Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Heres all we're saying. Between 1950 and 2000 we had high paying manufacturing union labor middle class jobs. We allowed all those jobs to go to China mexico and everywhere else. I know that benefitted the rich and the rest of the world but it didn't help america.

Our gov has a responsibility to look out for the masses. If not capitalism will have us grateful for $5 a day.

Still no explanation what livable wage is. Anyone?
It is then same type of question liberals will never answer like:

When discussing then school system:

How much money do The schools need?

The poor have smart cell phones, 50 inch T.V.s , a/c but for some reason god only knows they can not get any ID to vote.

They think in there strange minds they can force the higher labor cost On to the stockholders or CEOs

I've actually asked the question many times here. And it's usually the Corporate-bootlickers who duck & run from the question. I've asked for you guys to put some numbers on it. What's a decent livable wage for an average American Worker these days. I've thrown a few numbers out there. I said possibly about $11 - $15 an hr. How bout you?

Ah, yes. "I have decided that it's the government's job to mandate wages, so you must argue with me from a position of what that wage should be, rather than whether there should be any such thing at all."

Not surprising, really. The only hope you have of winning an argument is if you're both sides of it.
Should slave labor be OK in a libertarian society?

Should government have no power in your utopia?

We don't have slave labor in America, that is a term coined by the faggots and left libtards to try and elicit an emotional response.

Look nigga we been here before and you left, there are no slave wages in America, just faggot talking points !!
Let's fight but I go right for your balls and once I got your balls in a clamp I put a finger from my other hand in your butt and make you apologize for calling me the N word.
Yeah the big 3 who need to be bailed out on a regular basis with tax payer money.

You get all whiny about people who work part time MW jobs getting food stamps but say nothing of the government bailout of the UAW.
The UAW did not design the shitty cars people don't want. The UAW worked their ass off building them the way corporate told them to & they were priced cheaper than the foreign labels people wanted. Corporate who designed poor mileage vehicles & cut out the $10 transmission oil cooler causing GM transmissions to fail rapidly. It was corporates decision to use shitty ignition switches that kill people & drive away buyers. The workers did not slap the cars together wrong, leave off parts or not tighten up bolts, they built the vehicles to the exact specifications they were instructed to. The UAW did not cause GM to fail or raid their pension funds. That was the golden boys at the top that destroyed GM. GM's golden boy CEO Rick Wagoner took $63.3 million to destroy the company, but you retards believe the UAW did it, because your masters told you so.
You are either a child or an ignorant low skilled worker, one of the two, I stop Production In fact any of my operators can do the same if we are making crap, but then again we dont work in a union shit hole plant where no one gives a fuck except a pay check.

You are so darn retarded! Assembly line workers aren't allowed to stop the the line & tell the CEO to redesign the power-train to increase gas mileage, add external transmission oil cooler to extend the life of the transmission. Corporate did the design, R&D & durability testing & specked out how the workers were to build the cars. The only fault of the UAW is their leaders should have sat in on every corporate decision & demanded they design cars the public wanted to buy. Corporate screwed up & got big paydays for doing so. I have never seen a vehicle that was assembled incorrectly. All the defects were from poor quality materials & design.
You are so darn retarded! Assembly line workers aren't allowed to stop the the line & tell the CEO to redesign the power-train to increase gas mileage, add external transmission oil cooler to extend the life of the transmission. Corporate did the design, R&D & durability testing & specked out how the workers were to build the cars. The only fault of the UAW is their leaders should have sat in on every corporate decision & demanded they design cars the public wanted to buy. Corporate screwed up & got big paydays for doing so. I have never seen a vehicle that was assembled incorrectly. All the defects were from poor quality materials & design.

In other words, assembly line workers making a product they know nothing about, from parts they didn't design and have no clue how they works, they just placing in where they were told where and how to place it. Putting that part in place is their only responsibility and for what they are paid for.

I have seen plenty of vehicles that are returned from the paint shops because of scratches, or from assembly lines because of part alignments, missing screws or parts, crooked doors, water leaks etc. Only vehicles that passed final inspection are supposedly allowed to leave the plant, maybe that's why you "never seen" one assembled incorrectly.

Also, I have never seen a robot or machine that do a shitty job.
You can get ahead by being good at what you do. You can be better than average at what you do. You can be fast and at the same time produce quality work than others. You do not have to cheat. Working while others are eating lunch is cheating. Doing extra tasks is just a way of sucking up to the boss and cutting someone else out of a job. If you are good at what you do cheating and sucking up aren't necessary. Your work should be able to stand alone and compete with others who do the same work in the same amount of time under the same conditions.
Why don't you read what I post Idiot.

I said i wanted to work through lunch so i could punch out at 3 instead of 330 so I could get to my second job I wasn't working more than those other slobs. And I still managed to outproduce them. I actually wanted piece work but the other lazy fucks voted it down. They all tended to produce the bare minimum they had to. They got orders finished barely by the dead line. I was 3 weeks ahead on my orders and I didn't want to keep the job I just worked it to earn tuition money.

But hey how does your do the bare minimum work ethic treat you when it comes time for a raise?

And sorry but it's a dog eat dog world out there and there is nothing wrong with doing more than is expected of you in order to get ahead.

But then again I guess only people with well developed work ethics believe that truism.
It sounds like your story changes each time a response challenges your claims. You did piece work, but were not dependent on other workers providing material or hauling away finished product. You depended on absolutely no other worker to perform or complete your task. No other workers were dependent on your work to complete their own. You were at a job that was completely independent on all other employees and that allowed you to select your own adjustable work hours. The company thought so highly of you they were ok with you working without any management during your lunch break.

Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction .................

I spent a lot of time in aluminum boat manufacturing. In my earlier years I spent years at a boat plant in which I was allowed to learn / work any and every job in the plant from uncoiling metal rolls, setting up presses, punches, hydraulic breaks, etc, etc.
I was a welder, I spent time with my lead foreman learning to rivet, I learned interior work / trim, all the way out to paint and finally loading and shipping.
There was nothing in that plant I could not do, it was a piece work plant, never had to wait on anyone, I could fabricate it from start to finish.

I left that job and at a point and time later in life went to work for a second plant as the "only" person on a second shift. I was a qualified mofo and was given a key to the plant an cart blanch, I could and still can fabricate aluminum all weld boats from start to finish with out any help. Now to rivet a boat I got to have a bucker to catch the other side of the rivets.

Anyways point being, while not in your realm of reality ......... there definitely are real life scenarios just as he has described.

But for an ignorant, closed minded person I would have to guess everything is suspect .................

Must be terrible to go through life so ignorant ......................
And which union were you paying dues to while all this was happening?

Dude, first thing you need to get a clue about ...............

Unions are nothing more than gansters who parade as helping hands, they take your money and shit all over you ................

I live in a right to work state and don't need shit bags like you trying to intervene in my fortune making ................

It's unfortunate for you morons that ya'll are so ignorant!!

Holla about them unions bitch ......................

Hey numb nuts,

Let me tell you about unions and me ....................

When I was in my early adult years, I knew the Anthony's who owned a saw mill, union labor saw mill.

The workers went on strike and I gladly accepted a job as a scab ......................

I showed up religiously at the gate and the mill had to send heavy equipment out to fairy us past the strikers.

They would yell foul things and make threats of what they would do if given the chance.

I showed up one morning and as I went to exit my vehicle I knew one of the strikers had approached and procedded to put his hand on me as I exited the vehicle.

I never thought twice as his hand contacted my shoulder and he started his fucking rant I reached back into my still open vehicle and picked up the mini Louisville slugger that was laying in the floor by the jam.

The first swing with one hand hit the man in the side of the head. As he staggered back and tried to shake fog off I got both hands on the bat and hit that fag bastard as hard as I could in the mouth. As he begin to spit blood and teeth I continued my beating, like a fucking piece of shit pinata I beat the shit out of that cocksucker.

His friends came to intervene, my co worker came to my aid .................

The striker got just exactly what they deserved , I was never fucked with again in that parking lot, the striker figured out real quick from there toothless fuck I don't play.

So , shove those unions up your ass and get with the program,.

Unions are vile organizations that are nothing more than legal extortion for insurance of perceived demands.

Only those n*ggers who stand around with a thumb up their ass unwilling to produce or perform are the ones needing unions.

Unions were needed when a company such as a coal mine payed you with shelter in their camps, pay was with their script and the only place to shop was their company store ........................ those days are long gone and the unions will follow ...................
Let's fight but I go right for your balls and once I got your balls in a clamp I put a finger from my other hand in your butt and make you apologize for calling me the N word.

Wow what a nasty little faggot n*gger, no you want be doing those vile or disgusting things to me dick lick..........................
Yeah the big 3 who need to be bailed out on a regular basis with tax payer money.

You get all whiny about people who work part time MW jobs getting food stamps but say nothing of the government bailout of the UAW.
The UAW did not design the shitty cars people don't want. The UAW worked their ass off building them the way corporate told them to & they were priced cheaper than the foreign labels people wanted. Corporate who designed poor mileage vehicles & cut out the $10 transmission oil cooler causing GM transmissions to fail rapidly. It was corporates decision to use shitty ignition switches that kill people & drive away buyers. The workers did not slap the cars together wrong, leave off parts or not tighten up bolts, they built the vehicles to the exact specifications they were instructed to. The UAW did not cause GM to fail or raid their pension funds. That was the golden boys at the top that destroyed GM. GM's golden boy CEO Rick Wagoner took $63.3 million to destroy the company, but you retards believe the UAW did it, because your masters told you so.
You are either a child or an ignorant low skilled worker, one of the two, I stop Production In fact any of my operators can do the same if we are making crap, but then again we dont work in a union shit hole plant where no one gives a fuck except a pay check.

You are so darn retarded! Assembly line workers aren't allowed to stop the the line & tell the CEO to redesign the power-train to increase gas mileage, add external transmission oil cooler to extend the life of the transmission. Corporate did the design, R&D & durability testing & specked out how the workers were to build the cars. The only fault of the UAW is their leaders should have sat in on every corporate decision & demanded they design cars the public wanted to buy. Corporate screwed up & got big paydays for doing so. I have never seen a vehicle that was assembled incorrectly. All the defects were from poor quality materials & design.

Poor quality materials and design all provided by union labor ......................
Take your foot out of your mouth ass hole .......................
Yeah the big 3 who need to be bailed out on a regular basis with tax payer money.

You get all whiny about people who work part time MW jobs getting food stamps but say nothing of the government bailout of the UAW.
The UAW did not design the shitty cars people don't want. The UAW worked their ass off building them the way corporate told them to & they were priced cheaper than the foreign labels people wanted. Corporate who designed poor mileage vehicles & cut out the $10 transmission oil cooler causing GM transmissions to fail rapidly. It was corporates decision to use shitty ignition switches that kill people & drive away buyers. The workers did not slap the cars together wrong, leave off parts or not tighten up bolts, they built the vehicles to the exact specifications they were instructed to. The UAW did not cause GM to fail or raid their pension funds. That was the golden boys at the top that destroyed GM. GM's golden boy CEO Rick Wagoner took $63.3 million to destroy the company, but you retards believe the UAW did it, because your masters told you so.
You are either a child or an ignorant low skilled worker, one of the two, I stop Production In fact any of my operators can do the same if we are making crap, but then again we dont work in a union shit hole plant where no one gives a fuck except a pay check.

You are so darn retarded! Assembly line workers aren't allowed to stop the the line & tell the CEO to redesign the power-train to increase gas mileage, add external transmission oil cooler to extend the life of the transmission. Corporate did the design, R&D & durability testing & specked out how the workers were to build the cars. The only fault of the UAW is their leaders should have sat in on every corporate decision & demanded they design cars the public wanted to buy. Corporate screwed up & got big paydays for doing so. I have never seen a vehicle that was assembled incorrectly. All the defects were from poor quality materials & design.
Lmao you are one ignorant dumb fuck, who never been in manufacturing....

So you trying to tell us all these high dollar $20 ~$50 dollar an operators were just sheep? And just did what they were told and didnt have any input at all about quality?

So if your telling me that dumb fuck the god damn Union Didn't do its fucking god damn job
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Don't do business with Washington or travel there. It's a State that respects its Workers. There's always dirty shitholes like Mississippi, that don't mind treating their Workers like shit. Problem solved. You're welcome.

Boy likes to repeat himself. A lot.

Apparently we all do. ;)

Yeah, I got it.

I wonder how many times he said American Worker. And why he capitalizes worker? I guess to show us that we are got no respect because we don't?
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Yeah the big 3 who need to be bailed out on a regular basis with tax payer money.

You get all whiny about people who work part time MW jobs getting food stamps but say nothing of the government bailout of the UAW.
The UAW did not design the shitty cars people don't want. The UAW worked their ass off building them the way corporate told them to & they were priced cheaper than the foreign labels people wanted. Corporate who designed poor mileage vehicles & cut out the $10 transmission oil cooler causing GM transmissions to fail rapidly. It was corporates decision to use shitty ignition switches that kill people & drive away buyers. The workers did not slap the cars together wrong, leave off parts or not tighten up bolts, they built the vehicles to the exact specifications they were instructed to. The UAW did not cause GM to fail or raid their pension funds. That was the golden boys at the top that destroyed GM. GM's golden boy CEO Rick Wagoner took $63.3 million to destroy the company, but you retards believe the UAW did it, because your masters told you so.
You are either a child or an ignorant low skilled worker, one of the two, I stop Production In fact any of my operators can do the same if we are making crap, but then again we dont work in a union shit hole plant where no one gives a fuck except a pay check.

You are so darn retarded! Assembly line workers aren't allowed to stop the the line & tell the CEO to redesign the power-train to increase gas mileage, add external transmission oil cooler to extend the life of the transmission. Corporate did the design, R&D & durability testing & specked out how the workers were to build the cars. The only fault of the UAW is their leaders should have sat in on every corporate decision & demanded they design cars the public wanted to buy. Corporate screwed up & got big paydays for doing so. I have never seen a vehicle that was assembled incorrectly. All the defects were from poor quality materials & design.
Lmao you are one ignorant dumb fuck, who never been in manufacturing....

So you trying to tell us all these high dollar $20 ~$50 dollar an operators were just sheep? And just did what they were told and didnt have any input at all about quality?

So if your telling me that dumb fuck the god damn Union Didn't do its fucking god damn job

If GM sells shitty/faulty product, can we sue UAW, since they're now owners?
Yeah the big 3 who need to be bailed out on a regular basis with tax payer money.

You get all whiny about people who work part time MW jobs getting food stamps but say nothing of the government bailout of the UAW.
The UAW did not design the shitty cars people don't want. The UAW worked their ass off building them the way corporate told them to & they were priced cheaper than the foreign labels people wanted. Corporate who designed poor mileage vehicles & cut out the $10 transmission oil cooler causing GM transmissions to fail rapidly. It was corporates decision to use shitty ignition switches that kill people & drive away buyers. The workers did not slap the cars together wrong, leave off parts or not tighten up bolts, they built the vehicles to the exact specifications they were instructed to. The UAW did not cause GM to fail or raid their pension funds. That was the golden boys at the top that destroyed GM. GM's golden boy CEO Rick Wagoner took $63.3 million to destroy the company, but you retards believe the UAW did it, because your masters told you so.
You are either a child or an ignorant low skilled worker, one of the two, I stop Production In fact any of my operators can do the same if we are making crap, but then again we dont work in a union shit hole plant where no one gives a fuck except a pay check.

You are so darn retarded! Assembly line workers aren't allowed to stop the the line & tell the CEO to redesign the power-train to increase gas mileage, add external transmission oil cooler to extend the life of the transmission. Corporate did the design, R&D & durability testing & specked out how the workers were to build the cars. The only fault of the UAW is their leaders should have sat in on every corporate decision & demanded they design cars the public wanted to buy. Corporate screwed up & got big paydays for doing so. I have never seen a vehicle that was assembled incorrectly. All the defects were from poor quality materials & design.

Poor quality materials and design all provided by union labor ......................
Take your foot out of your mouth ass hole .......................
My company makes amoung others high dollar plastic parts for BMW, John Deere , Honda, one minute and longer cycles, $50 dollar parts $500 bucks plus retail... The operators have to intial every piece, their job is on the line if they make short shots, splay or what ever
Don't do business with Washington or travel there. It's a State that respects its Workers. There's always dirty shitholes like Mississippi, that don't mind treating their Workers like shit. Problem solved. You're welcome.

Boy likes to repeat himself. A lot.

Apparently we all do. ;)

Yeah, I got it.

I wonder how many times he said American Worker. And why he capitalizes worker? I guess to show us that we are got no respect because we don't?

I got plenty of respect. Most of my family works construction. I raised my kids on union wages. But I also respect the capacity of individuals to think for themselves, and that's what I find lacking in so many of these policies. It really all boils down to some people wanting to force their values on others. Union members are always frustrated by 'scabs' who will ignore picket lines, but real freedom requires they be allowed to do so. Minimum wage laws essentially outlaw 'scabs' - a labor movement wet dream.
My company makes amoung others high dollar plastic parts for BMW, John Deere , Honda, one minute and longer cycles, $50 dollar parts $500 bucks plus retail... The operators have to intial every piece, their job is on the line if they make short shots, splay or what ever

Let them unionize. Then the can overcycle, make short shots, and find time to read books while working. :D

Don't do business with Washington or travel there. It's a State that respects its Workers. There's always dirty shitholes like Mississippi, that don't mind treating their Workers like shit. Problem solved. You're welcome.

Boy likes to repeat himself. A lot.

Apparently we all do. ;)

Yeah, I got it.

I wonder how many times he said American Worker. And why he capitalizes worker? I guess to show us that we are got no respect because we don't?

I got plenty of respect. Most of my family works construction. I raised my kids on union wages. But I also respect the capacity of individuals to think for themselves, and that's what I find lacking in so many of these policies. It really all boils down to some people wanting to force their values on others. Union members are always frustrated by 'scabs' who will ignore picket lines, but real freedom requires they be allowed to do so. Minimum wage laws essentially outlaw 'scabs' - a labor movement wet dream.
You post old school, so you remember when say a commercial electrician or a dry wall hanger used to get paid high dollar with Benefits , now a days Mexicans do the work for $10 bucks an hour with no Benefits

Yet the brain washed ultra left thinks this is a good idea.

Dumb fucks
Why don't you read what I post Idiot.

I said i wanted to work through lunch so i could punch out at 3 instead of 330 so I could get to my second job I wasn't working more than those other slobs. And I still managed to outproduce them. I actually wanted piece work but the other lazy fucks voted it down. They all tended to produce the bare minimum they had to. They got orders finished barely by the dead line. I was 3 weeks ahead on my orders and I didn't want to keep the job I just worked it to earn tuition money.

But hey how does your do the bare minimum work ethic treat you when it comes time for a raise?

And sorry but it's a dog eat dog world out there and there is nothing wrong with doing more than is expected of you in order to get ahead.

But then again I guess only people with well developed work ethics believe that truism.
It sounds like your story changes each time a response challenges your claims. You did piece work, but were not dependent on other workers providing material or hauling away finished product. You depended on absolutely no other worker to perform or complete your task. No other workers were dependent on your work to complete their own. You were at a job that was completely independent on all other employees and that allowed you to select your own adjustable work hours. The company thought so highly of you they were ok with you working without any management during your lunch break.

Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction .................

I spent a lot of time in aluminum boat manufacturing. In my earlier years I spent years at a boat plant in which I was allowed to learn / work any and every job in the plant from uncoiling metal rolls, setting up presses, punches, hydraulic breaks, etc, etc.
I was a welder, I spent time with my lead foreman learning to rivet, I learned interior work / trim, all the way out to paint and finally loading and shipping.
There was nothing in that plant I could not do, it was a piece work plant, never had to wait on anyone, I could fabricate it from start to finish.

I left that job and at a point and time later in life went to work for a second plant as the "only" person on a second shift. I was a qualified mofo and was given a key to the plant an cart blanch, I could and still can fabricate aluminum all weld boats from start to finish with out any help. Now to rivet a boat I got to have a bucker to catch the other side of the rivets.

Anyways point being, while not in your realm of reality ......... there definitely are real life scenarios just as he has described.

But for an ignorant, closed minded person I would have to guess everything is suspect .................

Must be terrible to go through life so ignorant ......................
And which union were you paying dues to while all this was happening?

Dude, first thing you need to get a clue about ...............

Unions are nothing more than gansters who parade as helping hands, they take your money and shit all over you ................

I live in a right to work state and don't need shit bags like you trying to intervene in my fortune making ................

It's unfortunate for you morons that ya'll are so ignorant!!

Holla about them unions bitch ......................

Hey numb nuts,

Let me tell you about unions and me ....................

When I was in my early adult years, I knew the Anthony's who owned a saw mill, union labor saw mill.

The workers went on strike and I gladly accepted a job as a scab ......................

I showed up religiously at the gate and the mill had to send heavy equipment out to fairy us past the strikers.

They would yell foul things and make threats of what they would do if given the chance.

I showed up one morning and as I went to exit my vehicle I knew one of the strikers had approached and procedded to put his hand on me as I exited the vehicle.

I never thought twice as his hand contacted my shoulder and he started his fucking rant I reached back into my still open vehicle and picked up the mini Louisville slugger that was laying in the floor by the jam.

The first swing with one hand hit the man in the side of the head. As he staggered back and tried to shake fog off I got both hands on the bat and hit that fag bastard as hard as I could in the mouth. As he begin to spit blood and teeth I continued my beating, like a fucking piece of shit pinata I beat the shit out of that cocksucker.

His friends came to intervene, my co worker came to my aid .................

The striker got just exactly what they deserved , I was never fucked with again in that parking lot, the striker figured out real quick from there toothless fuck I don't play.

So , shove those unions up your ass and get with the program,.

Unions are vile organizations that are nothing more than legal extortion for insurance of perceived demands.

Only those n*ggers who stand around with a thumb up their ass unwilling to produce or perform are the ones needing unions.

Unions were needed when a company such as a coal mine payed you with shelter in their camps, pay was with their script and the only place to shop was their company store ........................ those days are long gone and the unions will follow ...................
Do you ever get anyone to believe your stories? I like your Louis La'Amour style of writing when you getting the bullshit really rolling. Your verbiage indicates that that kind of literature would be the extent of your reading ability.
If unions are so GOOD and Detroit was the Auto capital of the USA, how do you explain:

The Utter Shambles of the city??

The bailouts of all American UAW plants except for FORD??

The decline of the UAW??

Explain Detroit, tell us how all those Libtard leaders and the UAW molded that city .........................

To come back and say, the workers of the UAW had nothing to do with it will only show how shallow and ignorant your thinking is ...................

How much of a new auto's price were legacy cost related to UAW demands for past workers Cadillac health care plans and pensions??
Do you ever get anyone to believe your stories? I like your Louis La'Amour style of writing when you getting the bullshit really rolling. Your verbiage indicates that that kind of literature would be the extent of your reading ability.

Too bad your little brain doesn't realize truth is stranger than fiction ........................
My company makes amoung others high dollar plastic parts for BMW, John Deere , Honda, one minute and longer cycles, $50 dollar parts $500 bucks plus retail... The operators have to intial every piece, their job is on the line if they make short shots, splay or what ever

Let them unionize. Then the can overcycle, make short shots, and find time to read books while working. :D

Thank you even at my non Union plant, the workers once in awhile trys to play these games and have to cuss them out and remind them their jobs are on the line because I will get them fired

Management listens to me...I don't fuck around at work

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