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That whole area is a massive, open-air video game, led by corrupt sociopaths who are operating under a 17th-century mindset.



If they're all dead, it's fixed. Jillian will cry but fuck him.
This is how insane obabble really is. He has no options. There are no decisions that are his to make. He is King Henry in the insane asylum pondering what to do about the pesky french. The orderlies might call him you're majesty. That doesn't mean he really is.
I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

The only way peace is possible there without massive influence from outside Iraq, is if one side completely wipes out the other side, annihilating them to the last man, woman, and child.

I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

The only way peace is possible there without massive influence from outside Iraq, is if one side completely wipes out the other side, annihilating them to the last man, woman, and child.


it dont stop there then they go after their own

and when they get tired of that

they move on to other parts
I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

Of course you would you have no balls.

LOL, you have no brains. What is your suggestion, more of the same failed interventionist bullshit? How has Our military interventionist policies(and the military interventionist policies of other Western nations) benefited us and worked out for us as a country so far? Thanks for the laugh though!

That whole area is a massive, open-air video game, led by corrupt sociopaths who are operating under a 17th-century mindset.



If they're all dead, it's fixed. Jillian will cry but fuck him.

I'd rather them fight each other and kill each other and we clean up the ones that are left who actually want to attack us.
I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

Of course you would you have no balls.

LOL, you have no brains. What is your suggestion, more of the same failed interventionist bullshit? How has Our military interventionist policies(and the military interventionist policies of other Western nations) benefited us and worked out for us as a country so far? Thanks for the laugh though!

My brains were not replaced by Obabble bodily fluids as was the case with you, you feckin moron.

That whole area is a massive, open-air video game, led by corrupt sociopaths who are operating under a 17th-century mindset.



If they're all dead, it's fixed. Jillian will cry but fuck him.

I'd rather them fight each other and kill each other and we clean up the ones that are left who actually want to attack us.

I'm fine with that but you weak dicks can't even do that.

That whole area is a massive, open-air video game, led by corrupt sociopaths who are operating under a 17th-century mindset.



If they're all dead, it's fixed. Jillian will cry but fuck him.

I'd rather them fight each other and kill each other and we clean up the ones that are left who actually want to attack us.

There would actually be a couple of other advantages, too, theoretically.

First, if they attract other terrorists we'll have more and more in one geographic area, which might make intelligence-gathering a bit easier. Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see the people who'd be expected to live under these thugs turn on them, either directly or by spilling the beans on them.

Yeah, let's put 'em all in one place.

If they're all dead, it's fixed. Jillian will cry but fuck him.

I'd rather them fight each other and kill each other and we clean up the ones that are left who actually want to attack us.

I'm fine with that but you weak dicks can't even do that.

the only problem with that is that

we gave up the defensive positions long ago

if at some point at a later date to go back

we will be in the more vulnerable offensive positions

unless of course the have become strong enough and well funded enough

to come across the southern border
He has no strategy. One day he says we're not getting involved. Then he says he's sending a few hundred people over to negotiate, but they won't take sides. Now he's examining the options.

I wish the news would pick up the pace on reporting things. We all know that Obama relies on those reporters to keep him informed of what's going on so he can make excuses, er, I mean decisions.
I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

The only way peace is possible there without massive influence from outside Iraq, is if one side completely wipes out the other side, annihilating them to the last man, woman, and child.


If that's the way they want to live and die, that's their problem. If it's such a big deal, I suggest that the issue is put before the UN and let them handle it with the forces from other countries instead of Ours. For example, what is China proposing to do with Iraq?

"BAGHDAD — Since the American-led invasion of 2003, Iraq has become one of the world’s top oil producers, and China is now its biggest customer.

China already buys nearly half the oil that Iraq produces, nearly 1.5 million barrels a day, and is angling for an even bigger share, bidding for a stake now owned by Exxon Mobil in one of Iraq’s largest oil fields. "

Here's China's response to the situation:
Iraq Crisis Threatens Chinese Oil Investments - Businessweek

After this is over, China will be able to go back there unscathed. How come China is getting more oil from Iraq than we are? We put in all of the work over there, what are We getting out of our military intervention in Iraq?
He has no strategy. One day he says we're not getting involved. Then he says he's sending a few hundred people over to negotiate, but they won't take sides. Now he's examining the options.

I wish the news would pick up the pace on reporting things. We all know that Obama relies on those reporters to keep him informed of what's going on so he can make excuses, er, I mean decisions.

if he tunes in today

he will learn that the 300 or so troops

got a U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement
This is how insane obabble really is. He has no options. There are no decisions that are his to make. He is King Henry in the insane asylum pondering what to do about the pesky french. The orderlies might call him you're majesty. That doesn't mean he really is.

He did find time today to call Putin again and threaten him with more costs.
He got Putins answering machine: "Please leave a message bitch-made motherfucker"........BEEP....!!!
Obabble is reviewing his options vis a vis the Iraq situation, with an eye toward negotiating a settlement with warring factions. Exactly how this would be done is not clear at this time, but all options are on the table. The table could not be located for comment.

Iraq militants 'turning back clock' in captured Mosul

The article does not reference "settlement". Got any real "breaking news"?

Got any feel for satire, Herman?

Only amusing satire, this wasn't. Actual news, from Fox:

Kerry: Iraqi lawmakers meeting to form new government next week | Fox News

And you mean Hermione, I presume:D
Obabble is reviewing his options vis a vis the Iraq situation, with an eye toward negotiating a settlement with warring factions. Exactly how this would be done is not clear at this time, but all options are on the table. The table could not be located for comment.

Iraq militants 'turning back clock' in captured Mosul

are you mentally ill or just illiterate?

why would negotiating a settlement be a bad thing.

btw that would be PRESIDENT OBAMA to you, wingnut.

Ya cause after all terrorists murdering thousands always want to discuss peace, right?

because the best way to victory is with no deaths at all.

I forgot you want to send every troop we have everywhere because all you wan to do is fire guns.

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