Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

I used to buy GM cars, I love Cadillac. Since union takeover, I don't anymore. I'm pretty happy with Benz.

Union takeover? What the hell you talking about?
Oh and that Benz. If it was made in Germany, it was union. If it was made down south in the USA, the workers were paid union wages.

What the fuck is your point? You think Benz expects the quality they get from 12 dollar an hour workers? Grow the fuck up. You think the labor component on a Benz isn't figured into that premium price you paid? LMAO.

It was built in Tuscaloosa. Union wages? Nope, they're not union plant.

My point is, after investors and share owners got screwed over by the union and government, I am not buying their product anymore. I still love Cadillac, but for the pretty much the same money I got better product.

You know, I used to buy only American, even when quality wasn't really there. But when American "patriots" screw me and everyone else over, I realized that Benz built in Alabama is just as American as Ford or GM. Only difference is, I am helping workers who earned their wages, not those who extort them.
With exception of those two production jobs, none are union jobs

Yea. OK. You all claim the union is the reason cars cost so much. Bullshit. Cars cost so much because of A,. big markups in cars and particularly trucks.

And two, there are a lot of highly paid, (100k plus) workers who have to have their salaries covered in the price of a car or truck.

Why don't you go after their earnings to reduce the prices of cars?

Why don't you bitch about the multi millionaire upper level managers ?

Why is it just union members? It's that they vote Dem. That's the only reason.

If unions and their members supported Republicans, you fucks would love you some unions. LMAO.

You really are reaching for straws now little fag boy...........

Those dumb union floor nigga's can't do those well paying jobs that require intelligence!!

You can't design cars or sub systems if you didn't graduate or you have a GED, skills such as math, design, engineering and other skills well over the dumb floor worker abilities.

Union members use unions as extortion tools to get undeserved benefits which they perceive as entitled to.

Union members such as you have no clue about self worth or they wouldn't make fools of themselves asking such stupid questions.

No there are no Republicans Unions, that is an oxy moron.

You can have any political affiliation you want, as long as you are a union, which takes my money and makes political statements that I don't agree with I will be against you, whether you label your self Republican Democratic or Liberal.

What part of that is not sinking in your little faggot brain??

You are the one who is stereotyping while spreading pure shit ...........................
You can try to rewrite history, but you can't change the fact that unions distort the market by artificially setting wages well beyond what the market can reasonably support.

I'll tell you who makes to much money and drives up the cost of goods. Fucking truck drivers. Why the hell should you make 25 bucks (50k by 52 by 40) an hour for sitting on your ass driving? You think you are worth 25 bucks an hour? Why. The price of the goods you haul could be a lot less if you were not making so much damn money. That your job isn't even worth?

My hope for you is that some company you haul for will do exactly what they should do for the economy. Cut your earnings.
Cause the negative effect on the economy is just to much. You are way overpaid for what you do. I drove a truck. Whoop de shit. Ain't worth 25 bucks an hour.

Don't forget to thank a Teamster for the pay you get. They are the ones forced the wage scale up to the point you could make 50k.
Fuckstick, you try being responsible for $250,000 of equipment and the load you're carrying and the lives of everyone driving around you. You try being away from your family for several nights, putting on heavy chains to make it over an icy overpass, and knowing all the laws required to transport hazardous materials. We don't get paid $25 an hour either, you stupid asshole. Our typical day is 12-16 hours then we sleep in a bunk after spending 10 minutes in Skype to talk to our wives and children and then we get up and do it all over again. You are truly a horse's ass thinking you can criticize truck drivers when everything you have, your food, your clothes, your car, and even the material that built your home was hauled by a truck.

And behalf of 3.5 million truck drivers, fuck you, eat shit, and die.
Oh look the little faggot who is out on his soap box for higher minimum wage and union support is offended by a well paid non union truck driver.

Hey look,.Its the stupid fucking dr gloom. Who thinks 25 dollars an hour is BIG money.

You ever get close to 25 an hour dude? Nah. I didn't think so.
You got any skills? Maybe you could get a union job and get off that 12 bucks an hour you've been making.

Btw, why don't you want non union wages to go down? If you get paid to much, you get paid to much. If a Teamster should have his earnings cut, a non Teamster should have his earnings cut. Both are driving a truck..
Oh look the little faggot who is out on his soap box for higher minimum wage and union support is offended by a well paid non union truck driver.

Hey look,.Its the stupid fucking dr gloom. Who thinks 25 dollars an hour is BIG money.

You ever get close to 25 an hour dude? Nah. I didn't think so.
You got any skills? Maybe you could get a union job and get off that 12 bucks an hour you've been making.

Btw, why don't you want non union wages to go down? If you get paid to much, you get paid to much. If a Teamster should have his earnings cut, a non Teamster should have his earnings cut. Both are driving a truck..

Retired business owner, don't have to work.........

Own house, vehicles and toys, built the puter I am fucking you on .................

Buts thanks again for playing little faggot boy ....................
Fuckstick, you try being responsible for $250,000 of equipment and the load you're carrying and the lives of everyone driving around you. You try being away from your family for several nights, putting on heavy chains to make it over an icy overpass, and knowing all the laws required to transport hazardous materials. We don't get paid $25 an hour either, you stupid asshole. Our typical day is 12-16 hours then we sleep in a bunk after spending 10 minutes in Skype to talk to our wives and children and then we get up and do it all over again. You are truly a horse's ass thinking you can criticize truck drivers when everything you have, your food, your clothes, your car, and even the material that built your home was hauled by a truck.

And behalf of 3.5 million truck drivers, fuck you, eat shit, and die.

You are correct. You wish you got paid 25 dollars an hour.
Hey dude. You the fuck that wants the Teamster drivers wages to go down. You the fuck crying about the unions.

You are working for 50k. 12 to 16 hours a day. A whooping 16 bucks an hour. Maybe.

If you can't get a skill and make at least that much money working around where you live and be able to see your family, well that fucking is on you dude. You drive to get away. Most OTR drivers do the same. Get away from the kids, the wife, the responsibility, what ever.

You don't like the job, get a new one. But quit ragging on the Teamster that make more money than you for doing exactly the same fucking job. At least the Teamster had enough sense to go to the best paid drivers positions.

Weird to here you whine about how hard the job is. Isn't it the same for the union driver?
With exception of those two production jobs, none are union jobs

Yea. OK. You all claim the union is the reason cars cost so much. Bullshit. Cars cost so much because of A,. big markups in cars and particularly trucks.

And two, there are a lot of highly paid, (100k plus) workers who have to have their salaries covered in the price of a car or truck.

Why don't you go after their earnings to reduce the prices of cars?

Why don't you bitch about the multi millionaire upper level managers ?

Why is it just union members? It's that they vote Dem. That's the only reason.

If unions and their members supported Republicans, you fucks would love you some unions. LMAO.

Yes, union is biggest reason why their cars cost so much, You heard of legacy cost, retirement plans etc... Or not.

To put it simple, skilled labor is priced higher. Putting two metal parts into welding station doesn't really require much skill nor responsibility. Screwing headlight doesn't require any brainstorming.

Why not to go after higher earners? They did, laid off shitload of them, and their jobs were not protected union jobs. It's hard to find replacement for those people. and once they were gone, they're gone for good.. Guess what, when they didn't have enough to design their shit, they called them back, and they got middle finger. Now, they're paying them twice as much on contract to get the shit done.
Why don't you tell me how many hour truck driver can drive? Are you saying limit is 40?

What the fuck is wrong with you. Yea. so I based the number on 40 hours of driving. He gets paid by the mile.
He made 50k last year. It look like he drove about 98000 miles

What you want to do is reduce what would be his hourly rate.

Lets say he drove 60 hours a week to make 50k. You with me dude?

50k by 52 by 60. Fucking cool. Now his hourly earnings are down to $16.02

You are really stupid.

You're looking what would be hourly equivalent to have satisfaction is saying he's overpriced. He's not paid hourly, he's paid by the mile. No comparison there.
I am fucking you on .................

Buts thanks again for playing little faggot boy ...

You a bad dude on the "Net aren't you. You built a computer. WOW dude. That's really something. LMAO.
And you had a company. Good for you you stupid mother fucker.

But why post that bullshit about you and your company and your computer? You think I give a fuck?

You think that after I have let you know how big an asshole (I think) you are, that I would give a flying fuck about whatever you say you have or have done.

That's fucking hilarious. .Eat shit and die you stupid little fuck.
I used to buy GM cars, I love Cadillac. Since union takeover, I don't anymore. I'm pretty happy with Benz.

Union takeover? What the hell you talking about?
Oh and that Benz. If it was made in Germany, it was union. If it was made down south in the USA, the workers were paid union wages.

What the fuck is your point? You think Benz expects the quality they get from 12 dollar an hour workers? Grow the fuck up. You think the labor component on a Benz isn't figured into that premium price you paid? LMAO.

It was built in Tuscaloosa. Union wages? Nope, they're not union plant.

My point is, after investors and share owners got screwed over by the union and government, I am not buying their product anymore. I still love Cadillac, but for the pretty much the same money I got better product.

You know, I used to buy only American, even when quality wasn't really there. But when American "patriots" screw me and everyone else over, I realized that Benz built in Alabama is just as American as Ford or GM. Only difference is, I am helping workers who earned their wages, not those who extort them.

It was the bond holders the government illegally stole GM from not share holders. Those bonds were backed by GM assets. GM said if you buy our bonds we'll give you our assets as collateral if we fail to pay you can auction them off. Well what happened? The lawless thug Obama administration threatened bond holders with government retaliation and forced bond holders to take 10 cents on the dollar while giving the unions which were legally entitled to nothing 30% ownership. They bought off a few of the large bond holder promising to make them whole under the table, and the rest they threatened into accepting the deal. That's the most illegal government abuse of power in my lifetime.
You're looking what would be hourly equivalent to have satisfaction is saying he's overpriced. He's not paid hourly, he's paid by the mile. No comparison there.

You are proving to be as stupid as the dr. gloom..

Your truck driver just said he works 12 to 16 hours a day.

Can you do the math to figure out what his average hourly earnings were if he drove that many hours a week and got paid 50k for the year?

Is your math skills about that of a sixth grader? You CAN DO IT. Borrow a calculator.

He should have joined the Teamster union and made more money.
I am fucking you on .................

Buts thanks again for playing little faggot boy ...

You a bad dude on the "Net aren't you. You built a computer. WOW dude. That's really something. LMAO.
And you had a company. Good for you you stupid mother fucker.

But why post that bullshit about you and your company and your computer? You think I give a fuck?

You think that after I have let you know how big an asshole (I think) you are, that I would give a flying fuck about whatever you say you have or have done.

That's fucking hilarious. .Eat shit and die you stupid little fuck.

NO you stupid fucking moron, it was to show you that despite your accusations about me, that is all they were, just accusations.

Actually it is just my way of thumbing my nose at you, you know giving you the middle finger.

I am successful, which you will never be ....................

Now go back to sucking those dicks and getting pounded in the ass, like the little faggot you are.

See while you are still hating on others and wishing life was different, I am enjoying life and laughing at dumb fuck faggots like you.

I have success, something you will never have ......................

Too bad you are too fucking stupid to realize it ............
You are correct. You wish you got paid 25 dollars an hour.
Hey dude. You the fuck that wants the Teamster drivers wages to go down. You the fuck crying about the unions.

You are working for 50k. 12 to 16 hours a day. A whooping 16 bucks an hour. Maybe.

If you can't get a skill and make at least that much money working around where you live and be able to see your family, well that fucking is on you dude. You drive to get away. Most OTR drivers do the same. Get away from the kids, the wife, the responsibility, what ever.

You don't like the job, get a new one. But quit ragging on the Teamster that make more money than you for doing exactly the same fucking job. At least the Teamster had enough sense to go to the best paid drivers positions.

Weird to here you whine about how hard the job is. Isn't it the same for the union driver?

And why do you care how much he earns if he's happy with that?

At least he's not extorting anyone, but he earns his money on his own.
You are correct. You wish you got paid 25 dollars an hour.
Hey dude. You the fuck that wants the Teamster drivers wages to go down. You the fuck crying about the unions.

You are working for 50k. 12 to 16 hours a day. A whooping 16 bucks an hour. Maybe.

If you can't get a skill and make at least that much money working around where you live and be able to see your family, well that fucking is on you dude. You drive to get away. Most OTR drivers do the same. Get away from the kids, the wife, the responsibility, what ever.

You don't like the job, get a new one. But quit ragging on the Teamster that make more money than you for doing exactly the same fucking job. At least the Teamster had enough sense to go to the best paid drivers positions.

Weird to here you whine about how hard the job is. Isn't it the same for the union driver?

And why do you care how much he earns if he's happy with that?

At least he's not extorting anyone, but he earns his money on his own.

Well Zeke is distorting the facts, I provided the law which states the driver can drive no more than 11 hrs. in a 21 hr period, but yet he wants to use 12 to 16 hr days..................

No the fucking faggot is clueless to say the least .........................

The limits
The hours-of-service regulations, located in Part 395 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs), include three maximum limits:

  • 11-hour driving rule,
  • 14-consecutive hour duty rule, and
  • 60-hour/7day and 70-hour/8-day rules.
11-hour driving rule
All time spent behind the wheel of your commercial motor vehicle (CMV) is considered driving time. After 11 hours of driving time, you must have at least 10 consecutive hours off duty before you can drive again.

14-consecutive hour duty rule
You cannot drive beyond the 14th consecutive hour after coming on duty. After the 14th hour you must have at least 10 hours off duty before you may drive again.

This rule gives you a set period of time, a "window" so to speak, in which you may drive your CMV. Lunch breaks or other off-duty time cannot extend this 14-hour period. Keep in mind that you may work after the 14th hour, but you may not drive.

60-hour/7-day and 70-hour/8-day limits
This rule is based on the amount of on-duty time you have in a "rolling" 7-day or 8-day period. The oldest day's hours drop off at the end of each day when you calculate the total on-duty time for the past 7 or 8 days.

If your company does not operate vehicles every day of the week, you must follow the 60-hour/7-day limit. If your company operates vehicles every day of the week, you may follow either of the two limits.

Under the 60-hour/7-day limit, you may not drive a CMV after having been on duty for 60 hours in any period of 7 -consecutive days.

Under the 70-hour/8-day limit, you may not drive a CMV after having been on duty for 70 hours in any period of 8 -consecutive days.

Keep in mind, that under either limit you may do non-driving work after reaching the 60-hour or 70-hour maximum, but these hours must be added into your total.

The regulations include an optional "restart" provision. The 34-hour restart allows you to "restart" your 60- or 70-hour clock by going off duty for at least 34 consecutive hours.

What is on-duty time?
On-duty time is all time from the time you begin work or are required to be ready for work until you are relieved from all work and responsibility for work. On-duty time includes time spent:

  • Waiting to be dispatched,
  • Inspecting, servicing, or conditioning a CMV,
  • Driving,
  • In or on your vehicle (except sleeper-berth time),
  • Loading or unloading your vehicle,
  • Repairing, obtaining assistance, or attending a disabled vehicle,
  • Performing any other work for a motor carrier,
  • Complying with drug or alcohol requirements, and
  • Performing compensated work for any other employer.
Your log book
A record of duty status or driver's daily log is used to track your compliance with the hours-of-service regulations. You must fill it out in duplicate for each 24-hour period. The log must be in your own handwriting and be legible.

The log must include a graph grid with lines for off-duty, sleeper-berth, driving, and on-duty not driving time. In addition, it must include the following 11 pieces of information:

  • Date,
  • Total miles driven today,
  • Truck or tractor and trailer number,
  • Carrier's name,
  • 24-hour period starting time,
  • Driver's signature/certification,
  • Main office address,
  • Remarks,
  • Co-driver's name (if you have a co-driver),
  • Total hours in each dusty status (at end of grid), and
  • Shipping document number(s) or shipper name and commodity.
You must keep your log current to your last change of duty status. The total in all four categories must be 24 hours. As well as the current day's log, a copy from each of the last seven days must be in your possession while on duty.

Though always an important issue for the trucking industry, compliance with the hours-of-service regulations has become an even bigger issue as it can affect how motor carriers and drivers fare under CSA.
You're looking what would be hourly equivalent to have satisfaction is saying he's overpriced. He's not paid hourly, he's paid by the mile. No comparison there.

You are proving to be as stupid as the dr. gloom..

Your truck driver just said he works 12 to 16 hours a day.

Can you do the math to figure out what his average hourly earnings were if he drove that many hours a week and got paid 50k for the year?

Is your math skills about that of a sixth grader? You CAN DO IT. Borrow a calculator.

He should have joined the Teamster union and made more money.

Yep, that's what he said, 12-16 hours a day.

What you don't comprehend is that he doesn't work every day that much.

I don't care what his hourly wage is, it's irrelevant and its not my business. What important is that he earns it.

You don't have to worry about my math skills neither. Unlike you I don't have a desire to publish I can multiply two numbers. I can control myself and you see... that is a skill.
In 2010, Germany produced more than 5.5 million automobiles; the U.S produced 2.7 million. At the same time, the average auto worker in Germany made $67.14 per hour in salary in benefits; the average one in the U.S. made $33.77 per hour. Yet Germany’s big three car companies—BMW, Daimler(Mercedes-Benz ), and Volkswagen—are very profitable.

OMG would you look at the earnings of an auto worker in Germany.

How can that be? The question is explored in a new article from Remapping Debate, a public policy e-journal. Its author, Kevin C. Brown, writes that “the salient difference is that, in Germany, the automakers operate within an environment that precludes a race to the bottom; in the U.S., they operate within an environment that encourages such a race.”
Unions utilize the vices of covetousness and greed. They're like ambulance chaser lawyers trying to convince their client they're being screwed and deserve millions for a broken ankle. They sow discontent, telling people they should get paid more and that if they're paid only what they agreed to by contract, they're being screwed. Indeed the entire Democrat Party is based on flaming envy, setting artificial "living wages" regardless of what their labor is actually worth, and provoking the darker side of human nature to take what doesn't belong to them.

It is demonic.
What you don't comprehend is that he doesn't work every day that much.

How in the fuck would you know how much the dude works? Truck drivers usually work every day. At least the drivers I have known.

. What important is that he earns it.

Yea. SO what? If he got paid .75 cents a mile and made more money, wouldn't he be earning it then?
Or do you only "earn" your wages if you are underpaid? If so, them MW workers REALLY earn their wages.
Hey Zeke you do realize the 11 and 14 hr rules specifically refer to in cab occupants who either drive or will drive and simply ride with the other driver.

No man is allowed to drive more than 11 hrs in any 21 hr period. It is usually understood as a 24 hr period but tag team drivers can stack hrs to keep a rig moving for cross country times that do not include stop and sleep periods. Remember though because of the rolling 60 and 70 hr rules those stacks can and do catch up with these types of drivers effectively curtailing the maximum # of hours any one driver may drive in a given period.

Once again, your ignorance is noted, but thank you for playing again ......................
In 2010, Germany produced more than 5.5 million automobiles; the U.S produced 2.7 million. At the same time, the average auto worker in Germany made $67.14 per hour in salary in benefits; the average one in the U.S. made $33.77 per hour. Yet Germany’s big three car companies—BMW, Daimler(Mercedes-Benz ), and Volkswagen—are very profitable.

OMG would you look at the earnings of an auto worker in Germany.

How can that be? The question is explored in a new article from Remapping Debate, a public policy e-journal. Its author, Kevin C. Brown, writes that “the salient difference is that, in Germany, the automakers operate within an environment that precludes a race to the bottom; in the U.S., they operate within an environment that encourages such a race.”

Seems your unions have failed to deliver on their promises, even by your own account.

And Americans don't make cars that cost $90,000. That's the part you Leftists don't seem to understand, that wages aren't set in a vacuum, they are set by how lucrative their product or service is. Demanding that somebody who makes a Chevy Avalanche should make as much as somebody who makes a Lamborguini ($548,800) is just childish tempter tantrums wondering why Tommy gets something you don't get to have. You idiot Leftists live in a fantasy land where the money you think you deserve just magically appears.
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