Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary

You're a truck driver? And you told the Teamsters to fuck off? You driving your own rig? Then you be self employed and not a wage slave. Drive for the same company all the time? Or hustling your next load at the terminal?

Either way, no wonder you hate the union. You're a fucking truck driver. You hate it when there are union dock workers to unload you right? Cause they know you hate them and drag their asses getting you unloaded.
Or do you just drop and go?

When you run into (not literally) union drivers in the truck stops, rest stops and other terminals, do you trash them out and let them know how much you hate them and what a bad ass you are? Or do you have more fucking sense than that?
It's questionable
Just curious.
I notice tow truck drivers and ups drivers are conservative. Too much rush? My advice get satellite and listen to Howard stern.
That is because most low level blue collar workers, with jobs that don't even require a HS education - like the StpussymichaelthecatholicCultist - have no ability to think for themselves. They are lemmings.

So you'd rather listen to Stern talk about boobies?
I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary

You're a truck driver? And you told the Teamsters to fuck off? You driving your own rig? Then you be self employed and not a wage slave. Drive for the same company all the time? Or hustling your next load at the terminal?

Either way, no wonder you hate the union. You're a fucking truck driver. You hate it when there are union dock workers to unload you right? Cause they know you hate them and drag their asses getting you unloaded.
Or do you just drop and go?

When you run into (not literally) union drivers in the truck stops, rest stops and other terminals, do you trash them out and let them know how much you hate them and what a bad ass you are? Or do you have more fucking sense than that?
It's questionable
Just curious.
I notice tow truck drivers and ups drivers are conservative. Too much rush? My advice get satellite and listen to Howard stern.

Stern really?

A 50 something year old adolescent talking about boobies and farts.

No wonder all you libs are so fucking immature

Howard Stern truly is a piece of shit. When Dr. Laura joined Sirius XM, he told his callers to overwhelm her show with crank calls calling her the most vile names on the air. For several days, they did this. What was Dr. Laura's crime? She's conservative and fights the lies of feminism, though she doesn't talk much about politics.

And the things that Howard Stern said about Sarah Palin and her children would cause even David Letterman to blush. A real asshole that one.
I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary

You're a truck driver? And you told the Teamsters to fuck off? You driving your own rig? Then you be self employed and not a wage slave. Drive for the same company all the time? Or hustling your next load at the terminal?

Either way, no wonder you hate the union. You're a fucking truck driver. You hate it when there are union dock workers to unload you right? Cause they know you hate them and drag their asses getting you unloaded.
Or do you just drop and go?

When you run into (not literally) union drivers in the truck stops, rest stops and other terminals, do you trash them out and let them know how much you hate them and what a bad ass you are? Or do you have more fucking sense than that?
It's questionable
Just curious.
I notice tow truck drivers and ups drivers are conservative. Too much rush? My advice get satellite and listen to Howard stern.
That is because most low level blue collar workers, with jobs that don't even require a HS education - like the StpussymichaelthecatholicCultist - have no ability to think for themselves. They are lemmings.

So you'd rather listen to Stern talk about boobies?
:lol: Good point! When I travel, I tend to listen to conservative shows...but I am not a lemming or a blue collar worker like the catholic cultist...I can thinkn for myself.
I hate unions because they use coercion to force people to pay union dues to have a job. That's why most Americans hate unions and the reason that Right To Work is expanding.

Question was; do you express your hatred of Teamsters (union workers) to their faces when you encounter them or not?

I say you puss out and don't. But I have known a lot of truck drivers and I even spent some time driving a truck for a construction company, and they do some crazy shit.

You ever had a union driver stop to offer you help or assistance when you needed it? Or did they just blow you off?

There must be some better reason for you to hate something you aren't even a part of. Doesn't effect you. Unless you want to be an unsafe driver. Is that it? To many safety rules in the union?

I live in what was a big union state (Ohio). Kasich tried to make it RTW, Didn't work. Seems like not so many Ohioans hate the unions. Maybe you are not even correct when you say "most Americans hate unions".
I think he told a story about beating a man with a mini baseball bat for putting his hands on him during a strike.
I hate unions because they use coercion to force people to pay union dues to have a job. That's why most Americans hate unions and the reason that Right To Work is expanding.

Question was; do you express your hatred of Teamsters (union workers) to their faces when you encounter them or not?

I say you puss out and don't. But I have known a lot of truck drivers and I even spent some time driving a truck for a construction company, and they do some crazy shit.

You ever had a union driver stop to offer you help or assistance when you needed it? Or did they just blow you off?

There must be some better reason for you to hate something you aren't even a part of. Doesn't effect you. Unless you want to be an unsafe driver. Is that it? To many safety rules in the union?

I live in what was a big union state (Ohio). Kasich tried to make it RTW, Didn't work. Seems like not so many Ohioans hate the unions. Maybe you are not even correct when you say "most Americans hate unions".
I think he told a story about beating a man with a mini baseball bat for putting his hands on him during a strike.

Think again.
I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary

You're a truck driver? And you told the Teamsters to fuck off? You driving your own rig? Then you be self employed and not a wage slave. Drive for the same company all the time? Or hustling your next load at the terminal?

Either way, no wonder you hate the union. You're a fucking truck driver. You hate it when there are union dock workers to unload you right? Cause they know you hate them and drag their asses getting you unloaded.
Or do you just drop and go?

When you run into (not literally) union drivers in the truck stops, rest stops and other terminals, do you trash them out and let them know how much you hate them and what a bad ass you are? Or do you have more fucking sense than that?
It's questionable
Just curious.
I notice tow truck drivers and ups drivers are conservative. Too much rush? My advice get satellite and listen to Howard stern.

Stern really?

A 50 something year old adolescent talking about boobies and farts.

No wonder all you libs are so fucking immature

Howard Stern truly is a piece of shit. When Dr. Laura joined Sirius XM, he told his callers to overwhelm her show with crank calls calling her the most vile names on the air. For several days, they did this. What was Dr. Laura's crime? She's conservative and fights the lies of feminism, though she doesn't talk much about politics.

And the things that Howard Stern said about Sarah Palin and her children would cause even David Letterman to blush. A real asshole that one.
Fuck those two cuntts Palin and Dr laura.
True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.
Cut the slave shit

Anyone is free to leave a job where they don't think that are paid enough or treated well enough

If you want a better life get off your lazy whining fucking ass and make it better yourself instead of demanding that other people do it for you
Why dont mexicans do that in mexico? Oh yea because there arent any good jobs in mexico.

This is starting to happen in america. The young college educated kids working for less and ford jobs are now walmart jobs. Good luck getting into ford but walmarts hiring.
Conservatives try to forget the GOP policies sent millions of jobs overseas and let millions of illegals come take jobs americans would do.

Yup. A happy prosperous worker makes for a better productive worker.

It's up to the worker to make himself both happy and prosperous not his employer

True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.

Let them go on strike.

I know if I was looking for a job I would cross a picket line I bet there are millions of others who would too.

In the past unions had a place and fought for things like safe working conditions but no union movement is going to convince anyone that stuffing shit into a bag is a 15 an hour job

Yes we know, you despise American Workers. You're only happy when they're making shit wages. You Corporate-Bootlickers really do need to look at yourselves in a mirror sometime. You need to grow a conscience and a true sense of morals. You can't take it with ya. Stop letting greed eat your souls.
I only despise people who whine like you.

If you want to make your life better then it is your duty and responsibility to do so not mine, not your employer's not the government you and you alone.

So grow up and act like a man for once
That's what we're trying to do. You want to give the employer all the power. No
I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary

You're a truck driver? And you told the Teamsters to fuck off? You driving your own rig? Then you be self employed and not a wage slave. Drive for the same company all the time? Or hustling your next load at the terminal?

Either way, no wonder you hate the union. You're a fucking truck driver. You hate it when there are union dock workers to unload you right? Cause they know you hate them and drag their asses getting you unloaded.
Or do you just drop and go?

When you run into (not literally) union drivers in the truck stops, rest stops and other terminals, do you trash them out and let them know how much you hate them and what a bad ass you are? Or do you have more fucking sense than that?
It's questionable
Just curious.
I notice tow truck drivers and ups drivers are conservative. Too much rush? My advice get satellite and listen to Howard stern.

Stern really?

A 50 something year old adolescent talking about boobies and farts.

No wonder all you libs are so fucking immature

Howard Stern truly is a piece of shit. When Dr. Laura joined Sirius XM, he told his callers to overwhelm her show with crank calls calling her the most vile names on the air. For several days, they did this. What was Dr. Laura's crime? She's conservative and fights the lies of feminism, though she doesn't talk much about politics.

And the things that Howard Stern said about Sarah Palin and her children would cause even David Letterman to blush. A real asshole that one.
Fuck those two cuntts Palin and Dr laura.

Your bigotry is showing.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.
Cut the slave shit

Anyone is free to leave a job where they don't think that are paid enough or treated well enough

If you want a better life get off your lazy whining fucking ass and make it better yourself instead of demanding that other people do it for you
Why dont mexicans do that in mexico? Oh yea because there arent any good jobs in mexico.

This is starting to happen in america. The young college educated kids working for less and ford jobs are now walmart jobs. Good luck getting into ford but walmarts hiring.

It's illegal immigrants that are driving down wages. And guess what? Unions are moving to screw over their American members by pushing for amnesty, proving yet again that they don't actually serve the best interests of their members. Unions are Democrats before they're anything else.
But not fucking with you. When I see a working man rooting against other working men and women, it's kinda sad.
You a lower middle class truck driver dude. Why the fuck you hatin unions and sucking up to the Republicans?
Republicans are not the working mans friend. And no one has forced you into a union .Wtf?

No one is rooting against other working men and women, they are fighting what has become a political machine that is set to destroy republicans and strengthen Democratic positions.

The unions at one time were a welcome intervention, they assured better pay and working conditions for workers.

I have touched on this already, back when you worked for the company mine, you were housed in company housing and you were paid in company script that could only be spent at the company store then unions were a relief from ruthless Employers.
Conditions were usually less than safe and worker safety came only after corporate profits.

Those days are gone, with OHSHA and a myriad or other alpha bit soup government driven agencies conditions are the best for workers now than any other point and time in our history.

So as he unions usefulness has waned they have develed into politics where due paying members have often had differences of opinion's .

Now Democrats are not working man friends, they tell you worthless pieces of thrash you are better off sucking the government tit than working!!

While you talking points are childish and ill conceived what do you expect from some one with a single digit IQ??

Grow the fuck up and learn that unions are legal mafia protectionism / extortion rackets.

How the Mafia Works
by Ed Grabianowski

Mafia Activities
The ultimate point of the Mafia is to make money. Families use a variety of activities to accomplish this. One of the most common is also one of the simplest -- extortion. Extortion is forcing people to give up their money by threatening them in some way. Mafia "protection rackets" are extortion schemes. They tell a shop owner that she needs to pay them $100 a week so they can "protect" her from criminals who might demolish the shop or hurt her family -- the implication being that the Mafia members themselves are these criminals.

Anyone who tells you the only way to get more money benefits is to pay them is extorting your money while playing on your ignorance .................
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.
Cut the slave shit

Anyone is free to leave a job where they don't think that are paid enough or treated well enough

If you want a better life get off your lazy whining fucking ass and make it better yourself instead of demanding that other people do it for you
Why dont mexicans do that in mexico? Oh yea because there arent any good jobs in mexico.

This is starting to happen in america. The young college educated kids working for less and ford jobs are now walmart jobs. Good luck getting into ford but walmarts hiring.

Well of course, greedy little bitches like you pushed the unions for higher wages and got them ......................

This was all fine and well till that labor charge shot the price of the automobiles so high that they were no longer competitive in the world market ..............

Yes, greed driven by the unions, bit them in their own ass ................

Priced themselves right out of the fucking market moron .......................
It's up to the worker to make himself both happy and prosperous not his employer

True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.

Translation, you are too gutless to start your own business? I guess its easier letting someone else do all the work, take all the risk, and put up all the money. I'm amazed at people like you who feel entitled to ownership in the company simply because you are an employee. Tell me is my lawn care service entitled to part ownership of my house? Is the Jiffy Lube guy who changes my oil entitled to part ownership of my truck? Suffices to say people like you sicken me.
We got rid of button hooks when the zipper was invented.

Unions like button hooks have filled their purpose and are no longer needed

Remember Ford Lorain?

Ford Corporate was complaining for years about quality of their cars. Plant management and union were defending themselves that quality was bad because of outdated paint shop. Finally, Ford decided to put brand new paint shop there. Back then, in 2003 Ford spent some $300 million on upgrades. However, year later, quality was still at the same level and told them, if quality doesn't improve, they'll close the plant. Guess what, one more year and quality didn't improve. Plant attitude was, they can't close us, they just spent $300 million here.

Plant was closed in 2005. I was there designing and installing new paint shop. I was there again, ripping it apart, redesigning it and installing it in Ford Dearborn. Thank you UAW for keeping me busy for 2 years.
When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.

Sorry, but you can't have your slaves. American Workers are on the rise once again. And good for them. People like you have been shitting on them for years. It's about time they start catching some breaks.
Cut the slave shit

Anyone is free to leave a job where they don't think that are paid enough or treated well enough

If you want a better life get off your lazy whining fucking ass and make it better yourself instead of demanding that other people do it for you
Why dont mexicans do that in mexico? Oh yea because there arent any good jobs in mexico.

This is starting to happen in america. The young college educated kids working for less and ford jobs are now walmart jobs. Good luck getting into ford but walmarts hiring.

Well of course, greedy little bitches like you pushed the unions for higher wages and got them ......................

This was all fine and well till that labor charge shot the price of the automobiles so high that they were no longer competitive in the world market ..............

Yes, greed driven by the unions, bit them in their own ass ................

Priced themselves right out of the fucking market moron .......................

After destroying the manufacturing jobs in this country, and the private sector unions with them, the liberals simply created public sector government unions to fund their campaigns. If they need more money they just raise taxes, give the money to the government unions, which kick back part of the money to the liberal politicians. That's brilliant, except that the taxpayers get screwed.

AND I have no doubt the GOP establishment politicians would be using the exact same taxpayer funded scheme if given half the chance.
What right wingers continue to ignore that every time the minimum wage has been raised in recent years, unemployment had gone down. Prices have not seen any big jump either.

But right wingers never let facts get in the way of their opposition.

I also have to call bullshit on this kind of post, regardless of the facts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be saying that there are no negative repercussions of raising minimum wage. If you really believed this, why wouldn't you push for a much really meaningful minimum wage - one that have us all living comfortable upper-middle class lifestyles?

Isn't the reason you don't advocate massive minimum wage hikes is that you know they'd do massive damage? And that relatively minor minimum wage hikes do relatively minor damage, and you're just ok with that?
There is no down side to raising the minimum wage. The 13 states which have legislated minimum wage increases have a better combined job creation rate than the other 37 states combined job creation rate.

Of course right wingers will say that why stop at $15.00 an hour. Why not $25.00 or $50.00 or $100 per hour but we have no studies to tell us what would happen because it's never been done.

What we do know is that getting more money into the pockets of low wage earners is a positive thing to the economy.
There is no down side to raising the minimum wage. The 13 states which have legislated minimum wage increases have a better combined job creation rate than the other 37 states combined job creation rate.

Of course right wingers will say that why stop at $15.00 an hour. Why not $25.00 or $50.00 or $100 per hour but we have no studies to tell us what would happen because it's never been done.

What we do know is that getting more money into the pockets of low wage earners is a positive thing to the economy.

Yeah, Yeah, you dumb bitch, this is way above your pay grade but for the more intelligent readers

Benjamin H. Harris and Melissa S. Kearney | January 10, 2014 2:00pm

The “Ripple Effect” of a Minimum Wage Increase on American Workers

U.S. policymakers continue to engage in an active debate over the minimum wage. Calls for minimum wage increases—at the federal, state, and local levels—are based on the premise that rises in the minimum wage will improve the economic well-being of low-paid workers. This has become an important policy prescription in movements to combat poverty.

One area of focus in the debate is whether a minimum wage increase would actually affect many workers. Some skeptics have argued that only a very small share of workers actually receive the minimum wage, and furthermore, that many of those workers are not struggling adults, but rather teenagers from affluent families. Understanding the magnitude of the impact of a federal or state-level minimum wage increase on workers is an important first step in informing the policy debate.

The argument that only a small share of workers is actually paid the minimum wage misses a key point: many of those who would be impacted by a raise in the minimum wage are actually low-wage workers making slightly above the minimum wage. In addition to this broader scope of the workforce, economist Arin Dube of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst points out that a shrinking share of low-wage workers is comprised of teenagers. His work shows that among those earning no more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 in 2011, fewer than a quarter were teenagers. Among those earning less than $10 an hour, only 12 percent were teenagers, as compared to 26 percent in 1979.

The Ripple Effect of a Minimum Wage Increase on American Workers Brookings Institution
There is no down side to raising the minimum wage. The 13 states which have legislated minimum wage increases have a better combined job creation rate than the other 37 states combined job creation rate.

Of course right wingers will say that why stop at $15.00 an hour. Why not $25.00 or $50.00 or $100 per hour but we have no studies to tell us what would happen because it's never been done.

What we do know is that getting more money into the pockets of low wage earners is a positive thing to the economy.

All a drastic raise in MW does is reduce the purchasing power of people who are making above MW.

We're not talking a 10% increase here we are talking about raising labor costs somewhere between 50 and 100% depending what state you are talking about.

To say that won't effect prices drastically is ridiculous
There is no down side to raising the minimum wage. The 13 states which have legislated minimum wage increases have a better combined job creation rate than the other 37 states combined job creation rate.

Of course right wingers will say that why stop at $15.00 an hour. Why not $25.00 or $50.00 or $100 per hour

Any sane person would say this. If we can make ourselves wealthy simply my mandating higher wages, why not do it in a meaningful way? If I seriously believed as you claim to, that there is no downside to raising the minimum wage I would definitely be for raising it to $100/hr. I can't imagine why you don't support that. Or why you won't answer the question.

What we do know is that getting more money into the pockets of low wage earners is a positive thing to the economy.

No matter how it's accomplished?

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