Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

There is no down side to raising the minimum wage. The 13 states which have legislated minimum wage increases have a better combined job creation rate than the other 37 states combined job creation rate.

Of course right wingers will say that why stop at $15.00 an hour. Why not $25.00 or $50.00 or $100 per hour but we have no studies to tell us what would happen because it's never been done.

What we do know is that getting more money into the pockets of low wage earners is a positive thing to the economy.

You deluded Leftists think that more money just appears out of thin air. The market can only support so much. For instance, if McDonald's wages went up to $20 per hour and a Big Mac cost $10, people would just do without. There's always a breaking point and because restaurant and retail industries operate on such a thin margin at the store level, that breaking point would mean businesses closing.

So let me ask you, silly Leftists, what does it matter if the minimum wage is $20 an hour when a person doesn't even have a job?
This was all fine and well till that labor charge shot the price of the automobiles so high that they were no longer competitive in the world market ...........

If you weren't so fucking stupid, you might understand what I am about to write.

Poor design, poor gas mileage and poor quality is what hurt the American automobile companies
The poor design is on management. The poor gas mileage is on management. And the poor quality is shared between the union membership and management.

This fucking bullshit you spread that it's all on the unions is bullshit.

What's the matter? You wanted some sort of union job once and couldn't get it?

You fucking don't like unions in politics? To fucking bad. You got your corporations fully funding the politicians you like. And people like me have the unions as a counterpoint. Funding politicians who aren't JUST looking out for the big money players.

You don't like that? Too fucking bad, it;'s the way it is.
This was all fine and well till that labor charge shot the price of the automobiles so high that they were no longer competitive in the world market ...........

If you weren't so fucking stupid, you might understand what I am about to write.

Poor design, poor gas mileage and poor quality is what hurt the American automobile companies
The poor design is on management. The poor gas mileage is on management. And the poor quality is shared between the union membership and management.

This fucking bullshit you spread that it's all on the unions is bullshit.

What's the matter? You wanted some sort of union job once and couldn't get it?

You fucking don't like unions in politics? To fucking bad. You got your corporations fully funding the politicians you like. And people like me have the unions as a counterpoint. Funding politicians who aren't JUST looking out for the big money players.

You don't like that? Too fucking bad, it;'s the way it is.
You're a one trick pony and your trick isn't even that good. Anyone who criticizes unions is just jealous that they didn't get a union job? It's just logic that you can only pay so much for labor before you're no longer competitive with the global market. People bought Hondas in the 1980's because GM's and Fords were too expensive. It's that simple. And while American workers were whining about wages, Japanese workers were grateful to have a steady job and didn't act like spoiled brats demanding more and more. You can try to rewrite history, but you can't change the fact that unions distort the market by artificially setting wages well beyond what the market can reasonably support.
This was all fine and well till that labor charge shot the price of the automobiles so high that they were no longer competitive in the world market ...........

If you weren't so fucking stupid, you might understand what I am about to write.

Poor design, poor gas mileage and poor quality is what hurt the American automobile companies
The poor design is on management. The poor gas mileage is on management. And the poor quality is shared between the union membership and management.

This fucking bullshit you spread that it's all on the unions is bullshit.

What's the matter? You wanted some sort of union job once and couldn't get it?

You fucking don't like unions in politics? To fucking bad. You got your corporations fully funding the politicians you like. And people like me have the unions as a counterpoint. Funding politicians who aren't JUST looking out for the big money players.

You don't like that? Too fucking bad, it;'s the way it is.

Why what a fucking moronic rant, no never wanted a union job, had you been following the subject and had any comprehension skills, you would have read where I worked as a scab to help destroy a union.

My corporations?? No the corporations belong to CEO's, boards of directors and share holders, but for a stupid moron like you to rant otherwise is funny............

People like you are losing the union, what part of on the decline is not fucking sinking in, moron??

Now you come out here and rant your bull shit sans links like a little bitch!!

Read the fucking truth bitch ................

Detroit Gave Unions Keys To The City, And Now Nothing Is Left
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(Photo credit: Bernt Rostad)

We keep hearing that the car industry in Detroit is “on the rebound” or that “Detroit is back.” In fact, the city itself is on its back, and it’s bounding toward bankruptcy or a state takeover. How did one of America’s most storied cities land in this predicament? While the city population has shrunk (from a peak population of 1.8 million in 1950 to 714,000 in the last census), it has hardly reduced the government that serves it. All you really need to know about Detroit, which is facing a $327 million budget gap, is that last year it was discovered to still be paying for a “horseshoer” (or farrier) on the Detroit Water & Sewer Department (DWSD) payroll. This individual costs some $56,000 in pay and benefits, despite the city not having any horses to shoe in his department.

Union bosses insisted the DWSD (average compensation: $86,000) needs more, not fewer, such unionized employees, a view associated with a broad spectrum of thinkers from Jimmy Hoffa to the Keynesians running the United States. The DWSD has more than twice as many employees per gallon of water pumped as that other paragon of Midwestern governance, Chicago. An independent report said four out of five employees in the bloated department were redundant and discovered a thicket of union regulations driving up costs. Plumbers complained that, due to union work rules, they had to wait to fix pipes until duly authorized “operators” came along first to shut them off.

The Detroit Federation of Teachers, which enjoys rich pay packages (corrected for purchasing power, Michigan teachers are the best paid in the nation, reported the Mackinac Center for Policy Policy), would do the UAW proud. Its employees pay only ten percent of the cost of their insurance premiums. While they take extravagant numbers of sick days or personal days — 8 per teacher — they also cash in on “unused sick days” to the tune of $14.5 million a year. What other industries are so surprised when you aren’t sick that they pay you a bonus? Then again, we’re talking about a group that paid people to quit — $4.1. million in “termination bonuses” were handed out to teachers’ union members in 2010-2011. And last December the city inexplicably sent out archaic “longevity bonuses” ranging from $150 to $750 depending on years of service for non-union municipal employees, even though the benefit was removed for unionized employees in 2009.

The Detroit Service Employees’ International Union did even better, soaking individuals for its own purposes. It arranged to corral thousands of people receiving Medicaid payments to care for sick friends or relatives into its union, for the purpose of charging these people dues, which it siphons directly from the Medicaid checks. So far SEIU has raked in $34 million this way.

From 2008 to 2011, health insurance costs for Detroit employees and retirees have jumped 62% to $186 million a year, the Detroit Free Press reported. Pension contributions in that period jumped 140 percent, from $50 million to $120 million.

To fight for their lavish compensation, unions have proven prepared to fight back with any weapon at hand. Appointing emergency financial managers is “just like being in the slave days,” complained Iris Salters, the president of the Michigan Education Association.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder has 30 days to decide whether to appoint a city emergency manager to try to save Detroit from the catastrophe presided over by elected officials. Such a fixer would have the power to break Detroit’s union contracts and fire political figures. Snyder means business: He’s already interviewed candidates.

Eminem famously said, in a Super Bowl commercial, “This is the motor city, and this is what we do.”

What Detroit does is give unions the keys to the treasury until nothing is left. That day has come, and their own success is killing unions. What can save Detroit? Nothing, probably, though a group of waggish libertarians proposed buying the Detroit river’s dilapidated park Belle Isle for $1 billion (goodbye, budget deficit! For a couple of years, at least) and turning it into a lightly-regulated capitalist wonderland: Macau of Michigan. The New York Times predictably mocked the scheme (because, obviously, Hong Kong and Singapore are doing so badly) but what other plan could make Detroit safe for capitalism again? Detroit is already a union wasteland. It could hardly do any worse if it became home to Galt’s Gulch.
To say that won't effect prices drastically is ridiculous

Fucking horseshit. 4.7% if the workers in the country get paid MW.

According to weird people like you and the dr, they (MW workers) are simply the most powerful workers in the world. Able to completely fuck up our entire economy because they get a modest increase in their wages.

All commodity prices will rise cause the demand will be so great from those 9 dollar an hour workers.

Housing will go through the roof because all those 9 buck an hour workers are buying up all the houses.

Interest rates will have to rise as the borrowing of 9 dollar an hour workers increase.

Food costs, through the roof.

Right skull. All the POWER those 4,7% of the workforce have. Most never graduated college. But they have power extraordinaire. Able to completely destroy the economy.

Do you people really believe the stupid bullshit you write? Why don't you at LEAST have some PROOF to post up.. Because you know what? Minimum wages have been raised in the past.

Did you fail when the last increase in MW took place skull. Did your business go under. Were you forced to take on 5 jobs to survive? LMAO.
This was all fine and well till that labor charge shot the price of the automobiles so high that they were no longer competitive in the world market ...........

If you weren't so fucking stupid, you might understand what I am about to write.

Poor design, poor gas mileage and poor quality is what hurt the American automobile companies
The poor design is on management. The poor gas mileage is on management. And the poor quality is shared between the union membership and management.

This fucking bullshit you spread that it's all on the unions is bullshit.

What's the matter? You wanted some sort of union job once and couldn't get it?

You fucking don't like unions in politics? To fucking bad. You got your corporations fully funding the politicians you like. And people like me have the unions as a counterpoint. Funding politicians who aren't JUST looking out for the big money players.

You don't like that? Too fucking bad, it;'s the way it is.

OK, poor design is on designers and engineers, poor gas mileage is on engineers, poor quality on management and unions. Now, if car has poor quality, bad design, and bad mileage it should be cheap. Like things we're getting from China, right? Then why those crappy cars are so expensive? Lemme guess... unions?
You can try to rewrite history, but you can't change the fact that unions distort the market by artificially setting wages well beyond what the market can reasonably support.

I'll tell you who makes to much money and drives up the cost of goods. Fucking truck drivers. Why the hell should you make 25 bucks (50k by 52 by 40) an hour for sitting on your ass driving? You think you are worth 25 bucks an hour? Why. The price of the goods you haul could be a lot less if you were not making so much damn money. That your job isn't even worth?

My hope for you is that some company you haul for will do exactly what they should do for the economy. Cut your earnings.
Cause the negative effect on the economy is just to much. You are way overpaid for what you do. I drove a truck. Whoop de shit. Ain't worth 25 bucks an hour.

Don't forget to thank a Teamster for the pay you get. They are the ones forced the wage scale up to the point you could make 50k.
This was all fine and well till that labor charge shot the price of the automobiles so high that they were no longer competitive in the world market ...........

If you weren't so fucking stupid, you might understand what I am about to write.

Poor design, poor gas mileage and poor quality is what hurt the American automobile companies
The poor design is on management. The poor gas mileage is on management. And the poor quality is shared between the union membership and management.

This fucking bullshit you spread that it's all on the unions is bullshit.

What's the matter? You wanted some sort of union job once and couldn't get it?

You fucking don't like unions in politics? To fucking bad. You got your corporations fully funding the politicians you like. And people like me have the unions as a counterpoint. Funding politicians who aren't JUST looking out for the big money players.

You don't like that? Too fucking bad, it;'s the way it is.

Once again moron, let's look at what Wikipedia has to say :

Hourly wages and benefits
Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution argued that hourly wages were similar between the Big Three and the transplants. "The basic hourly wage received by a UAW worker in a Big Three plant is close to that received by a Toyota or Honda worker in a U.S. plant. The UAW-negotiated wage was roughly $28 an hour in 2007. For new workers, the hourly wage was lower at $14 an hour; senior workers made more money. The major cost difference between UAW members and employees in foreign-nameplate factories in the U.S. comes in fringe benefits. The UAW has been one of the more successful American unions in fighting for generous pensions and health benefits for its members."[23]

Dan Ikenson of the Cato Institute argued that "total compensation is the cost of labor to the companies, and for GM it is about $73 per hour and for Toyota about $48. The average cost differential between the Big Three and all the foreign nameplate companies is about $30 per hour. That's huge." His computation includes all labor-related costs (e.g.., wages, healthcare, and pension—for both current workers and retirees.)[23]

Andrew Sorkin of the New York Times indicated that GM and Chrysler pay $10–20 more per hour than transplants; this was vigorously disputed by David Cole of the Center for Automotive Research.[24][25]

Average annual wages for production workers at the Big Three were $67,480 in 2007, and $81,940 for skilled workers. In Canada, GM’s 2008 average labor costs (including both wages and benefits) were $69 per hour, and Toyota's at $48 per hour, with similar productivity.[26]

According to the Heritage Foundation, the ratio of retirees to workers varies across the Big Three. For each active worker at GM, there were 3.8 retirees or dependents in 2006. At Chrysler, there were 2.0 and at Ford there were 1.6.[27] This means the legacy labor cost burden for GM is significantly greater than its competitors.[28]

Peter Morici, a professor at the University of Maryland, College Park’s school of business, testified that the extremely high labor and product development costs will keep the Big Three from developing the high quality vehicles needed to become profitable and surviving.[13][29][30]

The Asian-owned companies' U.S. employees are mainly non-unionized; the Big Three are bound by contracts with the UAW.

According to the UAW, labor cost represented 8.4% of the total cost of manufacturing and selling an automobile in 2006. "The vast majority of the costs of producing a vehicle and transporting it to a dealership and preparing it for sale – including design, engineering, marketing, raw materials, executive compensation and other costs – are not related to direct or indirect manufacturing labor."[31]

Jared Bernstein, the chief economist of Vice President Joe Biden, noted in an April 7, 2009 interview that most of the concessions that the UAW made in the 2007 contract applied only to new hires. Older workers "still benefit from contracts that were signed a long time ago." [32]

Effects of the 2008 10 automotive industry crisis on the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Now, if car has poor quality, bad design, and bad mileage it should be cheap. Like things we're getting from China, right? Then why those crappy cars are so expensive? Lemme guess... unions?

Really. Management has poor quality cars built, managers make WAY more fucking money that a union member, union members sure don't set the selling price of cars but SOMEHOW in your hatred of unions, it's all the union members fault that the auto industry almost went under. Bullshit.

And of course, none of what you write applies now. The UAW is still building cars for American car companies.
And the cars are well designed, get good mileage, good quality and priced at the market.

Oh and the car companies are making money. With union labor.

You want to fucking try and explain how that could be?
You can try to rewrite history, but you can't change the fact that unions distort the market by artificially setting wages well beyond what the market can reasonably support.

I'll tell you who makes to much money and drives up the cost of goods. Fucking truck drivers. Why the hell should you make 25 bucks (50k by 52 by 40) an hour for sitting on your ass driving? You think you are worth 25 bucks an hour? Why. The price of the goods you haul could be a lot less if you were not making so much damn money. That your job isn't even worth?

My hope for you is that some company you haul for will do exactly what they should do for the economy. Cut your earnings.
Cause the negative effect on the economy is just to much. You are way overpaid for what you do. I drove a truck. Whoop de shit. Ain't worth 25 bucks an hour.

Don't forget to thank a Teamster for the pay you get. They are the ones forced the wage scale up to the point you could make 50k.

Driving truck is very hard job. I think it's worth more then $25 and hour. Being on the road, away from family it tough work. Btw, your number $25 an hour is based on 40 hours a week. Where does it say he or any truck driver works just 40 hours? Like he said, he's paid by the mile. If he wants more money, he just have to drive more.
You can try to rewrite history, but you can't change the fact that unions distort the market by artificially setting wages well beyond what the market can reasonably support.

I'll tell you who makes to much money and drives up the cost of goods. Fucking truck drivers. Why the hell should you make 25 bucks (50k by 52 by 40) an hour for sitting on your ass driving? You think you are worth 25 bucks an hour? Why. The price of the goods you haul could be a lot less if you were not making so much damn money. That your job isn't even worth?

My hope for you is that some company you haul for will do exactly what they should do for the economy. Cut your earnings.
Cause the negative effect on the economy is just to much. You are way overpaid for what you do. I drove a truck. Whoop de shit. Ain't worth 25 bucks an hour.

Don't forget to thank a Teamster for the pay you get. They are the ones forced the wage scale up to the point you could make 50k.

Oh look the little faggot who is out on his soap box for higher minimum wage and union support is offended by a well paid non union truck driver.

What a fucking shit storm of hypocrisy, fucking faggot !!
Man would you look at what I found. This is a partial list of jobs to be filled at GM.
Look at the jobs paying above 100k.
And then the wages of the lowly production worker.

But wait. It's the unions fault their workers get paid well. Whose fault is it for paying non union workers so damn much. And why shouldn't the guys building the cars, supporting the 100k plus workers get paid well? Everybody else is. That's the fucking reason people want union jobs. They get paid better than non union jobs.

You fucks are dense.

[+] Operations Manager (3)
$48,088 - $125,932

[+] Operations Research Manager (2)
$113,530 - $187,246

[+] Packaging Engineer (12)
$42,485 - $90,511

[+] Performance Engineer (5)
$59,109 - $117,641

[+] Plant Superintendent (2)
$76,171 - $156,607

[+] Powertrain Control Systems & Software Engineer (2)
$74,776 - $113,828

[+] Process Engineer (6)
$55,739 - $105,513

[+] Product Design Engineer (3)
$76,612 - $135,916

[+] Product Development Engineer, Automotive (5)
$54,672 - $124,757

[+] Production Supervisor (5)
$37,577 - $88,951

[+] Production Worker (2)
$22,590 - $56,037

[+] Program Manager, IT (3)
$86,608 - $172,723

[+] Project Coordinator, (Unknown Type / General) (2)
$30,668 - $62,298

[+] Project Engineer (3)
$57,535 - $130,740

[+] Project Manager, Information Te
Now, if car has poor quality, bad design, and bad mileage it should be cheap. Like things we're getting from China, right? Then why those crappy cars are so expensive? Lemme guess... unions?

Really. Management has poor quality cars built, managers make WAY more fucking money that a union member, union members sure don't set the selling price of cars but SOMEHOW in your hatred of unions, it's all the union members fault that the auto industry almost went under. Bullshit.

And of course, none of what you write applies now. The UAW is still building cars for American car companies.
And the cars are well designed, get good mileage, good quality and priced at the market.

Oh and the car companies are making money. With union labor.

You want to fucking try and explain how that could be?

Price of the car is set by the management. How do they get to that magic number? It's pretty much adding game, something that you don't get obviously. To cost of equipment, tools, operating expenses (water, electricity, etc), amortization cost, you add cost of labor. High labor cost will drive the price up. Overpriced labor will overprice the product. I don't really mind if I something is expensive if has high quality. But if product is crappy and expensive, then I don't buy it.

I used to buy GM cars, I love Cadillac. Since union takeover, I don't anymore. I'm pretty happy with Benz.
Last edited:
. Btw, your number $25 an hour is based on 40 hours a week. Where does it say he or any truck driver works just 40 hours? Like he said, he's paid by the mile. If he wants more money, he just have to drive more.

You not only don't know much about anything. You know less about truck driving. Ask your driver friend how many hours he's allowed to drive. Something about safety and shit.

Or would you rather have a driver running on no sleep and little white speeders? So he could make a little bit more money.
Man would you look at what I found. This is a partial list of jobs to be filled at GM.
Look at the jobs paying above 100k.
And then the wages of the lowly production worker.

But wait. It's the unions fault their workers get paid well. Whose fault is it for paying non union workers so damn much. And why shouldn't the guys building the cars, supporting the 100k plus workers get paid well? Everybody else is. That's the fucking reason people want union jobs. They get paid better than non union jobs.

You fucks are dense.

[+] Operations Manager (3)
$48,088 - $125,932

[+] Operations Research Manager (2)

$113,530 - $187,246

[+] Packaging Engineer (12)

$42,485 - $90,511

[+] Performance Engineer (5)

$59,109 - $117,641

[+] Plant Superintendent (2)

$76,171 - $156,607

[+] Powertrain Control Systems & Software Engineer (2)

$74,776 - $113,828

[+] Process Engineer (6)

$55,739 - $105,513

[+] Product Design Engineer (3)

$76,612 - $135,916

[+] Product Development Engineer, Automotive (5)

$54,672 - $124,757

[+] Production Supervisor (5)

$37,577 - $88,951

[+] Production Worker (2)
$22,590 - $56,037

[+] Program Manager, IT (3)

$86,608 - $172,723

[+] Project Coordinator, (Unknown Type / General) (2)

$30,668 - $62,298

[+] Project Engineer (3)

$57,535 - $130,740

[+] Project Manager, Information Te

It seems to me that it pays to be qualified and have skills. With exception of those two production jobs, none are union jobs. You only need union if you're not qualify for anything else, if you're dumb fuck.
I used to buy GM cars, I love Cadillac. Since union takeover, I don't anymore. I'm pretty happy with Benz.

Union takeover? What the hell you talking about?
Oh and that Benz. If it was made in Germany, it was union. If it was made down south in the USA, the workers were paid union wages.

What the fuck is your point? You think Benz expects the quality they get from 12 dollar an hour workers? Grow the fuck up. You think the labor component on a Benz isn't figured into that premium price you paid? LMAO.
. Btw, your number $25 an hour is based on 40 hours a week. Where does it say he or any truck driver works just 40 hours? Like he said, he's paid by the mile. If he wants more money, he just have to drive more.

You not only don't know much about anything. You know less about truck driving. Ask your driver friend how many hours he's allowed to drive. Something about safety and shit.

Or would you rather have a driver running on no sleep and little white speeders? So he could make a little bit more money.

Really depends on how you split it up and if there is a co driver, but as usual you were trying to make a point and came off looking stupid again!!

Hours of Service of Drivers

Action: Final rule.
Summary: FMCSA revises the hours of service (HOS) regulations to limit the use of the 34-hour restart provision to once every 168 hours and to require that anyone using the 34-hour restart provision have as part of the restart two periods that include 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. It also includes a provision that allows truckers to drive if they have had a break of at least 30 minutes, at a time of their choosing, sometime within the previous 8 hours. This rule does not include a change to the daily driving limit because the Agency is unable to definitively demonstrate that a 10-hour limit--which it favored in the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)--would have higher net benefits than an 11-hour limit. The current 11-hour limit is therefore unchanged at this time. The 60- and 70-hour limits are also unchanged. The purpose of the rule is to limit the ability of drivers to work the maximum number of hours currently allowed, or close to the maximum, on a continuing basis to reduce the possibility of driver fatigue. Long daily and weekly hours are associated with an increased risk of crashes and with the chronic health conditions associated with lack of sleep. These changes will affect only the small minority of drivers who regularly work the longer hours.
. Btw, your number $25 an hour is based on 40 hours a week. Where does it say he or any truck driver works just 40 hours? Like he said, he's paid by the mile. If he wants more money, he just have to drive more.

You not only don't know much about anything. You know less about truck driving. Ask your driver friend how many hours he's allowed to drive. Something about safety and shit.

Or would you rather have a driver running on no sleep and little white speeders? So he could make a little bit more money.

Why don't you tell me how many hour truck driver can drive? Are you saying limit is 40?
With exception of those two production jobs, none are union jobs

Yea. OK. You all claim the union is the reason cars cost so much. Bullshit. Cars cost so much because of A,. big markups in cars and particularly trucks.

And two, there are a lot of highly paid, (100k plus) workers who have to have their salaries covered in the price of a car or truck.

Why don't you go after their earnings to reduce the prices of cars?

Why don't you bitch about the multi millionaire upper level managers ?

Why is it just union members? It's that they vote Dem. That's the only reason.

If unions and their members supported Republicans, you fucks would love you some unions. LMAO.
Why don't you tell me how many hour truck driver can drive? Are you saying limit is 40?

What the fuck is wrong with you. Yea. so I based the number on 40 hours of driving. He gets paid by the mile.
He made 50k last year. It look like he drove about 98000 miles

What you want to do is reduce what would be his hourly rate.

Lets say he drove 60 hours a week to make 50k. You with me dude?

50k by 52 by 60. Fucking cool. Now his hourly earnings are down to $16.02

You are really stupid.

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