were no orders to anybody to stand down in providing support," said the official. The official's comments appeared to be a direct rebuttal of a Fox News report that CIA teams on the ground had been told by superior officers to "stand down" from providing security support to the consulate.

Don't you mean, the alleged liars at FOX NEWS have been exposed by the liars who are covering Olamer's ass? Of course a CIA report, an agency which works at the direction of the chump-in-chief, would proclaim no orders were given to anybody to stand down. (rolling eyes)
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time to stop this Obamination (killing/destruction of the youngest breed/ race of Americans, the Babies... (3 times vote of this man for partial-birth-abortion), rejection of talks with the Prime Minister of Israel several times, crippling & destruction of the economy of the US and worldwide, destruction of the moral and biblical foundations of America (cancelling the day of prayer while celebrating Ramadan in the white house..., & the other time of the year wearing a ring with "Allah u akhbar" (the moon-God Allah is greater... than who? (greater than Jesus & His father??) being engraved) & denouncing in his Homeland-Security-Papers people, who made the US great as terrorists (bible-believing Christians, 2nd amendment-groups & Veterans(!)) & then insulting candidate Romney, calling him a a "bullshitter" etc.; oh Bummer, this primitivity has got 2 stop...
It is sickening how quite the media is on this lack of leadership from our President...

They are quiet....except for Fox. They are quiet because they cheered and had parades for Obama when he was the least vetted candidate in history...but he was a smoothy and they loved it...supporting the first black candidate for President was just so cool and tingly...sent chills up and down the legs of grown men...

They can't just up and say something really bad about him...puts a bad light on their previous judgement!

Candy assed COWARDS!!!
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I just don't understand why they didn't pull our people out.

Classified cable shows Benghazi consulate considered suspending operations, moving in with CIA
By Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne
Published November 02, 2012
The State Department's senior representative at the consulate told those at the Aug. 15 meeting that the security situation was "trending negatively" and reported "this daily pattern of violence would be the 'new normal' for the foreseeable future, particularly given the minimal capabilities" of the Libyan security forces.
With no apparent reason to believe conditions would improve, the cable notified the office of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the "Emergency Action Committee" was updating "Post's tripwires in light of the deteriorating security situation ... to include a 'suspension of operations' section."
The term "tripwire" refers to lines in the sand which, if crossed, cover personnel levels, security measures, and in this case, the extreme step of suspending operations.
The cable marked "SECRET" also said, of the possibility of moving the consulate operations: "Mission personnel could co-locate to the Annex (CIA outpost) if the security environment degraded suddenly. ... (There was agreement) to formal weekly meetings to discuss the security environment. ... In the longer term, we believe formal collocation with the (Annex) will greatly improve our security situation."
The warnings reflected a grave concern among officials on the ground that the Libyan militia charged with protecting the consulate had been compromised, perhaps even infiltrated by extremists.

Read more: Exclusive: Classified cable shows Benghazi consulate considered suspending operations, moving in with CIA | Fox News
Convincing me that it would not have happened had they been relocated when they requested does not excuse the inaction and coverup of cowardice when it did happen.
So there was a circling aircraft with gatling guns and automatic cannons, capable of decisively stopping the attack within minutes if not seconds. But they could not get permission from the White House Residence to do so.

There is no more basic principle to the American fighting man that you don't abandon your buddies man in combat. For a commander to order troops to "stand down" and not go to the aid of others under attack, is beyond outrage!

What Barack Obama has done is beyond criminal. It's time he be impeached for his criminal involvement in "Fast & Furious" and this Benghazi scandal.

Wonder why they didn't move this one to the Middle East or Conspiracy Theory forums too.

Mayhaps because it isn't a "conspiracy theory". So far your folks are looking at best inept and at worst criminally negligent. So much for the most loved POTUS the world has ever seen, and the best at foreign affairs eh.

Kind of makes them look like the morons they are...and this time the MSM can't cover it up for them.
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Wonder why they didn't move this one to the Middle East or Conspiracy Theory forums too.

Mayhaps because it isn't a "conspiracy theory". So far your folks are looking at best inept and at worst criminally negligent. So much for the most loved POTUS the world has ever seen, and the best at foreign affairs eh.

Kind of makes them look like the morons they are...and this time the MSM can't cover it up for them.

The line between Ben Gotcha nutters and 9/11 twoofers gets more obscured with each passing minute. Maybe Obama planted thermite in the consulate to distract from the election? Are you guys investigating that?
Wonder why they didn't move this one to the Middle East or Conspiracy Theory forums too.

Mayhaps because it isn't a "conspiracy theory". So far your folks are looking at best inept and at worst criminally negligent. So much for the most loved POTUS the world has ever seen, and the best at foreign affairs eh.

Kind of makes them look like the morons they are...and this time the MSM can't cover it up for them.

The line between Ben Gotcha nutters and 9/11 twoofers gets more obscured with each passing minute. Maybe Obama planted thermite in the consulate to distract from the election? Are you guys investigating that?

Meaning you don't care that Bammy killed 4 americans.

We get it.
Mayhaps because it isn't a "conspiracy theory". So far your folks are looking at best inept and at worst criminally negligent. So much for the most loved POTUS the world has ever seen, and the best at foreign affairs eh.

Kind of makes them look like the morons they are...and this time the MSM can't cover it up for them.

The line between Ben Gotcha nutters and 9/11 twoofers gets more obscured with each passing minute. Maybe Obama planted thermite in the consulate to distract from the election? Are you guys investigating that?

Meaning you don't care that Bammy killed 4 americans.

We get it.

He didn't.
You shouldn't be politicizing the tragic loss of American lives.
Romney has lost; try to salvage a little integrity.


A father and a mother used the word “murder.” A brother said he won’t second-guess decisions made in the heat of battle.

The families of three Americans killed in the Sept. 11 U.S. consulate attack in Benghazi, Libya, are offering widely different reactions to recent reports that U.S. personnel issued several requests for help that were turned down.
The line between Ben Gotcha nutters and 9/11 twoofers gets more obscured with each passing minute. Maybe Obama planted thermite in the consulate to distract from the election? Are you guys investigating that?

Meaning you don't care that Bammy killed 4 americans.

We get it.

He didn't.
You shouldn't be politicizing the tragic loss of American lives.
Romney has lost; try to salvage a little integrity.

Obama personally made the decision to let 4 americans die so he could claim Al Qaeda was dead.

Next time I hope they kill someone you love Candy ;)
So there was a circling aircraft with gatling guns and automatic cannons, capable of decisively stopping the attack within minutes if not seconds. But they could not get permission from the White House Residence to do so.

There is no more basic principle to the American fighting man that you don't abandon your buddies man in combat. For a commander to order troops to "stand down" and not go to the aid of others under attack, is beyond outrage!

What Barack Obama has done is beyond criminal. It's time he be impeached for his criminal involvement in "Fast & Furious" and this Benghazi scandal.


Yes yes.. we get it. You don't care about what happened in Benghazi. Fine.. there is no ambiguity in this thread title so since you don't care about the issue, just don't click on this thread. Some of us, however, care very much about what happened in Benghazi. Some of us can empathize and are horrified by what happened to those people. Some of us have enough imagination to realize what those folks went through. Some of us recognize that we've been lied to and that the truth of what happened is political in that it reflects on the job Obama has done regarding foreign policy. You can tell yourself and others all day long that Obama has been great on foreign policy, but the events leading up to and in Benghazi tell the real story.
Meaning you don't care that Bammy killed 4 americans.

We get it.

He didn't.
You shouldn't be politicizing the tragic loss of American lives.
Romney has lost; try to salvage a little integrity.

Obama personally made the decision to let 4 americans die so he could claim Al Qaeda was dead.

Next time I hope they kill someone you love Candy ;)

Nonsense. You're simply lying at this point. In other words; nothing has changed from the last time you posted.
So there was a circling aircraft with gatling guns and automatic cannons, capable of decisively stopping the attack within minutes if not seconds. But they could not get permission from the White House Residence to do so.

There is no more basic principle to the American fighting man that you don't abandon your buddies man in combat. For a commander to order troops to "stand down" and not go to the aid of others under attack, is beyond outrage!

What Barack Obama has done is beyond criminal. It's time he be impeached for his criminal involvement in "Fast & Furious" and this Benghazi scandal.


Yes yes.. we get it. You don't care about what happened in Benghazi. Fine.. there is no ambiguity in this thread title so since you don't care about the issue, just don't click on this thread. Some of us, however, care very much about what happened in Benghazi. Some of us can empathize and are horrified by what happened to those people. Some of us have enough imagination to realize what those folks went through. Some of us recognize that we've been lied to and that the truth of what happened is political in that it reflects on the job Obama has done regarding foreign policy. You can tell yourself and others all day long that Obama has been great on foreign policy, but the events leading up to and in Benghazi tell the real story.

It's not just me; nobody cares.:eusa_clap:

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