Breaking News From Speaker Paul Ryan: U. S. House Will Vote To Fully Fund Border Wall This Week


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
My fellow natural born American citizens, this is winning! Thank God for President Trump and his brilliant tactical negotiation skills. America's southern border is on its way to be an impenetrable barrier wall that will prevent wetbacks and other third worlders from entering our country illegally to rob, rape, and murder. This is a big major achievement for President Trump.

Speaker Paul Ryan Says US House Will Vote to Fund Border Wall This Week (VIDEO)
Great news!


Who says building a border wall won't work? The Chinese built one over 2,000 years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans.
Great news!


Who says building a border wall won't work? The Chinese built one over 2,000 years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans.
they also couldn't defend it for shit and big flying bulldogs eventually f'd it up for everyone.
Seems after Breitbart ran that stinging article yesterday causing Ryan to get tons of flak, he's changed his tune quick. See, Bannon is helping from the outside.

LyinRyan is a whore who will do whatever he thinks will get him votes.

The funny part is that RWNJs still think they're getting a tax cut.
Seems after Breitbart ran that stinging article yesterday causing Ryan to get tons of flak, he's changed his tune quick. See, Bannon is helping from the outside.

LyinRyan is a whore who will do whatever he thinks will get him votes.

The funny part is that RWNJs still think they're getting a tax cut.
The border wall is priority number one. Our borders, language, and culture of White European heritage must be preserved.
The House will vote. Then the Senate will take a nice long nap.
May be the Congress will finally figure out: it makes a lot more sense to fund the Wall than to fund ISIS and Ukrainian Nazis.
Thank God for President Trump and his brilliant tactical negotiation skills.
Uh-Huh, he "tactically negotiated" his way out of Mexico paying and into U.S. tax payers footing the bill, way to go President Twitter! :rolleyes:

It's nice to know that Mexico got themselves such a brilliant negotiator out of our Presidential Election.
My fellow natural born American citizens, this is winning! Thank God for President Trump and his brilliant tactical negotiation skills. America's southern border is on its way to be an impenetrable barrier wall that will prevent wetbacks and other third worlders from entering our country illegally to rob, rape, and murder. This is a big major achievement for President Trump.

Speaker Paul Ryan Says US House Will Vote to Fund Border Wall This Week (VIDEO)

Don't get ahead of yourself skippy. It says vote not pass. Even it passes the house it needs senate approval. It will need 60 votes and they can't get 50 Republicans to vote that way.

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Trumps big wall will go the same way his debt ceiling promise went ... nowhere, just like the rest of his horseshit did.
Great news!


Who says building a border wall won't work? The Chinese built one over 2,000 years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans.
China's biggest problem is illegal North Koreans...but the wall doesn't stop them..
I'll wait and see what happens. I don't trust feckless GOP leadership. Personally, i feel Ryan and McConnell need to go as soon as possible.
It has nothing to do with the ORane Wall. Ryan and McConnell want to pass spending bills before the debt ceiling comes up again, and then they'll just extend a vote on that for months .... so no action has to be taken on the debt, and they can pass tax cuts, mainly for the rich, with deficit dollars .... fucking our children.

This week: Congress reshuffles deck for September
'Fully Fund'
- What exactly does that entail?
- From what point to what point?
- What type of 'wall'?
- Does that include maintenance / monitoring / etc?

The 'devil', as they say', is always in the details....and political slimeballs like Bill 'Definition of 'Is' Clinton and Paul Ryan just love using the details to get out of / away with shit.

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