Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Hey genius...There is an endless supply of low skilled workers. Every single fast food restaurant, dept store and convenience store employs them. And for every one that thinks like you, there are 10 more willing to roll that asshole across the parking lot to take their job.

How's that a good thing for Workers? Not seeing where they're coming out ahead on that. Low skilled Workers wanna get paid too. See, Workers know not to depend on greedy folks like you to help them out. That's why they're standing up for themselves. And good for them. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will?... You?? Ha, not gonna happen.
The entry level/low skilled worker "gets ahead" by increasing their skill set, learning a trade or furthering their education.
The Seattle low skill worker is not standing up for anything. They lean on the crutch of government to "get" them something.
The concept of the prevailing market rate wage is not intended to be a good or bad thing. It is an island. It operates exclusively of opinion. It is what it is. And no government mandate can change that fact.
There may eventually be some workers that will be paid the unrealistic minimum wage in Seattle, but one thing is clear, there will be a lot fewer of them....Full time employment for this skill level will all but disappear. This will also reduce teen employment. Kids that want to work for a little spending money or to save up, will be excluded from the job market because no business is going to pay a high school kid fifteen or even ten dollars per hour.
They said the same thing back when they were talking about raising minimum wage from $4 to $5 and the sky didn't fall.

You do realize that a 9 to 15 raise is much more significant don't you?

And 15 an hour or 31200 a year is a salary that requires some skill and training.

So you are basically saying that people who have worked to increase their skill set are no better than those who can't do anything but stuff crap into a bag

You need those people stuffing crap into bags. Most Americans are way too fat and lazy to do it themselves. It's Supply & Demand. Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.
No we don't...I can use the self checkout and bag my own groceries. As matter of fact, I much prefer to use the self checkout. It saves me time.
Now there is a grovery store where the cashiers are generally nice people and are well trained..And guess what? This particular tore pays more than the other chains.
Gee I wonder why? it because the store management feels their workers are entitled to higher wages? No....This chain is much more selective in choosing who gets to work there. The employees are expected to have certain customer service skills going into the employment interview. Higher skill level, better pay. See how this works?
most of walmart's customers are the poor and middle class. Rich greedy evil people do not shop at walmart. They go to whole foods or fresh market and pay more than walmart charges.

walmart helps the poor by providing low prices and jobs.

Walmart does not help the poor, it helps itself while selling schmucks like you on the notion that they're helping Americans.

Walmart has actively encouraged its suppliers to move manufacturing offshore so they can lower their prices, at the cost of American jobs.

More jobs are lost because Walmart drives smaller mom and pop stores out of business. In some towns, they've cut the prices until the competition is gone and they're the only store left, then they raise their prices. And people who worked for decent wages in the mom and pop stores have nowhere to work but Walmart.

The loss of retail districts in small towns reduces the available jobs and the tax base.

Walmart's employment practices and low wages to retail workers has had the effect of cutting wages in the retail sector across the board. Other big box stores have had to adopt similar practices and pay scales in order to remain competitive, putting more pressure on social spending to subsidize the low wages.

So don't try to tell me that Walmart helps poor people. Walmart is a big part of the reason why so many are poor in the first place.

So you advocate to close Wal Mart's door's putting hundreds of thousands out of work and forcing people to either turn to a competitor such as Target, Sears or overly priced Mom and Pops shops.
You seem to think all those people would be better with no job than an actual job that pays a wage ..................
Instead of advocating self control, living within ones means and educating ones self to improve skill sets, you rant on how those workers are being taken advantage of ....................

Give it a fucking break, Get a fucking clue .........................

Tell me how those Bull Shit Liberal policies you spew out your mouth have worked for Detroit or Chicago .....................................
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.
Obscene? Why is Walamrt's profit obscene?
This ought to be good.
Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.

Broke, ugly men wanna get supermodel sex too. Nothing wrong with that. We should pass a minimum sex law, that requires people who have the most attractiveness to spread their attractiveness around with at least 15 ugly people a month.

You shouldn't despise your fellow Americans so much. They're just average folks struggling along trying to get by. They'll never have that private yacht or numerous servants waiting on em. They know that. They just wanna make a decent livable wage.
Then they need to acquire the skills and experience necessary to earn that pay.
It doesn't solve all the problems. But it's a start. These Workers will by no means be rich. $11 - $15 will help most just get by at best. That's certainly not a lot of money these days.

It create more problems then it solve. As I said, people may "feel" good that they're getting paid more per hour, but I think that feeling wont last long. If I am franchise owner and forced to pay fry boy more then his work is worth, I would have to adjust. How?

Giving fry boy more responsibilities, promote him to fry boy/floor sweeper. Then I don't need floor sweeper, so I lay him off. If fry boy doesn't like his promotion, I could lay him off and promote floor sweeper into fry boy/floor sweeper. More money, more responsibilities, right?

Or I could stop paying fry boy per hour. Hire him on contract. In fact, put everyone on contract. You get paid lump sum for the job done. Also, hire cleaning company to sweep floors. Contract workers become "self employed", no need to pay their taxes, unemployment benefits, health care, it's all on them from their paycheck.

I mentioned this before, but I'm just curious what happens in this situation: Fast food manager makes $14.75 an hour already, and fry boy makes minimum wage. With new law, they both get bumped to new minimum wage of $15 an hour. It would suck to be manager, extra responsibilities, the same pay... OK, it's still lot better being the boss at a shitty place than a peon at a shitty place.
Yup it is trickle up poor, the manager is now making minimum wage, he wont get a $7 dollar an hour wage the profit margins are slim in fast food. He just got fucked, his purchasing power just went way down, That's why any one making more then Minimum wage is a stupid fuck if they support it.they go against there own economic interest.

Oh boy, you Corporate-Bootlickers sure are all-in on Corporate Propaganda. Look, businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. The sky really isn't falling. So the drama queen stuff isn't necessary.
If researched honestly and objectively, even the Corporate-Bootlickers would have to admit that it was Unions that got us the basics we completely take for granted today.

So Unions aren't the evil Boogeyman Corporate Propaganda makes them out to be. It's very sad so any Americans buy into that propaganda. Unions actually got American Workers the few basics & perks they enjoy today.
My buddy owns a small business in a nice middle class town. Him and all the small business owners all talk and I just left a small business that closed in another very nice middle class town. Taxes aren't what's killing small businesses. No customers is.

My buddy said 75% of americans are barely getting by so they aren't spending any money.

Start your own business? Selling what to who?

I luckily just found a great manufacturing sales job so I never have to start a small business and work for minimum wage.

The rich have all the money go sell something to them. Oh they already have one? Out of business already?

Gargantuan Corporations like Walmart have annihilated the little guy. Greedy fat Americans love their cheap Chinese-made shit. Most have no idea that they're only supporting their own demise. They're funding it.

most of walmart's customers are the poor and middle class. Rich greedy evil people do not shop at walmart. They go to whole foods or fresh market and pay more than walmart charges.

walmart helps the poor by providing low prices and jobs.

Walmart does not help the poor, it helps itself while selling schmucks like you on the notion that they're helping Americans.

Walmart has actively encouraged its suppliers to move manufacturing offshore so they can lower their prices, at the cost of American jobs.

More jobs are lost because Walmart drives smaller mom and pop stores out of business. In some towns, they've cut the prices until the competition is gone and they're the only store left, then they raise their prices. And people who worked for decent wages in the mom and pop stores have nowhere to work but Walmart.

The loss of retail districts in small towns reduces the available jobs and the tax base.

Walmart's employment practices and low wages to retail workers has had the effect of cutting wages in the retail sector across the board. Other big box stores have had to adopt similar practices and pay scales in order to remain competitive, putting more pressure on social spending to subsidize the low wages.

So don't try to tell me that Walmart helps poor people. Walmart is a big part of the reason why so many are poor in the first place.

So you advocate to close Wal Mart's door's putting hundreds of thousands out of work and forcing people to either turn to a competitor such as Target, Sears or overly priced Mom and Pops shops.
You seem to think all those people would be better with no job than an actual job that pays a wage ..................
Instead of advocating self control, living within ones means and educating ones self to improve skill sets, you rant on how those workers are being taken advantage of ....................

Give it a fucking break, Get a fucking clue .........................

Tell me how those Bull Shit Liberal policies you spew out your mouth have worked for Detroit or Chicago .....................................
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.

The horror, oh the horror. Piece of crap won't last long. I swear, Americans have become so fat and greedy. They buy a cheap shitty $5 shovel and still bitch. Greed eats the soul. It really does.
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Well, it if were left up to you greedy Corporate-bootlickers, GM Employees would have been making McDonalds wages. That's why American Workers don't count on people like you to stand up for em. They have to stand up for themselves instead.

So they wanted to make more money for themselves and their families? Nothing wrong with that. More power to em. Like i said, if GM Workers never stood up, you bootlickers would have had em making McDonalds and Walmart wages. All Workers should stand up for themselves. That's how shit gets done. Period, end of story.

Oh yeah, they stud up for themselves and voted for two-tier wages. Democracy at work got old worker wages (Tier 1 - average $27/hr) intact and new worker wages slash in half (Tier 2 - $15.50/hr). Now they're crying how two-tier plan is not fair and demand changes. But it was fair when they were saving their asses, right?

What do you care? You weren't paying em. They got what they could get. And like i said, if it were left up to Corporate-bootlickers like you, GM Workers would have made McDonalds and Walmart wages. You really should reconsider licking Corporate boots so much. Try standing up for the workin man sometime. Give it a shot.
"You weren't paying them"?......Shows your ignorance as to the matters of business.
"they got what they could get".....Shows your ignorance in the matters of employment and earnings. With the emphasis on earnings.
Wages are not gifts, entitlements or anything else. Wages are paid based on the skills and experience commensurate with prevailing market rates.
And please, spare us the nonsense about "corporations"....

Again, you weren't paying em. So why are you licking GM Management boots so much? Why not just be happy for some average American Workers? The numerous Millionaires on GM's Board don't need your defending. They'll be fine. Try defending a struggling Worker for a change. Go for it. Save your soul.
Yes, God forbid American Workers prosper in the wealthiest nation on earth. How dare they. Seriously, some of my Republican friends should really listen to themselves sometime. They sound so hateful and greedy. I'm ashamed of them sometimes.
There potential to prosper abounds. It takes skill and experience. Education goes a long way as well.

Not gonna argue with that. But you guys should try defending struggling Workers as as vigorously as you defend Corporate Fatcats. Try it. You can be redeemed.
most of walmart's customers are the poor and middle class. Rich greedy evil people do not shop at walmart. They go to whole foods or fresh market and pay more than walmart charges.

walmart helps the poor by providing low prices and jobs.

Walmart does not help the poor, it helps itself while selling schmucks like you on the notion that they're helping Americans.

Walmart has actively encouraged its suppliers to move manufacturing offshore so they can lower their prices, at the cost of American jobs.

More jobs are lost because Walmart drives smaller mom and pop stores out of business. In some towns, they've cut the prices until the competition is gone and they're the only store left, then they raise their prices. And people who worked for decent wages in the mom and pop stores have nowhere to work but Walmart.

The loss of retail districts in small towns reduces the available jobs and the tax base.

Walmart's employment practices and low wages to retail workers has had the effect of cutting wages in the retail sector across the board. Other big box stores have had to adopt similar practices and pay scales in order to remain competitive, putting more pressure on social spending to subsidize the low wages.

So don't try to tell me that Walmart helps poor people. Walmart is a big part of the reason why so many are poor in the first place.

So you advocate to close Wal Mart's door's putting hundreds of thousands out of work and forcing people to either turn to a competitor such as Target, Sears or overly priced Mom and Pops shops.
You seem to think all those people would be better with no job than an actual job that pays a wage ..................
Instead of advocating self control, living within ones means and educating ones self to improve skill sets, you rant on how those workers are being taken advantage of ....................

Give it a fucking break, Get a fucking clue .........................

Tell me how those Bull Shit Liberal policies you spew out your mouth have worked for Detroit or Chicago .....................................
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.

Walmart has already solved its pay-raise dilemma. It will now hire less employees to man the stores. So if you think you can't find an employees to help ya out now in Walmart? Just wait, it's gonna get even worse.

I mean, Walmart's customer service was already the worst. So how much worse can it get? Yikes. It was a nice PR stunt though. I gotta give em that.
If researched honestly and objectively, even the Corporate-Bootlickers would have to admit that it was Unions that got us the basics we completely take for granted today.

So Unions aren't the evil Boogeyman Corporate Propaganda makes them out to be. It's very sad so any Americans buy into that propaganda. Unions actually got American Workers the few basics & perks they enjoy today.

Unions have outlived their usefulness

They are the button hook of the times
Walmart does not help the poor, it helps itself while selling schmucks like you on the notion that they're helping Americans.

Walmart has actively encouraged its suppliers to move manufacturing offshore so they can lower their prices, at the cost of American jobs.

More jobs are lost because Walmart drives smaller mom and pop stores out of business. In some towns, they've cut the prices until the competition is gone and they're the only store left, then they raise their prices. And people who worked for decent wages in the mom and pop stores have nowhere to work but Walmart.

The loss of retail districts in small towns reduces the available jobs and the tax base.

Walmart's employment practices and low wages to retail workers has had the effect of cutting wages in the retail sector across the board. Other big box stores have had to adopt similar practices and pay scales in order to remain competitive, putting more pressure on social spending to subsidize the low wages.

So don't try to tell me that Walmart helps poor people. Walmart is a big part of the reason why so many are poor in the first place.

So you advocate to close Wal Mart's door's putting hundreds of thousands out of work and forcing people to either turn to a competitor such as Target, Sears or overly priced Mom and Pops shops.
You seem to think all those people would be better with no job than an actual job that pays a wage ..................
Instead of advocating self control, living within ones means and educating ones self to improve skill sets, you rant on how those workers are being taken advantage of ....................

Give it a fucking break, Get a fucking clue .........................

Tell me how those Bull Shit Liberal policies you spew out your mouth have worked for Detroit or Chicago .....................................
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.

Walmart has already solved its pay-raise dilemma. It will now hire less employees to man the stores. So if you think you can't find an employees to help ya out now in Walmart? Just wait, it's gonna get even worse.

I mean, Walmart's customer service was already the worst. So how much worse can it get? Yikes. It was a nice PR stunt though. I gotta give em that.

You never could find a Walmart employee to help you out that's why they get MW
Walmart does not help the poor, it helps itself while selling schmucks like you on the notion that they're helping Americans.

Walmart has actively encouraged its suppliers to move manufacturing offshore so they can lower their prices, at the cost of American jobs.

More jobs are lost because Walmart drives smaller mom and pop stores out of business. In some towns, they've cut the prices until the competition is gone and they're the only store left, then they raise their prices. And people who worked for decent wages in the mom and pop stores have nowhere to work but Walmart.

The loss of retail districts in small towns reduces the available jobs and the tax base.

Walmart's employment practices and low wages to retail workers has had the effect of cutting wages in the retail sector across the board. Other big box stores have had to adopt similar practices and pay scales in order to remain competitive, putting more pressure on social spending to subsidize the low wages.

So don't try to tell me that Walmart helps poor people. Walmart is a big part of the reason why so many are poor in the first place.

So you advocate to close Wal Mart's door's putting hundreds of thousands out of work and forcing people to either turn to a competitor such as Target, Sears or overly priced Mom and Pops shops.
You seem to think all those people would be better with no job than an actual job that pays a wage ..................
Instead of advocating self control, living within ones means and educating ones self to improve skill sets, you rant on how those workers are being taken advantage of ....................

Give it a fucking break, Get a fucking clue .........................

Tell me how those Bull Shit Liberal policies you spew out your mouth have worked for Detroit or Chicago .....................................
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.
Obscene? Why is Walamrt's profit obscene?
This ought to be good.
Obscene means vulgar and offensive. The term obscene wealth was used years ago and kind of disappeared with the age of acceptable limitless wealth. The term began being used again when the Catholic Church reinstated it's use to describe it as a sin related to gluttony.
If researched honestly and objectively, even the Corporate-Bootlickers would have to admit that it was Unions that got us the basics we completely take for granted today.

So Unions aren't the evil Boogeyman Corporate Propaganda makes them out to be. It's very sad so any Americans buy into that propaganda. Unions actually got American Workers the few basics & perks they enjoy today.
No, laws did. Stop sucking the union cock. It's really looking pitiful at this point. The US has little competition back in the union's heyday after WW2, but those days are gone.
So you advocate to close Wal Mart's door's putting hundreds of thousands out of work and forcing people to either turn to a competitor such as Target, Sears or overly priced Mom and Pops shops.
You seem to think all those people would be better with no job than an actual job that pays a wage ..................
Instead of advocating self control, living within ones means and educating ones self to improve skill sets, you rant on how those workers are being taken advantage of ....................

Give it a fucking break, Get a fucking clue .........................

Tell me how those Bull Shit Liberal policies you spew out your mouth have worked for Detroit or Chicago .....................................
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.
Obscene? Why is Walamrt's profit obscene?
This ought to be good.
Obscene means vulgar and offensive. The term obscene wealth was used years ago and kind of disappeared with the age of acceptable limitless wealth. The term began being used again when the Catholic Church reinstated it's use to describe it as a sin related to gluttony.

There is no such thing as being too wealthy.
How's that a good thing for Workers? Not seeing where they're coming out ahead on that. Low skilled Workers wanna get paid too. See, Workers know not to depend on greedy folks like you to help them out. That's why they're standing up for themselves. And good for them. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will?... You?? Ha, not gonna happen.
The entry level/low skilled worker "gets ahead" by increasing their skill set, learning a trade or furthering their education.
The Seattle low skill worker is not standing up for anything. They lean on the crutch of government to "get" them something.
The concept of the prevailing market rate wage is not intended to be a good or bad thing. It is an island. It operates exclusively of opinion. It is what it is. And no government mandate can change that fact.
There may eventually be some workers that will be paid the unrealistic minimum wage in Seattle, but one thing is clear, there will be a lot fewer of them....Full time employment for this skill level will all but disappear. This will also reduce teen employment. Kids that want to work for a little spending money or to save up, will be excluded from the job market because no business is going to pay a high school kid fifteen or even ten dollars per hour.
They said the same thing back when they were talking about raising minimum wage from $4 to $5 and the sky didn't fall.

You do realize that a 9 to 15 raise is much more significant don't you?

And 15 an hour or 31200 a year is a salary that requires some skill and training.

So you are basically saying that people who have worked to increase their skill set are no better than those who can't do anything but stuff crap into a bag

You need those people stuffing crap into bags. Most Americans are way too fat and lazy to do it themselves. It's Supply & Demand. Low skilled workers wanna get paid too. Nothing wrong with that.
No we don't...I can use the self checkout and bag my own groceries. As matter of fact, I much prefer to use the self checkout. It saves me time.
Now there is a grovery store where the cashiers are generally nice people and are well trained..And guess what? This particular tore pays more than the other chains.
Gee I wonder why? it because the store management feels their workers are entitled to higher wages? No....This chain is much more selective in choosing who gets to work there. The employees are expected to have certain customer service skills going into the employment interview. Higher skill level, better pay. See how this works?

Ha, you Corporate-Bootlickers sure do live in a loony fairy tale world. People with two carts of groceries aren't going to a self checkout machine. And on top of that, many are just too fat & stupid to even figure how to use the machine.

Let's be real, most Americans have become fat, greedy, & lazy. They ain't baggin their own groceries for the most part. So you do need those bag stuffers. They're much more valuable than you think. So good for them if they make more money.
If researched honestly and objectively, even the Corporate-Bootlickers would have to admit that it was Unions that got us the basics we completely take for granted today.

So Unions aren't the evil Boogeyman Corporate Propaganda makes them out to be. It's very sad so any Americans buy into that propaganda. Unions actually got American Workers the few basics & perks they enjoy today.
No, laws did. Stop sucking the union cock. It's really looking pitiful at this point. The US has little competition back in the union's heyday after WW2, but those days are gone.

Most basics and perks you enjoy on your job today, were fought for and achieved by Unions. That's the reality. It is what it is.
If researched honestly and objectively, even the Corporate-Bootlickers would have to admit that it was Unions that got us the basics we completely take for granted today.

So Unions aren't the evil Boogeyman Corporate Propaganda makes them out to be. It's very sad so any Americans buy into that propaganda. Unions actually got American Workers the few basics & perks they enjoy today.
No, laws did. Stop sucking the union cock. It's really looking pitiful at this point. The US has little competition back in the union's heyday after WW2, but those days are gone.

Most basics and perks you enjoy on your job today, were fought for and achieved by Unions. That's the reality. It is what it is.

Right the unions did some good work but the issues that prompted their genesis are gone.

Time for unions to go the way of the button hook
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.
Obscene? Why is Walamrt's profit obscene?
This ought to be good.
Obscene means vulgar and offensive. The term obscene wealth was used years ago and kind of disappeared with the age of acceptable limitless wealth. The term began being used again when the Catholic Church reinstated it's use to describe it as a sin related to gluttony.

There is no such thing as being too wealthy.
Not for the unethical, greedy, those who lack decency, criminals like drug pushers, those who lack any kind of religion or spirituality and self haters. You are correct on a certain level of degeneracy that some humans aspire to.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.
Obscene? Why is Walamrt's profit obscene?
This ought to be good.
Obscene means vulgar and offensive. The term obscene wealth was used years ago and kind of disappeared with the age of acceptable limitless wealth. The term began being used again when the Catholic Church reinstated it's use to describe it as a sin related to gluttony.

There is no such thing as being too wealthy.
Not for the unethical, greedy, those who lack decency, criminals like drug pushers, those who lack any kind of religion or spirituality and self haters. You are correct on a certain level of degeneracy that some humans aspire to.

Save your self righteous shit for someone who cares.

people can get wealthy by honestly doing business and many do.

It's your jealousy that causes you to label them as evil, greedy, unethical etc
So you advocate to close Wal Mart's door's putting hundreds of thousands out of work and forcing people to either turn to a competitor such as Target, Sears or overly priced Mom and Pops shops.
You seem to think all those people would be better with no job than an actual job that pays a wage ..................
Instead of advocating self control, living within ones means and educating ones self to improve skill sets, you rant on how those workers are being taken advantage of ....................

Give it a fucking break, Get a fucking clue .........................

Tell me how those Bull Shit Liberal policies you spew out your mouth have worked for Detroit or Chicago .....................................
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.

Walmart has already solved its pay-raise dilemma. It will now hire less employees to man the stores. So if you think you can't find an employees to help ya out now in Walmart? Just wait, it's gonna get even worse.

I mean, Walmart's customer service was already the worst. So how much worse can it get? Yikes. It was a nice PR stunt though. I gotta give em that.

You never could find a Walmart employee to help you out that's why they get MW

That's on Walmart. Shitty slave wages usually result in shitty depressed slave workers.

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