Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Well, it if were left up to you greedy Corporate-bootlickers, GM Employees would have been making McDonalds wages. That's why American Workers don't count on people like you to stand up for em. They have to stand up for themselves instead.

So they wanted to make more money for themselves and their families? Nothing wrong with that. More power to em. Like i said, if GM Workers never stood up, you bootlickers would have had em making McDonalds and Walmart wages. All Workers should stand up for themselves. That's how shit gets done. Period, end of story.

Oh yeah, they stud up for themselves and voted for two-tier wages. Democracy at work got old worker wages (Tier 1 - average $27/hr) intact and new worker wages slash in half (Tier 2 - $15.50/hr). Now they're crying how two-tier plan is not fair and demand changes. But it was fair when they were saving their asses, right?

What do you care? You weren't paying em. They got what they could get. And like i said, if it were left up to Corporate-bootlickers like you, GM Workers would have made McDonalds and Walmart wages. You really should reconsider licking Corporate boots so much. Try standing up for the workin man sometime. Give it a shot.
"You weren't paying them"?......Shows your ignorance as to the matters of business.
"they got what they could get".....Shows your ignorance in the matters of employment and earnings. With the emphasis on earnings.
Wages are not gifts, entitlements or anything else. Wages are paid based on the skills and experience commensurate with prevailing market rates.
And please, spare us the nonsense about "corporations"....
most of walmart's customers are the poor and middle class. Rich greedy evil people do not shop at walmart. They go to whole foods or fresh market and pay more than walmart charges.

walmart helps the poor by providing low prices and jobs.

Walmart creates the poor, it does not help the poor. Higher wages have never ever caused prices to rise in the USA. Wage price spiral is a fallacy that you corporate boot-lickers swallowed hook line & sinker. Prices inflation is caused by bank lending & printing to support workers living off government, never by increased wages.

Wage-Price Spiral

DEFINITION of 'Wage-Price Spiral'
A macroeconomic theory to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between rising wages and rising prices, or inflation. The wage-price sprial suggests that rising wages increase disposable income, thus raising the demand for goods and causing prices to rise. Rising prices cause demand for higher wages, which leads to higher production costs and further upward pressure on prices.

The wage-price spiral is one concept that deals with the causes and consequences of inflation, and it is most popular in Keynesian economic theory. It is also known as the "cost-push" origin of inflation. Another cause of inflation is known as "demand-pull" inflation, which monetary theorists believe originates with the money supply.

Once again, we would like to thank the mentally retarded for playing .......................
Ooooh! - A worthless definition created by your masters & spoon feed to you idiots to regurgitate like the retard you are. It is not factual data & has no place in reality.

Lending & printing cause inflation. Higher wages lower need for government deficit spending on workers & government backed lending lowering credit standards. Deficit spending & government backed lending explode money supply & velocity of money.

Still waiting for you retards to prove with real data that higher minimum wages ever caused inflation. Again you mental retards have no game & can't play!
Americans have/had the option to pay more for those made in the USA goods but elect to buy the cheaper goods
You speaking for your self there weasel. Not me. I buy American. If it's not made in America, I don't really need it.
IF I have to have something that isn't made in America I look for a company that at least pays people a decent wage and treats them fairly.

But you being an asshole, you only care about you and if you could buy something made in China for a few cents less than an item made here, you are so stupid you buy the Chinese goods.

Way to show your supposed love of country you weasel you.
I speak truth and you get hurt a lot. Americans do/did vote with their wallets, it's a fact, not my opinion. Walmart got big because people went there, not because the competitors shut down and people had no choice.
most of walmart's customers are the poor and middle class. Rich greedy evil people do not shop at walmart. They go to whole foods or fresh market and pay more than walmart charges.

walmart helps the poor by providing low prices and jobs.

Walmart creates the poor, it does not help the poor. Higher wages have never ever caused prices to rise in the USA. Wage price spiral is a fallacy that you corporate boot-lickers swallowed hook line & sinker. Prices inflation is caused by bank lending & printing to support workers living off government, never by increased wages.

Wage-Price Spiral

DEFINITION of 'Wage-Price Spiral'
A macroeconomic theory to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between rising wages and rising prices, or inflation. The wage-price sprial suggests that rising wages increase disposable income, thus raising the demand for goods and causing prices to rise. Rising prices cause demand for higher wages, which leads to higher production costs and further upward pressure on prices.

The wage-price spiral is one concept that deals with the causes and consequences of inflation, and it is most popular in Keynesian economic theory. It is also known as the "cost-push" origin of inflation. Another cause of inflation is known as "demand-pull" inflation, which monetary theorists believe originates with the money supply.

Once again, we would like to thank the mentally retarded for playing .......................
Ooooh! - A worthless definition created by your masters & spoon feed to you idiots to regurgitate like the retard you are. It is not factual data & has no place in reality.

Lending & printing cause inflation. Higher wages lower need for government deficit spending on workers & government backed lending lowering credit standards. Deficit spending & government backed lending explode money supply & velocity of money.

Still waiting for you retards to prove with real data that higher minimum wages ever caused inflation. Again you mental retards have no game & can't play!

Talk about Bull Shit, you got links to back your bull shit up like I did ..................

No I think not, just another fucking moron ................

What a cock sucking mental retard
I didn't need to be trained to clean up a machine oil spill.

And I didn't want to work for "free" I never worked for nothing I wanted to work through lunch so i could punch punch out at 3 instead of 3:30 because I had a second job to get to.

I generally don't eat lunch so it seemed stupid to me to just sit on my ass for 30 minutes doing nothing.

Like I said unions cater to the lowest common denominator lazy shits

And I guess you don't understand what it takes to get ahead.

You do more than you're expected to.

Anyone who comes in and does the bare minimum will never get anywhere.

Anyone who ever achieved anything knows this
You can get ahead by being good at what you do. You can be better than average at what you do. You can be fast and at the same time produce quality work than others. You do not have to cheat. Working while others are eating lunch is cheating. Doing extra tasks is just a way of sucking up to the boss and cutting someone else out of a job. If you are good at what you do cheating and sucking up aren't necessary. Your work should be able to stand alone and compete with others who do the same work in the same amount of time under the same conditions.
Why don't you read what I post Idiot.

I said i wanted to work through lunch so i could punch out at 3 instead of 330 so I could get to my second job I wasn't working more than those other slobs. And I still managed to outproduce them. I actually wanted piece work but the other lazy fucks voted it down. They all tended to produce the bare minimum they had to. They got orders finished barely by the dead line. I was 3 weeks ahead on my orders and I didn't want to keep the job I just worked it to earn tuition money.

But hey how does your do the bare minimum work ethic treat you when it comes time for a raise?

And sorry but it's a dog eat dog world out there and there is nothing wrong with doing more than is expected of you in order to get ahead.

But then again I guess only people with well developed work ethics believe that truism.
It sounds like your story changes each time a response challenges your claims. You did piece work, but were not dependent on other workers providing material or hauling away finished product. You depended on absolutely no other worker to perform or complete your task. No other workers were dependent on your work to complete their own. You were at a job that was completely independent on all other employees and that allowed you to select your own adjustable work hours. The company thought so highly of you they were ok with you working without any management during your lunch break.

Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction .................

I spent a lot of time in aluminum boat manufacturing. In my earlier years I spent years at a boat plant in which I was allowed to learn / work any and every job in the plant from uncoiling metal rolls, setting up presses, punches, hydraulic breaks, etc, etc.
I was a welder, I spent time with my lead foreman learning to rivet, I learned interior work / trim, all the way out to paint and finally loading and shipping.
There was nothing in that plant I could not do, it was a piece work plant, never had to wait on anyone, I could fabricate it from start to finish.

I left that job and at a point and time later in life went to work for a second plant as the "only" person on a second shift. I was a qualified mofo and was given a key to the plant an cart blanch, I could and still can fabricate aluminum all weld boats from start to finish with out any help. Now to rivet a boat I got to have a bucker to catch the other side of the rivets.

Anyways point being, while not in your realm of reality ......... there definitely are real life scenarios just as he has described.

But for an ignorant, closed minded person I would have to guess everything is suspect .................

Must be terrible to go through life so ignorant ......................
And which union were you paying dues to while all this was happening?
My buddy owns a small business in a nice middle class town. Him and all the small business owners all talk and I just left a small business that closed in another very nice middle class town. Taxes aren't what's killing small businesses. No customers is.

My buddy said 75% of americans are barely getting by so they aren't spending any money.

Start your own business? Selling what to who?

I luckily just found a great manufacturing sales job so I never have to start a small business and work for minimum wage.

The rich have all the money go sell something to them. Oh they already have one? Out of business already?

Gargantuan Corporations like Walmart have annihilated the little guy. Greedy fat Americans love their cheap Chinese-made shit. Most have no idea that they're only supporting their own demise. They're funding it.

most of walmart's customers are the poor and middle class. Rich greedy evil people do not shop at walmart. They go to whole foods or fresh market and pay more than walmart charges.

walmart helps the poor by providing low prices and jobs.

Walmart does not help the poor, it helps itself while selling schmucks like you on the notion that they're helping Americans.

Walmart has actively encouraged its suppliers to move manufacturing offshore so they can lower their prices, at the cost of American jobs.

More jobs are lost because Walmart drives smaller mom and pop stores out of business. In some towns, they've cut the prices until the competition is gone and they're the only store left, then they raise their prices. And people who worked for decent wages in the mom and pop stores have nowhere to work but Walmart.

The loss of retail districts in small towns reduces the available jobs and the tax base.

Walmart's employment practices and low wages to retail workers has had the effect of cutting wages in the retail sector across the board. Other big box stores have had to adopt similar practices and pay scales in order to remain competitive, putting more pressure on social spending to subsidize the low wages.

So don't try to tell me that Walmart helps poor people. Walmart is a big part of the reason why so many are poor in the first place.

So you advocate to close Wal Mart's door's putting hundreds of thousands out of work and forcing people to either turn to a competitor such as Target, Sears or overly priced Mom and Pops shops.
You seem to think all those people would be better with no job than an actual job that pays a wage ..................
Instead of advocating self control, living within ones means and educating ones self to improve skill sets, you rant on how those workers are being taken advantage of ....................

Give it a fucking break, Get a fucking clue .........................

Tell me how those Bull Shit Liberal policies you spew out your mouth have worked for Detroit or Chicago .....................................
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
Now that's irrelevant.

If is irrelevant what $600 should cover, how did you get to $600 magic number?

So just throw a number out there. What do you think is a decent livable wage overall, for an average American Worker? I already put some numbers out there. I said between $11 - $15 an hr. Certainly isn't wealth, but it's a reasonable start. One could get by somewhat.
It shouldn't be up to you, or to me, or to government to decide what someone else's minimum acceptable wage should be.

Well, the State of Washington has decided. So Businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. It's a small victory for American Workers. That sure doesn't happen very often. American Workers have been getting shafted for many years. It's a damn shame.

And if you're so outraged over Workers getting a little more cash, then don't go to Washington. Only travel to, or do business with Slave Labor States. That's your call i guess. It wouldn't surprise me though. You guys are the ones who supported shipping so many good-paying American jobs out of the country. You guys really should ask yourselves sometime, 'what would Jesus do?' If you call yourself a 'Good Christian', it's time you started acting like one.
A little more?

You call a 67% increase a little more?

And I'm an atheist but from what I know about Jesus is that he asked people to give money to him he didn't give it to them

Don't do business with Washington or travel there. It's a State that respects its Workers. There's always dirty shitholes like Mississippi, that don't mind treating their Workers like shit. Problem solved. You're welcome.
Lifting the ball right before its kicked there Lucy?

So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.

Nah, they'll be less inclined to spit in your soda if they're making a decent wage. You definitely want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants. Trust me, it's for the best.

I don't think they're doing it to good customers. Now if you're an asshole to them, then you should worry.

Trust me, you really do want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants especially. But happy & prosperous workers make for better workers overall. They're proud of their work and happy to serve.
They become happy and prosperous through earning their pay....
You were attempting to make yourself a more valuable and better employee not buy equal and fair evaluation, but by working for free during your lunch break and performing extra duties you may or may not have been trained for. You knew you were taking a union job and when you took it you received the benefits of the pay and benefit package the union negotiated for. The union had every right to make you adhere to the rules when you decided to kiss the boss's ass and try to screw over your fellow employees by reaping the benefits but refusing to follow the teams methods of earning those benefits. Union workers earn promotions by quality of work, leadership ability, etc., not by being scabs and ass kissers.

I didn't need to be trained to clean up a machine oil spill.

And I didn't want to work for "free" I never worked for nothing I wanted to work through lunch so i could punch punch out at 3 instead of 3:30 because I had a second job to get to.

I generally don't eat lunch so it seemed stupid to me to just sit on my ass for 30 minutes doing nothing.

Like I said unions cater to the lowest common denominator lazy shits

And I guess you don't understand what it takes to get ahead.

You do more than you're expected to.

Anyone who comes in and does the bare minimum will never get anywhere.

Anyone who ever achieved anything knows this
You can get ahead by being good at what you do. You can be better than average at what you do. You can be fast and at the same time produce quality work than others. You do not have to cheat. Working while others are eating lunch is cheating. Doing extra tasks is just a way of sucking up to the boss and cutting someone else out of a job. If you are good at what you do cheating and sucking up aren't necessary. Your work should be able to stand alone and compete with others who do the same work in the same amount of time under the same conditions.
Why don't you read what I post Idiot.

I said i wanted to work through lunch so i could punch out at 3 instead of 330 so I could get to my second job I wasn't working more than those other slobs. And I still managed to outproduce them. I actually wanted piece work but the other lazy fucks voted it down. They all tended to produce the bare minimum they had to. They got orders finished barely by the dead line. I was 3 weeks ahead on my orders and I didn't want to keep the job I just worked it to earn tuition money.

But hey how does your do the bare minimum work ethic treat you when it comes time for a raise?

And sorry but it's a dog eat dog world out there and there is nothing wrong with doing more than is expected of you in order to get ahead.

But then again I guess only people with well developed work ethics believe that truism.
It sounds like your story changes each time a response challenges your claims. You did piece work, but were not dependent on other workers providing material or hauling away finished product. You depended on absolutely no other worker to perform or complete your task. No other workers were dependent on your work to complete their own. You were at a job that was completely independent on all other employees and that allowed you to select your own adjustable work hours. The company thought so highly of you they were ok with you working without any management during your lunch break.

I was turning screws on a machine. I had to run the machine and then deliver the finished product to QC. When they were done the product went out. I had a 3 week lead on the due dates of all my orders the QC people tended to wait until just before the deadline to do their jobs even if there was a slow period. IOW they expanded the work to fit the time allotted. I never worked like that

When I needed more material I got off my ass and got it. I didn't wait for some pot head in the warehouse to get it for me.

I had a 90% pass rate on QC I didn't need supervision.

And I don't know why you have such trouble reading. Maybe you should slow down, follow along with your finger and move your lips.

I said I wanted piece work but no one in the shop did because they only wanted to punch a clock and produce the bare minimum
Still not seeing that sudden rash of restaurant closings due to higher wages. But even if it does happen, i think we'll survive it. Life goes on.
Lifting the ball right before its kicked there Lucy?

So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.
$15? That is $31k a year. According to the gubbermint that is upper middle class for a family of three and does qualify for any benefits or ACA subsidies.
"Gubbermint" of what country? We are talking about the USA. How many decades back are you going to find that 31k being upper middle class?
In New York City it would be a tough go of it.
In Charlotte or Kansas City, it's a strong wage.
most of walmart's customers are the poor and middle class. Rich greedy evil people do not shop at walmart. They go to whole foods or fresh market and pay more than walmart charges.

walmart helps the poor by providing low prices and jobs.

Walmart creates the poor, it does not help the poor. Higher wages have never ever caused prices to rise in the USA. Wage price spiral is a fallacy that you corporate boot-lickers swallowed hook line & sinker. Prices inflation is caused by bank lending & printing to support workers living off government, never by increased wages.

Wage-Price Spiral

DEFINITION of 'Wage-Price Spiral'
A macroeconomic theory to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between rising wages and rising prices, or inflation. The wage-price sprial suggests that rising wages increase disposable income, thus raising the demand for goods and causing prices to rise. Rising prices cause demand for higher wages, which leads to higher production costs and further upward pressure on prices.

The wage-price spiral is one concept that deals with the causes and consequences of inflation, and it is most popular in Keynesian economic theory. It is also known as the "cost-push" origin of inflation. Another cause of inflation is known as "demand-pull" inflation, which monetary theorists believe originates with the money supply.

Once again, we would like to thank the mentally retarded for playing .......................
Ooooh! - A worthless definition created by your masters & spoon feed to you idiots to regurgitate like the retard you are. It is not factual data & has no place in reality.

Lending & printing cause inflation. Higher wages lower need for government deficit spending on workers & government backed lending lowering credit standards. Deficit spending & government backed lending explode money supply & velocity of money.

Still waiting for you retards to prove with real data that higher minimum wages ever caused inflation. Again you mental retards have no game & can't play!

Talk about Bull Shit, you got links to back your bull shit up like I did ..................

No I think not, just another fucking moron ................

What a cock sucking mental retard
:lol: RETARD! :lol: You still have no data & now resorted to throwing a temper tantrum. How much did your dumb-ass pay your econ professor to blow smoke up your ass? :lol:
If is irrelevant what $600 should cover, how did you get to $600 magic number?

So just throw a number out there. What do you think is a decent livable wage overall, for an average American Worker? I already put some numbers out there. I said between $11 - $15 an hr. Certainly isn't wealth, but it's a reasonable start. One could get by somewhat.
It shouldn't be up to you, or to me, or to government to decide what someone else's minimum acceptable wage should be.

Well, the State of Washington has decided. So Businesses will pay their workers a little more, and life will go on. It's a small victory for American Workers. That sure doesn't happen very often. American Workers have been getting shafted for many years. It's a damn shame.

And if you're so outraged over Workers getting a little more cash, then don't go to Washington. Only travel to, or do business with Slave Labor States. That's your call i guess. It wouldn't surprise me though. You guys are the ones who supported shipping so many good-paying American jobs out of the country. You guys really should ask yourselves sometime, 'what would Jesus do?' If you call yourself a 'Good Christian', it's time you started acting like one.
A little more?

You call a 67% increase a little more?

And I'm an atheist but from what I know about Jesus is that he asked people to give money to him he didn't give it to them

Don't do business with Washington or travel there. It's a State that respects its Workers. There's always dirty shitholes like Mississippi, that don't mind treating their Workers like shit. Problem solved. You're welcome.

I respect my workers.

I am fair and treat them well. But there is no way you are going to convince me that stuffing crap into a plastic bag is worth 15 dollars an hour
They're not asking "the nation". They're asking their specific, private-sector employer, for whom they are doing a job that could be done equally well by a kid in junior high school. Translated, that means they're demanding that the government reach into their employer's pocket and give them his money for a job which is not valuable enough to warrant it.
Wonder how long you would last standing on a concrete kitchen floor in 120 degree heat for 6, 8 hours or more every day.

Cry me a fucking river.

That warped hateful mentality is gonna cost you even more down the road. The more hateful and greedy you become, the more American Workers will fight to kick your ass. It's especially gonna cost you in many future National Elections. Hating and insulting average hard-working Americans, isn't exactly a winning platform on the national level. Your greed will cost you more in the future. Bet on it.

I am not hateful or greedy.

I just don't have much tolerance for fucking whiners like you.

And I've worked my share of shit jobs I just never expected to be given more than the job was worth and I realized unlike you idiots that if I didn't want to get stuck in a shit job that I had to improve myself so I could demand a higher salary.

I expect no less from anyone else.

Your problem is that you do.

You have a mentality that accepts grading on a curve. In fact I bet you benefited from it
Bet you did too. In fact unions increased everyones wages even yours.

And as unions went from 35% of the workforce to 12% wages dropped. Glad it didn't happen to you but it did 75% of americans you greedy jerk.

I have to agree somewhat. The collapse of Unions did lead to the rapid decline in good-paying American Jobs. Personally, i'm fine with Unions in the Private Sector. Let the Workers and Management battle it out. However, there should be no Unions in the Public Sector.
Wonder how long you would last standing on a concrete kitchen floor in 120 degree heat for 6, 8 hours or more every day.

Cry me a fucking river.

That warped hateful mentality is gonna cost you even more down the road. The more hateful and greedy you become, the more American Workers will fight to kick your ass. It's especially gonna cost you in many future National Elections. Hating and insulting average hard-working Americans, isn't exactly a winning platform on the national level. Your greed will cost you more in the future. Bet on it.

I am not hateful or greedy.

I just don't have much tolerance for fucking whiners like you.

And I've worked my share of shit jobs I just never expected to be given more than the job was worth and I realized unlike you idiots that if I didn't want to get stuck in a shit job that I had to improve myself so I could demand a higher salary.

I expect no less from anyone else.

Your problem is that you do.

You have a mentality that accepts grading on a curve. In fact I bet you benefited from it
Bet you did too. In fact unions increased everyones wages even yours.

And as unions went from 35% of the workforce to 12% wages dropped. Glad it didn't happen to you but it did 75% of americans you greedy jerk.

I have to agree somewhat. The collapse of Unions did lead to the rapid decline in good-paying American Jobs. Personally, i'm fine with Unions in the Private Sector. Let the Workers and Management battle it out. However, there should be no Unions in the Public Sector.

To add to that government policy, police, guard & military should never be busting unions negotiating with management. And there should be no Unions in the Public Sector.
I didn't need to be trained to clean up a machine oil spill.

And I didn't want to work for "free" I never worked for nothing I wanted to work through lunch so i could punch punch out at 3 instead of 3:30 because I had a second job to get to.

I generally don't eat lunch so it seemed stupid to me to just sit on my ass for 30 minutes doing nothing.

Like I said unions cater to the lowest common denominator lazy shits

And I guess you don't understand what it takes to get ahead.

You do more than you're expected to.

Anyone who comes in and does the bare minimum will never get anywhere.

Anyone who ever achieved anything knows this
You can get ahead by being good at what you do. You can be better than average at what you do. You can be fast and at the same time produce quality work than others. You do not have to cheat. Working while others are eating lunch is cheating. Doing extra tasks is just a way of sucking up to the boss and cutting someone else out of a job. If you are good at what you do cheating and sucking up aren't necessary. Your work should be able to stand alone and compete with others who do the same work in the same amount of time under the same conditions.
Why don't you read what I post Idiot.

I said i wanted to work through lunch so i could punch out at 3 instead of 330 so I could get to my second job I wasn't working more than those other slobs. And I still managed to outproduce them. I actually wanted piece work but the other lazy fucks voted it down. They all tended to produce the bare minimum they had to. They got orders finished barely by the dead line. I was 3 weeks ahead on my orders and I didn't want to keep the job I just worked it to earn tuition money.

But hey how does your do the bare minimum work ethic treat you when it comes time for a raise?

And sorry but it's a dog eat dog world out there and there is nothing wrong with doing more than is expected of you in order to get ahead.

But then again I guess only people with well developed work ethics believe that truism.
It sounds like your story changes each time a response challenges your claims. You did piece work, but were not dependent on other workers providing material or hauling away finished product. You depended on absolutely no other worker to perform or complete your task. No other workers were dependent on your work to complete their own. You were at a job that was completely independent on all other employees and that allowed you to select your own adjustable work hours. The company thought so highly of you they were ok with you working without any management during your lunch break.

I was turning screws on a machine. I had to run the machine and then deliver the finished product to QC. When they were done the product went out. I had a 3 week lead on the due dates of all my orders the QC people tended to wait until just before the deadline to do their jobs even if there was a slow period. IOW they expanded the work to fit the time allotted. I never worked like that

When I needed more material I got off my ass and got it. I didn't wait for some pot head in the warehouse to get it for me.

I had a 90% pass rate on QC I didn't need supervision.

And I don't know why you have such trouble reading. Maybe you should slow down, follow along with your finger and move your lips.

I said I wanted piece work but no one in the shop did because they only wanted to punch a clock and produce the bare minimum
Ahh..These friggin pro union lib progressives think that the guy who does what he must to move upward is the bad guy. Learning the plant as you did, well that's just sucking up to the man. They think you are "stepping on the backs of your fellow workers". And it's not fair that you worked your way to better earnings and left behind the slackers.
I used to work at a company that in certain departments promotion was done by seniority. Adjacent to my little corner of the world, there was once such department. There was a woman who'd been with the company for years. She did very little. Her position was supervisor. There were others who wanted to move up, but couldn't because the supervisor lady had no ambition. There was no way anyone was going to be promoted. If there were people who wanted upward movement, they had to transfer out of the department. That's crap....I would have transferred the supervisor to another dept because she was a slug.
Wonder how long you would last standing on a concrete kitchen floor in 120 degree heat for 6, 8 hours or more every day.

Cry me a fucking river.

That warped hateful mentality is gonna cost you even more down the road. The more hateful and greedy you become, the more American Workers will fight to kick your ass. It's especially gonna cost you in many future National Elections. Hating and insulting average hard-working Americans, isn't exactly a winning platform on the national level. Your greed will cost you more in the future. Bet on it.

I am not hateful or greedy.

I just don't have much tolerance for fucking whiners like you.

And I've worked my share of shit jobs I just never expected to be given more than the job was worth and I realized unlike you idiots that if I didn't want to get stuck in a shit job that I had to improve myself so I could demand a higher salary.

I expect no less from anyone else.

Your problem is that you do.

You have a mentality that accepts grading on a curve. In fact I bet you benefited from it
Bet you did too. In fact unions increased everyones wages even yours.

And as unions went from 35% of the workforce to 12% wages dropped. Glad it didn't happen to you but it did 75% of americans you greedy jerk.

I have to agree somewhat. The collapse of Unions did lead to the rapid decline in good-paying American Jobs. Personally, i'm fine with Unions in the Private Sector. Let the Workers and Management battle it out. However, there should be no Unions in the Public Sector.
That's horseshit. Many formerly unionized jobs and those in similar industries actually make close to or even above union scale. For example non union auto plants in the US...The pay is there as an incentive to keep out the unions.
It doesn't solve all the problems. But it's a start. These Workers will by no means be rich. $11 - $15 will help most just get by at best. That's certainly not a lot of money these days.

It create more problems then it solve. As I said, people may "feel" good that they're getting paid more per hour, but I think that feeling wont last long. If I am franchise owner and forced to pay fry boy more then his work is worth, I would have to adjust. How?

Giving fry boy more responsibilities, promote him to fry boy/floor sweeper. Then I don't need floor sweeper, so I lay him off. If fry boy doesn't like his promotion, I could lay him off and promote floor sweeper into fry boy/floor sweeper. More money, more responsibilities, right?

Or I could stop paying fry boy per hour. Hire him on contract. In fact, put everyone on contract. You get paid lump sum for the job done. Also, hire cleaning company to sweep floors. Contract workers become "self employed", no need to pay their taxes, unemployment benefits, health care, it's all on them from their paycheck.

I mentioned this before, but I'm just curious what happens in this situation: Fast food manager makes $14.75 an hour already, and fry boy makes minimum wage. With new law, they both get bumped to new minimum wage of $15 an hour. It would suck to be manager, extra responsibilities, the same pay... OK, it's still lot better being the boss at a shitty place than a peon at a shitty place.

You Corporate-Bootlickers have too much hate & contempt for fellow Americans who are just trying to get by. You're extremists. There's no middle-ground for you guys.

On one extreme, you despise struggling American Workers who've been shafted for years. And on the other extreme, you absolutely adore & worship Corporations who've been doing the shafting. You guys need to reassess your Corporate-Bootlicking mentality. Talk to Jesus and find a middle-ground.
Gargantuan Corporations like Walmart have annihilated the little guy. Greedy fat Americans love their cheap Chinese-made shit. Most have no idea that they're only supporting their own demise. They're funding it.

most of walmart's customers are the poor and middle class. Rich greedy evil people do not shop at walmart. They go to whole foods or fresh market and pay more than walmart charges.

walmart helps the poor by providing low prices and jobs.

Walmart does not help the poor, it helps itself while selling schmucks like you on the notion that they're helping Americans.

Walmart has actively encouraged its suppliers to move manufacturing offshore so they can lower their prices, at the cost of American jobs.

More jobs are lost because Walmart drives smaller mom and pop stores out of business. In some towns, they've cut the prices until the competition is gone and they're the only store left, then they raise their prices. And people who worked for decent wages in the mom and pop stores have nowhere to work but Walmart.

The loss of retail districts in small towns reduces the available jobs and the tax base.

Walmart's employment practices and low wages to retail workers has had the effect of cutting wages in the retail sector across the board. Other big box stores have had to adopt similar practices and pay scales in order to remain competitive, putting more pressure on social spending to subsidize the low wages.

So don't try to tell me that Walmart helps poor people. Walmart is a big part of the reason why so many are poor in the first place.

So you advocate to close Wal Mart's door's putting hundreds of thousands out of work and forcing people to either turn to a competitor such as Target, Sears or overly priced Mom and Pops shops.
You seem to think all those people would be better with no job than an actual job that pays a wage ..................
Instead of advocating self control, living within ones means and educating ones self to improve skill sets, you rant on how those workers are being taken advantage of ....................

Give it a fucking break, Get a fucking clue .........................

Tell me how those Bull Shit Liberal policies you spew out your mouth have worked for Detroit or Chicago .....................................
OMG, the Chinese long handled flat shovel I bought last year at Walmart would have cost 6.95 instead of 5.95.
Non responsive.....
It answered your nonsense rant. The pitiful small wage increase being proposed by Walmart workers would not close down the business. It would barely lower the obscene 3.5 billion dollar a year Walton family profit.
Yes, God forbid American Workers prosper in the wealthiest nation on earth. How dare they. Seriously, some of my Republican friends should really listen to themselves sometime. They sound so hateful and greedy. I'm ashamed of them sometimes.
There potential to prosper abounds. It takes skill and experience. Education goes a long way as well.
Private Sector Unions can actually serve a very valuable purpose for American Workers. So i don't oppose them. But i can only support them if they exist in 'Right to Work' States. Workers need to have the right to choose whether or not they want to join. I oppose Unions in the Public Sector though.

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