Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Wowee-Zowee, batfink.....

Take note in here, people.....

Start a thread about one of two subjects and dimocrap scum flock to it like it's a free concert.

Start a thread about gay, perverted deviants or about Minimum Wage and it will set records for number of posts in the shortest period of time.

Anybody else in here drawing some well-reasoned conclusions from that fact?

That maybe a great deal of our posters are gay, deviant, perverted dimocrap scumbags living on minimum wage because they're TOO FUCKING STUPID AND LAZY to do anything worthwhile?
You need to look closer. The minimum wage requirement allows an employer to count wages, tips, and health insurance as contributions to the minimum requirement. So, in regards to tipped employees at restaurants, health insurance becomes irrelevant, because the server's tips will by themselves satisfy the requirement. The servers will still be making the same wage they made previously, based on state law.
The servers will be even more motivated to bury their tips if the employer is on the hook to make up the difference.
Again, you need to look closer and pay attention. I never said that servers report tips "honestly." I said that anyone who has half a clue what they're doing in running a restaurant will have safeguards preventing servers from under reporting to such a degree that the employer is forced to pay the server an additional wage.

The server might make $200 on the night for 5 hours work, and only report $100 of that. But it will be more than enough so that it doesn't cost the employer additional wages.
Many people tip in cash, so there's no way to really police it. You are making assumptions on what they will make AND what they will report.
I think you need to go back and learn to read. I said that when restaurants fail, labor costs are not generally a contributing factor, and if/when they do become a contributor it generally has to do with overpaying chefs and managers.
I think YOU need to read, I asked you to back it up.
The wage only goes to $11 in April.

For businesses with less than 500 employees, the $15/hr doesn't happen until 2018.

Actually it goes up one dollar on April 1 2015. Which will bring the minimum wage up to 10.32 an hour. Not 11 dollars an hour.
The servers will be even more motivated to bury their tips if the employer is on the hook to make up the difference.

Do you think you're the first person to ever think of that? Do you think the employer wants to pay their servers several dollars an hour more when they don't have to? Any restaurant being run by someone who halfway knows what they're doing will be able to prevent it. I've already told you this.

Many people tip in cash, so there's no way to really police it. You are making assumptions on what they will make AND what they will report.

You really don't know what you're talking about. Servers have to declare tips at the end of every shift they work. Yes, some tips are in cash. But if a server under reports their tips such that the employer has to pay extra on the server's paycheck, management is going to quickly step in. I can't police whether you report every last penny. But if you're reporting tips that come out to be 5% of your total sales, I'm not going to tolerate it. You're breaking the law, you're defrauding me to get more money, or you're providing shitty service. Either way, I don't want you working for me.

I think YOU need to read, I asked you to back it up.

Sure thing sport. I've been doing this longer than you've been playing on the internets. You're simply talking out of your ass, and making no damn sense along the way.
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If you can't afford to pay your workers a decent wage you shouldn't be in business. :)

The wage is reflection of what labor is worth to business.

Labor wages are in large part a reflection of how much power the employer/ownership class has over the working class.

The minimum wage is meant to add an element of justice to the laws of the jungle.
If you can't afford to pay your workers a decent wage you shouldn't be in business. :)

The wage is reflection of what labor is worth to business.
They don't get to decide that. They have proven themselves unworthy of doing so by paying such low wages.

So who gets to decide what wage to pay you?

The government gets to decide the least you can pay someone. The government of the People. You've heard of the People, haven't you?
It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air

Whoever wrote your stupid article is full of garbage.

The 15 dollar an hour wage isn't fully implemented in April 2015. On April 1, 2015 minimum wage goes up another dollar to 10.32 an hour.

The full 15 dollar wage won't happen until 2017 at the earliest. That's just for businesses that have 500 or more employees. If they have less or offer health insurance it goes up in 2018.

One other fact that isn't in your article is that restaurants are able to count tips toward hourly pay. So most restaurants will not see wages increase because the workers tips are considered and those tips bring their wage above 15 dollars an hour.

The restaurants mentioned in your article don't have 500 or more employees so they won't see wages go up to 15 dollars an hour until 2018. That is IF they go up since tips are counted as part of wages and those tips bring wages above 15 dollars an hour.

You might want to actually learn about the law before you buy into lies.

Seattle raises minimum wage to $15 an hour

So glad someone actually read the dam thing. Republican links never match up with their thread titles. NEVER
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.

Not a single one of you right wing fuck heads want to touch this article now do ya?

Nice job of shutting them up NY.

A.) HOW many did she speak to? 3...? 10.... 400 restaurants that are going out of business?

B) The realities of running a business EVEN with it being phased IN by 2019... THE owner's share will BE DECREASING!
So rather then see their net profit continue to fall... THEY ARE QUITTING!
Here are the facts on running a restaurant:

“He estimates that a common budget breakdown among sustaining Seattle restaurants so far has been the following:
36 percent of funds are devoted to labor,
30 percent to food costs and 30 percent go to everything else (all other operational costs).
The remaining 4 percent has been the profit margin, and as a result, in a $700,000 restaurant,
he estimates that the average restauranteur in Seattle has been making $28,000 a year.
More Seattle restaurants close doors as 15 minimum wage approaches

“With the minimum wage spike, however, he says that if restaurant owners made no changes, the labor cost in quick service restaurants would rise to 42 percent and in full service restaurants to 47 percent.”

Restaurant owners, expecting to operate on thinner margins, have tried to adapt in several ways including “higher menu prices, cheaper, lower-quality ingredients, reduced opening times, and cutting work hours and firing workers,” according to The Seattle Times and Seattle Eater magazine. As the Washington Policy Center points out, when these strategies are not enough, businesses close, “workers lose their jobs and the neighborhood loses a prized amenity.”

But see you LIPs/anti-business idiots don't have an IDEA what the above percentages mean do you?
So 36% is used for labor... IF the minimum wage increases from $7.25 to $15/hour that is a 50% increase...
Labor increase then 50% means 36% goes to 54%... that is from $252,000 for labor costs to $378,000 and increase of $126,000.
If all other costs stay the same....that means the $28,000 the owner made before minimum wage is now a $100,000 LOSS!
The owner can't stay in business with a loss!

Your post shows all intelligent people that you're too stupid and lazy to find facts for yourself.

Here's a clue, the minimum wage in Seattle isn't 7.25 an hour and the 15 dollar an hour wage isn't fully implemented until 2018.

Washington state has a law that requires the state to have the highest minimum wage in the nation.

Right now that minimum wage is $9.32 an hour. For the wages to be doubled the minimum wage would have to be raised to 18.64 an hour.

The higher minimum wage in Seattle will cause all wages in Seattle to increase and for wages in the suburbs around Seattle to increase. People will be going to Seattle for jobs that pay higher wages. The businesses in the suburbs will have to raise their wages to get people to stay in the suburbs and work.

One more thing, that 15 dollars an hour only applies to adults. Not to anyone who isn't a legal adult.

You and people like you should stop posting and showing every intelligent person how stupid and lazy you really are.
It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air

Whoever wrote your stupid article is full of garbage.

The 15 dollar an hour wage isn't fully implemented in April 2015. On April 1, 2015 minimum wage goes up another dollar to 10.32 an hour.

The full 15 dollar wage won't happen until 2017 at the earliest. That's just for businesses that have 500 or more employees. If they have less or offer health insurance it goes up in 2018.

One other fact that isn't in your article is that restaurants are able to count tips toward hourly pay. So most restaurants will not see wages increase because the workers tips are considered and those tips bring their wage above 15 dollars an hour.

The restaurants mentioned in your article don't have 500 or more employees so they won't see wages go up to 15 dollars an hour until 2018. That is IF they go up since tips are counted as part of wages and those tips bring wages above 15 dollars an hour.

You might want to actually learn about the law before you buy into lies.

Seattle raises minimum wage to $15 an hour

So glad someone actually read the dam thing. Republican links never match up with their thread titles. NEVER

If a conservative couldn't lie, they wouldn't have anything to say.
They make the stupiest links "We're not sure why they are closing but Big Hero 6 came out just days prior to their closing....I"M JUST SAYIN *wink wink*)
People need to understand that just because you leave something to market forces, doesn't mean it will produce a good outcome.

Market forces are amoral at best, immoral at worst.
Oh well, Boo Hoo for them. Wasn't meant to be. It's survival of the fittest. Just close shop and find something else to do for a living. It is what it is.
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.

It's a victory for my truth over the rightwing propaganda machine's lies.
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.

It's a victory for my truth over the rightwing propaganda machine's lies.
Thanks for proving my point. You people don't give a damn about the people you hurt so long as you can write the narrative.

Four restaurants closing makes it easier for the other eateries to establish working prices that lead to a profit.

Yes ... because EVERYONE loves going to a ultra crowded, overly priced restaurant.
Stay home then.
Many will do just that. Which will drop the income of the restaurants which leads to more closing which leads to less employees...

See the cycle here?
And the restaurants that can afford to pay will gain customers, and then have to hire more staff. Or they will raise prices, which people will pay because the ones with lower prices are now out of business. Got it now?

Yeah, that's the way it works....


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