Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

And ANOTHER fear mongering bs misinformation RW thread eats it...

Great I love moronic parrots .........................

Tell us of this "fear mongering " you speak of .........................

I mean you threw a bunch of words together like there is some perceived victory, enlighten us all ....................
OP is bs propaganda to scare the chumps. Read the last few posts, dumbass dupe.
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.

It's a victory for my truth over the rightwing propaganda machine's lies.

My truth?

Boy, if that doesn't say it all.... :lol:
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.

It's a victory for my truth over the rightwing propaganda machine's lies.
Thanks for proving my point. You people don't give a damn about the people you hurt so long as you can write the narrative.


Hey idiot. The point is the OP didn't prove anyone was hurt. Maybe in the end, the wage increase turns out to be a net benefit, all things considered. Maybe more people will be helped than hurt.
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.

It's a victory for my truth over the rightwing propaganda machine's lies.

My truth?

Boy, if that doesn't say it all.... :lol:

The OP has been proven to be a lie. And you've been proven to a sucker.
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.

It's a victory for my truth over the rightwing propaganda machine's lies.

My truth?

Boy, if that doesn't say it all.... :lol:

The OP has been proven to be a lie. And you've been proven to a sucker.

I only commented on your comment about your truth... There is only one truth.. anyone who has their own truth is delusional. Seek help.
If you can't afford to pay your workers a decent wage you shouldn't be in business. :)

The wage is reflection of what labor is worth to business.
They don't get to decide that. They have proven themselves unworthy of doing so by paying such low wages.

a business does not get to decide what it can spend on labor????????? WTF is wrong with you? Have you ever actually had a job?
Yes. Several. Take Wal Mart for example. When 6 Waltons are worth more than the lower 40% of americans they can afford a lot better than 9 or 10$ an hour.They want to be greedy pieces of shit then governme is forced to step in.

the Waltons are rich because they successfully created a chain of stores that millions of people shop at. They make a very small % profit but its on a very large volume of sales.

If they are forced to raise their employee pay (which is above minimum wage in every store) they will either have to reduce the number of employees or raise prices, either of which hurts poor people the most.

less than 3% of working americans make minimum wage and the vast majority of those are teens making pocket money in part time jobs.

minimum wage is not a problem in this country, but it makes a good sympathy rant for liberals.
I know how much you libs hate it but let's do some math.

A food truck in Seattle that is open 9-5 weekdays only (for simplification but results for more hours are easily extrapolated from this example)

Let's say the owner has 3 full time 9-5 employees 5 days a week and pays them all $9 an hour

His payroll including the employer FICA contributions is 60,372 Actual payroll includes other crap but we'll leave that out

The truck sells 100 sandwiches a day at 7.50 each so his annual sales are 195000

Let's assume a food cost of a conservative 30% of gross revenue so that 58,000 a year

That leaves 76,628 before truck payments, equipment, maintenance, consumables,insurance, fuel, permits, worker's comp, etc

The truck owner will probably make about 40K a year on his truck if he's lucky

He now has to pay everyone 15 an hour therefore his payroll is now 100,620
if we assume all his costs stay the same (which they won't because all his suppliers will have to cover the costs of their higher payrolls as well) he now is in the hole to the tune of 248 a year and has made zero income

Factor in all the other costs that will rise as everyone else has to cover their increases in payroll and our truck owner is even deeper in the hole.

So what does he do? Raise all his prices? Fire a guy or two? Both?

Sell the truck and get out with the profit he can?

I do not see how you people think raising the MW drastically will make everyone richer
Last edited:
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.

It's a victory for my truth over the rightwing propaganda machine's lies.
Thanks for proving my point. You people don't give a damn about the people you hurt so long as you can write the narrative.


Hey idiot. The point is the OP didn't prove anyone was hurt. Maybe in the end, the wage increase turns out to be a net benefit, all things considered. Maybe more people will be helped than hurt.

how is someone helped when they lose their job? How is a business helped when labor costs force it to close? How are the poor helped when everything they buy costs more?

its econ 101, idiot.
I know how much you libs hate it but let's do some math.

A food truck in Seattle that is open 9-5 weekdays only (for simplification but results for more hours are easily extrapolated from this example)

Let's say the owner has 3 full time 9-5 employees 5 days a week and pays them all $9 an hour

His payroll including the employer FICA contributions is 60,372 Actual payroll includes other crap but we'll leave that out

The truck sells 100 sandwiches a day at 7.50 each so his annual sales are 195000

Let's assume a food cost of a conservative 30% of gross revenue so that 58,000 a year

That leaves 76,628 before truck payments, equipment, maintenance, consumables,insurance, fuel, permits, worker's comp, etc

The truck owner will probably make about 40K a year on his truck if he's lucky

He now has to pay everyone 15 an hour therefore his payroll is now 100,620
if we assume all his costs stay the same (which they won't because all his suppliers will have to cover the costs of their higher payrolls as well) he now is in the hole to the tune of 248 a year and has made zero income

Factor in all the other costs that will rise as everyone else has to cover their increases in payroll and our truck owner is even deeper in the hole.

So what does he do? Raise all his prices? Fire a guy or two? Both?

Sell the truck and get out with the profit he can?

I do not see how you people think raising the MW drastically will make everyone richer

because the liberal mind does not operate on logic and rational thought.

They are all about emotion and feelings, its the evil rich guy screwing the poor guy by making him work for his living.

the whole MW thing is bullshit, No one is trying to support a family, or themselves, at a lifetime MW job.
because the liberal mind does not operate on logic and rational thought.

They are all about emotion and feelings, its the evil rich guy screwing the poor guy by making him work for his living.

the whole MW thing is bullshit, No one is trying to support a family, or themselves, at a lifetime MW job.

One of the liberals' biggest problems is that they never think ahead.
Easier to drive a food truck to a new location outside Seattle, soon to be a city whose limits are defined by a solid wall of eating places just outside the yellow disaster tape.
If you can't afford to pay your workers a decent wage you shouldn't be in business. :)

The wage is reflection of what labor is worth to business.
They don't get to decide that. They have proven themselves unworthy of doing so by paying such low wages.

a business does not get to decide what it can spend on labor????????? WTF is wrong with you? Have you ever actually had a job?
Yes. Several. Take Wal Mart for example. When 6 Waltons are worth more than the lower 40% of americans they can afford a lot better than 9 or 10$ an hour.They want to be greedy pieces of shit then governme is forced to step in.

the Waltons are rich because they successfully created a chain of stores that millions of people shop at. They make a very small % profit but its on a very large volume of sales.

If they are forced to raise their employee pay (which is above minimum wage in every store) they will either have to reduce the number of employees or raise prices, either of which hurts poor people the most.

less than 3% of working americans make minimum wage and the vast majority of those are teens making pocket money in part time jobs.

minimum wage is not a problem in this country, but it makes a good sympathy rant for liberals.
1. They are rich because their granddaddy made it rich they did not
2. No they would not have to raise prices that's more of the right wing bullshit that's been debunked.
Seattle is gonna have to add a light rail line....or at least a new bus accommodate the thousands wanting to dine out each night.
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.

It's a victory for my truth over the rightwing propaganda machine's lies.
Thanks for proving my point. You people don't give a damn about the people you hurt so long as you can write the narrative.


Hey idiot. The point is the OP didn't prove anyone was hurt. Maybe in the end, the wage increase turns out to be a net benefit, all things considered. Maybe more people will be helped than hurt.

how is someone helped when they lose their job? How is a business helped when labor costs force it to close? How are the poor helped when everything they buy costs more?

its econ 101, idiot.
It doesn't matter to him as long as he's right and right wingers are wrong. He made that clear.
The wage is reflection of what labor is worth to business.
They don't get to decide that. They have proven themselves unworthy of doing so by paying such low wages.

a business does not get to decide what it can spend on labor????????? WTF is wrong with you? Have you ever actually had a job?
Yes. Several. Take Wal Mart for example. When 6 Waltons are worth more than the lower 40% of americans they can afford a lot better than 9 or 10$ an hour.They want to be greedy pieces of shit then governme is forced to step in.

the Waltons are rich because they successfully created a chain of stores that millions of people shop at. They make a very small % profit but its on a very large volume of sales.

If they are forced to raise their employee pay (which is above minimum wage in every store) they will either have to reduce the number of employees or raise prices, either of which hurts poor people the most.

less than 3% of working americans make minimum wage and the vast majority of those are teens making pocket money in part time jobs.

minimum wage is not a problem in this country, but it makes a good sympathy rant for liberals.
1. They are rich because their granddaddy made it rich they did not
2. No they would not have to raise prices that's more of the right wing bullshit that's been debunked.
A Left wing white supremacist. LMAO!

OMG that never gets old!
They don't get to decide that. They have proven themselves unworthy of doing so by paying such low wages.

a business does not get to decide what it can spend on labor????????? WTF is wrong with you? Have you ever actually had a job?
Yes. Several. Take Wal Mart for example. When 6 Waltons are worth more than the lower 40% of americans they can afford a lot better than 9 or 10$ an hour.They want to be greedy pieces of shit then governme is forced to step in.

the Waltons are rich because they successfully created a chain of stores that millions of people shop at. They make a very small % profit but its on a very large volume of sales.

If they are forced to raise their employee pay (which is above minimum wage in every store) they will either have to reduce the number of employees or raise prices, either of which hurts poor people the most.

less than 3% of working americans make minimum wage and the vast majority of those are teens making pocket money in part time jobs.

minimum wage is not a problem in this country, but it makes a good sympathy rant for liberals.
1. They are rich because their granddaddy made it rich they did not
2. No they would not have to raise prices that's more of the right wing bullshit that's been debunked.
A Left wing white supremacist. LMAO!

OMG that never gets old!
Racial Socialist as I have said a dozen times.You act like its some surprise.
And Kaboom!!!!!! The myth gets busted:

Sorry Righties, Seattle Restaurant Closures Are NOT Due To $15 Minimum Wage

'Right-wing sites want everyone to believe that, come April 1, the minimum wage in Seattle will jump from the current level to $15 an hour. That’s not what’s happening at all. The new minimum wage will be phased in over several years. How quickly a business reaches the $15 an hour level depends on the size of the business, and whether or not the business offers employees health care benefits, as explained on
Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s web page.

The current minimum wage in Washington state is $9.32 an hour. That wage goes to $11 an hour on April 1 for businesses with more than 500 employees.

For businesses such as restaurants, with fewer than 500 employees, who receive “minimum compensation,” that wage can be made up of a combination of wages, tips, and employer contributions to an employee health care plan, as long as the total of all the compensation equals at least $11 an hour.

The full $15 an hour minimum wage does not take effect for restaurants until 2019.'


'The right-wing sites mentioned above all latched onto a story in Seattle Magazine, that says that the impending wage increase is one of the reasons for the restaurant closures. However, Sara Jones, author of the story, acknowledges that not a single restaurateur she spoke to gave the wage increase as a reason for his or her restaurant being closed.'

'It is true that Seattle is seeing a large number of restaurants closing their doors. So, what exactly is going on, if it’s not the new minimum wage? It’s a variety of things. According to Seattle Magazine, Anthony Anton, the head of the Washington Restaurant Association, says that each year, about 17 percent of Washington restaurants go out of business, or change owners. That amounts to about 400 restaurants “in a good year,” he says.'

Okay RWnuts, proceed to deny the facts.
You actually think that's a victory for your side? You think that a record number of restaurant closures and subsequent job and revenue loss is ok because it isn't happening for the reason right wingers claim?

This is how the Left operates, rationalizing all their failures and the damage caused by their idiotic policies by rewriting the narrative in retrospect.

You're a complete moron if you don't understand that it doesn't matter which Leftist policy is causing the egress of business.

It's a victory for my truth over the rightwing propaganda machine's lies.

My truth?

Boy, if that doesn't say it all.... :lol:

The OP has been proven to be a lie. And you've been proven to a sucker.

I only commented on your comment about your truth... There is only one truth.. anyone who has their own truth is delusional. Seek help.

I was referring to my post containing the truth. Were you homeschooled in the South, by any chance?

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