Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Um, that point has only been made in your imagination. The entire thread is based on the lie of the OP about restaurants having to close due to a boost of minimum wages to 15.00 per hour. Total lie that has been proven to be a lie over and over. No restaurants closing for that reason. None. Not one.
Determining a minimum wage in a particular community such as a city is a way for voters to determine a quality of life and standard of living for their community. You seem to belong to that group of folks that believe business and the profit of business should be the determining factor. You object to citizens voting for laws that improve the quality of life in a community or the expression of moral, ethical and religious beliefs. Thankfully we live in a democracy where we allow voters to make at least some of the basic decisions that determine these things. We haven't gone full fascism yet, but thanks to folks like you kleptocracy in making great progress.
You haven't proven shit. In fact, it's very likely that almost all of them are closing because they can no longer afford to operate a small business in a Democrat state where wage requirements have been artificially inflated way beyond what the market can sustain. Business owners think years ahead, and a minimum wage of $15, even progressively implemented, will cause savvy business owners to see the writing on the wall and pull stakes.
If what you say is true, you should be able to show us a link where Seattle restaurant owners confirms what you are claiming. The thread is full of links showing the opposite and backing up my claim.
What proof are you looking for? An exit poll? Only morons and Leftists believe in coincidence. Intelligent people do not.
Uh huh, Workers making shitty wages is actually 'Good' for Society. Man, Corporate Bootlickers kinda crack you up. What world do they live in? So all-in on Corporate Propaganda Bullshite. American Workers have been getting shit on for many years. It's good to see em get a rare victory. People should be happy for them. I am.
Why don't you read what I post Idiot.

I said i wanted to work through lunch so i could punch out at 3 instead of 330 so I could get to my second job I wasn't working more than those other slobs. And I still managed to outproduce them. I actually wanted piece work but the other lazy fucks voted it down. They all tended to produce the bare minimum they had to. They got orders finished barely by the dead line. I was 3 weeks ahead on my orders and I didn't want to keep the job I just worked it to earn tuition money.

But hey how does your do the bare minimum work ethic treat you when it comes time for a raise?

And sorry but it's a dog eat dog world out there and there is nothing wrong with doing more than is expected of you in order to get ahead.

But then again I guess only people with well developed work ethics believe that truism.
It sounds like your story changes each time a response challenges your claims. You did piece work, but were not dependent on other workers providing material or hauling away finished product. You depended on absolutely no other worker to perform or complete your task. No other workers were dependent on your work to complete their own. You were at a job that was completely independent on all other employees and that allowed you to select your own adjustable work hours. The company thought so highly of you they were ok with you working without any management during your lunch break.

Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction .................

I spent a lot of time in aluminum boat manufacturing. In my earlier years I spent years at a boat plant in which I was allowed to learn / work any and every job in the plant from uncoiling metal rolls, setting up presses, punches, hydraulic breaks, etc, etc.
I was a welder, I spent time with my lead foreman learning to rivet, I learned interior work / trim, all the way out to paint and finally loading and shipping.
There was nothing in that plant I could not do, it was a piece work plant, never had to wait on anyone, I could fabricate it from start to finish.

I left that job and at a point and time later in life went to work for a second plant as the "only" person on a second shift. I was a qualified mofo and was given a key to the plant an cart blanch, I could and still can fabricate aluminum all weld boats from start to finish with out any help. Now to rivet a boat I got to have a bucker to catch the other side of the rivets.

Anyways point being, while not in your realm of reality ......... there definitely are real life scenarios just as he has described.

But for an ignorant, closed minded person I would have to guess everything is suspect .................

Must be terrible to go through life so ignorant ......................
And which union were you paying dues to while all this was happening?

Dude, first thing you need to get a clue about ...............

Unions are nothing more than gansters who parade as helping hands, they take your money and shit all over you ................

I live in a right to work state and don't need shit bags like you trying to intervene in my fortune making ................

It's unfortunate for you morons that ya'll are so ignorant!!

Holla about them unions bitch ......................

Hey numb nuts,

Let me tell you about unions and me ....................

When I was in my early adult years, I knew the Anthony's who owned a saw mill, union labor saw mill.

The workers went on strike and I gladly accepted a job as a scab ......................

I showed up religiously at the gate and the mill had to send heavy equipment out to fairy us past the strikers.

They would yell foul things and make threats of what they would do if given the chance.

I showed up one morning and as I went to exit my vehicle I knew one of the strikers had approached and procedded to put his hand on me as I exited the vehicle.

I never thought twice as his hand contacted my shoulder and he started his fucking rant I reached back into my still open vehicle and picked up the mini Louisville slugger that was laying in the floor by the jam.

The first swing with one hand hit the man in the side of the head. As he staggered back and tried to shake fog off I got both hands on the bat and hit that fag bastard as hard as I could in the mouth. As he begin to spit blood and teeth I continued my beating, like a fucking piece of shit pinata I beat the shit out of that cocksucker.

His friends came to intervene, my co worker came to my aid .................

The striker got just exactly what they deserved , I was never fucked with again in that parking lot, the striker figured out real quick from there toothless fuck I don't play.

So , shove those unions up your ass and get with the program,.

Unions are vile organizations that are nothing more than legal extortion for insurance of perceived demands.

Only those n*ggers who stand around with a thumb up their ass unwilling to produce or perform are the ones needing unions.

Unions were needed when a company such as a coal mine payed you with shelter in their camps, pay was with their script and the only place to shop was their company store ........................ those days are long gone and the unions will follow ...................
S keep getting worse unions are gonna make a come back

Hanauer says that, hey, Seattle already raised its minimum wage to over nine bucks and now it’s the fastest-growing city in America. Maybe. It is according to Paychex’s small-business measure, and it is by population — but not every measure puts Seattle on top. And while he points to Seattle as having the fastest job growth, there is no evidence that a higher minimum wage is the result of this. Correlation does not equal causation.

It isn’t hard to determine what happens if you raise the minimum wage to $15 as Seattle just did. Some or all of the following must occur when you raise labor costs.

Less money for the owner to return to shareholders (which may include himself)
Raise prices

That’s it. Those are the only three outcomes — some or all of which will happen. Let’s look at each.

Decrease returns to shareholders: If I own a business, the last thing I’m going to do is pay myself less. If I happen to have investors, whether I’m a private or public company, I don’t want to decrease my dividend payout or decrease my share repurchase plan. That’s because I have a duty to my owners — to maximize a return on their investment. This is where leftists tune out. They attach a moral judgment to the notion of profit, and have no understanding of a business owner’s obligation to risk capital.
Raise prices: I don’t want to raise prices on my customers. I’m afraid they will go to a competitor for a lower price. I’m concerned they will curtail their spending with me. If I have no other choice, then I’ll come back to this option.
Layoffs: I will choose this first. I will cut my labor force to the point where I only have who I absolutely need to run the business. I will ask those that remain to do even more than they already do. Check in with me in July 2015. Note how Seattle’s unemployment rate will have increased or the Labor Force Participation Rate will have decreased. Let’s see how many net businesses are subtracted from the city.

The (False) Walmart Argument

Hanauer also points to Walmart (WMT), claiming WMT stock makes $25 billion in pretax profits, so it can afford to pay its 1 million lowest-paid workers another $10,000 per year, and “still earn more than $15 billion per year.”

Of course, pretax profit isn’t what any investor, analyst or economist looks at to see how an investment is performing. They look at net income — as in, after-tax profit.

WMT stock’s net income was $16 billion. Paying $10 billion more in wages decreases net income to $9.8 billion. Why should the owners of Walmart be forced by the government to accept a 40% haircut to their annual profit? Leftists do not understand that this would theoretically cut WMT stock price by 40%, and wipe out $100 billion in wealth, half of which belongs to American investors, including many who are retired.

It gets worse. If Walmart pays unskilled workers $15 per hour, wouldn’t the skilled worker rate have to increase? If unskilled workers got a 65% raise, skilled workers — say, floor, store, district and regional managers — will want the same. The result is Walmart will go out of business.

It drives me bananas that people like Hanauer are so ignorant as to say that Walmart “still has plenty of profit” after a $10 billion wage hike.

Not only is he wrong, but it makes me wonder who the heck he thinks he is, telling WMT stock investors what is and isn’t “enough profit.”
Other Companies

Costco (COST) workers get paid more. Why? COST stock owners are OK with paying employees because of the higher required skill level. Why does Starbucks (SBUX) offer great benefits? The owners of SBUX stock know that being a barista and food worker takes a degree of skill above a McDonald’s (MCD) cashier.

If you want to get paid more, learn a new skill.

Hanauer seems incapable of insisting that it is the worker who must bear the responsibility of making himself more valuable to the market, not the owner who should be forced to pay more to make things less “unequal.” Instead, we get nonsense like this:

“Wal-Mart won’t (and shouldn’t) volunteer to pay its workers more than their competitors. In order for us to have an economy that works for everyone, we should compel all retailers to pay living wages — not just ask politely.”

Bottom Line

I suggest Nick Hanauer use his wealth to start another business and pay people $15 an hour at this one. If his business is so great, I’m sure he’ll attract the best and brightest.

Provided, of course, he is able to stay in business.

A 15 Hour Minimum Wage Is Bad for Business InvestorPlace
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Ya, reality. 30 years ago some fools in a company town in Arkansas allowed the company to divide families and neighbors so the company could bust up a union. Everyone lost but the company. The company won big. Now you are bragging about your use of violence to help the company win and you neighbors loose. Sorry, but it sounds like you are the one who needs a reality check. Bragging about beating a man with a baseball bat so you could take his job is not something a normal person would think was cool to brag about. Basicly, you are bragging about obtaining your job through criminal thuggery.

Not exactly asshole, I told you it was a right to work state.

Had you comprehended what I wrote, you would have gotten the point that the base ball bat came out after that man "put his hands on me" ................

No one was taking his job, greed and ignorance fueled by the union got to him, he walked off his job to strike.

In Arkansas as in in other state, when an individual "puts his hands on you", then all bets are off. In that state force may be escalated and the other individual driven back by any means neccessary.

You advocate the violence of a worker just as others have advocated stealing, destruction and other forms of self compensation.

When you cross a union line, you send a loud clear message, the business has the right to operate and a non union man has the right to work for said company.

Comprehension is not your strong suit, you would have realized the unions lost that round and many successive rounds after that.

I didn't want the job, it was for the summer and I was a friend of the owners son ...................

What part of that is not sinking in??

Reality is when you confront an individual in a parking lot at a place of business and "put your hands on them", now the violence you speak of was initiated by the union worker and I simply intervened in his stupid plans.

Why do you fuckers insist on making totally ignorant and assinine statements about a subject in which it is appar:dig:ent you are clueless??
:dig: Friend of the owners son. So you didn't actually earn the job. You got it with a connection and you weren't just committing you thuggery for yourself, you were actually a paid thug. And where I live, and probably most people live, a man putting his hand on your shoulder is not an excuse to knock his teeth out with a baseball bat. What you did were the actions of a scarred little punk. You took advantage of your connection with the boss and the situation to play like a tuff guy. That is your fantasy anyhow. You probably don't know how silly a stupid you are making yourself look, or how you are tripping your self up the way liars do.

By the way you cock sucking moron, I have provided documentation, to start with you did not even believe that it ever happened, my URL made you look like a little ignorant bitch!!

Now cock sucker spins some more bull shit tales, I backed mine up all you do is talk shit with your cum breath!!
You seem obsessed with cock sucking and cum breath. You know what a psychiatrist would say about that, don't you?
Uh huh, Workers making shitty wages is actually 'Good' for Society. Man, Corporate Bootlickers kinda crack you up. What world do they live in? So all-in on Corporate Propaganda Bullshite. American Workers have been getting shit on for many years. It's good to see em get a rare victory. People should be happy for them. I am.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Uh huh, Workers making shitty wages is actually 'Good' for Society. Man, Corporate Bootlickers kinda crack you up. What world do they live in? So all-in on Corporate Propaganda Bullshite. American Workers have been getting shit on for many years. It's good to see em get a rare victory. People should be happy for them. I am.

No we don't...I can use the self checkout and bag my own groceries. As matter of fact, I much prefer to use the self checkout. It saves me time.
Now there is a grovery store where the cashiers are generally nice people and are well trained..And guess what? This particular tore pays more than the other chains.
Gee I wonder why? it because the store management feels their workers are entitled to higher wages? No....This chain is much more selective in choosing who gets to work there. The employees are expected to have certain customer service skills going into the employment interview. Higher skill level, better pay. See how this works?
Pay more they'll smile.

Yup. A happy prosperous worker makes for a better productive worker.

It's up to the worker to make himself both happy and prosperous not his employer

True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Uh huh, Workers making shitty wages is actually 'Good' for Society. Man, Corporate Bootlickers kinda crack you up. What world do they live in? So all-in on Corporate Propaganda Bullshite. American Workers have been getting shit on for many years. It's good to see em get a rare victory. People should be happy for them. I am.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Yeah, some of my Republican friends are just way too all-in on Corporate Propaganda. Most of em truly believe we would be a better Society if we could just pay our Workers less. It's always the Workers' fault as far as they're concerned. Their behavior on issues like this really is shameful.
Ya, reality. 30 years ago some fools in a company town in Arkansas allowed the company to divide families and neighbors so the company could bust up a union. Everyone lost but the company. The company won big. Now you are bragging about your use of violence to help the company win and you neighbors loose. Sorry, but it sounds like you are the one who needs a reality check. Bragging about beating a man with a baseball bat so you could take his job is not something a normal person would think was cool to brag about. Basicly, you are bragging about obtaining your job through criminal thuggery.

Not exactly asshole, I told you it was a right to work state.

Had you comprehended what I wrote, you would have gotten the point that the base ball bat came out after that man "put his hands on me" ................

No one was taking his job, greed and ignorance fueled by the union got to him, he walked off his job to strike.

In Arkansas as in in other state, when an individual "puts his hands on you", then all bets are off. In that state force may be escalated and the other individual driven back by any means neccessary.

You advocate the violence of a worker just as others have advocated stealing, destruction and other forms of self compensation.

When you cross a union line, you send a loud clear message, the business has the right to operate and a non union man has the right to work for said company.

Comprehension is not your strong suit, you would have realized the unions lost that round and many successive rounds after that.

I didn't want the job, it was for the summer and I was a friend of the owners son ...................

What part of that is not sinking in??

Reality is when you confront an individual in a parking lot at a place of business and "put your hands on them", now the violence you speak of was initiated by the union worker and I simply intervened in his stupid plans.

Why do you fuckers insist on making totally ignorant and assinine statements about a subject in which it is appar:dig:ent you are clueless??
:dig: Friend of the owners son. So you didn't actually earn the job. You got it with a connection and you weren't just committing you thuggery for yourself, you were actually a paid thug. And where I live, and probably most people live, a man putting his hand on your shoulder is not an excuse to knock his teeth out with a baseball bat. What you did were the actions of a scarred little punk. You took advantage of your connection with the boss and the situation to play like a tuff guy. That is your fantasy anyhow. You probably don't know how silly a stupid you are making yourself look, or how you are tripping your self up the way liars do.

By the way you cock sucking moron, I have provided documentation, to start with you did not even believe that it ever happened, my URL made you look like a little ignorant bitch!!

Now cock sucker spins some more bull shit tales, I backed mine up all you do is talk shit with your cum breath!!
You seem obsessed with cock sucking and cum breath. You know what a psychiatrist would say about that, don't you?

Trying to avoid the subject again??
ROFLMMFAO ....................
Pay more they'll smile.

Yup. A happy prosperous worker makes for a better productive worker.

It's up to the worker to make himself both happy and prosperous not his employer

True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.
Funny how American workers, given a choice, don't choose unions. So no, you don't support workers any more than your comrades, the old Soviet Union, supported workers using the same communist rhetoric.
Uh huh, Workers making shitty wages is actually 'Good' for Society. Man, Corporate Bootlickers kinda crack you up. What world do they live in? So all-in on Corporate Propaganda Bullshite. American Workers have been getting shit on for many years. It's good to see em get a rare victory. People should be happy for them. I am.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Yeah, some of my Republican friends are just way too all-in on Corporate Propaganda. Most of em truly believe we would be a better Society if we could just pay our Workers less. It's always the Workers' fault as far as they're concerned. Their behavior on issues like this really is shameful.

And the sad part is, the overwhelming majority of people are workers. Not business owners, but workers.

And here's another sad fact: You boss does not want you around. You are a burden and you are taking food off his table and depriving his family of the good life. You will be eliminated as soon as he can so you'd better start looking out for yourself.

And here's the test to find out where you stand: If someone other than you signs your paycheck, then you are a worker.
Pay more they'll smile.

Yup. A happy prosperous worker makes for a better productive worker.

It's up to the worker to make himself both happy and prosperous not his employer

True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.

When it comes to American Workers, it's... 'VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!' for me. It's time for them to fight back. Time for American Helots to rise.

If you just want to bitch and complain hey feel free to start your own company and stop mooching off stockholders.
In a Corporate Bootlicker 'Utopia', Workers would be treated as mere dirty slaves subject to any and all abusive humiliations. They should just be happy to have a job.

See, that may be 'Utopia' for greedy Corporate Bootlickers, but it's Hell for Workers/Slaves. Workers just need to get together and wield their power. Follow the Helots' lead. Victory is not impossible.
Uh huh, Workers making shitty wages is actually 'Good' for Society. Man, Corporate Bootlickers kinda crack you up. What world do they live in? So all-in on Corporate Propaganda Bullshite. American Workers have been getting shit on for many years. It's good to see em get a rare victory. People should be happy for them. I am.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Yeah, some of my Republican friends are just way too all-in on Corporate Propaganda. Most of em truly believe we would be a better Society if we could just pay our Workers less. It's always the Workers' fault as far as they're concerned. Their behavior on issues like this really is shameful.

And the sad part is, the overwhelming majority of people are workers. Not business owners, but workers.

And here's another sad fact: You boss does not want you around. You are a burden and you are taking food off his table and depriving his family of the good life. You will be eliminated as soon as he can so you'd better start looking out for yourself.

And here's the test to find out where you stand: If someone other than you signs your paycheck, then you are a worker.

True, your boss does not want you around... unless you're valuable to him. The moment you demand (or business is forced) to paid more they your work is worth, you're gone. Knowing that, what worker has to do to keep his job?
In a Corporate Bootlicker 'Utopia', Workers would be treated as mere dirty slaves subject to any and all abusive humiliations. They should just be happy to have a job.

See, that may be 'Utopia' for greedy Corporate Bootlickers, but it's Hell for Workers/Slaves. Workers just need to get together and wield their power. Follow the Helots' lead. Victory is not impossible.

In a Corporate Bootlicker 'Utopia', Workers would be treated as mere dirty slaves subject to any and all abusive humiliations. They should just be happy to have a job.

See, that may be 'Utopia' for greedy Corporate Bootlickers, but it's Hell for Workers/Slaves. Workers just need to get together and wield their power. Follow the Helots' lead. Victory is not impossible.
Studies have shown that union workers don't really fare better than non union, so I guess you're a corporate boot licker too. But you get to pay for the privilege.
You need those people stuffing crap into bags. Most Americans are way too fat and lazy to do it themselves. It's Supply & Demand. Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.
No we don't...I can use the self checkout and bag my own groceries. As matter of fact, I much prefer to use the self checkout. It saves me time.
Now there is a grovery store where the cashiers are generally nice people and are well trained..And guess what? This particular tore pays more than the other chains.
Gee I wonder why? it because the store management feels their workers are entitled to higher wages? No....This chain is much more selective in choosing who gets to work there. The employees are expected to have certain customer service skills going into the employment interview. Higher skill level, better pay. See how this works?
Pay more they'll smile.

Yup. A happy prosperous worker makes for a better productive worker.

It's up to the worker to make himself both happy and prosperous not his employer

True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.

Let them go on strike.

I know if I was looking for a job I would cross a picket line I bet there are millions of others who would too.

In the past unions had a place and fought for things like safe working conditions but no union movement is going to convince anyone that stuffing shit into a bag is a 15 an hour job
Uh huh, Workers making shitty wages is actually 'Good' for Society. Man, Corporate Bootlickers kinda crack you up. What world do they live in? So all-in on Corporate Propaganda Bullshite. American Workers have been getting shit on for many years. It's good to see em get a rare victory. People should be happy for them. I am.

I should be good because it should motivate people to better themselves so they can get a higher paying job.

But you people aren't interested in actually improving yourselves which is why your skills suck and you can't get a good job
But you people aren't interested in actually improving yourselves which is why your skills suck and you can't get a good job

This. There are two ways for unskilled worker to make $15 an hour. Improve yourself, acquire skill and you'll earn that wage. Or you could do nothing, just whine and wait on government to hand it to you.

If you have no skill, you have no leverage, business simply owns you. However, if you have skill, you have an upper hand, you have something that business needs and therefore business has no interest in losing you.

With raising a minimum wage, in short time $15 is new $7.25. Then we then have a call for raising the minimum to $25 or more. What liberals keep saying is that raising minimum wont increase prices. Sure, loaf of bread today is, lets say $1.75, and price will stay stable. That $1.75 loaf of bread made by a $7.25 worker today will be $1.75 in two years after that 107% raise. And it will be $1.75 when that person is still making minimum wage of $25. To infinity, $1.75 bread forever. Right.

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