Breaking News....Joe Arpaio was never convicted of anything


That's not how it works.

Arpaio will have that conviction on his criminal record for the rest of his life.

In addition, by accepting the pardon, he is legally admitting guilt.
He did not admit guilt ever, a judge said he was guilty, and he was not granted the right that all Americans have to a jury trial. Basically Obamma fucked him, in favor of Mexican drug smugglers. Arpaio can run for Senate or the Presidency..................get over it kid
I'm surprised it is taking this long for Billy to look up case law on Wikipedia.
I'm quite familiar with case law and precedence, thank you.

You are? Then why did you state that "Judges do not make law?"

Because they do not. The legislative branch makes law, not the Judicial branch.

That's 3rd Grade civics, or was. I see they've dropped that training.

This probably isn't taught in most 3rd grade civics classes, so I understand that you might not know the answer to this question.

The US follows a "common law" legal system.

Do you know what that means?

Yes, but we have diverged greatly from the common law system of English law since the founding, both in terms of substance and procedure, and have incorporated a number of civil law innovations.

In applying the principle of stare decisis American judges, like common law judges elsewhere, not only apply the law, they also make the law, to the extent that their decisions in the cases before them become precedent for decisions in future cases.

Precedent, however, does not override the Constitution and is not "settled law" as the Left would have everyone believe, never to be revisited.

They do not "make law".

Let me give you some advice.

When you cut and paste a block of text while attempting to make it look like it was your original thought, you should read it first.

To prevent embarassing contradictions like what I've bolded above.

There is no contradiction, and I reserve the right to short-cuts. After all, this is not a for-profit enterprise on my part.
Trumps pardon makes it so that there was never a conviction in the first place, so there was none. Now if you disagree tell us when he gets out of jail...............

Trump is great, on all fronts

That will piss off the left. :laugh:

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