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Let me know when you've finished fondling Putin's balls while insulting OUR president and then maybe we can have a discussion about what it means to love one's unamerican asshole

Are you really trying to say that someone can't love their country unless they also love the incompetent tinkertoy in the office of president?

No, I'm saying don't get on your high horse about "OUR country" while praising a corrupt asshole like Putin over your own president.

why dont you left-wing losers, o-bots and crybabies grow the f*ck up?

recognizing obama for the inept, divisive loser he is isnt praising Putin.

how come you morons accept that Putin and ally syria has given up ALL of it's chemical and biological weapons?

how come many of the idiotic Left believe Putins version of events regarding the Ukraine; that they are just protecting russian citizens from Ukrainian "fascism"?
sorry dude, real men don't participate in the kind of cocksucking that you do for your kenyan messiah, get your tongue out of his ass and wake the fuck up and see what the bastard is doing to OUR country.

Let me know when you've finished fondling Putin's balls while insulting OUR president and then maybe we can have a discussion about what it means to love one's unamerican asshole

No one who loves America, the constitution, and our individual freedoms would have voted for obama twice.

So people who practice their constitutional right to vote for the candidate of their choice don't love their country because you don't like who they voted for. Got it.

What the fuck do you think "fundamentally change" means? Does it mean doubling the national debt? does it mean putting more citizens in poverty than ever before? does it mean opening our borders to everyone? does it mean wasting the lives of our young soldiers? does it mean destroying the best medical system in the world?

Sounds like you're talking about Reagan.

Obama is a traitor to the USA.

You're an idiot

As to Putin, he may be a murderer and a criminal, but he is a leader and is doing what he can to help his country. Comparing him to obama is not praising Putin, its merely pointing out the failures or treason of obama.

He may be a murderer and a criminal, but really he's just doing what he can. Nobody has ever put it to me that way. He sounds like great guy, just misunderstood. A patriot. Leader. He just has to murder people and violate human rights every once in a while. But hey, at least he's not a half ****** from Kenya.
my god man!1 every time you point out what a loser obama is; some moron like the loser above goes ranting about Reagan; who is long dead and would be 100-something years old if he were alive

and then the moron left-wing nutjob throws in the race card for good measure

so typical

I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

Maybe if he empties Gitmo the terrorists will cut him a deal--------------:cuckoo:

Where did I state anything like that? You don't think that the detainees aka prisoners in Gitmo deserve due process and to be put on trial and sentenced if they are found guilty or freed if they are found not guilty? :cuckoo:

If they are found not guilty, where do you imagine they would be freed at? New York City, Chicago, Miami? The countries they came from do not want to take them back.

BTW, what ever happened to due process for Anwar al-Awlaki, or his son? Apparently, your due process is only applicable to foreign born terrorists.
how come many of the idiotic Left believe Putins version of events regarding the Ukraine; that they are just protecting russian citizens from Ukrainian "fascism"?

Wrong side, guy. I haven't seen anybody from the left voice support for Putin's actions regarding Ukraine. Many of the far right have on this very board. I think you're confused
I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

As hard as he tries to blame this mess on Bush, it's his! He took ownership of it when he Swore the Oath Of Office Of The President Of The United States Of America. He doubled down when he sent his lap dog, Biden, out to say Iraq will be the greatest acheivement of his Presidency. He tripled down on it when he decided not to leave 10,000 troops, just so he could meet his own deadline of getting all the troops out. He gave the terrorists a heads up on the date they could come back with impunity and he kept that date.
And don't blame it on Malaki either, Obama is so weak he let a two bit tin horn dictator use him like a "Saturday night special".
Obabble is reviewing his options vis a vis the Iraq situation, with an eye toward negotiating a settlement with warring factions. Exactly how this would be done is not clear at this time, but all options are on the table. The table could not be located for comment.

Iraq militants 'turning back clock' in captured Mosul

are you mentally ill or just illiterate?

why would negotiating a settlement be a bad thing.

btw that would be PRESIDENT OBAMA to you, wingnut.

The wingnuts want war. They want more dead and maimed Americans and more debt.

Funny thing is, the anti-America Repubs are saying we should do exactly this while, out of the other side of their mouths, they're saying Obama is wrong.

RWs aren't smart enough to realize they're being lied to. SSDD for the right.
Obabble is reviewing his options vis a vis the Iraq situation, with an eye toward negotiating a settlement with warring factions. Exactly how this would be done is not clear at this time, but all options are on the table. The table could not be located for comment.

Iraq militants 'turning back clock' in captured Mosul

are you mentally ill or just illiterate?

why would negotiating a settlement be a bad thing.

btw that would be PRESIDENT OBAMA to you, wingnut.

Obama negotiate peace between tribes that have been fighting for 3000 years, are you a fricken moron?

yes, you fools made the incompetent boob president twice. His failures are on you.

Their ignorance is astounding ain't it....
Let me know when you've finished fondling Putin's balls while insulting OUR president and then maybe we can have a discussion about what it means to love one's unamerican asshole

Are you really trying to say that someone can't love their country unless they also love the incompetent tinkertoy in the office of president?

No, I'm saying don't get on your high horse about "OUR country" while praising a corrupt asshole like Putin over your own president.

What's "OUR" country? The one I grew up in or the one transformed by your presidunce?

You would have dragged Germans who opposed Hitler off to the gas chambers because they weren't patriotic.
I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

As hard as he tries to blame this mess on Bush, it's his! He took ownership of it when he Swore the Oath Of Office Of The President Of The United States Of America. He doubled down when he sent his lap dog, Biden, out to say Iraq will be the greatest acheivement of his Presidency. He tripled down on it when he decided not to leave 10,000 troops, just so he could meet his own deadline of getting all the troops out. He gave the terrorists a heads up on the date they could come back with impunity and he kept that date.
And don't blame it on Malaki either, Obama is so weak he let a two bit tin horn dictator use him like a "Saturday night special".

He campaigned to end the war and bring the troops home. He kept his promise and achieved the greatest success of his Presidency. During the last year of the Bush administration US KIA's were averaging almost 1 per day. Amost everyday a US Military member was killed in action. While estimates vary greatly, the lowest estimate is that about 10,000 civilians were killed by collateral combat and bombings. The first year of Obama control the US KIA's were reduced over 50% as were the civilian casualties. In 2010 and 2011 the US KIA casualties were reduced to an average of about 1 per week and finally in 2012 to 0 per day, week and year.
The announcement that the US was pulling out on a specific date was one of the tactic's used to reduce casualties.
I'd rather him try to help negotiate for peace than to deploy any more of our military there.

As hard as he tries to blame this mess on Bush, it's his! He took ownership of it when he Swore the Oath Of Office Of The President Of The United States Of America. He doubled down when he sent his lap dog, Biden, out to say Iraq will be the greatest acheivement of his Presidency. He tripled down on it when he decided not to leave 10,000 troops, just so he could meet his own deadline of getting all the troops out. He gave the terrorists a heads up on the date they could come back with impunity and he kept that date.
And don't blame it on Malaki either, Obama is so weak he let a two bit tin horn dictator use him like a "Saturday night special".

He campaigned to end the war and bring the troops home. He kept his promise and achieved the greatest success of his Presidency. During the last year of the Bush administration US KIA's were averaging almost 1 per day. Amost everyday a US Military member was killed in action. While estimates vary greatly, the lowest estimate is that about 10,000 civilians were killed by collateral combat and bombings. The first year of Obama control the US KIA's were reduced over 50% as were the civilian casualties. In 2010 and 2011 the US KIA casualties were reduced to an average of about 1 per week and finally in 2012 to 0 per day, week and year.
The announcement that the US was pulling out on a specific date was one of the tactic's used to reduce casualties.

You are going to talk about the number of dead Americans soldiers in afghanistan under obammy next right? Of course you aren't.....

obammy owns iraq. He even knew this shit was coming and did nothing to stop it.
Gee,I wonder if it has anything to do with biden saying iraq is one of obammys biggest achievements? Or that the terrorist are all but destroyed?
Why the deflection? Are you really that angry that Obama stopped the blood letting of American soldiers in Iraq. A poster mocked Biden for calling Iraq a great achievement of the administration. It seems to be a popular talking point to indicate that ending the war and getting out of Iraq was a bad thing. I find it a disgusting talking point. I am one of those people that is happy the flag draped coffins and maimed military members are no longer coming home from that waste of American blood and treasure.
obammy owns iraq.

Well, no, he does not. Obama voted against the war in Iraq. The people that lied us into Iraq, that ignored all warnings that it would be a colossal mistake, they own Iraq. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the war hawks that sold it to the American public own Iraq.
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Why the deflection? Are you really that angry that Obama stopped the blood letting of American soldiers in Iraq. A poster mocked Biden for calling Iraq a great achievement of the administration. It seems to be a popular talking point to indicate that ending the war and getting out of Iraq was a bad thing. I find it a disgusting talking point. I am one of those people that is happy the flag draped coffins and maimed military members are no longer coming home from that waste of American blood and treasure.

Again you fail to mention how many American soldiers died in afghanistan under obammys watch. Why the double standard?
The ol Sargent Schultz defense. It never gets old.
obammy owns iraq.

Well, no, he does not. Obama voted against the war in Iraq. The people that lied us into Iraq, that ignored all warnings that it would be a colossal mistake, they own Iraq. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the war hawks that sold it to the American public own Iraq.

Hmmmmm...things were going well until obammy pulled out the troops.
And he knew this shit was about to go down and did nothing to stop it. So yeah,he owns it.
obammy owns iraq.

Well, no, he does not. Obama voted against the war in Iraq. The people that lied us into Iraq, that ignored all warnings that it would be a colossal mistake, they own Iraq. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the war hawks that sold it to the American public own Iraq.

They're not in control now, Obama is. Iraq and all the decisions related thereto, belong to him. He wanted the job, and Iraq came with it. Now it's his and he has to figure out what to do.
Bottom line, both Obama and Congress should insist on a Congressional vote to authorize before any action is taken.
obammy owns iraq.

Well, no, he does not. Obama voted against the war in Iraq. The people that lied us into Iraq, that ignored all warnings that it would be a colossal mistake, they own Iraq. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the war hawks that sold it to the American public own Iraq.

Hmmmmm...things were going well until obammy pulled out the troops.
And he knew this shit was about to go down and did nothing to stop it. So yeah,he owns it.

Uuuh no. Americans know who the blame belongs to. It's not Obama. You can try to blame Obama all you want, but your argument holds no water.

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