Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

Trying to dis-attach the Flynn case from the entire scheme of things is something that's an eye opener for all. We all noticed how that was being attempted with the "he lied" the end bullcrap.
You know that Flynn lied to Vice President Mike Pence.
Yeah, and Pence realizes now what was going on as evidence is being released. Your point fails.
You know that Flynn lied to VP Pence. Trump fired Flynn because he lied to Pence.
Regardless of everything that has transpired, the game is changed once evidence comes to light on the entire situation from start to finish. Forgiveness is an awesome thing, and thank God that the Lord has shown us the way to salvation, and how to give forgiveness in so that we may be forgiven as well. Forgive us Lord our trespasses, as we forgive our trespassers. Amen.
And this

In a single sentence filing to the court, Van Grack informed federal Judge Emmet Sullivan that he would be quitting the case.
/——-/ Breaking:
Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.
List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them
Unmasking is NOT illegal.

What does ‘unmasking’ someone in an intel report mean?

In 2016, Obama administration officials received intelligence reports that were concerning, but incomplete.

Surveillance of Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. revealed he had interacted with an unnamed American who may have been undercutting efforts to pressure Vladimir Putin’s government.

Using a common process known as “unmasking,” they asked intelligence agencies to reveal the American’s name. It was Michael Flynn, an adviser to President-elect Donald Trump.

There is nothing illegal about unmasking and the declassified document states that proper procedures were followed. While Trump casts unmasking as sinister, his administration has used the process more frequently than Obama’s.

where? where has the trump admin use this tactic?

Intelligence officials asked the National Security Agency to unmask the identities of Americans in surveillance-based intelligence reports 16,721 times last year — a significant rise from a year earlier, a new report revealed on Tuesday.

Uh oh.
Reason's for unmasking are not equal. Each are specific and purposed. Most are normal protocol, but what happened in the Trump situation was something all together different. It's known now, and the documents tell it.

How was it all together different?
Go do your homework.
My children wouldn't commit federal felonies. They would never be in such a position.
In the Obama "Justice" Dept, whether one had actually, you know, committed the felonies was beside the point.
In the Obama "Justice" Dept, whether one had actually, you know, committed the felonies was beside the point.

If he didn't then there was no reason for Daddy to cover for him.
again it doesn't matter with a thug administration they had limitless funds, you have to pay a lawyer who do you believe will run out of money first?
again it doesn't matter with a thug administration they had limitless funds, you have to pay a lawyer who do you believe will run out of money first?
Again. Flynn could have easily foiled the plot by being truthful.
He was truthful just ask the agents that interviewed him....why are you taking the word of Comey the clown over the agents that were with Flynn?....
He was truthful just ask the agents that interviewed him...
Sure. That's why he pleaded guilty. Twice.
He pleaded guilty to save what funds he had left....they beat him down...a decorated war hero...and look at your disgusting self....the truth is out just are in total denial.....OBAMA GATE!!!!!
He pleaded guilty to save what funds he had left....they beat him down...a decorated war hero...and look at your disgusting self....the truth is out just are in total denial.....OBAMA GATE!!!!!
That's not what he said in court. He admitted to lying under oath. Twice.
No he didn't.
No he didn't.
He didn't?
He did not plead guilty while under oath, twice?
Matters not if for whom he pled guilty too, was corruptly working a political scheme to find dirt on Trump through indirect methods, and then to attempt to pursue Trump and his people by use of any information that was gathered by such methods.
Matters not if for whom he pled guilty too,
It doesn't ? :cuckoo:
Keep it in context.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Oh, well then, that's different. Of course the supreme legal minds on the interwebs know the law oh so well. If it counters the narrative, it just HAS to be corruption, HAS to be. It can't POSSIBLY be anything else.
I can spot a con game without being a legal expert.
It just has to be, it just has to!
Apparently you can't.
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Flynn did Lie to Pence. Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference. We have Kislyak on tape reporting back to the Kremlin, that he spoke to Flynn about the sanctions.

Stop lying, it's unbecoming.
That wasn’t against the law. Maybe Flynn didn’t think pence should know, maybe he doesn’t like pence. Who cares .. it wasn’t against the law.
BUT lying to the FBI in an ongoing investigation, is against the law.

Shoot, McCabe only lacked candor with the IG,not even a lie, and Trump had him fired, stripped of his retirement, and urged his minions to shout LOCK HIM UP..... just FOR Mccabe lacking candor about leaking to the press that the Clinton foundation investigation was still ongoing, of which he was legally authorized to approve the leak.....

there's the law: when Trump hates someone,

and the law: for Trump's friends.....

equal justice, under the law, FOR NONE..... :rolleyes-41:
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?


Neither of those links say anything about Flynn's son, dope.
View attachment 333976
None of that changes the fact that Flynn lied, was fired from the admin for doing so, was charged and pleaded guilty. Twice.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
They did not say that at all, dope.
They said he showed no physical signs of being untruthful.
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
no physical signs of lying I believe can be things like this:
No stuttering, no eye blinking, no sweaty palms, no touching of your mouth, head, throat, or face, no fidgeting..... etc
You believed in the Schiff Sham
You believed in the Mueller Report,
You believed in the Steele Dossier
You believed in the illegal phone call
You believed in "we must believe the woman"
yes, I do believe, he committed the impeachment accusations, just like Lamar Alexander....and everyone else....

Yes, I still believe the Mueller report... you should read it.

Yes, I still believe parts of the Steele dossier....

Yes, absolutely, I do believe the Russians interfered in our election process, and I do believe, without any doubt, that Trump and team accepted that Russian help, with opened arms.

Yes, there is no doubt that President Trump was trying to get the Ukrainian president involved in his personal POLITICAL goal of harming Joe Biden.

I have NEVER believed that all women should be believed.... I believe they should be heard, then we can each decided on their truthfulness or not.
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Flynn did Lie to Pence. Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference. We have Kislyak on tape reporting back to the Kremlin, that he spoke to Flynn about the sanctions.

Stop lying, it's unbecoming.
" Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference."

So Obama met with the FBI agents to get rid of President Trump several days after the inauguration, and that was not treason? Silly girl.
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Flynn did Lie to Pence. Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference. We have Kislyak on tape reporting back to the Kremlin, that he spoke to Flynn about the sanctions.

Stop lying, it's unbecoming.
Flynn never told Pence he hadn’t had conversations with Kislyak.
He told Priebus and Pence that he did not talk to Kislyak about the sanctions put on the Russians.... and they both told all of us on the Sunday shows that no one from the Trump campaign discussed the sanctions put on Russia by Obama, with any Russians.

Which was a lie. He did discuss them with Kislyak, and he did convince Putin, through Kislyak, not to retaliate.....

And Putin did not retaliate, as he had always done with every sanction prior. And THAT is why the FBI began to have their surveillance tapes on Kislyak gone through..... to find out WHY the Russians chose not to retaliate....
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Flynn did Lie to Pence. Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference. We have Kislyak on tape reporting back to the Kremlin, that he spoke to Flynn about the sanctions.

Stop lying, it's unbecoming.
" Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference."

So Obama met with the FBI agents to get rid of President Trump several days after the inauguration, and that was not treason? Silly girl.
No. And that is just completely nuts..... conspiracy created out of thin air.....Beautress.... with no thought, reason, or facts behind it.
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Flynn did Lie to Pence. Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference. We have Kislyak on tape reporting back to the Kremlin, that he spoke to Flynn about the sanctions.

Stop lying, it's unbecoming.
" Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference."

So Obama met with the FBI agents to get rid of President Trump several days after the inauguration, and that was not treason? Silly girl.
No. And that is just completely nuts..... conspiracy created out of thin air.....Beautress.... with no thought, reason, or facts behind it.
OH? I think you weren't there when all this alleged misfortune went down. I certainly wasn't.
And this

In a single sentence filing to the court, Van Grack informed federal Judge Emmet Sullivan that he would be quitting the case.
/——-/ Breaking:
Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.
List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them
Unmasking is NOT illegal.

What does ‘unmasking’ someone in an intel report mean?

In 2016, Obama administration officials received intelligence reports that were concerning, but incomplete.

Surveillance of Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. revealed he had interacted with an unnamed American who may have been undercutting efforts to pressure Vladimir Putin’s government.

Using a common process known as “unmasking,” they asked intelligence agencies to reveal the American’s name. It was Michael Flynn, an adviser to President-elect Donald Trump.

There is nothing illegal about unmasking and the declassified document states that proper procedures were followed. While Trump casts unmasking as sinister, his administration has used the process more frequently than Obama’s.

where? where has the trump admin use this tactic?

Intelligence officials asked the National Security Agency to unmask the identities of Americans in surveillance-based intelligence reports 16,721 times last year — a significant rise from a year earlier, a new report revealed on Tuesday.

Uh oh.
Reason's for unmasking are not equal. Each are specific and purposed. Most are normal protocol, but what happened in the Trump situation was something all together different. It's known now, and the documents tell it.

How was it all together different?
Go do your homework.
I did. It wasn’t. The biggest difference is the right wing victim complex. It’s different because it’s my tribe. mean that Trump didn't have to pardon Flynn?

Next up comes the lawsuits from Flynn.
The Democrat's p'wned Judge Emmet has made certain Flynn will pay a price for Obama's hatred of him and everyone else who didn't just kiss his ass while he was giving away the State of Alaska's Aleutians without informing them and 20% of America's unranium reserves he planned on Hillary expropriating when she became President by winning the election of November, 2016. And he's still trying to get even with General Flynn whom he conspired with the FBI sellouts-of-the-US Constitution to get. Meanwhile, each day brings one revelation after another of his political ambitions to tear up America, eat it, poop it out, and kill all his enemies if he couldn't get rid of them with his Harvard education--you know, the school that banned military groups off their damned Commie-ridden and Commie-producing campus. :cranky:

Harvard, once America's shining educational pride has become a foreign agent of its professors' acerbic division of this nation.
Last edited:

Intelligence officials asked the National Security Agency to unmask the identities of Americans in surveillance-based intelligence reports 16,721 times last year — a significant rise from a year earlier, a new report revealed on Tuesday.

Uh oh.
You mean during the time the Russian investigation by Mueller was under way?

The number of U.S. person identities that NSA unmasked in response to a specific request from another agency 9,217 9,529 16,721

The numbers represent calendar year 2016, 2017 and 2018.

They went up bigly since Obama.

They went bigly because of Obama.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?


Neither of those links say anything about Flynn's son, dope.
View attachment 333976
None of that changes the fact that Flynn lied, was fired from the admin for doing so, was charged and pleaded guilty. Twice.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
They did not say that at all, dope.
They said he showed no physical signs of being untruthful.
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
no physical signs of lying I believe can be things like this:
No stuttering, no eye blinking, no sweaty palms, no touching of your mouth, head, throat, or face, no fidgeting..... etc
You believed in the Schiff Sham
You believed in the Mueller Report,
You believed in the Steele Dossier
You believed in the illegal phone call
You believed in "we must believe the woman"
yes, I do believe, he committed the impeachment accusations, just like Lamar Alexander....and everyone else....

Yes, I still believe the Mueller report... you should read it.

Yes, I still believe parts of the Steele dossier....

Yes, absolutely, I do believe the Russians interfered in our election process, and I do believe, without any doubt, that Trump and team accepted that Russian help, with opened arms.

Yes, there is no doubt that President Trump was trying to get the Ukrainian president involved in his personal POLITICAL goal of harming Joe Biden.

I have NEVER believed that all women should be believed.... I believe they should be heard, then we can each decided on their truthfulness or not.
And you've been proven wrong and TDS influenced.
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Flynn did Lie to Pence. Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference. We have Kislyak on tape reporting back to the Kremlin, that he spoke to Flynn about the sanctions.

Stop lying, it's unbecoming.
That wasn’t against the law. Maybe Flynn didn’t think pence should know, maybe he doesn’t like pence. Who cares .. it wasn’t against the law.
BUT lying to the FBI in an ongoing investigation, is against the law.

Shoot, McCabe only lacked candor with the IG,not even a lie, and Trump had him fired, stripped of his retirement, and urged his minions to shout LOCK HIM UP..... just FOR Mccabe lacking candor about leaking to the press that the Clinton foundation investigation was still ongoing, of which he was legally authorized to approve the leak.....

there's the law: when Trump hates someone,

and the law: for Trump's friends.....

equal justice, under the law, FOR NONE..... :rolleyes-41:
Flynn withdrew his plea, you need to be able to prove it and the prosecution said there’s nothing to prove he was set up according to the FBI notes. He didn’t lie unless you have evidence?
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Flynn did Lie to Pence. Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference. We have Kislyak on tape reporting back to the Kremlin, that he spoke to Flynn about the sanctions.

Stop lying, it's unbecoming.
That wasn’t against the law. Maybe Flynn didn’t think pence should know, maybe he doesn’t like pence. Who cares .. it wasn’t against the law.
BUT lying to the FBI in an ongoing investigation, is against the law.

Shoot, McCabe only lacked candor with the IG,not even a lie, and Trump had him fired, stripped of his retirement, and urged his minions to shout LOCK HIM UP..... just FOR Mccabe lacking candor about leaking to the press that the Clinton foundation investigation was still ongoing, of which he was legally authorized to approve the leak.....

there's the law: when Trump hates someone,

and the law: for Trump's friends.....

equal justice, under the law, FOR NONE..... :rolleyes-41:
God damn you are so one sided entitled
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Flynn did Lie to Pence. Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference. We have Kislyak on tape reporting back to the Kremlin, that he spoke to Flynn about the sanctions.

Stop lying, it's unbecoming.
" Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference."

So Obama met with the FBI agents to get rid of President Trump several days after the inauguration, and that was not treason? Silly girl.
No. And that is just completely nuts..... conspiracy created out of thin air.....Beautress.... with no thought, reason, or facts behind it.
And this

In a single sentence filing to the court, Van Grack informed federal Judge Emmet Sullivan that he would be quitting the case.
/——-/ Breaking:
Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.
List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them
Unmasking is NOT illegal.

What does ‘unmasking’ someone in an intel report mean?

In 2016, Obama administration officials received intelligence reports that were concerning, but incomplete.

Surveillance of Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. revealed he had interacted with an unnamed American who may have been undercutting efforts to pressure Vladimir Putin’s government.

Using a common process known as “unmasking,” they asked intelligence agencies to reveal the American’s name. It was Michael Flynn, an adviser to President-elect Donald Trump.

There is nothing illegal about unmasking and the declassified document states that proper procedures were followed. While Trump casts unmasking as sinister, his administration has used the process more frequently than Obama’s.

where? where has the trump admin use this tactic?

Intelligence officials asked the National Security Agency to unmask the identities of Americans in surveillance-based intelligence reports 16,721 times last year — a significant rise from a year earlier, a new report revealed on Tuesday.

Uh oh.
Reason's for unmasking are not equal. Each are specific and purposed. Most are normal protocol, but what happened in the Trump situation was something all together different. It's known now, and the documents tell it.

How was it all together different?
Go do your homework.

You made the claim, apparently you aren't able to defend it. Weak.
And this

In a single sentence filing to the court, Van Grack informed federal Judge Emmet Sullivan that he would be quitting the case.
/——-/ Breaking:
Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.
List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them
Unmasking is NOT illegal.

What does ‘unmasking’ someone in an intel report mean?

In 2016, Obama administration officials received intelligence reports that were concerning, but incomplete.

Surveillance of Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. revealed he had interacted with an unnamed American who may have been undercutting efforts to pressure Vladimir Putin’s government.

Using a common process known as “unmasking,” they asked intelligence agencies to reveal the American’s name. It was Michael Flynn, an adviser to President-elect Donald Trump.

There is nothing illegal about unmasking and the declassified document states that proper procedures were followed. While Trump casts unmasking as sinister, his administration has used the process more frequently than Obama’s.

where? where has the trump admin use this tactic?

Intelligence officials asked the National Security Agency to unmask the identities of Americans in surveillance-based intelligence reports 16,721 times last year — a significant rise from a year earlier, a new report revealed on Tuesday.

Uh oh.
Reason's for unmasking are not equal. Each are specific and purposed. Most are normal protocol, but what happened in the Trump situation was something all together different. It's known now, and the documents tell it.

How was it all together different?
Go do your homework.

You made the claim, apparently you aren't able to defend it. Weak.
he defends it fine; you just have zero give in your views. you see it one way and one way only and then simply try to bully those who disagree.


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