Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

You Don't need a License down here

South Carolina Contractors Licenses (SC)
  • Virtually every aspect of Construction, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical Contracting in South Carolina is regulated at the State Level.
  • Residential classifications are required to pass a Business Law examination in addition to a trade exam and may obtain licensing information from the Residential Builders Commission in Columbia, SC. Pre-Approval for Residential Classifications is required.
  • General and Mechanical classifications are required to pass a Business Law examination in addition to a trade exam and may obtain licensing information from the South Carolina Contractor's Licensing Board in Columbia, SC.
  • Many reciprocity agreements are in place between South Carolina and other states for several classifications.
  • For additional licensing requirements including experience, financial and bonding requirements, exam information and reciprocity, please select the License link below.

Look before you make these all encompassing statements. If you don't, you make yourself look stupid.

You were a laborer for a licensed contractor. Whoopdeshit. It ain't like you were pulling permits and drawing the plans and meeting with the inspector.

You were a laborer. Without a license. Ans that's why you were paid so little.

BTW. you don't need a "licence" to call your self a carpenter.
lmfao you do know I changed plans right? Because they were wrong , unsafe....

We always did that shit zeke

When I was a electrician, when I was a carpenter, when I am a maintenance guy, what they don't know, won't hurt them, but helps them.

Did what shit dude? Look, you made yourself look stupid with your claim. It ain't the first nor will it be the last.

But quit posting nonsense. It is not helping you make your case.

I am gonna go do some work. Have fun. But quit posting bullshit. You are better than that I do believe.
Zeke I have nothing against good honest unions, but have a hatered towards dishonest ones and nothing I say is bull shit on the jobs I had, hell I even worked for a septic tank company for a week, as a taxi cab driver for a few months, as a Motorcycle Mechanic for a few weeks, I always refused to apply for unemployment

I am not bull shitting about my life

In fact if you must know Starting to date this hot black 32 year old girl who.lives and works in Atlanta at a orphange
Can you name few of today's great unions?

Machinists and Aerospace Workers Union.
Welders and Pipe fitters

You know how you union haters love you some military? Almost every weapon system is built by union labor.

I know you love the oil and gas industry. Almost all that labor is union. You got a few scabs mining coal. But even the miners have the UMW. But they are not a great union.

Hell even our COTUS preamble says we are forming a union.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect UNION......................

A union is nothing more or less than a group of people trying to make things better than they were.

Something a Republican would know nothing about (making things better).

I would like to know what makes them so great. UAW? No shit.

Weapon systems are built by union labor. If government award contracts to non-union, they could cut prices in half, if not more.

I don't care about oil and gas industry. Just imagine how much gas would be if they're controlled and run by the government.
You do realize that a 9 to 15 raise is much more significant don't you?

And 15 an hour or 31200 a year is a salary that requires some skill and training.

So you are basically saying that people who have worked to increase their skill set are no better than those who can't do anything but stuff crap into a bag

You need those people stuffing crap into bags. Most Americans are way too fat and lazy to do it themselves. It's Supply & Demand. Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.
No we don't...I can use the self checkout and bag my own groceries. As matter of fact, I much prefer to use the self checkout. It saves me time.
Now there is a grovery store where the cashiers are generally nice people and are well trained..And guess what? This particular tore pays more than the other chains.
Gee I wonder why? it because the store management feels their workers are entitled to higher wages? No....This chain is much more selective in choosing who gets to work there. The employees are expected to have certain customer service skills going into the employment interview. Higher skill level, better pay. See how this works?
Pay more they'll smile.

Yup. A happy prosperous worker makes for a better productive worker.

It's up to the worker to make himself both happy and prosperous not his employer

True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.
You need those people stuffing crap into bags. Most Americans are way too fat and lazy to do it themselves. It's Supply & Demand. Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.
No we don't...I can use the self checkout and bag my own groceries. As matter of fact, I much prefer to use the self checkout. It saves me time.
Now there is a grovery store where the cashiers are generally nice people and are well trained..And guess what? This particular tore pays more than the other chains.
Gee I wonder why? it because the store management feels their workers are entitled to higher wages? No....This chain is much more selective in choosing who gets to work there. The employees are expected to have certain customer service skills going into the employment interview. Higher skill level, better pay. See how this works?
Pay more they'll smile.

Yup. A happy prosperous worker makes for a better productive worker.

It's up to the worker to make himself both happy and prosperous not his employer

True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.
It's going in the opposite direction. As people are now being given a choice more than ever, they aren't choosing unions. I get the feeling you want to repeal right to work and start forcing people into unions again because that's the only way they will make a "great comeback". You've already been exposed as a liar for claiming to be libertarian, might as well drop the maskirovka altogether.
We have a good way to determine what a minimum wage should be. We allow the federal government to determine a minimum wage. That gets passed on to the state government to make adjustments if the state wishes. Finally, we allow county, town and city governments to make further adjustment the way Seattle did. Seattle decided to implement a incremental wage increase in their city. It pissed off some national bloggers and so an article was written claiming restaurants were closing all over Seattle. Even though media attacked the article as being a total misrepresentation and lie, there are still some indoctrinated right wingers who refuse to acknowledge the truth. Over 1500 post and we still have not heard or seen the name of a specific restaurant that closed in Seattle due to increased minimum wage.

Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Ya, reality. 30 years ago some fools in a company town in Arkansas allowed the company to divide families and neighbors so the company could bust up a union. Everyone lost but the company. The company won big. Now you are bragging about your use of violence to help the company win and you neighbors loose. Sorry, but it sounds like you are the one who needs a reality check. Bragging about beating a man with a baseball bat so you could take his job is not something a normal person would think was cool to brag about. Basicly, you are bragging about obtaining your job through criminal thuggery.

Not exactly asshole, I told you it was a right to work state.

Had you comprehended what I wrote, you would have gotten the point that the base ball bat came out after that man "put his hands on me" ................

No one was taking his job, greed and ignorance fueled by the union got to him, he walked off his job to strike.

In Arkansas as in in other state, when an individual "puts his hands on you", then all bets are off. In that state force may be escalated and the other individual driven back by any means neccessary.

You advocate the violence of a worker just as others have advocated stealing, destruction and other forms of self compensation.

When you cross a union line, you send a loud clear message, the business has the right to operate and a non union man has the right to work for said company.

Comprehension is not your strong suit, you would have realized the unions lost that round and many successive rounds after that.

I didn't want the job, it was for the summer and I was a friend of the owners son ...................

What part of that is not sinking in??

Reality is when you confront an individual in a parking lot at a place of business and "put your hands on them", now the violence you speak of was initiated by the union worker and I simply intervened in his stupid plans.

Why do you fuckers insist on making totally ignorant and assinine statements about a subject in which it is apparent you are clueless??
Back to topic...

Can anyone explain what qualifies non-skilled worker for $15 an hour?
Living in an area where the citizens have voted and the elected government has decided that is what they want businesses in their area to pay workers in their area. The people have decided they want their neighbors to live at a certain standard of living and believe that to do so improves the quality of life for everyone in the community.

So regardless that worker has no skill, or did not acquire any new skill, he got raise by decree. People and elected government could vote to just give the same worker a brain surgeon PhD, does that qualify him to do surgeries?
We have a good way to determine what a minimum wage should be. We allow the federal government to determine a minimum wage. That gets passed on to the state government to make adjustments if the state wishes. Finally, we allow county, town and city governments to make further adjustment the way Seattle did. Seattle decided to implement a incremental wage increase in their city. It pissed off some national bloggers and so an article was written claiming restaurants were closing all over Seattle. Even though media attacked the article as being a total misrepresentation and lie, there are still some indoctrinated right wingers who refuse to acknowledge the truth. Over 1500 post and we still have not heard or seen the name of a specific restaurant that closed in Seattle due to increased minimum wage.

Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Um, that point has only been made in your imagination. The entire thread is based on the lie of the OP about restaurants having to close due to a boost of minimum wages to 15.00 per hour. Total lie that has been proven to be a lie over and over. No restaurants closing for that reason. None. Not one.
Determining a minimum wage in a particular community such as a city is a way for voters to determine a quality of life and standard of living for their community. You seem to belong to that group of folks that believe business and the profit of business should be the determining factor. You object to citizens voting for laws that improve the quality of life in a community or the expression of moral, ethical and religious beliefs. Thankfully we live in a democracy where we allow voters to make at least some of the basic decisions that determine these things. We haven't gone full fascism yet, but thanks to folks like you kleptocracy in making great progress.
Yeah the big 3 who need to be bailed out on a regular basis with tax payer money.

You get all whiny about people who work part time MW jobs getting food stamps but say nothing of the government bailout of the UAW.
The UAW did not design the shitty cars people don't want. The UAW worked their ass off building them the way corporate told them to & they were priced cheaper than the foreign labels people wanted. Corporate who designed poor mileage vehicles & cut out the $10 transmission oil cooler causing GM transmissions to fail rapidly. It was corporates decision to use shitty ignition switches that kill people & drive away buyers. The workers did not slap the cars together wrong, leave off parts or not tighten up bolts, they built the vehicles to the exact specifications they were instructed to. The UAW did not cause GM to fail or raid their pension funds. That was the golden boys at the top that destroyed GM. GM's golden boy CEO Rick Wagoner took $63.3 million to destroy the company, but you retards believe the UAW did it, because your masters told you so.
You are either a child or an ignorant low skilled worker, one of the two, I stop Production In fact any of my operators can do the same if we are making crap, but then again we dont work in a union shit hole plant where no one gives a fuck except a pay check.

You are so darn retarded! Assembly line workers aren't allowed to stop the the line & tell the CEO to redesign the power-train to increase gas mileage, add external transmission oil cooler to extend the life of the transmission. Corporate did the design, R&D & durability testing & specked out how the workers were to build the cars. The only fault of the UAW is their leaders should have sat in on every corporate decision & demanded they design cars the public wanted to buy. Corporate screwed up & got big paydays for doing so. I have never seen a vehicle that was assembled incorrectly. All the defects were from poor quality materials & design.

Poor quality materials and design all provided by union labor ......................
Take your foot out of your mouth ass hole .......................
My company makes amoung others high dollar plastic parts for BMW, John Deere , Honda, one minute and longer cycles, $50 dollar parts $500 bucks plus retail... The operators have to intial every piece, their job is on the line if they make short shots, splay or what ever

Yes, dear, you're responsible for the quality of YOUR WORK, and no one said otherwise. That's different from having input into the quality of the design of what you're assembling, and we both know it.
We have a good way to determine what a minimum wage should be. We allow the federal government to determine a minimum wage. That gets passed on to the state government to make adjustments if the state wishes. Finally, we allow county, town and city governments to make further adjustment the way Seattle did. Seattle decided to implement a incremental wage increase in their city. It pissed off some national bloggers and so an article was written claiming restaurants were closing all over Seattle. Even though media attacked the article as being a total misrepresentation and lie, there are still some indoctrinated right wingers who refuse to acknowledge the truth. Over 1500 post and we still have not heard or seen the name of a specific restaurant that closed in Seattle due to increased minimum wage.

Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Um, that point has only been made in your imagination. The entire thread is based on the lie of the OP about restaurants having to close due to a boost of minimum wages to 15.00 per hour. Total lie that has been proven to be a lie over and over. No restaurants closing for that reason. None. Not one.
Determining a minimum wage in a particular community such as a city is a way for voters to determine a quality of life and standard of living for their community. You seem to belong to that group of folks that believe business and the profit of business should be the determining factor. You object to citizens voting for laws that improve the quality of life in a community or the expression of moral, ethical and religious beliefs. Thankfully we live in a democracy where we allow voters to make at least some of the basic decisions that determine these things. We haven't gone full fascism yet, but thanks to folks like you kleptocracy in making great progress.

In your own words, raising minimum wage to $15 is going to improve quality of life and standard of living in Seattle community. Then why not $30 an hour, and make quality of live and standard even better?
Ya, reality. 30 years ago some fools in a company town in Arkansas allowed the company to divide families and neighbors so the company could bust up a union. Everyone lost but the company. The company won big. Now you are bragging about your use of violence to help the company win and you neighbors loose. Sorry, but it sounds like you are the one who needs a reality check. Bragging about beating a man with a baseball bat so you could take his job is not something a normal person would think was cool to brag about. Basicly, you are bragging about obtaining your job through criminal thuggery.

Not exactly asshole, I told you it was a right to work state.

Had you comprehended what I wrote, you would have gotten the point that the base ball bat came out after that man "put his hands on me" ................

No one was taking his job, greed and ignorance fueled by the union got to him, he walked off his job to strike.

In Arkansas as in in other state, when an individual "puts his hands on you", then all bets are off. In that state force may be escalated and the other individual driven back by any means neccessary.

You advocate the violence of a worker just as others have advocated stealing, destruction and other forms of self compensation.

When you cross a union line, you send a loud clear message, the business has the right to operate and a non union man has the right to work for said company.

Comprehension is not your strong suit, you would have realized the unions lost that round and many successive rounds after that.

I didn't want the job, it was for the summer and I was a friend of the owners son ...................

What part of that is not sinking in??

Reality is when you confront an individual in a parking lot at a place of business and "put your hands on them", now the violence you speak of was initiated by the union worker and I simply intervened in his stupid plans.

Why do you fuckers insist on making totally ignorant and assinine statements about a subject in which it is appar:dig:ent you are clueless??
:dig: Friend of the owners son. So you didn't actually earn the job. You got it with a connection and you weren't just committing you thuggery for yourself, you were actually a paid thug. And where I live, and probably most people live, a man putting his hand on your shoulder is not an excuse to knock his teeth out with a baseball bat. What you did were the actions of a scarred little punk. You took advantage of your connection with the boss and the situation to play like a tuff guy. That is your fantasy anyhow. You probably don't know how silly a stupid you are making yourself look, or how you are tripping your self up the way liars do.
True, ya gotta fight for it. No one's gonna give ya anything. That's why it is probably time for Unions to make a big comeback. There's strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, they kicked mighty Spartan ass. Workers do have power. Now they just need to get their shit together and wield that power.

We have a good way to determine what a minimum wage should be. We allow the federal government to determine a minimum wage. That gets passed on to the state government to make adjustments if the state wishes. Finally, we allow county, town and city governments to make further adjustment the way Seattle did. Seattle decided to implement a incremental wage increase in their city. It pissed off some national bloggers and so an article was written claiming restaurants were closing all over Seattle. Even though media attacked the article as being a total misrepresentation and lie, there are still some indoctrinated right wingers who refuse to acknowledge the truth. Over 1500 post and we still have not heard or seen the name of a specific restaurant that closed in Seattle due to increased minimum wage.

Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Um, that point has only been made in your imagination. The entire thread is based on the lie of the OP about restaurants having to close due to a boost of minimum wages to 15.00 per hour. Total lie that has been proven to be a lie over and over. No restaurants closing for that reason. None. Not one.
Determining a minimum wage in a particular community such as a city is a way for voters to determine a quality of life and standard of living for their community. You seem to belong to that group of folks that believe business and the profit of business should be the determining factor. You object to citizens voting for laws that improve the quality of life in a community or the expression of moral, ethical and religious beliefs. Thankfully we live in a democracy where we allow voters to make at least some of the basic decisions that determine these things. We haven't gone full fascism yet, but thanks to folks like you kleptocracy in making great progress.
You haven't proven shit. In fact, it's very likely that almost all of them are closing because they can no longer afford to operate a small business in a Democrat state where wage requirements have been artificially inflated way beyond what the market can sustain. Business owners think years ahead, and a minimum wage of $15, even progressively implemented, will cause savvy business owners to see the writing on the wall and pull stakes.
Ya, reality. 30 years ago some fools in a company town in Arkansas allowed the company to divide families and neighbors so the company could bust up a union. Everyone lost but the company. The company won big. Now you are bragging about your use of violence to help the company win and you neighbors loose. Sorry, but it sounds like you are the one who needs a reality check. Bragging about beating a man with a baseball bat so you could take his job is not something a normal person would think was cool to brag about. Basicly, you are bragging about obtaining your job through criminal thuggery.

Not exactly asshole, I told you it was a right to work state.

Had you comprehended what I wrote, you would have gotten the point that the base ball bat came out after that man "put his hands on me" ................

No one was taking his job, greed and ignorance fueled by the union got to him, he walked off his job to strike.

In Arkansas as in in other state, when an individual "puts his hands on you", then all bets are off. In that state force may be escalated and the other individual driven back by any means neccessary.

You advocate the violence of a worker just as others have advocated stealing, destruction and other forms of self compensation.

When you cross a union line, you send a loud clear message, the business has the right to operate and a non union man has the right to work for said company.

Comprehension is not your strong suit, you would have realized the unions lost that round and many successive rounds after that.

I didn't want the job, it was for the summer and I was a friend of the owners son ...................

What part of that is not sinking in??

Reality is when you confront an individual in a parking lot at a place of business and "put your hands on them", now the violence you speak of was initiated by the union worker and I simply intervened in his stupid plans.

Why do you fuckers insist on making totally ignorant and assinine statements about a subject in which it is appar:dig:ent you are clueless??
:dig: Friend of the owners son. So you didn't actually earn the job. You got it with a connection and you weren't just committing you thuggery for yourself, you were actually a paid thug. And where I live, and probably most people live, a man putting his hand on your shoulder is not an excuse to knock his teeth out with a baseball bat. What you did were the actions of a scarred little punk. You took advantage of your connection with the boss and the situation to play like a tuff guy. That is your fantasy anyhow. You probably don't know how silly a stupid you are making yourself look, or how you are tripping your self up the way liars do.

ROFLMMFAO .......... I love fairy tales ..............
We have a good way to determine what a minimum wage should be. We allow the federal government to determine a minimum wage. That gets passed on to the state government to make adjustments if the state wishes. Finally, we allow county, town and city governments to make further adjustment the way Seattle did. Seattle decided to implement a incremental wage increase in their city. It pissed off some national bloggers and so an article was written claiming restaurants were closing all over Seattle. Even though media attacked the article as being a total misrepresentation and lie, there are still some indoctrinated right wingers who refuse to acknowledge the truth. Over 1500 post and we still have not heard or seen the name of a specific restaurant that closed in Seattle due to increased minimum wage.

Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Um, that point has only been made in your imagination. The entire thread is based on the lie of the OP about restaurants having to close due to a boost of minimum wages to 15.00 per hour. Total lie that has been proven to be a lie over and over. No restaurants closing for that reason. None. Not one.
Determining a minimum wage in a particular community such as a city is a way for voters to determine a quality of life and standard of living for their community. You seem to belong to that group of folks that believe business and the profit of business should be the determining factor. You object to citizens voting for laws that improve the quality of life in a community or the expression of moral, ethical and religious beliefs. Thankfully we live in a democracy where we allow voters to make at least some of the basic decisions that determine these things. We haven't gone full fascism yet, but thanks to folks like you kleptocracy in making great progress.

In your own words, raising minimum wage to $15 is going to improve quality of life and standard of living in Seattle community. Then why not $30 an hour, and make quality of live and standard even better?
Because a balance has to be made. If you have read the various links with interviews with restaurant owners in Seattle you should be aware that the proposed wage increases are in line with the successful restaurants are already paying. They only folks claiming the increased minimum wage is going to have a negative impact are agenda driven bloggers. The minimum wage is meant to deal with particularly greedy business people who are willing to abuse and take advantage of workers.
Ya, reality. 30 years ago some fools in a company town in Arkansas allowed the company to divide families and neighbors so the company could bust up a union. Everyone lost but the company. The company won big. Now you are bragging about your use of violence to help the company win and you neighbors loose. Sorry, but it sounds like you are the one who needs a reality check. Bragging about beating a man with a baseball bat so you could take his job is not something a normal person would think was cool to brag about. Basicly, you are bragging about obtaining your job through criminal thuggery.

Not exactly asshole, I told you it was a right to work state.

Had you comprehended what I wrote, you would have gotten the point that the base ball bat came out after that man "put his hands on me" ................

No one was taking his job, greed and ignorance fueled by the union got to him, he walked off his job to strike.

In Arkansas as in in other state, when an individual "puts his hands on you", then all bets are off. In that state force may be escalated and the other individual driven back by any means neccessary.

You advocate the violence of a worker just as others have advocated stealing, destruction and other forms of self compensation.

When you cross a union line, you send a loud clear message, the business has the right to operate and a non union man has the right to work for said company.

Comprehension is not your strong suit, you would have realized the unions lost that round and many successive rounds after that.

I didn't want the job, it was for the summer and I was a friend of the owners son ...................

What part of that is not sinking in??

Reality is when you confront an individual in a parking lot at a place of business and "put your hands on them", now the violence you speak of was initiated by the union worker and I simply intervened in his stupid plans.

Why do you fuckers insist on making totally ignorant and assinine statements about a subject in which it is appar:dig:ent you are clueless??
:dig: Friend of the owners son. So you didn't actually earn the job. You got it with a connection and you weren't just committing you thuggery for yourself, you were actually a paid thug. And where I live, and probably most people live, a man putting his hand on your shoulder is not an excuse to knock his teeth out with a baseball bat. What you did were the actions of a scarred little punk. You took advantage of your connection with the boss and the situation to play like a tuff guy. That is your fantasy anyhow. You probably don't know how silly a stupid you are making yourself look, or how you are tripping your self up the way liars do.

By the way you cock sucking moron, I have provided documentation, to start with you did not even believe that it ever happened, my URL made you look like a little ignorant bitch!!

Now cock sucker spins some more bull shit tales, I backed mine up all you do is talk shit with your cum breath!!
We have a good way to determine what a minimum wage should be. We allow the federal government to determine a minimum wage. That gets passed on to the state government to make adjustments if the state wishes. Finally, we allow county, town and city governments to make further adjustment the way Seattle did. Seattle decided to implement a incremental wage increase in their city. It pissed off some national bloggers and so an article was written claiming restaurants were closing all over Seattle. Even though media attacked the article as being a total misrepresentation and lie, there are still some indoctrinated right wingers who refuse to acknowledge the truth. Over 1500 post and we still have not heard or seen the name of a specific restaurant that closed in Seattle due to increased minimum wage.

Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Um, that point has only been made in your imagination. The entire thread is based on the lie of the OP about restaurants having to close due to a boost of minimum wages to 15.00 per hour. Total lie that has been proven to be a lie over and over. No restaurants closing for that reason. None. Not one.
Determining a minimum wage in a particular community such as a city is a way for voters to determine a quality of life and standard of living for their community. You seem to belong to that group of folks that believe business and the profit of business should be the determining factor. You object to citizens voting for laws that improve the quality of life in a community or the expression of moral, ethical and religious beliefs. Thankfully we live in a democracy where we allow voters to make at least some of the basic decisions that determine these things. We haven't gone full fascism yet, but thanks to folks like you kleptocracy in making great progress.

No, it's not my imagination that numerous people, including myself, have said that having government set wages is a shitty idea. Whether or not you believe the premise of the thread is irrelevant to the fact that this point has been asserted and anyone reading the thread should be aware of it.
Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Um, that point has only been made in your imagination. The entire thread is based on the lie of the OP about restaurants having to close due to a boost of minimum wages to 15.00 per hour. Total lie that has been proven to be a lie over and over. No restaurants closing for that reason. None. Not one.
Determining a minimum wage in a particular community such as a city is a way for voters to determine a quality of life and standard of living for their community. You seem to belong to that group of folks that believe business and the profit of business should be the determining factor. You object to citizens voting for laws that improve the quality of life in a community or the expression of moral, ethical and religious beliefs. Thankfully we live in a democracy where we allow voters to make at least some of the basic decisions that determine these things. We haven't gone full fascism yet, but thanks to folks like you kleptocracy in making great progress.

In your own words, raising minimum wage to $15 is going to improve quality of life and standard of living in Seattle community. Then why not $30 an hour, and make quality of live and standard even better?
Because a balance has to be made. If you have read the various links with interviews with restaurant owners in Seattle you should be aware that the proposed wage increases are in line with the successful restaurants are already paying. They only folks claiming the increased minimum wage is going to have a negative impact are agenda driven bloggers. The minimum wage is meant to deal with particularly greedy business people who are willing to abuse and take advantage of workers.

You mean like Forbes??

We Can Predict The Effects Of Seattle's $15 An Hour Minimum Wage
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It’s not difficult to outline some of the effect that this new $15 an hour minimum wage in Seattle is going to have. And I, for one, would rather hope that people are starting to study that labour market right now, so we can get a good idea of what it is like before that wage comes in. And then we can go back when it’s fully implemented and see what the effects have been. For my prediction is that the effects are not going to be good and it would be rather useful in future to have the evidence that large rises in the minimum wage really aren’t a good thing.

You know, before someone suggests it should be applied to the whole country? As, in fact, people already are?

The first and most obvious effect of a $15 an hour minimum is that there are going to be job losses. Don’t forget that the message from the academic literature is that “modest” increases in the minimum don’t seem to have “much” effect on employment levels. And we’d all agree that a $100 minimum would have rather large effects. So our puzzle here is to try to decide what is the definition of “modest”. Clearly $100 an hour isn’t. But also we can dismiss something like $1 an hour as being problematic. Since no one at all gets paid a sum that small making the minimum $1, or $1.50, has no effect on anything whatsoever.

The best result we have from the academic literature is that a minimum wage in the 40-45% region of the median wage has little to no effect on unemployment. The reason being similar to that of a $1 one. So few people get paid so little that it just doesn’t affect the wages of anyone very much. The same research tells us that once we get to 45-50% of the median wage then we do start to see significant unemployment effects.

This $15 an hour in Seattle will be around 60% of the local median wage. We would therefore expect to see reasonably large unemployment effects.
Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Um, that point has only been made in your imagination. The entire thread is based on the lie of the OP about restaurants having to close due to a boost of minimum wages to 15.00 per hour. Total lie that has been proven to be a lie over and over. No restaurants closing for that reason. None. Not one.
Determining a minimum wage in a particular community such as a city is a way for voters to determine a quality of life and standard of living for their community. You seem to belong to that group of folks that believe business and the profit of business should be the determining factor. You object to citizens voting for laws that improve the quality of life in a community or the expression of moral, ethical and religious beliefs. Thankfully we live in a democracy where we allow voters to make at least some of the basic decisions that determine these things. We haven't gone full fascism yet, but thanks to folks like you kleptocracy in making great progress.

In your own words, raising minimum wage to $15 is going to improve quality of life and standard of living in Seattle community. Then why not $30 an hour, and make quality of live and standard even better?
Because a balance has to be made. If you have read the various links with interviews with restaurant owners in Seattle you should be aware that the proposed wage increases are in line with the successful restaurants are already paying. They only folks claiming the increased minimum wage is going to have a negative impact are agenda driven bloggers. The minimum wage is meant to deal with particularly greedy business people who are willing to abuse and take advantage of workers.

I am not looking just on OP, there were clarifications after that.

Anyways, to be clear, I don't think restaurants are closing because of this increase yet, but I do think that is possible. Now, for a moment, put restaurants at side and think about other businesses. Someone said before, and I agree, new law simply outlawed unskilled labor. How unskilled workers are going to find jobs at that price for the employer? They simply can't.
We have a good way to determine what a minimum wage should be. We allow the federal government to determine a minimum wage. That gets passed on to the state government to make adjustments if the state wishes. Finally, we allow county, town and city governments to make further adjustment the way Seattle did. Seattle decided to implement a incremental wage increase in their city. It pissed off some national bloggers and so an article was written claiming restaurants were closing all over Seattle. Even though media attacked the article as being a total misrepresentation and lie, there are still some indoctrinated right wingers who refuse to acknowledge the truth. Over 1500 post and we still have not heard or seen the name of a specific restaurant that closed in Seattle due to increased minimum wage.

Clearly, the phrase "good way" means something very different on your planet than it does on Earth. On Earth, this would be described by the phrase "shitty way".
Passing laws through three levels of legislation, approval by three levels of Executive administrations and validated by multiple levels of the judicial branches is a shitty way to make laws according to you? Sounds like you just hate how democracy works and America in general.

Having government determine what wages should be AT ALL is a shitty way. How did you manage to read this whole thread and not grasp that point of argument at any time? Reading comprehension not your strong point?
Um, that point has only been made in your imagination. The entire thread is based on the lie of the OP about restaurants having to close due to a boost of minimum wages to 15.00 per hour. Total lie that has been proven to be a lie over and over. No restaurants closing for that reason. None. Not one.
Determining a minimum wage in a particular community such as a city is a way for voters to determine a quality of life and standard of living for their community. You seem to belong to that group of folks that believe business and the profit of business should be the determining factor. You object to citizens voting for laws that improve the quality of life in a community or the expression of moral, ethical and religious beliefs. Thankfully we live in a democracy where we allow voters to make at least some of the basic decisions that determine these things. We haven't gone full fascism yet, but thanks to folks like you kleptocracy in making great progress.
You haven't proven shit. In fact, it's very likely that almost all of them are closing because they can no longer afford to operate a small business in a Democrat state where wage requirements have been artificially inflated way beyond what the market can sustain. Business owners think years ahead, and a minimum wage of $15, even progressively implemented, will cause savvy business owners to see the writing on the wall and pull stakes.
If what you say is true, you should be able to show us a link where Seattle restaurant owners confirms what you are claiming. The thread is full of links showing the opposite and backing up my claim.

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