Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.

Walmart has already solved its pay-raise dilemma. It will now hire less employees to man the stores. So if you think you can't find an employees to help ya out now in Walmart? Just wait, it's gonna get even worse.

I mean, Walmart's customer service was already the worst. So how much worse can it get? Yikes. It was a nice PR stunt though. I gotta give em that.

You never could find a Walmart employee to help you out that's why they get MW

That's on Walmart. Shitty slave wages usually result in shitty depressed slave workers.

And people who shop at Walmart don't care.

They go there for the low prices not the excellent service.
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.
Obscene? Why is Walamrt's profit obscene?
This ought to be good.
Obscene means vulgar and offensive. The term obscene wealth was used years ago and kind of disappeared with the age of acceptable limitless wealth. The term began being used again when the Catholic Church reinstated it's use to describe it as a sin related to gluttony.

There is no such thing as being too wealthy.
Not for the unethical, greedy, those who lack decency, criminals like drug pushers, those who lack any kind of religion or spirituality and self haters. You are correct on a certain level of degeneracy that some humans aspire to.

Save your self righteous shit for someone who cares.

people can get wealthy by honestly doing business and many do.

It's your jealousy that causes you to label them as evil, greedy, unethical etc
I never said wealth was bad or undeserved. I mentioned obscene wealth. You asked what it was and I gave you an explanation and a link to a technical definition. Obviously you do not understand what gluttony is and why it is viewed as one of the seven deadly sins. If you did you would not have to continue this dopey debate.
If researched honestly and objectively, even the Corporate-Bootlickers would have to admit that it was Unions that got us the basics we completely take for granted today.

So Unions aren't the evil Boogeyman Corporate Propaganda makes them out to be. It's very sad so any Americans buy into that propaganda. Unions actually got American Workers the few basics & perks they enjoy today.
No, laws did. Stop sucking the union cock. It's really looking pitiful at this point. The US has little competition back in the union's heyday after WW2, but those days are gone.

Most basics and perks you enjoy on your job today, were fought for and achieved by Unions. That's the reality. It is what it is.

Right the unions did some good work but the issues that prompted their genesis are gone.

Time for unions to go the way of the button hook

There was a time you would have been correct. But then came the ugly Outsourcing and rapid declining wages. So actually, it may be time for Unions to make a big comeback.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.

Walmart has already solved its pay-raise dilemma. It will now hire less employees to man the stores. So if you think you can't find an employees to help ya out now in Walmart? Just wait, it's gonna get even worse.

I mean, Walmart's customer service was already the worst. So how much worse can it get? Yikes. It was a nice PR stunt though. I gotta give em that.

You never could find a Walmart employee to help you out that's why they get MW

That's on Walmart. Shitty slave wages usually result in shitty depressed slave workers.

And people who shop at Walmart don't care.

They go there for the low prices not the excellent service.

Spot On. They don't mind human excrement on the floor in front of the Deli. They just step around it like it never happened, and continue on buying their cheap shitty Chinese products. Crazy mutant mofos.
That warped hateful mentality is gonna cost you even more down the road. The more hateful and greedy you become, the more American Workers will fight to kick your ass. It's especially gonna cost you in many future National Elections. Hating and insulting average hard-working Americans, isn't exactly a winning platform on the national level. Your greed will cost you more in the future. Bet on it.

I am not hateful or greedy.

I just don't have much tolerance for fucking whiners like you.

And I've worked my share of shit jobs I just never expected to be given more than the job was worth and I realized unlike you idiots that if I didn't want to get stuck in a shit job that I had to improve myself so I could demand a higher salary.

I expect no less from anyone else.

Your problem is that you do.

You have a mentality that accepts grading on a curve. In fact I bet you benefited from it
Bet you did too. In fact unions increased everyones wages even yours.

And as unions went from 35% of the workforce to 12% wages dropped. Glad it didn't happen to you but it did 75% of americans you greedy jerk.

I was the guy who blew the curve for the people who didn't study. In fact I had arguments with my professors and the administration in college that curving grades shouldn't be allowed. I managed a 3.9 without curved scores

I worked a lot of shit jobs that were MW at the time so no the unions didn't help me there did they?

If you want to join a union go ahead. I worked in one union shop and felt I was held back because of all their stupid rules.

I used to like to work through lunch but was told I wasn't allowed. I would clean up an oil spill but was told it was maintenance's job and was told to wait for them to clean it up etc etc

Unions are for lazy shits.
That's funny my dad said his fellow union workers got mad because he would stay late.

Unions aren't perfect but they bring everyones wages up. And as the disappear wages decline.

I dont care what you did. You are exceptional. Not everyone is. That's why they won't amass a fortune like you did right? So why you hate them?
I don't hate anyone.

Just because I think people should be responsible for themselves you think I hate them?

Grow a fucking set won't you?

A job offered in the market has absolutely nothing to do with the worth of a person or that person's bills and everything to do with what that job is worth to the company

Low skill jobs that any moron can do with no training are not worth much.

If you want to get paid more then acquire some skills that are worth more to the market or work enough hours at your low skill job to pay your own bills.

This whole idea that one 40 hour a week job is supposed to pay all your bills is bullshit
Fortunately the big three disagree. Their low skilled workers get good pay. And that has brought up everyones raises whether you know it or not.
I was the guy who blew the curve for the people who didn't study. In fact I had arguments with my professors and the administration in college that curving grades shouldn't be allowed. I managed a 3.9 without curved scores

I worked a lot of shit jobs that were MW at the time so no the unions didn't help me there did they?

If you want to join a union go ahead. I worked in one union shop and felt I was held back because of all their stupid rules.

I used to like to work through lunch but was told I wasn't allowed. I would clean up an oil spill but was told it was maintenance's job and was told to wait for them to clean it up etc etc

Unions are for lazy shits.
You were attempting to make yourself a more valuable and better employee not buy equal and fair evaluation, but by working for free during your lunch break and performing extra duties you may or may not have been trained for. You knew you were taking a union job and when you took it you received the benefits of the pay and benefit package the union negotiated for. The union had every right to make you adhere to the rules when you decided to kiss the boss's ass and try to screw over your fellow employees by reaping the benefits but refusing to follow the teams methods of earning those benefits. Union workers earn promotions by quality of work, leadership ability, etc., not by being scabs and ass kissers.

I didn't need to be trained to clean up a machine oil spill.

And I didn't want to work for "free" I never worked for nothing I wanted to work through lunch so i could punch punch out at 3 instead of 3:30 because I had a second job to get to.

I generally don't eat lunch so it seemed stupid to me to just sit on my ass for 30 minutes doing nothing.

Like I said unions cater to the lowest common denominator lazy shits

And I guess you don't understand what it takes to get ahead.

You do more than you're expected to.

Anyone who comes in and does the bare minimum will never get anywhere.

Anyone who ever achieved anything knows this
You can get ahead by being good at what you do. You can be better than average at what you do. You can be fast and at the same time produce quality work than others. You do not have to cheat. Working while others are eating lunch is cheating. Doing extra tasks is just a way of sucking up to the boss and cutting someone else out of a job. If you are good at what you do cheating and sucking up aren't necessary. Your work should be able to stand alone and compete with others who do the same work in the same amount of time under the same conditions.
Why don't you read what I post Idiot.

I said i wanted to work through lunch so i could punch out at 3 instead of 330 so I could get to my second job I wasn't working more than those other slobs. And I still managed to outproduce them. I actually wanted piece work but the other lazy fucks voted it down. They all tended to produce the bare minimum they had to. They got orders finished barely by the dead line. I was 3 weeks ahead on my orders and I didn't want to keep the job I just worked it to earn tuition money.

But hey how does your do the bare minimum work ethic treat you when it comes time for a raise?

And sorry but it's a dog eat dog world out there and there is nothing wrong with doing more than is expected of you in order to get ahead.

But then again I guess only people with well developed work ethics believe that truism.
No company I ever worked for let me work thru lunch and leave early and I've never been in a union. They say you gotta take a break.
How's that a good thing for Workers? Not seeing where they're coming out ahead on that. Low skilled Workers wanna get paid too. See, Workers know not to depend on greedy folks like you to help them out. That's why they're standing up for themselves. And good for them. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will?... You?? Ha, not gonna happen.
The entry level/low skilled worker "gets ahead" by increasing their skill set, learning a trade or furthering their education.
The Seattle low skill worker is not standing up for anything. They lean on the crutch of government to "get" them something.
The concept of the prevailing market rate wage is not intended to be a good or bad thing. It is an island. It operates exclusively of opinion. It is what it is. And no government mandate can change that fact.
There may eventually be some workers that will be paid the unrealistic minimum wage in Seattle, but one thing is clear, there will be a lot fewer of them....Full time employment for this skill level will all but disappear. This will also reduce teen employment. Kids that want to work for a little spending money or to save up, will be excluded from the job market because no business is going to pay a high school kid fifteen or even ten dollars per hour.
They said the same thing back when they were talking about raising minimum wage from $4 to $5 and the sky didn't fall.

You do realize that a 9 to 15 raise is much more significant don't you?

And 15 an hour or 31200 a year is a salary that requires some skill and training.

So you are basically saying that people who have worked to increase their skill set are no better than those who can't do anything but stuff crap into a bag

You need those people stuffing crap into bags. Most Americans are way too fat and lazy to do it themselves. It's Supply & Demand. Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.
No we don't...I can use the self checkout and bag my own groceries. As matter of fact, I much prefer to use the self checkout. It saves me time.
Now there is a grovery store where the cashiers are generally nice people and are well trained..And guess what? This particular tore pays more than the other chains.
Gee I wonder why? it because the store management feels their workers are entitled to higher wages? No....This chain is much more selective in choosing who gets to work there. The employees are expected to have certain customer service skills going into the employment interview. Higher skill level, better pay. See how this works?
Pay more they'll smile.
Wonder how long you would last standing on a concrete kitchen floor in 120 degree heat for 6, 8 hours or more every day.

Cry me a fucking river.

That warped hateful mentality is gonna cost you even more down the road. The more hateful and greedy you become, the more American Workers will fight to kick your ass. It's especially gonna cost you in many future National Elections. Hating and insulting average hard-working Americans, isn't exactly a winning platform on the national level. Your greed will cost you more in the future. Bet on it.

I am not hateful or greedy.

I just don't have much tolerance for fucking whiners like you.

And I've worked my share of shit jobs I just never expected to be given more than the job was worth and I realized unlike you idiots that if I didn't want to get stuck in a shit job that I had to improve myself so I could demand a higher salary.

I expect no less from anyone else.

Your problem is that you do.

You have a mentality that accepts grading on a curve. In fact I bet you benefited from it
Bet you did too. In fact unions increased everyones wages even yours.

And as unions went from 35% of the workforce to 12% wages dropped. Glad it didn't happen to you but it did 75% of americans you greedy jerk.

I have to agree somewhat. The collapse of Unions did lead to the rapid decline in good-paying American Jobs. Personally, i'm fine with Unions in the Private Sector. Let the Workers and Management battle it out. However, there should be no Unions in the Public Sector.
Police and teachers disagree.
The tax payer is the beneficiary to the wage increase.

Well, yeah. That's exactly what's going on. We're hoping to 'draft' employers to help pay for the social safety net. Setting aside the scapegoating aspect of that, it won't work. The value of a given job isn't something that can be changed by decree.
How is the value of a given job determined?

Ahh... well, that's the question, isn't it? And I don't think most MW supporters have given it much thought. Because when you do, you realize it's not something you can change by waving a wand - or passing a law. Value is, of course, subjective. Everyone values different things in different amounts. But in a market environment, value resolves to an aggregate of the values all the participants in the market. In other words, we all decide what the value of the jobs and services we utilize are worth, by our daily economic decisions.

The fact that so many of you don't want to acknowledge is that, as a society, we - in the purest aggregate expression of our values - have decided that some jobs aren't worth a "living wage". We might be willing to pay a little for them, but they really aren't worth very much to us. If they cost much more, we can do without. If fast food costs much more, many of us will choose to flip our own burgers.

If we try to fight society's verdict with legal mandates, the market will simply adjust to "flow" around whatever obstacles the law injects. We'll either raise other wages and prices around the new artificial minimum (the manager is still going to make more than the dishwasher) or choose to do without the low value jobs. Probably some combination of the two. But in the end, we still won't value the jobs any more. And people still won't be able to make a living on them.

The city with input from business has determined a certain minimum wage should be paid to insure safety and fairness to the general public and employees. If you think there is some scheme to draft employers to help employers help pay for a social safety net in some unfair way, it is up to you to organize others who agree with you and change the law.

That's not the way civil rights are supposed to work. We're not at the mercy of pure majority rule. If we think minority groups are being singled out for unequal treatment under the law, we have an obligation to strike down such laws - regardless of how much organized support they may have.

Your post assumes that employers and their staff are in an equal market position so wages will automatically adjust to appropriate levels. That's not the case.

There is a huge supply of hourly rated workers who are unemployed or underemployed because of the loss of manufacturing to third world countries. Workers will accept any job at any wage because competition for what few jobs remain, is brutal. A free market means that when there is an over abundance of something, the price drops and that's what's happened to the labour market.

When 5000 people line up to apply for minimum wage jobs in a new mall, what's the chances the applicants will hold out for what they're worth, or even what the job is worth. I've seen skilled jobs which use to pay management wages, reduced to slightly more than minimum wages. My SIL took a job as a loans officer in a Finance company $1 an hour over minimum wage. That job requires smarts and skills.

But living expenses don't drop. And corporate profits are at an all-time high. So it's the low and medium skill workers who are getting screwed here. And the taxpayers who are subsidizing these low wages with handouts to the working poor.
The entry level/low skilled worker "gets ahead" by increasing their skill set, learning a trade or furthering their education.
The Seattle low skill worker is not standing up for anything. They lean on the crutch of government to "get" them something.
The concept of the prevailing market rate wage is not intended to be a good or bad thing. It is an island. It operates exclusively of opinion. It is what it is. And no government mandate can change that fact.
There may eventually be some workers that will be paid the unrealistic minimum wage in Seattle, but one thing is clear, there will be a lot fewer of them....Full time employment for this skill level will all but disappear. This will also reduce teen employment. Kids that want to work for a little spending money or to save up, will be excluded from the job market because no business is going to pay a high school kid fifteen or even ten dollars per hour.
They said the same thing back when they were talking about raising minimum wage from $4 to $5 and the sky didn't fall.

You do realize that a 9 to 15 raise is much more significant don't you?

And 15 an hour or 31200 a year is a salary that requires some skill and training.

So you are basically saying that people who have worked to increase their skill set are no better than those who can't do anything but stuff crap into a bag

You need those people stuffing crap into bags. Most Americans are way too fat and lazy to do it themselves. It's Supply & Demand. Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.
No we don't...I can use the self checkout and bag my own groceries. As matter of fact, I much prefer to use the self checkout. It saves me time.
Now there is a grovery store where the cashiers are generally nice people and are well trained..And guess what? This particular tore pays more than the other chains.
Gee I wonder why? it because the store management feels their workers are entitled to higher wages? No....This chain is much more selective in choosing who gets to work there. The employees are expected to have certain customer service skills going into the employment interview. Higher skill level, better pay. See how this works?
Pay more they'll smile.

Yup. A happy prosperous worker makes for a better productive worker.
Cry me a fucking river.

That warped hateful mentality is gonna cost you even more down the road. The more hateful and greedy you become, the more American Workers will fight to kick your ass. It's especially gonna cost you in many future National Elections. Hating and insulting average hard-working Americans, isn't exactly a winning platform on the national level. Your greed will cost you more in the future. Bet on it.

I am not hateful or greedy.

I just don't have much tolerance for fucking whiners like you.

And I've worked my share of shit jobs I just never expected to be given more than the job was worth and I realized unlike you idiots that if I didn't want to get stuck in a shit job that I had to improve myself so I could demand a higher salary.

I expect no less from anyone else.

Your problem is that you do.

You have a mentality that accepts grading on a curve. In fact I bet you benefited from it
Bet you did too. In fact unions increased everyones wages even yours.

And as unions went from 35% of the workforce to 12% wages dropped. Glad it didn't happen to you but it did 75% of americans you greedy jerk.

I have to agree somewhat. The collapse of Unions did lead to the rapid decline in good-paying American Jobs. Personally, i'm fine with Unions in the Private Sector. Let the Workers and Management battle it out. However, there should be no Unions in the Public Sector.
Police and teachers disagree.

I know they do. But i believe there should be no Unions in the Public Sector. I'm all good with Private Sector Unions though.
Obscene? Why is Walamrt's profit obscene?
This ought to be good.
Obscene means vulgar and offensive. The term obscene wealth was used years ago and kind of disappeared with the age of acceptable limitless wealth. The term began being used again when the Catholic Church reinstated it's use to describe it as a sin related to gluttony.

There is no such thing as being too wealthy.
Not for the unethical, greedy, those who lack decency, criminals like drug pushers, those who lack any kind of religion or spirituality and self haters. You are correct on a certain level of degeneracy that some humans aspire to.

Save your self righteous shit for someone who cares.

people can get wealthy by honestly doing business and many do.

It's your jealousy that causes you to label them as evil, greedy, unethical etc
I never said wealth was bad or undeserved. I mentioned obscene wealth. You asked what it was and I gave you an explanation and a link to a technical definition. Obviously you do not understand what gluttony is and why it is viewed as one of the seven deadly sins. If you did you would not have to continue this dopey debate.
I'm not one who believes the fiction of the Bible.

There is no such thing as obscene wealth. If wealth is come by through honest dealings then the more the better.

What do you care if someone is rich if they did it legally and honestly?
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.

Walmart has already solved its pay-raise dilemma. It will now hire less employees to man the stores. So if you think you can't find an employees to help ya out now in Walmart? Just wait, it's gonna get even worse.

I mean, Walmart's customer service was already the worst. So how much worse can it get? Yikes. It was a nice PR stunt though. I gotta give em that.

You never could find a Walmart employee to help you out that's why they get MW

That's on Walmart. Shitty slave wages usually result in shitty depressed slave workers.

And people who shop at Walmart don't care.

They go there for the low prices not the excellent service.

Spot On. They don't mind human excrement on the floor in front of the Deli. They just step around it like it never happened, and continue on buying their cheap shitty Chinese products. Crazy mutant mofos.

I would never buy meat at a Walmart.
I am not hateful or greedy.

I just don't have much tolerance for fucking whiners like you.

And I've worked my share of shit jobs I just never expected to be given more than the job was worth and I realized unlike you idiots that if I didn't want to get stuck in a shit job that I had to improve myself so I could demand a higher salary.

I expect no less from anyone else.

Your problem is that you do.

You have a mentality that accepts grading on a curve. In fact I bet you benefited from it
Bet you did too. In fact unions increased everyones wages even yours.

And as unions went from 35% of the workforce to 12% wages dropped. Glad it didn't happen to you but it did 75% of americans you greedy jerk.

I was the guy who blew the curve for the people who didn't study. In fact I had arguments with my professors and the administration in college that curving grades shouldn't be allowed. I managed a 3.9 without curved scores

I worked a lot of shit jobs that were MW at the time so no the unions didn't help me there did they?

If you want to join a union go ahead. I worked in one union shop and felt I was held back because of all their stupid rules.

I used to like to work through lunch but was told I wasn't allowed. I would clean up an oil spill but was told it was maintenance's job and was told to wait for them to clean it up etc etc

Unions are for lazy shits.
That's funny my dad said his fellow union workers got mad because he would stay late.

Unions aren't perfect but they bring everyones wages up. And as the disappear wages decline.

I dont care what you did. You are exceptional. Not everyone is. That's why they won't amass a fortune like you did right? So why you hate them?
I don't hate anyone.

Just because I think people should be responsible for themselves you think I hate them?

Grow a fucking set won't you?

A job offered in the market has absolutely nothing to do with the worth of a person or that person's bills and everything to do with what that job is worth to the company

Low skill jobs that any moron can do with no training are not worth much.

If you want to get paid more then acquire some skills that are worth more to the market or work enough hours at your low skill job to pay your own bills.

This whole idea that one 40 hour a week job is supposed to pay all your bills is bullshit
Fortunately the big three disagree. Their low skilled workers get good pay. And that has brought up everyones raises whether you know it or not.

Yeah the big 3 who need to be bailed out on a regular basis with tax payer money.

You get all whiny about people who work part time MW jobs getting food stamps but say nothing of the government bailout of the UAW.
They said the same thing back when they were talking about raising minimum wage from $4 to $5 and the sky didn't fall.

You do realize that a 9 to 15 raise is much more significant don't you?

And 15 an hour or 31200 a year is a salary that requires some skill and training.

So you are basically saying that people who have worked to increase their skill set are no better than those who can't do anything but stuff crap into a bag

You need those people stuffing crap into bags. Most Americans are way too fat and lazy to do it themselves. It's Supply & Demand. Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.
No we don't...I can use the self checkout and bag my own groceries. As matter of fact, I much prefer to use the self checkout. It saves me time.
Now there is a grovery store where the cashiers are generally nice people and are well trained..And guess what? This particular tore pays more than the other chains.
Gee I wonder why? it because the store management feels their workers are entitled to higher wages? No....This chain is much more selective in choosing who gets to work there. The employees are expected to have certain customer service skills going into the employment interview. Higher skill level, better pay. See how this works?
Pay more they'll smile.

Yup. A happy prosperous worker makes for a better productive worker.

It's up to the worker to make himself both happy and prosperous not his employer
Yeah the big 3 who need to be bailed out on a regular basis with tax payer money.

You get all whiny about people who work part time MW jobs getting food stamps but say nothing of the government bailout of the UAW.
The UAW did not design the shitty cars people don't want. The UAW worked their ass off building them the way corporate told them to & they were priced cheaper than the foreign labels people wanted. Corporate who designed poor mileage vehicles & cut out the $10 transmission oil cooler causing GM transmissions to fail rapidly. It was corporates decision to use shitty ignition switches that kill people & drive away buyers. The workers did not slap the cars together wrong, leave off parts or not tighten up bolts, they built the vehicles to the exact specifications they were instructed to. The UAW did not cause GM to fail or raid their pension funds. That was the golden boys at the top that destroyed GM. GM's golden boy CEO Rick Wagoner took $63.3 million to destroy the company, but you retards believe the UAW did it, because your masters told you so.
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Ah, gives me a headache. Celebrating American Workers making less than counterparts made 30-40 years ago? WTF?? Seriously, sometimes i get very ashamed of my Republican friends.

Don't get too comfortable with the idea that any of us are your friends, Chuckles. Most of us have standards. And I feel safe in saying none of us really gives a rat's ass for your approval or disapproval.

I didn't say you were my friend. You're not. And i don't give a rat's ass that you don't give a rat's ass. Capisce.

Clearly you DO, since you're wasting time and space babbling about your "shame" in regards to other people. You're doing that because you're hoping to make people feel bad. And I'm clarifying for you that you don't command enough respect from anyone to make that maneuver work.

Glad I could clear that up for you. You seem to have a recurring problem with thinking you're doing and being one thing while the opposite is obviously true.

Well, some of you should feel bad. Your views on and approach to struggling American Workers, are pretty warped and shameful. Try taking a timeout from the Corporate-bootlicking. Try taking a different view and approach. Give it a shot.

Coming from you, that means exactly two things: jack and shit. But at least make up your mind if you're trying to pretend to be jadedly sophisticated and unconcerned with other people's opinions, or if you're arrogantly trying to make people ashamed in order to garner your utterly undesired and irrelevant approval.
Yeah the big 3 who need to be bailed out on a regular basis with tax payer money.

You get all whiny about people who work part time MW jobs getting food stamps but say nothing of the government bailout of the UAW.
The UAW did not design the shitty cars people don't want. The UAW worked their ass off building them the way corporate told them to & they were priced cheaper than the foreign labels people wanted. Corporate who designed poor mileage vehicles & cut out the $10 transmission oil cooler causing GM transmissions to fail rapidly. It was corporates decision to use shitty ignition switches that kill people & drive away buyers. The workers did not slap the cars together wrong, leave off parts or not tighten up bolts, they built the vehicles to the exact specifications they were instructed to. The UAW did not cause GM to fail or raid their pension funds. That was the golden boys at the top that destroyed GM. GM's golden boy CEO Rick Wagoner took $63.3 million to destroy the company, but you retards believe the UAW did it, because your masters told you so.

Then the government just should have let GM fold instead of shoring up the union with preferential treatment in bankruptcy proceedings

James Sherk and Todd Zywicki Obama s United Auto Workers Bailout - WSJ

No matter how you slice it that tax payers bailed out the UAW to the tune of 23 billion
Actually, I'm neutral on the subject of my city and county actively trying to convince businesses to move here. They can or not, as they choose. But yes, I think IF they are going to do so, it's completely appropriate for the businesses to negotiate for tax incentives in exchange for what the city/county wants. I also think business owners have the same right to petition government as every other citizen does. There's no equivalency between that and government high-handedly dealing itself into business decisions.

You don't get to have it both ways. You beg for handouts, you have to accept Government being involved. Period, end of story.
Or insist such a dead end game cease for all.

Good luck with that. Businesses will always try to game the Government. They only pretend to hate Big Government when it comes to paying Workers. Pretty convenient hypocrisy, no?

Not that I would expect you to have the gray matter to comprehend this, but there's a big difference between loving Big Government and merely working with the system as it is because there's no other choice.

Convenient hypocrisy. Businesses love Big Government when they think there's something in it for them. Period, end of story.

In other words, "I don't want to hear anything that might contradict me! I am right! My opinion is the only one that can exist! I don't hear you!" :lalala:

Piss off, hack.

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