Breaking News: New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Just Convicted On 20 Out Of 21 Counts

:dig: So Nagin IS a Democrat? Man, you're really struggling with this one. Probably a good time for you to give it up and exit the thread gracefully. Have a good one. :)

Nagin IS an opportunist, as I've been saying in every post in this thread. Nothing changed. Except your own pathetic me-too thread trying to attribute corruption to a letter behind a name died. How much does it hurt when a Steve McRacist thread is superior to your own?

Yeah, a "Democrat" who endorses George Bush and Bobby Jindal. A "Democrat" who works with Karl Rove and David Vitter to undermine the Democrat governor. A "Democrat" who runs a campaign on his own funds to defeat the Democratic machine candidate. Brilliant, Einstein.

Good luck with the reading lessons. Study hard, you have a lot of work ahead.

So he IS a Democrat? Yeah, you're just spinning your wheels on this one now. Time to stop embarrassing yourself and exit the thread gracefully. You're dismissed son. Exit's thataway :arrow:

Reading lessons, Danth. Not writing, reading. Ask them to spend some extra time on what they call "comprehension". Can you say com-pre-hen-shun?

Nah, didn't think so.
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Nagin IS an opportunist, as I've been saying in every post in this thread. Nothing changed. Except your own pathetic me-too thread trying to attribute corruption to a letter behind a name died. How much does it hurt when a Steve McRacist thread is superior to your own?

Yeah, a "Democrat" who endorses George Bush and Bobby Jindal. A "Democrat" who works with Karl Rove and David Vitter to undermine the Democrat governor. A "Democrat" who runs a campaign on his own funds to defeat the Democratic machine candidate. Brilliant, Einstein.

Good luck with the reading lessons. Study hard, you have a lot of work ahead.

So he IS a Democrat? Yeah, you're just spinning your wheels on this one now. Time to stop embarrassing yourself and exit the thread gracefully. You're dismissed son. Exit's thataway :arrow:

Reading lessons. Not writing, reading. Ask them to spend some extra time on what they call "comprehension". Can you say com-pre-hen-shun?

Nah, didn't think so.

Not a graceful exit son. Try showing that you have some pride and dignity left. I'll give you another chance to man-up. I'm a fair person. Have a good day. :arrow:
So he IS a Democrat? Yeah, you're just spinning your wheels on this one now. Time to stop embarrassing yourself and exit the thread gracefully. You're dismissed son. Exit's thataway :arrow:

Reading lessons, Danth. Not writing, reading. Ask them to spend some extra time on what they call "comprehension". Can you say com-pre-hen-shun?

Nah, didn't think so.

Not a graceful exit son. Try showing that you have some pride and dignity left. I'll give you another chance to man-up. I'm a fair person. Have a good day. :arrow:

And why do you want me out of here? Are my posts inconvenient?
It's not even your thread dood. Why don't you start your own? Oh that's right--- you did. And it failed.

Sucks to be you I guess.
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Your idiot idea that only Democrats can vote in New Orleans is the same degree of idiocy it was last week. Provably not the case; again I never registered with a political party and it didn't slow me down from voting, ever. That's insane. As you can see from my recent links (if you actually read them), Nagin got voted in by a coalition of white, wealthy and business-oriented voters, and did so on his own resources in spite of the Democratic machine, not because of it. Much the same as David Duke did to become a Ku Klux Kongresscritter with an (R) after his name. Same reason: that's the letter you need to win in that area.

But do enlighten us -- perhaps only Republicans are allowed to vote in Metairie. I never lived in Metairie, though I did live in Kenner. And I still got to vote there too.

Democrats running cities is a common phenomenon, which is why Nagin the Republican had to switch to Nagin the Democrat. The question of why that is is a whole 'nother exercise in contemporary sociology, but it's hardly unique to New Orleans. The question it raises might be, why can't Republicans figure out a way to win in the cities? That's fodder for another thread, but in Nagin's case he simply saw that (R) wasn't gonna fly, regardless what that reason is, so he switched to a (D) for the ballot while continuing to act as an (R).

NONE of which has anything to do with corruption, which is a personal flaw.

:dig: So Nagin IS a Democrat? Man, you're really struggling with this one. Probably a good time for you to give it up and exit the thread gracefully. Have a good one. :)

Nagin IS an opportunist, as I've been saying in every post in this thread. Nothing changed. Except your own pathetic me-too thread trying to attribute corruption to a letter behind a name died. How much does it hurt when a Steve McRacist thread is superior to your own?

Yeah, a "Democrat" who endorses George Bush and Bobby Jindal. A "Democrat" who works with Karl Rove and David Vitter to undermine the Democrat governor. A "Democrat" who runs a campaign on his own funds to defeat the Democratic machine candidate. Brilliant, Einstein.

Good luck with the reading lessons. Study hard, you have a lot of work ahead.
Wow, yet in 2006 Nagin got 80% of the black vote.
:dig: So Nagin IS a Democrat? Man, you're really struggling with this one. Probably a good time for you to give it up and exit the thread gracefully. Have a good one. :)

Nagin IS an opportunist, as I've been saying in every post in this thread. Nothing changed. Except your own pathetic me-too thread trying to attribute corruption to a letter behind a name died. How much does it hurt when a Steve McRacist thread is superior to your own?

Yeah, a "Democrat" who endorses George Bush and Bobby Jindal. A "Democrat" who works with Karl Rove and David Vitter to undermine the Democrat governor. A "Democrat" who runs a campaign on his own funds to defeat the Democratic machine candidate. Brilliant, Einstein.

Good luck with the reading lessons. Study hard, you have a lot of work ahead.
Wow, yet in 2006 Nagin got 80% of the black vote.

Not seeing a link, but New Orleans is two-thirds black, FWIW.

Wait, lemme guess... that means black people are corrupt, right? :rofl:

Hey, I'm just applying Foolitician's logic ...
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Nagin IS an opportunist, as I've been saying in every post in this thread. Nothing changed. Except your own pathetic me-too thread trying to attribute corruption to a letter behind a name died. How much does it hurt when a Steve McRacist thread is superior to your own?

Yeah, a "Democrat" who endorses George Bush and Bobby Jindal. A "Democrat" who works with Karl Rove and David Vitter to undermine the Democrat governor. A "Democrat" who runs a campaign on his own funds to defeat the Democratic machine candidate. Brilliant, Einstein.

Good luck with the reading lessons. Study hard, you have a lot of work ahead.
Wow, yet in 2006 Nagin got 80% of the black vote.

Not seeing a link, but New Orleans is two-thirds black, FWIW.

Wait, lemme guess... that means black people are corrupt, right? :rofl:

Hey, I'm just applying Foolitician's logic ...

Please point out where i ever argued such 'logic' in this thread. I know you can't, because i never did. You're lying again. Look son, you've been proven wrong. Now it's time for you to stop being a little bitch about it. Just admit you were wrong and exit the thread with a little maturity & dignity. You're dismissed. See ya. :)
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Honestly, anyone here really surprised by this?

Probably not. Spike Lee should do another movie about Katrina. But this time he should be honest and get it right. It was his beloved corrupt Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco who really screwed the pooch on Katrina. But it was much more convenient for him to blame the BOOOOOSH instead. After all, he had an (R) by his name, right? Shame on him.

Wow, yet in 2006 Nagin got 80% of the black vote.

Not seeing a link, but New Orleans is two-thirds black, FWIW.

Wait, lemme guess... that means black people are corrupt, right? :rofl:

Hey, I'm just applying Foolitician's logic ...

Please point out where i ever argued such 'logic' in this thread. I know you can't, because i never did. You're lying again. Look son, you've been proven wrong. Now it's time for you to stop being a little bitch about it. Just admit you were wrong and exit the thread with a little maturity & dignity. You're dismissed. See ya. :)

Really?? The coward is back yet again after signing off five times not counting the present drive-by? Really?

So ... you need me to index your posts?

Spike Lee should do another movie about Katrina. But this time he should be honest and get it right. It was his beloved corrupt Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco who really screwed the pooch on Katrina. But it was much more convenient for him to blame the BOOOOOSH instead. After all, he had an (R) by his name, right? Shame on him.

But blaming Bush solely for the Katrina disaster was unjust. The two incompetent corrupt Democrats were actually the biggest culprits in the inadequate response. But the MSM gave Democrats Nagin and Blanco a free pass, while shifting all the blame onto a sitting Republican President. It was shameful and unforgivable. But looks like Nagin got his in the end. It's Karmic Justice i guess.

These corruption convictions, while deserved and good riddance, have nothing to do with Katirna response. Hack.
-- note my response here in your usual fashion :lalala:

Democrats seem to bring corrupt Third World Misery everywhere they go.

And you want to sit there squeezing blackheads pretending you're not playing politics??

Then there was your strange hard-on for Spike Lee, of all people, who isn't even from New Orleans:

That's not what Spike Lee says. According to him, Nagin was a loyal and heroic Democratic Saint. It was all that mean ole George Bush's fault. Nagin finally got his though. It's just too bad Blanco skated. She was even more a culprit.

-- the first of several vague innuendos about Kathleen Blanco, which when I pressed you for any details at all, you ran away. Seven times I challenged you to flesh that out, seven times you ran away. "Dismissed" yourself, so to speak, because you had painted yourself into a corner. Oh look, you're in it again. And over a week later, we're still waiting on what will never come. Because you're a coward.

Interesting that you specified in this thread, to take the spotlight off that turd you started on the same topic that got merged here. What was its title again? "Ray Nagin convicted, proving all Democrats are Corrupt?"

Run away again coward. It's what you're good at.
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Not really surprised by the verdict despite what many people love to think there is corruption in both parties.

Can't argue with that. But blaming Bush solely for the Katrina disaster was unjust. The two incompetent corrupt Democrats were actually the biggest culprits in the inadequate response. But the MSM gave Democrats Nagin and Blanco a free pass, while shifting all the blame onto a sitting Republican President. It was shameful and unforgivable. But looks like Nagin got his in the end. It's Karmic Justice i guess.

True but the people of Louisiana knew the truth as they voted both of them out of office.

Uh -- neither one was "voted out of office". They finished their terms. You could look it up.

I get the distinct feeling that some here are just improvising. Like a jazz solo.
If he broke the law, good. Looks like he did according to a jury of his peers.

Glad corrupt politicians are being held accountable occasionally, wish it happened more often. Doesn't matter his party.
If he broke the law, good. Looks like he did according to a jury of his peers.

Glad corrupt politicians are being held accountable occasionally, wish it happened more often. Doesn't matter his party.

Indeed. Nagin's corruption was so egregious it couldn't be ignored. Would that it didn't take Captain Obvious to ferret these people out.
Nagin IS an opportunist, as I've been saying in every post in this thread. Nothing changed. Except your own pathetic me-too thread trying to attribute corruption to a letter behind a name died. How much does it hurt when a Steve McRacist thread is superior to your own?

Yeah, a "Democrat" who endorses George Bush and Bobby Jindal. A "Democrat" who works with Karl Rove and David Vitter to undermine the Democrat governor. A "Democrat" who runs a campaign on his own funds to defeat the Democratic machine candidate. Brilliant, Einstein.

Good luck with the reading lessons. Study hard, you have a lot of work ahead.
Wow, yet in 2006 Nagin got 80% of the black vote.

Not seeing a link, but New Orleans is two-thirds black, FWIW.

Wait, lemme guess... that means black people are corrupt, right? :rofl:

Hey, I'm just applying Foolitician's logic ...

Do you even read your own posts? Obviously not.
Honestly, anyone here really surprised by this?

Probably not. Spike Lee should do another movie about Katrina. But this time he should be honest and get it right. It was his beloved corrupt Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco who really screwed the pooch on Katrina. But it was much more convenient for him to blame the BOOOOOSH instead. After all, he had an (R) by his name, right? Shame on him.

Really?? The coward is back yet again after signing off five times not counting the present drive-by? Really?

So ... you need me to index your posts?



-- note my response here in your usual fashion :lalala:

Democrats seem to bring corrupt Third World Misery everywhere they go.

And you want to sit there squeezing blackheads pretending you're not playing politics??

Then there was your strange hard-on for Spike Lee, of all people, who isn't even from New Orleans:

That's not what Spike Lee says. According to him, Nagin was a loyal and heroic Democratic Saint. It was all that mean ole George Bush's fault. Nagin finally got his though. It's just too bad Blanco skated. She was even more a culprit.

-- the first of several vague innuendos about Kathleen Blanco, which when I pressed you for any details at all, you ran away. Seven times I challenged you to flesh that out, seven times you ran away. "Dismissed" yourself, so to speak, because you had painted yourself into a corner. Oh look, you're in it again. And over a week later, we're still waiting on what will never come. Because you're a coward.

Interesting that you specified in this thread, to take the spotlight off that turd you started on the same topic that got merged here. What was its title again? "Ray Nagin convicted, proving all Democrats are Corrupt?"

Run away again coward. It's what you're good at.

Hey meathead, Nagin is a Democrat. You've been proven wrong. Time to man-up and admit that. Your continued dishonest deflection isn't gonna change the fact you've been proven wrong. So stop being a child and admit your error. This Board is pretty forgiving. I think you'll find that the Board will respect you more for admitting your failings. So here's another chance to man-up.
Probably not. Spike Lee should do another movie about Katrina. But this time he should be honest and get it right. It was his beloved corrupt Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco who really screwed the pooch on Katrina. But it was much more convenient for him to blame the BOOOOOSH instead. After all, he had an (R) by his name, right? Shame on him.

Really?? The coward is back yet again after signing off five times not counting the present drive-by? Really?

So ... you need me to index your posts?



-- note my response here in your usual fashion :lalala:


And you want to sit there squeezing blackheads pretending you're not playing politics??

Then there was your strange hard-on for Spike Lee, of all people, who isn't even from New Orleans:

That's not what Spike Lee says. According to him, Nagin was a loyal and heroic Democratic Saint. It was all that mean ole George Bush's fault. Nagin finally got his though. It's just too bad Blanco skated. She was even more a culprit.

-- the first of several vague innuendos about Kathleen Blanco, which when I pressed you for any details at all, you ran away. Seven times I challenged you to flesh that out, seven times you ran away. "Dismissed" yourself, so to speak, because you had painted yourself into a corner. Oh look, you're in it again. And over a week later, we're still waiting on what will never come. Because you're a coward.

Interesting that you specified in this thread, to take the spotlight off that turd you started on the same topic that got merged here. What was its title again? "Ray Nagin convicted, proving all Democrats are Corrupt?"

Run away again coward. It's what you're good at.

Hey meathead, Nagin is a Democrat. You've been proven wrong. Time to man-up and admit that. Your continued dishonest deflection isn't gonna change the fact you've been proven wrong. So stop being a child and admit your error. This Board is pretty forgiving. I think you'll find that the Board will respect you more for admitting your failings. So here's another chance to man-up.

Ah the simplicity of the simple mind that crams everybody into labels... so cute.

Yup, Nagin turned magically into a "Democrat" days before running for mayor, because he knew the grand total of all mayors with the word "Republican" by their name in all of history is 34 months, the last one being elected in 1870. But we already noted this repeatedly. Perhaps your simplistic label-addicted mind just can't handle that context.

Oh well. Maybe you'll understand when you're older.
Really?? The coward is back yet again after signing off five times not counting the present drive-by? Really?

So ... you need me to index your posts?



-- note my response here in your usual fashion :lalala:


And you want to sit there squeezing blackheads pretending you're not playing politics??

Then there was your strange hard-on for Spike Lee, of all people, who isn't even from New Orleans:

-- the first of several vague innuendos about Kathleen Blanco, which when I pressed you for any details at all, you ran away. Seven times I challenged you to flesh that out, seven times you ran away. "Dismissed" yourself, so to speak, because you had painted yourself into a corner. Oh look, you're in it again. And over a week later, we're still waiting on what will never come. Because you're a coward.

Interesting that you specified in this thread, to take the spotlight off that turd you started on the same topic that got merged here. What was its title again? "Ray Nagin convicted, proving all Democrats are Corrupt?"

Run away again coward. It's what you're good at.

Hey meathead, Nagin is a Democrat. You've been proven wrong. Time to man-up and admit that. Your continued dishonest deflection isn't gonna change the fact you've been proven wrong. So stop being a child and admit your error. This Board is pretty forgiving. I think you'll find that the Board will respect you more for admitting your failings. So here's another chance to man-up.

Ah the simplicity of the simple mind that crams everybody into labels... so cute.

Yup, Nagin turned magically into a "Democrat" days before running for mayor, because he knew the grand total of all mayors with the word "Republican" by their name in all of history is 34 months, the last one being elected in 1870. But we already noted this repeatedly. Perhaps your simplistic label-addicted mind just can't handle that context.

Oh well. Maybe you'll understand when you're older.

Ah i see, you're just a cowardly stubborn meathead. Oh well, i gave you a chance to man-up and do the honorable thing. I tried. I'll just have to consider you another Fake Jake from now on. A dishonorable fraud.
Puppets. So easily manipulated.

>>Rove knew of Nagin’s ties to the Republican Party, so more than likely Nagin could be convinced to level his criticism at Blanco and to support Bush when he could. Here was Rove’s strategy: Praise Haley Barbour, the Republican governor of Mississippi; praise Michael Brown and FEMA; blame Blanco, the Democrat. It was not a stretch for Nagin. He and Blanco so disliked each other that in Blanco’s last race Nagin had endorsed her opponent.

Rove and Nagin were communicating through e-mail. “I heard Nagin was bragging about being in touch with The Man,” Blanco says. “Nagin took the position that they were the people who could help the most to do what he wanted. People get highly complimented when they have contact with the White House.” In this case the trade-off for Nagin was his willingness to cooperate with Rove. “I knew Ray Nagin could be easily manipulated,” Landrieu says. “I could feel it. We were all working together in a relatively small building. We were in close proximity. But I could see where Rove was going. Blame Blanco. Blame the levee board. Blame the corruption in New Orleans. ‘The reason the city is going underwater is because the city is corrupt,’ Rove was saying. ‘But don’t blame the Republicans or George W. Bush or David Vitter. We are the white guys in shining armor, and we are going to come in and save the city from years of corruption.’ That was their story and they sold it very well.”

Rove sold the story, as he had in the past, through the media. On Wednesday, while Blanco was trying to get help from the White House, her staff began receiving calls from reporters questioning her handling of the disaster, almost all of them citing as their sources unnamed senior White House officials.

“One story,” Blanco aide Mann recalls, “would say the governor was so incompetent she had not even gotten around to declaring a state of emergency when she had actually done so three days before the storm. It was obvious to us who was behind this attack based on inaccurate information that was being shoveled to Washington reporters who were identifying their sources as senior Bush administration officials.” Blanco adds, “People at Newsweek told me the White House called them to say I had delayed signing the disaster declaration. The assumption was that their source was the political director — Karl Rove.” Not only was the attack on Blanco in print, it was also on television. “All of a sudden,” Blanco says, “a whole lot of talking heads showed up on television repeating the misinformation over and over, making it the truth.”

Check this out, you 'states rights' people will dig this part of the story:

>> Blanco sought out Michael Chertoff. She found him in one of the emergency headquarters trailers. &#8220;Turn off the talking heads,&#8221; she told him point-blank. &#8220;People are dying while you people are playing politics. Turn them off.&#8221; It was Thursday, and so far the FEMA buses had still not arrived to help evacuate people from the Convention Center and Superdome, nor had Bush sent any federal troops, who were desperately needed in the search-and-rescue efforts.

Instead of sending help, the administration had come up with a ploy. &#8220;I was on a conference call with the White House,&#8221; Adam Sharp says, &#8220;where they were saying: If you want any help, you have to turn over all control of your state to the president. We won&#8217;t help until you give us control of your National Guard and your law enforcement agencies, until Louisiana becomes a federal territory. They were using this as the excuse for their delaying on the issues. They kept trying to put it on Blanco. But no governor would ever give control of her state to the president.&#8221;

But Kathleen Blanco is the "skater" I hear. Oh sorry, we're not supposed to talk about that are we...

Much more at the link, including the infamous Great 17th Street Canal Photo Op. I warn you, it's full of what we call "context" so you'll prolly want to go :lalala: as usual on this one, or run away per your usual routine.

I remember a brief statement at the time Blanco made; she was absolutely furious about the political propaganda blame game going on. It's good to know the backstory.

Whoops, there's that context thing again. I just can't help myself.
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Hey meathead, Nagin is a Democrat. You've been proven wrong. Time to man-up and admit that. Your continued dishonest deflection isn't gonna change the fact you've been proven wrong. So stop being a child and admit your error. This Board is pretty forgiving. I think you'll find that the Board will respect you more for admitting your failings. So here's another chance to man-up.

Ah the simplicity of the simple mind that crams everybody into labels... so cute.

Yup, Nagin turned magically into a "Democrat" days before running for mayor, because he knew the grand total of all mayors with the word "Republican" by their name in all of history is 34 months, the last one being elected in 1870. But we already noted this repeatedly. Perhaps your simplistic label-addicted mind just can't handle that context.

Oh well. Maybe you'll understand when you're older.

Ah i see, you're just a cowardly stubborn meathead. Oh well, i gave you a chance to man-up and do the honorable thing. I tried. I'll just have to consider you another Fake Jake from now on. A dishonorable fraud.

And what part of that post is not true?

Fucking moron.
A corrupt politician goes to jail.................

EXCELLENT.............Don't care about the party ties.
Ah the simplicity of the simple mind that crams everybody into labels... so cute.

Yup, Nagin turned magically into a "Democrat" days before running for mayor, because he knew the grand total of all mayors with the word "Republican" by their name in all of history is 34 months, the last one being elected in 1870. But we already noted this repeatedly. Perhaps your simplistic label-addicted mind just can't handle that context.

Oh well. Maybe you'll understand when you're older.

Ah i see, you're just a cowardly stubborn meathead. Oh well, i gave you a chance to man-up and do the honorable thing. I tried. I'll just have to consider you another Fake Jake from now on. A dishonorable fraud.

And what part of that post is not true?

Fucking moron.

You said Nagin was not a Democrat. And you were proven wrong. But instead of just admitting you're wrong, you've gone on several pages pathetically spinning your wheels. Foolish pride is an awful thing son. But like i said, this Board is pretty forgiving. But only if you're honorable and man-up to your failings. You clearly haven't done that yet. Therefore, you get no respect and are dismissed. So go on spinning your wheels if you like, but it won't change the fact that you're a cowardly stubborn meathead. But hey, have a pleasant Sunday anyway. See ya. :)
Ah i see, you're just a cowardly stubborn meathead. Oh well, i gave you a chance to man-up and do the honorable thing. I tried. I'll just have to consider you another Fake Jake from now on. A dishonorable fraud.

And what part of that post is not true?

Fucking moron.

You said Nagin was not a Democrat. And you were proven wrong.

Wrong, you fucking lying hack. QUOTE ME SAYING THAT. In any post at all.

Let me make it easy for you to spot that fabricated quote. Here's what I actually did post on that topic:

>> He did not achieve, or seek, any other public office prior to his election in 2002. More controversially, Nagin had actually been a registered Republican for most of his adult life, switching to the Democrats shortly before seeking office, for which his candidacy was branded as opportunistic in the solidly Democrat city. <<

and this...

and this...

That's because defining his party, whatever it's worth, is a moving target. We'll say it yet again, as we said at the beginning of this thread, as New Orleanians have been saying since he first ran for office -- Ray Nagin is an Opportunist. That's the only political philosophy he's truly faithful to. If it would benefit him to run as a Hindu, he'd be all over it tomorrow. So when he went to run for mayor, he switched to the only designation, for those who enslave themselves to party-letter designations, that had any shot at getting the job, which was the (D).

>> But Nagin had such a strange and checkered political career. In 2001 he was a Republican businessman. In 2002 he was a Democrat running for the only political office he ever held. ....In the runoff, Nagin was the conservative, relatively speaking, while Landrieu was the liberal and ambitious lifelong Democrat, son of a previous mayor, brother of the state's last Democratic senator. People watching the race absent-mindedly were shocked when Nagin, eight months after Hurricane Katrina, won the runoff by taking 80 percent of the black vote and 20 percent of the white vote. Republicans&#8212;just enough of them&#8212;held their noses and voted for the guy who wasn't a predictable Democrat. <<

and this...

>> In 2001, dismayed at his son's plans to leave New Orleans because there were no jobs, Mr Nagin decided to stand for mayor of the city they call The Big Easy.

Ray Nagin the Republican repositioned himself as Ray Nagin the Democrat, but still preached a can-do creed, challenging African-Americans to make the free-market dream work for them.
<< (Profile: Ray Nagin)

and this...

(Nomadic Politics) >> Nagin's Sudden Switch
In 2002, days before the New Orleans mayoral election, Nagin switched to the Democratic party. Prior to this, Nagin was a registered Republican. While a business executive, he gave donations to both parties. Although he claimed to be a Democrat, Nagin was not much of one. For instance, he campaigned for a Republican candidate for Governor, Bobby Jindal.

Addicting Info peels back the layer on this party confusion: <<

(over to that link)...

>> If Nagin was a Democrat, he sure had an odd way of showing it.

During his entire adult life, Nagin was registered as a Republican. Then, just before deciding to run for mayor of New Orleans in 2002, he switched his party to Democrat.
While he listed himself as a Dem on the ballot, as a candidate, his platform was nearly the same as that of his GOP rivals. He campaigned as a &#8216;pro-business reformer.&#8217; He also painted himself as a political outsider, who was running against the city&#8217;s career politicians.

During his 2002 campaign, Nagin pushed a pro-business agenda, as designed by the Bureau of Governmental Research. Contrary to right-wing talking points, he was not backed by either the GOP or the Democrats. He financed his own campaign for mayor, using mostly his own resources. At the start of the race, Nagin was also an unknown, except within New Orleans&#8217; very wealthy business circles.

Nagin won the 2002 election with support from a majority of white voters. He won in every single majority white district in the city. He also got some support from the city&#8217;s wealthy black community, while the majority of middle and lower-income blacks did not vote for him.

Nagin&#8217;s ties to the GOP were exposed by Paul Alexander.

During the height of the hurricane Katrina fiasco, Nagin was a Bush apologist. He helped to shift blame to LA&#8217;s Democratic governor, rather than putting it on the Bush administration, where it belonged. He did not do it out of any sense of sincerity.

In 2008, Nagin&#8217;s close connections with Karl Rove were exposed in the book &#8220;Machiavelli&#8217;s Shadow: The Rise and Fall of Karl Rove,&#8221; by Paul Alexander....("Fake Democrat" Busted)

The point of all this is summed up later on the same page:

>> The problem, in a nutshell, is that a Republican, calling himself a Republican, would not get elected in New Orleans. Between 2002 -2004 less than 15 percent of voters in the city of New Orleans claimed to support the GOP.

One lesson that voters must take from the Nagin scandal is that voting a straight party ticket, without checking out a candidate&#8217;s history or policies, is not a good idea.
<< (ibid)

In fact no candidate calling himself a Republican has been elected to that office since the nineteenth century.

Again, it would be so convenient if life were reduced to a child's game of cowboys and Indians where all you had to see what the color of the hat. Apparently some of us are content to stay in that simplistic playpen even as adults.

That's a reference to you on the end there, Paulie...

and this:

Nagin IS an opportunist, as I've been saying in every post in this thread. Nothing changed. Except your own pathetic me-too thread trying to attribute corruption to a letter behind a name died. How much does it hurt when a Steve McRacist thread is superior to your own?

Yeah, a "Democrat" who endorses George Bush and Bobby Jindal. A "Democrat" who works with Karl Rove and David Vitter to undermine the Democrat governor. A "Democrat" who runs a campaign on his own funds to defeat the Democratic machine candidate. Brilliant, Einstein.

-- and of course today's posts, happy hunting there too. All quotes linked/sourced at the original posts.

Are you just too stupid to understand all of this?

I also posted, as did others, that associating corruption or personal traits in general with the letter after a politician's name is a fallacy. Which it is. Yet that's what your purpose is here, just as it was in that thread you started on the same topic -- the one that failed. What was it called again? "Ray Nagin Convicted, Proving Democrats are Corrupt"? Something like that.

Of course you're the same lying asshole who tried to sell the idea of Kathleen Blanco "skating", and when asked to back it up -- SEVEN TIMES -- you reacted by running away, just like you're doing now for time eight. Because you have nothing.

Face it. You're a lying asshole who makes shit up, throws it on the wall and runs away. The weird thing is you keep getting called on it and then keep coming back three days later to take another beating.

See you in three days then...
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