Breaking News....Joe Arpaio was never convicted of anything

He was ordered to disobey federal law and his oath of office and to his credit he said hell no. Obama is the one that should be on the hot seat for ordering such a rule.
Trumps pardon makes it so that there was never a conviction in the first place, so there was none. Now if you disagree tell us when he gets out of jail...............

Trump is great, on all fronts
That's not how a pardon works.....:rofl: :rofl:
All countries have immigration laws. There is nothing racist about enforcing our immigration laws. The Corrupt Democratic Party is constantly trying to stop the enforcement of our immigration laws and that is what's really RACIST.

Think of it like a cop on the side of the highway, watching cars zoom past at 5,10, 15, even 20 mph over the speed limit. But each time he sees a mexican doing even 1 mph over the speed limit, he tickets them.
What about Debbie Wasserman Schultz? and Hillary? Why is it always the people on the right that the so called justice dept goes after while ignoring the lefts crimes? Are you as sick of that as I am? Get on the horn to the AG and lay him out until we finally get justice.
How are their indictments coming along? We've been waiting and waiting and waiting and fact we were told there was a Special Counsel coming soon....over a month ago.....:lol:
All countries have immigration laws. There is nothing racist about enforcing our immigration laws. The Corrupt Democratic Party is constantly trying to stop the enforcement of our immigration laws and that is what's really RACIST.

Think of it like a cop on the side of the highway, watching cars zoom past at 5,10, 15, even 20 mph over the speed limit. But each time he sees a mexican doing even 1 mph over the speed limit, he tickets them.
How can you tell a Mexican from an American?
Did a federal judge sign the order?

Then it's a legal court order.
Congress writes immigration law not some Obama appointed judge. I would have ignored the order too. The sheriff is the law in any county, he alone can tell the feds to go F themselves if he wants. At least that was the intent when law enforcement rules were established.
Obama ignored all of that to try and pry open our borders, he should be indicted for what he did. I don't care if he was president or king of the world he was in the wrong. If Trump ever acted like the dictator Obama the left would go nuts and rightly so.
How are their indictments coming along? We've been waiting and waiting and waiting and fact we were told there was a Special Counsel coming soon....over a month ago
You are making my point bo
Trump should appoint Sheriff Arpaio Chief of the INS just to enrage the racist Troglocrats who want to allow mass illegal immigration.
What about Debbie Wasserman Schultz? and Hillary? Why is it always the people on the right that the so called justice dept goes after while ignoring the lefts crimes? Are you as sick of that as I am? Get on the horn to the AG and lay him out until we finally get justice.

Could it be because the right is the most corrupt. From Nixon and watergate to Reagan and Iran/Contra, they vied for the record for the most felony convictions in their administrations.

That's not how it works.

Arpaio will have that conviction on his criminal record for the rest of his life.

In addition, by accepting the pardon, he is legally admitting guilt.
Both claims are wrong.


No, they're not wrong. In fact, they're both right.

I recognize that you're the type of person who believes the truth is whatever you want it to be, but that's just not how it works.
Did a federal judge sign the order?

Then it's a legal court order.
Congress writes immigration law not some Obama appointed judge. I would have ignored the order too. The sheriff is the law in any county, he alone can tell the feds to go F themselves if he wants. At least that was the intent when law enforcement rules were established.
Obama ignored all of that to try and pry open our borders, he should be indicted for what he did. I don't care if he was president or king of the world he was in the wrong. If Trump ever acted like the dictator Obama the left would go nuts and rightly so.

A sheriff can tell the federal government to go F itself? Well, sure.....and then be held in contempt. ;)

I'd like to see evidence that local sheriffs were intended to be able to ignore the federal government whenever they feel like it. I'm also curious how you can say that Arpaio was ordered to disobey federal law in one post, then say he can ignore the feds in another. There seems to be a disconnect there.

That's not how it works.

Arpaio will have that conviction on his criminal record for the rest of his life.

In addition, by accepting the pardon, he is legally admitting guilt.
Both claims are wrong.


No, they're not wrong. In fact, they're both right.

I recognize that you're the type of person who believes the truth is whatever you want it to be, but that's just not how it works.


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