Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

I knew I smelled a rat (Billy the Bagman) when I saw this.

Top prosecutor in Flynn case abruptly withdraws amid Trump attacks

The slow moving constitutional crisis caused by the corruption of the DOJ rolls on.

Trump must have ordered this because it is more politically palatable, giving Don cover, than a pardon.

The word is now out. If you commit a crime, confess to it, but stay loyal to Capt.'ll receive a get out of jail free card.

We are officially a banana republic.

Dems, get your barf bags ready, the lies about the case from Team Trump are about to ramp up in earnest.
Naturally, if a decision goes against the narrative, it HAS to be corruption. It CAN'T be ANYTHING else, NOTHING!!!!
lol the documents that it happened have been released.
False. That's the trump cult spin that was spoonfed to you.
lol no one spun anything the FBI went after the President through General Flynn and got busted
False. Trump cult nonsense.
Bullshit it happened you hack
Hmm, no, sorry, you have been willingly and happily fooled again by your handlers.
Schiff is in big trouble
That's why the DOJ dropped the
False. The DOJ dropped the charges because Barr sees the DOJ as a political arm of the trump campaign.
Nope not in this century have you leftists been right.
Hell your little savior Shifty Schiff is taking heat for covering up evidence that he had nothing in his investigation
Irrelevant whining. Nobody outside the trump cult buys this horseshit. Not the judge. Not 2000 former former DOJ employees. Not the watergate prosecutors. Nobody. Just trump and his cult, on an island, swaddled in their little feedback loop.
Thursday night was the night when the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation was finally released for the world to see. Those that have time reading through novel-length interview transcripts will find one clear thread — Hollywood Rep Adam Schiff had nothing on President Trump with regards to him or his campaign working in cahoots with Russia, or Russians, to beat Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016.

The release came after the Department of Justice and Director of National Intelligence threw many buckets of cold water on the Russia investigation last week.

While many still disagree and continue believing that Trump colluded, there is no sense arguing anymore. The transcripts speak for themselves.

To a person, no one had any evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government, or Russian individuals, to beat Hillary.

If not for the coronavirus pandemic, these transcripts would be the biggest story in America right now.

Irrelevant whataboutism. You nutballs and your "obamagate". You do understand this is not going to help trump , right? Only the most diehard cultist sheep buy into this nonsense. And he already has their votes.
That's why the DOJ dropped the
False. The DOJ dropped the charges because Barr sees the DOJ as a political arm of the trump campaign.
Nope not in this century have you leftists been right.
Hell your little savior Shifty Schiff is taking heat for covering up evidence that he had nothing in his investigation
Irrelevant whining. Nobody outside the trump cult buys this horseshit. Not the judge. Not 2000 former former DOJ employees. Not the watergate prosecutors. Nobody. Just trump and his cult, on an island, swaddled in their little feedback loop.
Thursday night was the night when the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation was finally released for the world to see. Those that have time reading through novel-length interview transcripts will find one clear thread — Hollywood Rep Adam Schiff had nothing on President Trump with regards to him or his campaign working in cahoots with Russia, or Russians, to beat Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016.

The release came after the Department of Justice and Director of National Intelligence threw many buckets of cold water on the Russia investigation last week.

While many still disagree and continue believing that Trump colluded, there is no sense arguing anymore. The transcripts speak for themselves.

To a person, no one had any evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government, or Russian individuals, to beat Hillary.

If not for the coronavirus pandemic, these transcripts would be the biggest story in America right now.

Irrelevant whataboutism. You nutballs and your "obamagate". You do understand this is not going to help trump , right? Only the most diehard cultist sheep buy into this nonsense. And he already has their votes.
That's why the DOJ dropped the
False. The DOJ dropped the charges because Barr sees the DOJ as a political arm of the trump campaign.
Nope not in this century have you leftists been right.
Hell your little savior Shifty Schiff is taking heat for covering up evidence that he had nothing in his investigation
Irrelevant whining. Nobody outside the trump cult buys this horseshit. Not the judge. Not 2000 former former DOJ employees. Not the watergate prosecutors. Nobody. Just trump and his cult, on an island, swaddled in their little feedback loop.
Thursday night was the night when the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation was finally released for the world to see. Those that have time reading through novel-length interview transcripts will find one clear thread — Hollywood Rep Adam Schiff had nothing on President Trump with regards to him or his campaign working in cahoots with Russia, or Russians, to beat Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016.

The release came after the Department of Justice and Director of National Intelligence threw many buckets of cold water on the Russia investigation last week.

While many still disagree and continue believing that Trump colluded, there is no sense arguing anymore. The transcripts speak for themselves.

To a person, no one had any evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government, or Russian individuals, to beat Hillary.

If not for the coronavirus pandemic, these transcripts would be the biggest story in America right now.

Irrelevant whataboutism. You nutballs and your "obamagate". You do understand this is not going to help trump , right? Only the most diehard cultist sheep buy into this nonsense. And he already has their votes.
Oh my, trump cultist thinks all caps makes nonsense true...
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Oh, well then, that's different. Of course the supreme legal minds on the interwebs know the law oh so well. If it counters the narrative, it just HAS to be corruption, HAS to be. It can't POSSIBLY be anything else.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

I wouldn't start celebrating just yet.

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace reported Thursday that three former Justice Department officials, all Republicans, doubted that Judge Emmet Sullivan would be quick to dismiss the case against former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn even if the DOJ has decided not to prosecute.

They said “that this was a lie told to Vice President Mike Pence that they knew was a lie because Mike Flynn’s conversations with Sergey Kislyak were on intercepts, the kinds of things the intelligence community listens to, not because they’re listening for Mike Flynn, but because they’re listening to people like Ambassador Kislyak. It was that lie to the vice president that got Mike Flynn on the radar of law enforcement. Mike Flynn lied to the FBI and affirmed that admission that he’d lied to the FBI as late as 2019, according to one former Justice Department official.”

According to Wallace’s sources, those facts may give Judge Sullivan some “pause.”

In an earlier conversation, former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg explained that very few federal judges are “pushovers,” recalled MSNBC’s Brian Williams. Judge Sullivan was appointed by former President George W. Bush.

Williams also noted that looking at social media he discovered that there were Russian flags and Russian memes being posted congratulating Flynn.

“Putin, if you’re listening, high-five your asset,” Williams quoted the first thing he saw on Twitter about the Flynn news.

Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to “let Flynn go,” began part of a long investigation into the president’s attempt to cover up the administration’s link to Russia. Wallace said that it’s clear Trump finally found someone who would see to it that Flynn was “let go” in Bill Barr.

The New York Times reported that Trump was prepping pardons for Flynn and friend Roger Stone as late as last week.

Just remember, Flynn pled guilty, and the judge does not have to take Barrs suggestion.
Half these Trumphumpers can't remember their own birthday let alone celebrate it. Flynn took cover for Trump and we know it. Pence lied like a mofo for 18 days. Cover up and it can't be denied. What it was about, can't say.
Oh come now, don't be so coy. If you know for sure it's a cover-up you HAVE to know what's being covered up. Otherwise you know nothing.
If you know for sure it's a cover-up you HAVE to know what's being covered up. dont? The cover up was that trump wanted to give back the spyhouses for apparently nothing (of course, its the something he is hiding to this day). Which is precisely what he then tried to do. This will all come out eventually. And it will be fascinating.

Wouldnt you like to know what trump was getting in return?
Debra Katz is the lawyer for this Looney Tunes whistleblower named Rick Bright. So this “ousted vaccine chief testifies in hearing.” The networks are covering it wall-to-wall. It’s nothing more than Trump-Russia collusion. It’s nothing more than Blasey Ford, nothing more than Kavanaugh, nothing more than Trump committed impeachable offenses in a phone call to the president of Ukraine.

So I think it’s all unraveled, it’s all fallen apart on ’em at the worst possible time, leading into the presidential election of 2020. This was gonna be the period of time where Trump was supposed to be frog-marched out of the White House. Plans were that Trump was gonna be found guilty of collusion, whatever. None of what they set up has happened. These are people that think they’re infallible, that they are all powerful.
If you know for sure it's a cover-up you HAVE to know what's being covered up. dont? The cover up was that trump wanted to give back the spyhouses for apparently nothing (of course, its the something he is hiding to this day). Which is precisely what he then tried to do. This will all come out eventually. And it will be fascinating.

Wouldnt you like to know what trump was getting in return?
So he's hiding it but you know all about it? Man, Mueller should have just asked you. He could have saved so much time and money.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

I wouldn't start celebrating just yet.

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace reported Thursday that three former Justice Department officials, all Republicans, doubted that Judge Emmet Sullivan would be quick to dismiss the case against former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn even if the DOJ has decided not to prosecute.

They said “that this was a lie told to Vice President Mike Pence that they knew was a lie because Mike Flynn’s conversations with Sergey Kislyak were on intercepts, the kinds of things the intelligence community listens to, not because they’re listening for Mike Flynn, but because they’re listening to people like Ambassador Kislyak. It was that lie to the vice president that got Mike Flynn on the radar of law enforcement. Mike Flynn lied to the FBI and affirmed that admission that he’d lied to the FBI as late as 2019, according to one former Justice Department official.”

According to Wallace’s sources, those facts may give Judge Sullivan some “pause.”

In an earlier conversation, former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg explained that very few federal judges are “pushovers,” recalled MSNBC’s Brian Williams. Judge Sullivan was appointed by former President George W. Bush.

Williams also noted that looking at social media he discovered that there were Russian flags and Russian memes being posted congratulating Flynn.

“Putin, if you’re listening, high-five your asset,” Williams quoted the first thing he saw on Twitter about the Flynn news.

Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to “let Flynn go,” began part of a long investigation into the president’s attempt to cover up the administration’s link to Russia. Wallace said that it’s clear Trump finally found someone who would see to it that Flynn was “let go” in Bill Barr.

The New York Times reported that Trump was prepping pardons for Flynn and friend Roger Stone as late as last week.

Just remember, Flynn pled guilty, and the judge does not have to take Barrs suggestion.
Half these Trumphumpers can't remember their own birthday let alone celebrate it. Flynn took cover for Trump and we know it. Pence lied like a mofo for 18 days. Cover up and it can't be denied. What it was about, can't say.
Oh come now, don't be so coy. If you know for sure it's a cover-up you HAVE to know what's being covered up. Otherwise you know nothing.
Mike Flynn was being paid by the TRUE deep state. Turkey.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Oh, well then, that's different. Of course the supreme legal minds on the interwebs know the law oh so well. If it counters the narrative, it just HAS to be corruption, HAS to be. It can't POSSIBLY be anything else.
I can spot a con game without being a legal expert.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

I wouldn't start celebrating just yet.

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace reported Thursday that three former Justice Department officials, all Republicans, doubted that Judge Emmet Sullivan would be quick to dismiss the case against former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn even if the DOJ has decided not to prosecute.

They said “that this was a lie told to Vice President Mike Pence that they knew was a lie because Mike Flynn’s conversations with Sergey Kislyak were on intercepts, the kinds of things the intelligence community listens to, not because they’re listening for Mike Flynn, but because they’re listening to people like Ambassador Kislyak. It was that lie to the vice president that got Mike Flynn on the radar of law enforcement. Mike Flynn lied to the FBI and affirmed that admission that he’d lied to the FBI as late as 2019, according to one former Justice Department official.”

According to Wallace’s sources, those facts may give Judge Sullivan some “pause.”

In an earlier conversation, former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg explained that very few federal judges are “pushovers,” recalled MSNBC’s Brian Williams. Judge Sullivan was appointed by former President George W. Bush.

Williams also noted that looking at social media he discovered that there were Russian flags and Russian memes being posted congratulating Flynn.

“Putin, if you’re listening, high-five your asset,” Williams quoted the first thing he saw on Twitter about the Flynn news.

Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to “let Flynn go,” began part of a long investigation into the president’s attempt to cover up the administration’s link to Russia. Wallace said that it’s clear Trump finally found someone who would see to it that Flynn was “let go” in Bill Barr.

The New York Times reported that Trump was prepping pardons for Flynn and friend Roger Stone as late as last week.

Just remember, Flynn pled guilty, and the judge does not have to take Barrs suggestion.
Half these Trumphumpers can't remember their own birthday let alone celebrate it. Flynn took cover for Trump and we know it. Pence lied like a mofo for 18 days. Cover up and it can't be denied. What it was about, can't say.
Oh come now, don't be so coy. If you know for sure it's a cover-up you HAVE to know what's being covered up. Otherwise you know nothing.
Mike Flynn was being paid by the TRUE deep state. Turkey.
You obviously don't understand the meaning of "deep state."
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

I wouldn't start celebrating just yet.

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace reported Thursday that three former Justice Department officials, all Republicans, doubted that Judge Emmet Sullivan would be quick to dismiss the case against former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn even if the DOJ has decided not to prosecute.

They said “that this was a lie told to Vice President Mike Pence that they knew was a lie because Mike Flynn’s conversations with Sergey Kislyak were on intercepts, the kinds of things the intelligence community listens to, not because they’re listening for Mike Flynn, but because they’re listening to people like Ambassador Kislyak. It was that lie to the vice president that got Mike Flynn on the radar of law enforcement. Mike Flynn lied to the FBI and affirmed that admission that he’d lied to the FBI as late as 2019, according to one former Justice Department official.”

According to Wallace’s sources, those facts may give Judge Sullivan some “pause.”

In an earlier conversation, former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg explained that very few federal judges are “pushovers,” recalled MSNBC’s Brian Williams. Judge Sullivan was appointed by former President George W. Bush.

Williams also noted that looking at social media he discovered that there were Russian flags and Russian memes being posted congratulating Flynn.

“Putin, if you’re listening, high-five your asset,” Williams quoted the first thing he saw on Twitter about the Flynn news.

Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to “let Flynn go,” began part of a long investigation into the president’s attempt to cover up the administration’s link to Russia. Wallace said that it’s clear Trump finally found someone who would see to it that Flynn was “let go” in Bill Barr.

The New York Times reported that Trump was prepping pardons for Flynn and friend Roger Stone as late as last week.

Just remember, Flynn pled guilty, and the judge does not have to take Barrs suggestion.
Half these Trumphumpers can't remember their own birthday let alone celebrate it. Flynn took cover for Trump and we know it. Pence lied like a mofo for 18 days. Cover up and it can't be denied. What it was about, can't say.
Oh come now, don't be so coy. If you know for sure it's a cover-up you HAVE to know what's being covered up. Otherwise you know nothing.
Mike Flynn was being paid by the TRUE deep state. Turkey.
You obviously don't understand the meaning of "deep state."
You haven't a clue where that phrase comes from. Am I right?
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

I wouldn't start celebrating just yet.

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace reported Thursday that three former Justice Department officials, all Republicans, doubted that Judge Emmet Sullivan would be quick to dismiss the case against former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn even if the DOJ has decided not to prosecute.

They said “that this was a lie told to Vice President Mike Pence that they knew was a lie because Mike Flynn’s conversations with Sergey Kislyak were on intercepts, the kinds of things the intelligence community listens to, not because they’re listening for Mike Flynn, but because they’re listening to people like Ambassador Kislyak. It was that lie to the vice president that got Mike Flynn on the radar of law enforcement. Mike Flynn lied to the FBI and affirmed that admission that he’d lied to the FBI as late as 2019, according to one former Justice Department official.”

According to Wallace’s sources, those facts may give Judge Sullivan some “pause.”

In an earlier conversation, former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg explained that very few federal judges are “pushovers,” recalled MSNBC’s Brian Williams. Judge Sullivan was appointed by former President George W. Bush.

Williams also noted that looking at social media he discovered that there were Russian flags and Russian memes being posted congratulating Flynn.

“Putin, if you’re listening, high-five your asset,” Williams quoted the first thing he saw on Twitter about the Flynn news.

Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to “let Flynn go,” began part of a long investigation into the president’s attempt to cover up the administration’s link to Russia. Wallace said that it’s clear Trump finally found someone who would see to it that Flynn was “let go” in Bill Barr.

The New York Times reported that Trump was prepping pardons for Flynn and friend Roger Stone as late as last week.

Just remember, Flynn pled guilty, and the judge does not have to take Barrs suggestion.
Half these Trumphumpers can't remember their own birthday let alone celebrate it. Flynn took cover for Trump and we know it. Pence lied like a mofo for 18 days. Cover up and it can't be denied. What it was about, can't say.
Oh come now, don't be so coy. If you know for sure it's a cover-up you HAVE to know what's being covered up. Otherwise you know nothing.
Mike Flynn was being paid by the TRUE deep state. Turkey.
You obviously don't understand the meaning of "deep state."
You haven't a clue where that phrase comes from. Am I right?
It doesn't mean a foriegn government, moron. How is that "deep?"
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Oh, well then, that's different. Of course the supreme legal minds on the interwebs know the law oh so well. If it counters the narrative, it just HAS to be corruption, HAS to be. It can't POSSIBLY be anything else.
I can spot a con game without being a legal expert.
It just has to be, it just has to!

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