BREAKING NEWS: Rand Paul Furiously Lists Shocking Earmarks In Programs $1.2 Trillion Budget

Here's a list of the Republicans who are no better than Schumer.
I might add, there's a few who are not on this list who normally vote for these spending bills. Turns out, they weren't needed. Like my congressman, Westerman. This is his first no vote on a spending bill in years.
Just so happens, they didn't need his vote this time.

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You are fringe
Keep going after the windmills though.
$1.5 million to push kids into playing video games isn't statesman-like.
That wasn’t the argument I was making.
When did they stop with the formal earmarks? And what's the difference between that and a regular earmark?

The congress got rid of the horse trading so it was one less reason for the members to work together. When you look at the bi-monthly last second measures to keep the lights on, one of the reasons for the entrenchment is that our political officials are prevented from practicing politics.
Great idea. Let us all join Ron Paul to cut off all the pork and greatly reduce the amount of money the filthy ass Federal government spends.

Do you know that the US Federal government's budget is greater than the GDP of all but one other country on earth? That doesn't even include a like amount from State and Local governments. That is despicable, isn't it? Lots of welfare queens wanting to suck at the teat of government. Lets put a stop to it, OK?

By the way, I voted for Ron Paul for President in 2008, 2012 and 2016.

Did he do a good job for you?
Great idea. Let us all join Ron Paul to cut off all the pork and greatly reduce the amount of money the filthy ass Federal government spends.

Do you know that the US Federal government's budget is greater than the GDP of all but one other country on earth? That doesn't even include a like amount from State and Local governments. That is despicable, isn't it? Lots of welfare queens wanting to suck at the teat of government. Lets put a stop to it, OK?

By the way, I voted for Ron Paul for President in 2008, 2012 and 2016.

GOP voters are gonna have to get away from politicians like Trump, McConnell and Johnson. They're going to have to learn he benefits of fiscal conservatism and ONLY support fiscal conservatives. Even if it means the GOP is reduced down to a small minority for a couple of elections. Long enough for the RNC to finally get the message that we're sick of being lied to. We sick of the few actual conservatives in DC getting thrown under the bus by the big spending/big government RINO's.

Rand point out a great fact. That if the GOP isn't going to be fiscal conservatives, then they're no better than the democrats.
1.5 million to encourage video games in New York?

Ok well either 100% of that is just going into a couple people's pocket. Or it's a way to try and keep young people in front of screens and indoors doing nothing with their lives except playing games.

The game industry raked in 187 billion last year. It doesn't need any help being promoted.

It's the WEF/2030 agenda.

It's not a conspiracy theory, they influenced the US Congress to push that policy.
Great idea. Let us all join Ron Paul to cut off all the pork and greatly reduce the amount of money the filthy ass Federal government spends.

Do you know that the US Federal government's budget is greater than the GDP of all but one other country on earth? That doesn't even include a like amount from State and Local governments. That is despicable, isn't it? Lots of welfare queens wanting to suck at the teat of government. Lets put a stop to it, OK?

By the way, I voted for Ron Paul for President in 2008, 2012 and 2016.
I too voted for Ron 2008/2012. How'd ya like the way the freakin' RNC phuked over Ron's delegates in the 2012 bid??? I'd bet the farm that @ least 1/3rd of todays GOP upper/lower house seats are filled with RINOS. I've been telling my fellow Americans for decades to dump BOTH the DNC/RNC corporations & vote for independent or 3rd party original intent constitutionally based candidates but to no avail. I was with our Libertarian Party USA as a 'contributing member' from 1983 to 2014. The link below in MY OPINION speaks for BOTH the DNC & RNC corporations.

No they have age limits so the kids can play against each other at around the same age group. The kids that make the most are jr high to college age and a few older ones.
lol, that you think this is a real conversation is hilarious…Grow the fuck up, and start showing you have more than just snarky little one liners…

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