Breaking news on fox

And these assholes wonder why I just ad hominem them...I don't have time to explain things to morons and children.

That's a pretty PUNK ASSED way to actually avoid intelligent debate on your part. Why not state your position in an intelligent manner and discuss people's responses to your assertions without getting all spastic about it?
And these assholes wonder why I just ad hominem them...I don't have time to explain things to morons and children.

That's a pretty PUNK ASSED way to actually avoid intelligent debate on your part. Why not state your position in an intelligent manner and discuss people's responses to your assertions without getting all spastic about it?

I don't have time or inclination to explain the obvious to you...if you and Jillian missed the obvious sarcastic humor in the OP there is no hope. I only added the link to satisfy cereal killer and the other lurkers.
Obabble is reviewing his options vis a vis the Iraq situation, with an eye toward negotiating a settlement with warring factions. Exactly how this would be done is not clear at this time, but all options are on the table. The table could not be located for comment.

Iraq militants 'turning back clock' in captured Mosul

are you mentally ill or just illiterate?

why would negotiating a settlement be a bad thing.

btw that would be PRESIDENT OBAMA to you, wingnut.

President Idiot.

Iraq was stable.

All President Moron had to do was keep it that way.

Negotiate a simple Status of Forces Agreement.

Bush stabilized the country AND negotiated a SOFA.

President Incompetent...Liberal Messiah.
I'd rather them fight each other and kill each other and we clean up the ones that are left who actually want to attack us.

This is not a Sunni uprising. This is a Sunni terrorist army that can focus on more than one target as we have recently witnessed. The blazed thru Irag like a hot knife thru butter beheading their way to Baghdad.

Because of Obama and Cameron and others wanting Assad deposed so badly they turned a blind eye to the growing strength and power of ISIS under the leadership of Baghdadi while they have been fighting in Syria.

And they make AQ look like Girl Scouts delivering cookies. This is no rag tag group that formed a militia willy nilly.

And they are attracting young jihadists from around the world including America, Canada and Britain.

They are using social media to attract the young fighters. Many have come to join the fight.

We have a real freaking problem on our hands.

Good, let them go die there........................

As long as they are over there and killing each other , we have less of a problem on our hands. The Iraqi government needs to deploy their military and confront those people, blitz them with overwhelming force, and get their skin in the game.

The Brits seem to be following home growns and know who have left to fight in Syria and Iraq.

I sure as hell hope our countries don't allow anyone back in who have fought as a terrorist. But I don't know how we could stop them from re-entering. I'd like to get a legal opinion to see if they could be charged with any crime.

What a dog's breakfast.
I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

Maybe if he empties Gitmo the terrorists will cut him a deal--------------:cuckoo:

Where did I state anything like that? You don't think that the detainees aka prisoners in Gitmo deserve due process and to be put on trial and sentenced if they are found guilty or freed if they are found not guilty? :cuckoo:

NO, they are prisoners of war. The war is still going on. They should not be released until the radical muslims are defeated or surrender.

"due process" are you a fricken moron. Did Danny Pearl get "due process"? how about the 3000 innocents killed on 9/11? Did they get due process?

you libtards live in a fantasy world.:cuckoo:
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"The Table" sent an email just now:

Hi, I am "The Table." I was made by hand by woodcraftmen in North Carolina over 100 years ago! I was a gift to the then-President of a proud country. I have been here every day since then. Please tell that black guy from Africa to stop leaning on me, stop putting his feet on me, and go fetch me a rub down and get everyone else a coffee. Thank you.
"The Table."

You're new here; so you missed the ridiculous threads about Obama putting his feet on the desk in the oval office. Trust me when I tell you that the thread authors and those that were critical of Obama were ridiculed to the point where they left the threads never to return. They were shown photo after photo of past presidents doing the same thing. They always had an excuse as to how it is somehow different with Obama (they do for most of their moments of faux outrage). But they were laughed out of the room nonetheless. So, while your little dig may seem amusing, it's nothing more than petty hypocrisy that appeals to the lowest common denominator. Now fuck off, you racist sack of shit.
The poor democrats, trying to pretend that obama is still relevant.

Poor Katz. Thinking that anybody gives a shit about the opinion of a Putin-loving, unamerican piece if shit.
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The poor democrats, trying to pretend that obama is still relevant.

Poor Katz. Thinking that anybody gives a shit about the opinion of a Putin-loving, unamerican piece if shit.

Putin vs Obama-----------a man vs a boy, a leader vs a fool.

Russia has a leader, the US has an imposter. The world is laughing at us when an ex KGB hit man looks better than our president.
The poor democrats, trying to pretend that obama is still relevant.

Poor Katz. Thinking that anybody gives a shit about the opinion of a Putin-loving, unamerican piece if shit.

Putin vs Obama-----------a man vs a boy, a leader vs a fool.

Russia has a leader, the US has an imposter. The world is laughing at us when an ex KGB hit man looks better than our president.

Here's a napkin. Have a little self respect and wipe Putin's jizz from your chin.
Poor Katz. Thinking that anybody gives a shit about the opinion of a Putin-loving, unamerican piece if shit.

Putin vs Obama-----------a man vs a boy, a leader vs a fool.

Russia has a leader, the US has an imposter. The world is laughing at us when an ex KGB hit man looks better than our president.

Here's a napkin. Have a little self respect and wipe Putin's jizz from your chin.

sorry dude, real men don't participate in the kind of cocksucking that you do for your kenyan messiah, get your tongue out of his ass and wake the fuck up and see what the bastard is doing to OUR country.
Putin vs Obama-----------a man vs a boy, a leader vs a fool.

Russia has a leader, the US has an imposter. The world is laughing at us when an ex KGB hit man looks better than our president.

Here's a napkin. Have a little self respect and wipe Putin's jizz from your chin.

sorry dude, real men don't participate in the kind of cocksucking that you do for your kenyan messiah, get your tongue out of his ass and wake the fuck up and see what the bastard is doing to OUR country.

Let me know when you've finished fondling Putin's balls while insulting OUR president and then maybe we can have a discussion about what it means to love one's unamerican asshole
Here's a napkin. Have a little self respect and wipe Putin's jizz from your chin.

sorry dude, real men don't participate in the kind of cocksucking that you do for your kenyan messiah, get your tongue out of his ass and wake the fuck up and see what the bastard is doing to OUR country.

Let me know when you've finished fondling Putin's balls while insulting OUR president and then maybe we can have a discussion about what it means to love one's unamerican asshole

Are you really trying to say that someone can't love their country unless they also love the incompetent tinkertoy in the office of president?
Here's a napkin. Have a little self respect and wipe Putin's jizz from your chin.

sorry dude, real men don't participate in the kind of cocksucking that you do for your kenyan messiah, get your tongue out of his ass and wake the fuck up and see what the bastard is doing to OUR country.

Let me know when you've finished fondling Putin's balls while insulting OUR president and then maybe we can have a discussion about what it means to love one's unamerican asshole

You should use a capital "A" when spelling America/American. Just sayin.....
Here's a napkin. Have a little self respect and wipe Putin's jizz from your chin.

sorry dude, real men don't participate in the kind of cocksucking that you do for your kenyan messiah, get your tongue out of his ass and wake the fuck up and see what the bastard is doing to OUR country.

Let me know when you've finished fondling Putin's balls while insulting OUR president and then maybe we can have a discussion about what it means to love one's unamerican asshole

No one who loves America, the constitution, and our individual freedoms would have voted for obama twice.

What the fuck do you think "fundamentally change" means? Does it mean doubling the national debt? does it mean putting more citizens in poverty than ever before? does it mean opening our borders to everyone? does it mean wasting the lives of our young soldiers? does it mean destroying the best medical system in the world?

Obama is a traitor to the USA.

As to Putin, he may be a murderer and a criminal, but he is a leader and is doing what he can to help his country. Comparing him to obama is not praising Putin, its merely pointing out the failures or treason of obama.
sorry dude, real men don't participate in the kind of cocksucking that you do for your kenyan messiah, get your tongue out of his ass and wake the fuck up and see what the bastard is doing to OUR country.

Let me know when you've finished fondling Putin's balls while insulting OUR president and then maybe we can have a discussion about what it means to love one's unamerican asshole

Are you really trying to say that someone can't love their country unless they also love the incompetent tinkertoy in the office of president?

No, I'm saying don't get on your high horse about "OUR country" while praising a corrupt asshole like Putin over your own president.

That whole area is a massive, open-air video game, led by corrupt sociopaths who are operating under a 17th-century mindset.



I agree. Why bother.

Barry's hasn't exactly covered himself in glory with his foreign politics.

Hell. They'd laugh him right off the air. He has no sway with anything in Iraq and I'm sure they know he won't put boots back on the ground.

Hell. I laugh at him myself. He should go back to his golf game and forget Iraq. After all he declared the war over and pulled all our troops out. Lets keep em out.

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