Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.

Nothing in any of your numerous posts on this thread suggest you give the slightest shit about American Workers. Same goes for the rest of your Corporate-Bootlicker brethren. It's very clear, if left up to people like you, American Workers would be completely flucked.

Asswipe little punk. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself. Unions don't represent REAL American workers like me, only little bitches like you who want to pay for somebody to "protect" them from the evil corporations.

Just continue posting, you'll only further prove my point about you. People like you are all-in on Corporate Propaganda. Your greed has eaten your souls. You don't give the slightest shit about American Workers. All your posts on this thread have already proven that. So, discussing this further with you would be pointless. Have a good one.

Uh huh. Keep making up lies about Walmart because you hate the fact they aren't unionized. Communists like you are so transparent.
. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself.

I bet you work for an hourly wage? Or a "salary" Real men like me worked 100% commission. Like real men do. All workers who do not own their own business should be paid either commission or on productivity. Not this pussy hourly rate or "salary".for just showing up.

I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary.
My wife just reminded me.

We ate at an upscale restaurant in Seattle when we visited a gay couple we have known for decades.

It was lovely.

To look at.

Tasted good, what there was of it.

Then all four of us went out and got a meal.

LOL, no shit! My wife and I went to a restaurant like that in Portland, Oregon. I couldn't even pronounce the name of the overpriced appetizer, but afterward I had no problem pronouncing "sourdough jack" at Jack In The Box.

Where your underpaid overworked slave proceeded to spit a large slimy loogie on your meal. Um, tasty. Bon Appetite. ;)
When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.

Nothing in any of your numerous posts on this thread suggest you give the slightest shit about American Workers. Same goes for the rest of your Corporate-Bootlicker brethren. It's very clear, if left up to people like you, American Workers would be completely flucked.

Asswipe little punk. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself. Unions don't represent REAL American workers like me, only little bitches like you who want to pay for somebody to "protect" them from the evil corporations.

Just continue posting, you'll only further prove my point about you. People like you are all-in on Corporate Propaganda. Your greed has eaten your souls. You don't give the slightest shit about American Workers. All your posts on this thread have already proven that. So, discussing this further with you would be pointless. Have a good one.

Uh huh. Keep making up lies about Walmart because you hate the fact they aren't unionized. Communists like you are so transparent.

Uh huh, keep defending Corporations that destroy American small businesses and promote Slave Labor around the world. Greedy Corporate-Bootlickers like you are so transparent.
My wife just reminded me.

We ate at an upscale restaurant in Seattle when we visited a gay couple we have known for decades.

It was lovely.

To look at.

Tasted good, what there was of it.

Then all four of us went out and got a meal.

LOL, no shit! My wife and I went to a restaurant like that in Portland, Oregon. I couldn't even pronounce the name of the overpriced appetizer, but afterward I had no problem pronouncing "sourdough jack" at Jack In The Box.

Where your underpaid overworked slave proceeded to spit a large slimy loogie on your meal. Um, tasty. Bon Appetite. ;)

You didn't see human fecal material in Walmart's deli department, and you didn't visit a Walmart guarded by SWAT equipped security. Now I understand you make shit up about companies you hate because they don't force their workers to pay union dues. I'm beginning to understand you're a pathological liar. You should run for president.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.

Nothing in any of your numerous posts on this thread suggest you give the slightest shit about American Workers. Same goes for the rest of your Corporate-Bootlicker brethren. It's very clear, if left up to people like you, American Workers would be completely flucked.

Asswipe little punk. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself. Unions don't represent REAL American workers like me, only little bitches like you who want to pay for somebody to "protect" them from the evil corporations.
Big deal, you work in America like everyone else. That doesn't make you any more "REAL" than anyone else. You have an opinion and due to lack of confidence and security have an obsessive need to reinforce your opinions to the point of relying on foul and insulting language. Guess what asshole, every fireman and policeman who died in the towers on 9/11 were dues paying union members. Fuck you and your claim to represent the "REAL" American worker and your hate for union workers. Being a REAL American worker has nothing to do with being in a union or not, being a conservative or liberal has nothing to do with being a REAL American.

Fuckstick, I was responding in kind to one of you union assholes who was doing the exact same thing. Mirror time, asshole.
. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself.

I bet you work for an hourly wage? Or a "salary" Real men like me worked 100% commission. Like real men do. All workers who do not own their own business should be paid either commission or on productivity. Not this pussy hourly rate or "salary".for just showing up.

You cant get welders to rush their welds just to mmake more in commission though. That type of thing could happen. Some jobs are things you cant rush and if you put time restraints to make more money, you can get shoddy work or structures that can fail because someone was rushing.
. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself.

I bet you work for an hourly wage? Or a "salary" Real men like me worked 100% commission. Like real men do. All workers who do not own their own business should be paid either commission or on productivity. Not this pussy hourly rate or "salary".for just showing up.
I just got a job where it is a HUGE salary plus commissions. Great international company that know what good employees are worth. The last 3 companies I worked for were not. Hit the numbers? Then they raise the quotas.

Also companies take advantage of this pay method. They can't afford to pay ten people a fair salary but they can hire 40 people on 100% commission and have a business model that causes 100% employee turnover. Think aflac or primerica or most insurance agencies. They keep the customers and dont have to pay you anything because everyone quits after busting their asses for a year.
My wife just reminded me.

We ate at an upscale restaurant in Seattle when we visited a gay couple we have known for decades.

It was lovely.

To look at.

Tasted good, what there was of it.

Then all four of us went out and got a meal.

LOL, no shit! My wife and I went to a restaurant like that in Portland, Oregon. I couldn't even pronounce the name of the overpriced appetizer, but afterward I had no problem pronouncing "sourdough jack" at Jack In The Box.

Where your underpaid overworked slave proceeded to spit a large slimy loogie on your meal. Um, tasty. Bon Appetite. ;)

You didn't see human fecal material in Walmart's deli department, and you didn't visit a Walmart guarded by SWAT equipped security. Now I understand you make shit up about companies you hate because they don't force their workers to pay union dues. I'm beginning to understand you're a pathological liar. You should run for president.

Oh i saw it alright. I haven't shopped there since. Walmart is a miserable Third World nightmare. I shop elsewhere. I actually enjoy shopping somewhat as a result.
True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.

Nothing in any of your numerous posts on this thread suggest you give the slightest shit about American Workers. Same goes for the rest of your Corporate-Bootlicker brethren. It's very clear, if left up to people like you, American Workers would be completely flucked.

Asswipe little punk. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself. Unions don't represent REAL American workers like me, only little bitches like you who want to pay for somebody to "protect" them from the evil corporations.
The asswipe little punk bitches are easy to spot on the internet. They talk like you do as an anonymous poster on the net. It's called a "tell" in poker. You need to do it because in real life you get no respect from anyone. The dogs probably don't even bark at you. You think maybe you can obtain some respect on the net by being a fake tough guy. Nope, you're a jerk and can't hide it.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.

Nothing in any of your numerous posts on this thread suggest you give the slightest shit about American Workers. Same goes for the rest of your Corporate-Bootlicker brethren. It's very clear, if left up to people like you, American Workers would be completely flucked.

Asswipe little punk. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself. Unions don't represent REAL American workers like me, only little bitches like you who want to pay for somebody to "protect" them from the evil corporations.
Big deal, you work in America like everyone else. That doesn't make you any more "REAL" than anyone else. You have an opinion and due to lack of confidence and security have an obsessive need to reinforce your opinions to the point of relying on foul and insulting language. Guess what asshole, every fireman and policeman who died in the towers on 9/11 were dues paying union members. Fuck you and your claim to represent the "REAL" American worker and your hate for union workers. Being a REAL American worker has nothing to do with being in a union or not, being a conservative or liberal has nothing to do with being a REAL American.
They hate workers but want to say they'd be better for workers if they were in charge.
My wife just reminded me.

We ate at an upscale restaurant in Seattle when we visited a gay couple we have known for decades.

It was lovely.

To look at.

Tasted good, what there was of it.

Then all four of us went out and got a meal.

LOL, no shit! My wife and I went to a restaurant like that in Portland, Oregon. I couldn't even pronounce the name of the overpriced appetizer, but afterward I had no problem pronouncing "sourdough jack" at Jack In The Box.

Where your underpaid overworked slave proceeded to spit a large slimy loogie on your meal. Um, tasty. Bon Appetite. ;)

You didn't see human fecal material in Walmart's deli department, and you didn't visit a Walmart guarded by SWAT equipped security. Now I understand you make shit up about companies you hate because they don't force their workers to pay union dues. I'm beginning to understand you're a pathological liar. You should run for president.

Oh i saw it alright. I haven't shopped there since. Walmart is a miserable Third World nightmare. I shop elsewhere. I actually enjoy shopping somewhat as a result.

You didn't see it. Everyone can see you're just a union punk who was told to hate Walmart because they're not union, even to the point of making up lies about them.
I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary

You're a truck driver? And you told the Teamsters to fuck off? You driving your own rig? Then you be self employed and not a wage slave. Drive for the same company all the time? Or hustling your next load at the terminal?

Either way, no wonder you hate the union. You're a fucking truck driver. You hate it when there are union dock workers to unload you right? Cause they know you hate them and drag their asses getting you unloaded.
Or do you just drop and go?

When you run into (not literally) union drivers in the truck stops, rest stops and other terminals, do you trash them out and let them know how much you hate them and what a bad ass you are? Or do you have more fucking sense than that?
It's questionable.

Just curious.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.

Nothing in any of your numerous posts on this thread suggest you give the slightest shit about American Workers. Same goes for the rest of your Corporate-Bootlicker brethren. It's very clear, if left up to people like you, American Workers would be completely flucked.

Asswipe little punk. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself. Unions don't represent REAL American workers like me, only little bitches like you who want to pay for somebody to "protect" them from the evil corporations.
The asswipe little punk bitches are easy to spot on the internet. They talk like you do as an anonymous poster on the net. It's called a "tell" in poker. You need to do it because in real life you get no respect from anyone. The dogs probably don't even bark at you. You think maybe you can obtain some respect on the net by being a fake tough guy. Nope, you're a jerk and can't hide it.

So your arguments have failed and all you have left is trying to convince me how tough you are by repeating the exact same words I used, unable to author your own unique insults. Good one!
When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.

Nothing in any of your numerous posts on this thread suggest you give the slightest shit about American Workers. Same goes for the rest of your Corporate-Bootlicker brethren. It's very clear, if left up to people like you, American Workers would be completely flucked.

Asswipe little punk. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself. Unions don't represent REAL American workers like me, only little bitches like you who want to pay for somebody to "protect" them from the evil corporations.
Big deal, you work in America like everyone else. That doesn't make you any more "REAL" than anyone else. You have an opinion and due to lack of confidence and security have an obsessive need to reinforce your opinions to the point of relying on foul and insulting language. Guess what asshole, every fireman and policeman who died in the towers on 9/11 were dues paying union members. Fuck you and your claim to represent the "REAL" American worker and your hate for union workers. Being a REAL American worker has nothing to do with being in a union or not, being a conservative or liberal has nothing to do with being a REAL American.

Fuckstick, I was responding in kind to one of you union assholes who was doing the exact same thing. Mirror time, asshole.
Quicken loans likes to pay 100% commission and they own their employees. Crack the whip and long hours. Its why they can't attract talent. I'll only work for a salary and commission. The commissions are just gravy.
I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary

You're a truck driver? And you told the Teamsters to fuck off? You driving your own rig? Then you be self employed and not a wage slave. Drive for the same company all the time? Or hustling your next load at the terminal?

Either way, no wonder you hate the union. You're a fucking truck driver. You hate it when there are union dock workers to unload you right? Cause they know you hate them and drag their asses getting you unloaded.
Or do you just drop and go?

When you run into (not literally) union drivers in the truck stops, rest stops and other terminals, do you trash them out and let them know how much you hate them and what a bad ass you are? Or do you have more fucking sense than that?
It's questionable.

Just curious.

I hate unions because they use coercion to force people to pay union dues to have a job. That's why most Americans hate unions and the reason that Right To Work is expanding.

And I make plenty of money, my meager $50k supporting a family of 6. Most dock workers don't make that, union or not.
I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary

You're a truck driver? And you told the Teamsters to fuck off? You driving your own rig? Then you be self employed and not a wage slave. Drive for the same company all the time? Or hustling your next load at the terminal?

Either way, no wonder you hate the union. You're a fucking truck driver. You hate it when there are union dock workers to unload you right? Cause they know you hate them and drag their asses getting you unloaded.
Or do you just drop and go?

When you run into (not literally) union drivers in the truck stops, rest stops and other terminals, do you trash them out and let them know how much you hate them and what a bad ass you are? Or do you have more fucking sense than that?
It's questionable
Just curious.
I notice tow truck drivers and ups drivers are conservative. Too much rush? My advice get satellite and listen to Howard stern.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.

Nothing in any of your numerous posts on this thread suggest you give the slightest shit about American Workers. Same goes for the rest of your Corporate-Bootlicker brethren. It's very clear, if left up to people like you, American Workers would be completely flucked.

Asswipe little punk. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself. Unions don't represent REAL American workers like me, only little bitches like you who want to pay for somebody to "protect" them from the evil corporations.
Big deal, you work in America like everyone else. That doesn't make you any more "REAL" than anyone else. You have an opinion and due to lack of confidence and security have an obsessive need to reinforce your opinions to the point of relying on foul and insulting language. Guess what asshole, every fireman and policeman who died in the towers on 9/11 were dues paying union members. Fuck you and your claim to represent the "REAL" American worker and your hate for union workers. Being a REAL American worker has nothing to do with being in a union or not, being a conservative or liberal has nothing to do with being a REAL American.

Fuckstick, I was responding in kind to one of you union assholes who was doing the exact same thing. Mirror time, asshole.
Quicken loans likes to pay 100% commission and they own their employees. Crack the whip and long hours. Its why they can't attract talent. I'll only work for a salary and commission. The commissions are just gravy.

I used to sell Kirby vacuum cleaners too....when I was like 19 and didn't know any better. By the way, a very good friend of mine, a combat Marine Vietnam veteran, wasted 5 years of his life trying to make it as an Aflack insurance agent. He finally quit very broke and convinced they were all crooks. So yes, I have a special contempt for companies like that.
I get paid by the mile, jackass, or did you miss my signature? Getting paid by the mile is the epitome of a productivity based salary

You're a truck driver? And you told the Teamsters to fuck off? You driving your own rig? Then you be self employed and not a wage slave. Drive for the same company all the time? Or hustling your next load at the terminal?

Either way, no wonder you hate the union. You're a fucking truck driver. You hate it when there are union dock workers to unload you right? Cause they know you hate them and drag their asses getting you unloaded.
Or do you just drop and go?

When you run into (not literally) union drivers in the truck stops, rest stops and other terminals, do you trash them out and let them know how much you hate them and what a bad ass you are? Or do you have more fucking sense than that?
It's questionable.

Just curious.

I hate unions because they use coercion to force people to pay union dues to have a job. That's why most Americans hate unions and the reason that Right To Work is expanding.

And I make plenty of money, my meager $50k supporting a family of 6. Most dock workers don't make that, union or not.
If they didn't pay that well you'd probably want to start a union.
When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.

Nothing in any of your numerous posts on this thread suggest you give the slightest shit about American Workers. Same goes for the rest of your Corporate-Bootlicker brethren. It's very clear, if left up to people like you, American Workers would be completely flucked.

Asswipe little punk. I am an American worker and have been so for decades. I'm not a pussy little bitch like you who needs a "union" to take care of you and negotiate your contracts because you can't do it for yourself. Unions don't represent REAL American workers like me, only little bitches like you who want to pay for somebody to "protect" them from the evil corporations.
Big deal, you work in America like everyone else. That doesn't make you any more "REAL" than anyone else. You have an opinion and due to lack of confidence and security have an obsessive need to reinforce your opinions to the point of relying on foul and insulting language. Guess what asshole, every fireman and policeman who died in the towers on 9/11 were dues paying union members. Fuck you and your claim to represent the "REAL" American worker and your hate for union workers. Being a REAL American worker has nothing to do with being in a union or not, being a conservative or liberal has nothing to do with being a REAL American.

Fuckstick, I was responding in kind to one of you union assholes who was doing the exact same thing. Mirror time, asshole.

Punk response," I did it, but it is ok because someone else did it. That is a punk ass bitch response.

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