Breaking News Benghazi

Gen. Ham contradicts Panetta on Benghazi
This comes from an interview with Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz who sits on two Homeland Security subcommittees relaying the responses from General Carter Ham heading up the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) who had direct responsibility for the situation.

General Ham told Chaffetz that the forces were available, but that no order to use them was given. Defense Secretary Panetta had claimed that the refusal to use force had come from him, General Dempsey and General Ham.

General Ham appears to have broken with that story and is taking no responsibility for the decision not to bail out the consulate and the Navy SEALS.

Gen. Ham contradicts Panetta on Benghazi | Times 247

General Ham was relieved of his duties. So was Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette when he criticized the regime.

Well you can't have uneducated military experts criticising the regime you know....where do you think we are? The USA?
Gen. Ham contradicts Panetta on Benghazi
This comes from an interview with Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz who sits on two Homeland Security subcommittees relaying the responses from General Carter Ham heading up the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) who had direct responsibility for the situation.

General Ham told Chaffetz that the forces were available, but that no order to use them was given. Defense Secretary Panetta had claimed that the refusal to use force had come from him, General Dempsey and General Ham.

General Ham appears to have broken with that story and is taking no responsibility for the decision not to bail out the consulate and the Navy SEALS.

Gen. Ham contradicts Panetta on Benghazi | Times 247

General Ham was relieved of his duties. So was Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette when he criticized the regime.

This is how rumors eventually end up being totted as fact. Where did anyone say that he was relieved for that? Or at the very least link to a story where his critique is quoted or something. Otherwise this is just baseless supposition.
Gen. Ham contradicts Panetta on Benghazi
This comes from an interview with Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz who sits on two Homeland Security subcommittees relaying the responses from General Carter Ham heading up the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) who had direct responsibility for the situation.

General Ham told Chaffetz that the forces were available, but that no order to use them was given. Defense Secretary Panetta had claimed that the refusal to use force had come from him, General Dempsey and General Ham.

General Ham appears to have broken with that story and is taking no responsibility for the decision not to bail out the consulate and the Navy SEALS.

Gen. Ham contradicts Panetta on Benghazi | Times 247

General Ham was relieved of his duties. So was Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette when he criticized the regime.

This is how rumors eventually end up being totted as fact. Where did anyone say that he was relieved for that? Or at the very least link to a story where his critique is quoted or something. Otherwise this is just baseless supposition.

Did it occur to you that there wouldn't be rumors if the Obama administration were being upfront with the American people.?
Excellent interview about the media's coverage of Benghazi.

[ame=]Fox News On Atrocious Coverage Of Benghazi By Mainstream Media - YouTube[/ame]
General Ham was relieved of his duties. So was Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette when he criticized the regime.

This is how rumors eventually end up being totted as fact. Where did anyone say that he was relieved for that? Or at the very least link to a story where his critique is quoted or something. Otherwise this is just baseless supposition.

Did it occur to you that there wouldn't be rumors if the Obama administration were being upfront with the American people.?

Most normal people realized a long time ago that people like you who say they refuse to believe anything....

you can only cry wolf so many times
This is how rumors eventually end up being totted as fact. Where did anyone say that he was relieved for that? Or at the very least link to a story where his critique is quoted or something. Otherwise this is just baseless supposition.

Did it occur to you that there wouldn't be rumors if the Obama administration were being upfront with the American people.?

Most normal people realized a long time ago that people like you who say they refuse to believe anything....

you can only cry wolf so many times

Check your sentence structure Dante. You're not making sense again. Can you please point me to the article or news clip of Obama holding a press conference and taking questions about what happened in Benghazi?
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Did it occur to you that there wouldn't be rumors if the Obama administration were being upfront with the American people.?

Most normal people realized a long time ago that people like you who say they refuse to believe anything....

you can only cry wolf so many times

Check your sentence structure Dante. You're not making sense again. Can you please point me to the article or news clip of Obama holding a press conference and taking questions about what happened in Benghazi?
two separate sentences.

one trails off....

and leads into the other.
General Ham was relieved of his duties. So was Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette when he criticized the regime.

This is how rumors eventually end up being totted as fact. Where did anyone say that he was relieved for that? Or at the very least link to a story where his critique is quoted or something. Otherwise this is just baseless supposition.

Did it occur to you that there wouldn't be rumors if the Obama administration were being upfront with the American people.?

There'd still be rumors, would him saying anything outright change the fact that Fox or anyone else can get "Unnamed sources" to cry fowl and present a competing version of the same subject? He had a spokesman say that they did not deny any request for assistance- and that's scoffed at by folks on here all the time. If he'd said it, would that change the reaction; personally I think it'd only make it worse.

There's an investigation, and if the outcome jives with the Presidents accounts... he's at least got a chance of silencing the last vehement folks since the words are coming from a separate entity. Anyone who isn't satisfied after that, by the answers in the report there- wasn't going to be fine with anything short of a total agreement with what they think happened.
Fox News: Benghazi consulate warned 3 hours before attack of militia gathering arms

Hot Air ^ | November 2, 2012 | Ed Morrissey

Remember how the White House insisted for more than a week that there was “no evidence” that the sacking of the Benghazi consulate was anything more than a spontaneous demonstration over a two-month-old YouTube video that “spun out of control”? Fox News this morning reports that cables from the consulate itself made clear that they expected an attack from local militia groups in the hours before the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. They also told the State Department that they had reason to believe their local security was gathering intel for the attack:

If this is the case, then why wasn’t the FEST team ready to intervene? Actually, as Allahpundit noted last night, the military and CIA did have their teams ready. Now it appears that the State Department, at least, had three hours’ notice of radical Islamist activity in the city “gathering weapons and gathering steam,” plus a very big warning about consulate security being compromised. Yet while the attack took place, no one gave the order for a military intervention. Even hours into the attack, the White House didn’t go any farther than order an evacuation effort at the Benghazi airport.

View Link:
[ame=]Fox News On Obama Admin Not Sending Interagency Rescue Force To Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]

This “spontaneous demonstration” story is falling apart. And it’s interesting to see how it’s falling apart, too. Earlier, the White House tried to lay off the failure on the intel community, which sparked a flurry of leaks showing that the intel community had warned of this issue and wanted to respond during the attack. This week, the White House has started to shift blame to State, and now we’re seeing these leaks showing that State knew exactly what was going on.

(Excerpt) Read more at:
Fox News: Benghazi consulate warned 3 hours before attack of militia gathering arms « Hot Air
Fox News: Benghazi consulate warned 3 hours before attack of militia gathering arms

Hot Air ^ | November 2, 2012 | Ed Morrissey

Remember how the White House insisted for more than a week that there was “no evidence” that the sacking of the Benghazi consulate was anything more than a spontaneous demonstration over a two-month-old YouTube video that “spun out of control”? Fox News this morning reports that cables from the consulate itself made clear that they expected an attack from local militia groups in the hours before the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. They also told the State Department that they had reason to believe their local security was gathering intel for the attack:

If this is the case, then why wasn’t the FEST team ready to intervene? Actually, as Allahpundit noted last night, the military and CIA did have their teams ready. Now it appears that the State Department, at least, had three hours’ notice of radical Islamist activity in the city “gathering weapons and gathering steam,” plus a very big warning about consulate security being compromised. Yet while the attack took place, no one gave the order for a military intervention. Even hours into the attack, the White House didn’t go any farther than order an evacuation effort at the Benghazi airport.

View Link:

Fox News On Obama Admin Not Sending Interagency Rescue Force To Benghazi - YouTube

This “spontaneous demonstration” story is falling apart. And it’s interesting to see how it’s falling apart, too. Earlier, the White House tried to lay off the failure on the intel community, which sparked a flurry of leaks showing that the intel community had warned of this issue and wanted to respond during the attack. This week, the White House has started to shift blame to State, and now we’re seeing these leaks showing that State knew exactly what was going on.

(Excerpt) Read more at:
Fox News: Benghazi consulate warned 3 hours before attack of militia gathering arms « Hot Air
This is how rumors eventually end up being totted as fact. Where did anyone say that he was relieved for that? Or at the very least link to a story where his critique is quoted or something. Otherwise this is just baseless supposition.

Did it occur to you that there wouldn't be rumors if the Obama administration were being upfront with the American people.?

There'd still be rumors, would him saying anything outright change the fact that Fox or anyone else can get "Unnamed sources" to cry fowl and present a competing version of the same subject? He had a spokesman say that they did not deny any request for assistance- and that's scoffed at by folks on here all the time. If he'd said it, would that change the reaction; personally I think it'd only make it worse.

There's an investigation, and if the outcome jives with the Presidents accounts... he's at least got a chance of silencing the last vehement folks since the words are coming from a separate entity. Anyone who isn't satisfied after that, by the answers in the report there- wasn't going to be fine with anything short of a total agreement with what they think happened.

So... basically the administration is going to investigate itself.... AGAIN. Gee, wonder if they'll figure out that the anniversary of 9/11 would be a pretty good time to beef up security in places where there are KNOWN enclaves of unfriendlies like... oh, I dunno.... al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia??? :rolleyes:

I can't BELIEVE you people think anybody's going to fall for that. At the bottom line, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton managed to get us hit on 9/11 again. And all due to their own incompetence and stupidity. Our Libyan ambassador is DEAD and three other Americans with him.... because of incompetence and stupidity. There's no "investigation" which can change that.
Did it occur to you that there wouldn't be rumors if the Obama administration were being upfront with the American people.?

There'd still be rumors, would him saying anything outright change the fact that Fox or anyone else can get "Unnamed sources" to cry fowl and present a competing version of the same subject? He had a spokesman say that they did not deny any request for assistance- and that's scoffed at by folks on here all the time. If he'd said it, would that change the reaction; personally I think it'd only make it worse.

There's an investigation, and if the outcome jives with the Presidents accounts... he's at least got a chance of silencing the last vehement folks since the words are coming from a separate entity. Anyone who isn't satisfied after that, by the answers in the report there- wasn't going to be fine with anything short of a total agreement with what they think happened.

So... basically the administration is going to investigate itself.... AGAIN. Gee, wonder if they'll figure out that the anniversary of 9/11 would be a pretty good time to beef up security in places where there are KNOWN enclaves of unfriendlies like... oh, I dunno.... al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia??? :rolleyes:

I can't BELIEVE you people think anybody's going to fall for that. At the bottom line, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton managed to get us hit on 9/11 again. And all due to their own incompetence and stupidity. Our Libyan ambassador is DEAD and three other Americans with him.... because of incompetence and stupidity. There's no "investigation" which can change that.

You left out the fact that there would have been another thirty souls murdered if Oblamer and Billary had their way.
This is how rumors eventually end up being totted as fact. Where did anyone say that he was relieved for that? Or at the very least link to a story where his critique is quoted or something. Otherwise this is just baseless supposition.

Did it occur to you that there wouldn't be rumors if the Obama administration were being upfront with the American people.?

There'd still be rumors, would him saying anything outright change the fact that Fox or anyone else can get "Unnamed sources" to cry fowl and present a competing version of the same subject? He had a spokesman say that they did not deny any request for assistance- and that's scoffed at by folks on here all the time. If he'd said it, would that change the reaction; personally I think it'd only make it worse.

There's an investigation, and if the outcome jives with the Presidents accounts... he's at least got a chance of silencing the last vehement folks since the words are coming from a separate entity. Anyone who isn't satisfied after that, by the answers in the report there- wasn't going to be fine with anything short of a total agreement with what they think happened.

We don't have to take anyone's word for it. There will be a paper trail on orders given. Hold a press conference and release the paper trail.
There'd still be rumors, would him saying anything outright change the fact that Fox or anyone else can get "Unnamed sources" to cry fowl and present a competing version of the same subject? He had a spokesman say that they did not deny any request for assistance- and that's scoffed at by folks on here all the time. If he'd said it, would that change the reaction; personally I think it'd only make it worse.

There's an investigation, and if the outcome jives with the Presidents accounts... he's at least got a chance of silencing the last vehement folks since the words are coming from a separate entity. Anyone who isn't satisfied after that, by the answers in the report there- wasn't going to be fine with anything short of a total agreement with what they think happened.

So... basically the administration is going to investigate itself.... AGAIN. Gee, wonder if they'll figure out that the anniversary of 9/11 would be a pretty good time to beef up security in places where there are KNOWN enclaves of unfriendlies like... oh, I dunno.... al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia??? :rolleyes:

I can't BELIEVE you people think anybody's going to fall for that. At the bottom line, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton managed to get us hit on 9/11 again. And all due to their own incompetence and stupidity. Our Libyan ambassador is DEAD and three other Americans with him.... because of incompetence and stupidity. There's no "investigation" which can change that.

You left out the fact that there would have been another thirty souls murdered if Oblamer and Billary had their way.

I also left out the fact that now that this administration has given the bad guys a taste of success, we're going to have our hands full next September 11th. :(

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