Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away

You are not guilty of a crime in the USA until you have been found guilty by a court of law.

Yes, or No?

like i said earlier.....if you see me shoplift and the store doesnt and i get away with it....did i steal or not? why did you not answer the question i asked above?....

According to the law of the land, no. you did not steal. Now, if we did not have a Constitutional guarantee of a trial by jury, I could just turn you in to the Gestapo, and they could shoot you, based on my word for it.

are you serious? i did not steal just because i was not caught? you have a warped sense of right and wrong....
"Why do you rob banks?"

Same logic. I quote the OT because since most of the protestors probably id as Christians, it's where their commandments are gonna be.

You are very ignorant when it comes to Christianity. I suggest you learn more about the religion before you criticize it. Christianity didn't begin in the OT it began with Christ.
Totally wrong, Peach. Nobody is guilty of breaking a law until convicted in a court of law. That is the basis of US criminal law. Otherwise, I could simply tell the government that you are an illegal immigrant, and they could ship you to Guatemala. That is not the way it works in this country. Get a clue.

and as soon as she shows her birth certificate you look like an lets try that question it against our immigration laws to come into this country without letting anyone know and then stay here forever....yes or no?....

Not at all, Harry. I have known dozens of people who have birth certificates from other countries. Yet, they were legal US citizens. Just how much, and which parts of the Constitution do you want to do away with?

then they went through the process to become citizens didnt they?...i like the way you wont answer that question.....thats twice now....
"Why do you rob banks?"

Same logic. I quote the OT because since most of the protestors probably id as Christians, it's where their commandments are gonna be.

Most are Christians ? Well, most Americans are Christians, so it's likely when you take a random crowd of people, the majority would identify as being Christian, but they may not be actual practicing Christians.

I'm agnostic, but I identify with the Christian dominated society that America has always been. These folks are probably mostly the same.
Give this guy a break. He's only looking for a better life.

Previously Deported Mexican Felon Captured 80 Miles Into Texas

HOUSTON, Texas—An illegal alien who had been deported from the United States because of a felony drug conviction was captured near Falfurrias, Texas after sneaking back into the country. A friend of his paid a coyote to smuggle him into the country in Hidalgo county where he began the nearly one hundred mile hike that would leave him left for dead in South Texas only to be arrested by volunteer deputies working extra shifts in Brooks County.

The illegal alien, age 30, grew up in the United States having immigrated illegally as a child. He was deported six months ago after having served time for a felony drug conviction according to Daniel Weber, the head of the volunteer police officers who have come to the aid of the beleaguered Brooks County Sheriff’s Office.
What a shameful display just before the 4th of July.

I'm talking about this thread and sick far-rightie xenophobes.

Then get down there, and welcome as many into your home as possible.

And by the way, we're trying to save this country from becoming the worlds largest third world country.

It's time for some other country, to police the world. I'm tired of having all of the worlds problems dumped on my doorstep.
You are not guilty of a crime in the USA until you have been found guilty by a court of law.

Yes, or No?

like i said earlier.....if you see me shoplift and the store doesnt and i get away with it....did i steal or not? why did you not answer the question i asked above?....

According to the law of the land, no. you did not steal. Now, if we did not have a Constitutional guarantee of a trial by jury, I could just turn you in to the Gestapo, and they could shoot you, based on my word for it.

Wrong. According to the laws of the land you are not allowed to rob a bank and you are not allowed to enter at a border without complying with all manner of proper rules and regulations regarding alien entry into America.

If you steal something, you ARE guilty of stealing. There is a difference between BEING guilty and being FOUND guilty. Morons like you can never seem to grasp that simple obvious truth.

Also, your unique username comes with the claim that you are a "recovering x republican." That would mean that you WERE an Ex Republican but, having recovered, you are no longer an EX Republican. That would make you a Republican, you blithering bleating dip-shit.

You can't get ANYthing right.
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Well, If the About blog says so, one must believe it....

then it should be easy for you to prove me wrong right?....

Not interested in doing your research. Feel free to quote a credible source with actual numbers. I would accept any source that provides exact numbers which came from budget disclosures from state or local governments.

in other words you looked and could not disprove that......thats ok i could not find anything disproving it is one saying it costs your State around 2 Billion a year....
No, you idiot.

If you go rob a bank, you tool, you are guilty from the very moment you do the act.

You may not be guilty yet in the eyes of the law. But that hardly means you aren't guilty in fact.

And even if you are presumed innocent in the eyes of the law until and unless found guilty in a court of law after a full fair trial, that doesn't mean you have any fucking right to commit a bank robbery. Indeed, you might get lawfully shot to death IN THE ACT.

You have no "right" to commit a crime. ILLEGAL entry into the United States IS a "crime." You may not like that fact, but FACT it is.

according to Vandal as long as you dont get caught you have committed no crime....

..and also according to the law of the land. Get over it. O.J. Simpson is innocent of murder, according to the law, and can not be penalized for that crime.

Vandal a question.....if i killed someone right in front of you and you did not want to get involved so you kept quiet and i was not arrested......did i kill that person or not?....
Sorry, Zand, but that is unconstitutional. Nobody is an illegal immigrant until they have been found guilty by a US court of law. You can't just round people ip and deport them without a trial.

They are not U.S. Citizens.
They are law breakers.
They are not entitled to any U.S. Courts or any of our Constitutional Rights.
What is the very first words of our Constitution?
WE the People of the United States
It does not say We the People of the whole world.

Totally wrong, Peach. Nobody is guilty of breaking a law until convicted in a court of law. That is the basis of US criminal law. Otherwise, I could simply tell the government that you are an illegal immigrant, and they could ship you to Guatemala. That is not the way it works in this country. Get a clue.

When you tell the government that I might be illegal then I show them my birth certificate.
Or someone else would show their visa's
We are talking about people who cross our boarders without using our laws to become legal citizens.
They get deported as soon as they cross our boarders and are caught.
This administration is ignoring and violating those laws and they should be convicted in a court of law.
But we all know this will never happen.
Scumbags make our country look like a bunch of xenophobe pigs.

Hazel comment on your own know nothing of what those people are like.....and you know nothing about this State in spite of claiming to have "lived" here.....if you think that is a display of Xenophobia then those people have proved to me what i have been saying here for quite a while and people like you have been saying i am wrong.....Democrats can be just as "bigoted" as any Republican....remember what i said....that town during the last election voted for Brown and Newsome way more than anyone else running....
They are criminals. 80% of these "children" are between 14 and 18 and are gang members. Many are wanted criminals in their own country but have not yet committed a crime here. Pack them up and send them back. All of them.

sure they are that what the Right Wingers told ya?...or did you get that info from the same place you get all that great realistic pot information?.......

Do you have any idea how many MS13 gang members there are in Central America? There are literally millions.

A great many of these 'children' are in gangs like MS13 and it has been documented.

Hell more than 300 of the illegals that have snuck in recently are actual full blown terrorists.
Katz means everyone of them are gang members Jim.....even the ones who are not even walking yet....and yes im sure even the ones who are not, are,in her warped mind....i have seen her previous comments about Mexicans maybe you havent.....once you prove you are a bigot there aint much you can do to change that.....its to late for her.....and Jim i realize what you are saying about the Gangs....i did report what a Border Patrol guy said here about them on the local news....he said they are aware of them but they are worried our wondrous Govt is going to say they cant touch them because of politics....
sure they are that what the Right Wingers told ya?...or did you get that info from the same place you get all that great realistic pot information?.......

Do you have any idea how many MS13 gang members there are in Central America? There are literally millions.

A great many of these 'children' are in gangs like MS13 and it has been documented.

Hell more than 300 of the illegals that have snuck in recently are actual full blown terrorists.
Katz means everyone of them are gang members Jim.....even the ones who are not even walking yet....and yes im sure even the ones who are not, are,in her warped mind....i have seen her previous comments about Mexicans maybe you havent.....once you prove you are a bigot there aint much you can do to change that.....its to late for her.....and Jim i realize what you are saying about the Gangs....i did report what a Border Patrol guy said here about them on the local news....he said they are aware of them but they are worried our wondrous Govt is going to say they cant touch them because of politics....

The ones who aren't walking yet are born into the gang. They are raised by the gang. By 11 they are ready to begin training.
Did you hear what the leader of La Raza called us?

we are extremist for not just bowing down to this invasion

WATCH ‘La Raza’ President Call Anti-Illegal Immigrant Protestors ‘Appalling’ and ‘Outrageous’
WATCH ‘La Raza’ President Call Anti-Illegal Immigrant Protestors ‘Appalling’ and ‘Outrageous’

get that title, you are anti-Illegal immigrant protesters

how dare you protest illegal immigrants being dumped in your towns by YOUR GOVERNMENT

real nice eh

they have been talking for years.....all the Native born Mexicans i know tell me...."what the fuck do you care what a bunch of Putos from Mexico think?".....i dont think they stir everyone up as much as some think they do....
When criminals and terrorists cross into the US on foot, it gets attention. But when they fly in (as happened before 9/11) no one seems to care.

and this is one of the reasons why so many down there are doing what they are doing.....the Border Patrol guy on the news said that these peoples fear about that is a reality and what he could not say but his Union rep said it for him.....the Border Patrol is worried that Politics will come into play here and even known Gang members will be let in....which apparently has already happened.....

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