Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Don't worry, this will all blow over in time. The greedy wankers bitchin & moanin now, will learn to deal with paying workers higher wages. They'll get over it and move on.

And there will be no sudden rash of Businesses closing down because of higher wages. And those that do, were already headed that way anyway. Right now it's all about the greedy wankas expressing their outrage. But it'll pass. Bet on it.

what you can't seem to get is that if the cost of labor goes up, the prices of all products go up too.

Thats why the UAW almost destroyed the US car industry, and would have without the govt bailouts.

Un-American Outsourcing and despicable Corporate greed destroyed GM. Many many asshole fatcats got very rich off the collapse of GM. No Employee at GM got nearly as rich as a result of the collapse. In fact, many only suffered.

Take a look at the top brass at GM today. All living the life of Royalty. All still have their numerous luxurious yachts, mansions, and cars. So blaming Employees for GM's demise, is unjust absurdity.
Define "un American outsourcing".
Look, those who profess to be pro big labor have no credibility.
The only reason unions even exist in this country id because businesses do not have the time or resources to eradicate them....
Notice how in mpst cases when unions attempt to organize previously non union businesses, the workers reject the union almost 100% of the time.
This is the reason why the unions pushed very hard to have Obama add a priority plank to his 2008 campaign platform. That is "card check" legislation.
Card check is designed to compel employees to reveal their vote in matters of contract negotiations and votes for union certification or decertification...
Its a proposed law that would make it legal for union thugs to intimidate and harass workers who did not vote the way the union wanted them to vote.
That's unAmerican.
Obama meanwhile has failed to keep his promise to unions on card check.
Which by the way would be a piece of legislation that would be dead on arrival.

Well, it if were left up to you greedy Corporate-bootlickers, GM Employees would have been making McDonalds wages. That's why American Workers don't count on people like you to stand up for em. They have to stand up for themselves instead.

So they wanted to make more money for themselves and their families? Nothing wrong with that. More power to em. Like i said, if GM Workers never stood up, you bootlickers would have had em making McDonalds and Walmart wages. All Workers should stand up for themselves. That's how shit gets done. Period, end of story.
I asked you to define "un American outsourcing"...Why do you evade this request?
Hey fucko..I AM an American worker. I depend on no one. I will have no one depending on me. We should never "depend" on one another. Who ever gave you that idea?
I agree that anyone who desires to do so should have the opportunity to do as they will in order to earn a better living.
Corporate boot licker"....Yeah, the liberal pro labor douche bag's last resort.
Not once have you addressed my posts to you...You've continued to insist on the existence of a big labor fantasy...
Keep it up.,..
You were a looney tunes character over that Ron Paul wacko and I suppose you new bromance is with son Rand...
Now you're just boring the shit out of USMB with your unrealistic and uninformed rantings on business as it relates to labor...
Don't worry, this will all blow over in time. The greedy wankers bitchin & moanin now, will learn to deal with paying workers higher wages. They'll get over it and move on.

And there will be no sudden rash of Businesses closing down because of higher wages. And those that do, were already headed that way anyway. Right now it's all about the greedy wankas expressing their outrage. But it'll pass. Bet on it.

what you can't seem to get is that if the cost of labor goes up, the prices of all products go up too.

Thats why the UAW almost destroyed the US car industry, and would have without the govt bailouts.

Un-American Outsourcing and despicable Corporate greed destroyed GM. Many many asshole fatcats got very rich off the collapse of GM. No Employee at GM got nearly as rich as a result of the collapse. In fact, many only suffered.

Take a look at the top brass at GM today. All living the life of Royalty. All still have their numerous luxurious yachts, mansions, and cars. So blaming Employees for GM's demise, is unjust absurdity.

What planet are you posting from? must be the planet dumbfuck.

nothing you have said in this thread makes sense or has any basis in fact.

Go find out how well GM Management at the time of the collapse, are living today. Most are still Multimillionaires living the dream. But what about GM Employees? How well they doin today?

GM Management engaged in pure evil practices. They are not true Americans. They wanted slaves, so they turned to the Un-American practice of Outsourcing. They should all be ashamed of themselves. But i'm pretty sure they aren't. Too busy living the life of Royalty to give a shit. foocked us... We didn't do nothin'"....The fookin companeee won't pay us what we want...
Well, it if were left up to you greedy Corporate-bootlickers, GM Employees would have been making McDonalds wages. That's why American Workers don't count on people like you to stand up for em. They have to stand up for themselves instead.

So they wanted to make more money for themselves and their families? Nothing wrong with that. More power to em. Like i said, if GM Workers never stood up, you bootlickers would have had em making McDonalds and Walmart wages. All Workers should stand up for themselves. That's how shit gets done. Period, end of story.

Oh yeah, they stud up for themselves and voted for two-tier wages. Democracy at work got old worker wages (Tier 1 - average $27/hr) intact and new worker wages slash in half (Tier 2 - $15.50/hr). Now they're crying how two-tier plan is not fair and demand changes. But it was fair when they were saving their asses, right?
who in any state of mind expects a burger flipping establishment to make a profit paying their employees 15.00 hr to cook burgers and fries? well, maybe those boneheads in Ferguson would.

The minimum wage in Canada is $11 an hour and McDonald's still managed to make a huge profit here.

It's actually $10/hr, but some provinces have a higher minimum wage.
Keep saying that to convince yourself that you're correct.

Still not seeing that sudden rash of restaurant closings due to higher wages. But even if it does happen, i think we'll survive it. Life goes on.
Lifting the ball right before its kicked there Lucy?

So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.
Hey...What happened to the "bouncing elephant" avatar. I thought it was pretty cool.

It seems that .GIF on this new forum scheme isn't working. If you click on avatar, it does bounce in popup window.
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Keep saying that to convince yourself that you're correct.

Still not seeing that sudden rash of restaurant closings due to higher wages. But even if it does happen, i think we'll survive it. Life goes on.
Lifting the ball right before its kicked there Lucy?

So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.

Nah, they'll be less inclined to spit in your soda if they're making a decent wage. You definitely want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants. Trust me, it's for the best.

I don't think they're doing it to good customers. Now if you're an asshole to them, then you should worry.
Well, it if were left up to you greedy Corporate-bootlickers, GM Employees would have been making McDonalds wages. That's why American Workers don't count on people like you to stand up for em. They have to stand up for themselves instead.

So they wanted to make more money for themselves and their families? Nothing wrong with that. More power to em. Like i said, if GM Workers never stood up, you bootlickers would have had em making McDonalds and Walmart wages. All Workers should stand up for themselves. That's how shit gets done. Period, end of story.

Oh yeah, they stud up for themselves and voted for two-tier wages. Democracy at work got old worker wages (Tier 1 - average $27/hr) intact and new worker wages slash in half (Tier 2 - $15.50/hr). Now they're crying how two-tier plan is not fair and demand changes. But it was fair when they were saving their asses, right?

What do you care? You weren't paying em. They got what they could get. And like i said, if it were left up to Corporate-bootlickers like you, GM Workers would have made McDonalds and Walmart wages. You really should reconsider licking Corporate boots so much. Try standing up for the workin man sometime. Give it a shot.
Still not seeing that sudden rash of restaurant closings due to higher wages. But even if it does happen, i think we'll survive it. Life goes on.
Lifting the ball right before its kicked there Lucy?

So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.

Nah, they'll be less inclined to spit in your soda if they're making a decent wage. You definitely want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants. Trust me, it's for the best.

I don't think they're doing it to good customers. Now if you're an asshole to them, then you should worry.

Trust me, you really do want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants especially. But happy & prosperous workers make for better workers overall. They're proud of their work and happy to serve.
Well, it if were left up to you greedy Corporate-bootlickers, GM Employees would have been making McDonalds wages. That's why American Workers don't count on people like you to stand up for em. They have to stand up for themselves instead.

So they wanted to make more money for themselves and their families? Nothing wrong with that. More power to em. Like i said, if GM Workers never stood up, you bootlickers would have had em making McDonalds and Walmart wages. All Workers should stand up for themselves. That's how shit gets done. Period, end of story.

Oh yeah, they stud up for themselves and voted for two-tier wages. Democracy at work got old worker wages (Tier 1 - average $27/hr) intact and new worker wages slash in half (Tier 2 - $15.50/hr). Now they're crying how two-tier plan is not fair and demand changes. But it was fair when they were saving their asses, right?

What do you care? You weren't paying em. They got what they could get. And like i said, if it were left up to Corporate-bootlickers like you, GM Workers would have made McDonalds and Walmart wages. You really should reconsider licking Corporate boots so much. Try standing up for the workin man sometime. Give it a shot.

Why do I care? Because, I have work relations with them and I know them pretty good. Many of them do not deserve more them McD or Walmart wages. On the other side, many of them deserve every dollar they make.

Now, why do you care, you're not paying them neither.
Don't worry, this will all blow over in time. The greedy wankers bitchin & moanin now, will learn to deal with paying workers higher wages. They'll get over it and move on.

And there will be no sudden rash of Businesses closing down because of higher wages. And those that do, were already headed that way anyway. Right now it's all about the greedy wankas expressing their outrage. But it'll pass. Bet on it.
Keep saying that to convince yourself that you're correct.

Still not seeing that sudden rash of restaurant closings due to higher wages. But even if it does happen, i think we'll survive it. Life goes on.
Lifting the ball right before its kicked there Lucy?

So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.
$15? That is $31k a year. According to the gubbermint that is upper middle class for a family of three and does qualify for any benefits or ACA subsidies.
Yes, businesses must pay what it takes to get employees. Fast food workers here start above minimum wage because thats what the market demands.

The market should set the price of labor, not some beaurocrats in DC.

Like it or not, you need unskilled and skilled workers. Your Business can't survive without them. So if you're not willing to pay, it's time for you to close your Business and go do something else. It wasn't meant to be. It's thinning the herd. It's survival of the fittest.
Hey genius...There is an endless supply of low skilled workers. Every single fast food restaurant, dept store and convenience store employs them. And for every one that thinks like you, there are 10 more willing to roll that asshole across the parking lot to take their job.

How's that a good thing for Workers? Not seeing where they're coming out ahead on that. Low skilled Workers wanna get paid too. See, Workers know not to depend on greedy folks like you to help them out. That's why they're standing up for themselves. And good for them. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will?... You?? Ha, not gonna happen.
The entry level/low skilled worker "gets ahead" by increasing their skill set, learning a trade or furthering their education.
The Seattle low skill worker is not standing up for anything. They lean on the crutch of government to "get" them something.
The concept of the prevailing market rate wage is not intended to be a good or bad thing. It is an island. It operates exclusively of opinion. It is what it is. And no government mandate can change that fact.
There may eventually be some workers that will be paid the unrealistic minimum wage in Seattle, but one thing is clear, there will be a lot fewer of them....Full time employment for this skill level will all but disappear. This will also reduce teen employment. Kids that want to work for a little spending money or to save up, will be excluded from the job market because no business is going to pay a high school kid fifteen or even ten dollars per hour.
They said the same thing back when they were talking about raising minimum wage from $4 to $5 and the sky didn't fall.

You do realize that a 9 to 15 raise is much more significant don't you?

And 15 an hour or 31200 a year is a salary that requires some skill and training.

So you are basically saying that people who have worked to increase their skill set are no better than those who can't do anything but stuff crap into a bag
Keep saying that to convince yourself that you're correct.

Still not seeing that sudden rash of restaurant closings due to higher wages. But even if it does happen, i think we'll survive it. Life goes on.
Lifting the ball right before its kicked there Lucy?

So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.
$15? That is $31k a year. According to the gubbermint that is upper middle class for a family of three and does qualify for any benefits or ACA subsidies.
"Gubbermint" of what country? We are talking about the USA. How many decades back are you going to find that 31k being upper middle class?
Hey genius...There is an endless supply of low skilled workers. Every single fast food restaurant, dept store and convenience store employs them. And for every one that thinks like you, there are 10 more willing to roll that asshole across the parking lot to take their job.

How's that a good thing for Workers? Not seeing where they're coming out ahead on that. Low skilled Workers wanna get paid too. See, Workers know not to depend on greedy folks like you to help them out. That's why they're standing up for themselves. And good for them. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will?... You?? Ha, not gonna happen.
The entry level/low skilled worker "gets ahead" by increasing their skill set, learning a trade or furthering their education.
The Seattle low skill worker is not standing up for anything. They lean on the crutch of government to "get" them something.
The concept of the prevailing market rate wage is not intended to be a good or bad thing. It is an island. It operates exclusively of opinion. It is what it is. And no government mandate can change that fact.
There may eventually be some workers that will be paid the unrealistic minimum wage in Seattle, but one thing is clear, there will be a lot fewer of them....Full time employment for this skill level will all but disappear. This will also reduce teen employment. Kids that want to work for a little spending money or to save up, will be excluded from the job market because no business is going to pay a high school kid fifteen or even ten dollars per hour.
They said the same thing back when they were talking about raising minimum wage from $4 to $5 and the sky didn't fall.
That's right genius, just ignore the facts.
Hey, how about YOU opening a business. Say a retail store. Pay your employees excessively high wages. See how long you last...
If you have not operated a business, then you have no right to an opinion here because you do not have any idea what it is you are talking about.
Are you claiming the Ford model was a bad idea?

NO it is a perfect model!
Pay what the market allows!
Ford was making the car for the demand and demand was outstripping production.
So Ford did what any business person who sees demand pushing production can hire more people and he did at $5/day! Perfect illustration!
Lifting the ball right before its kicked there Lucy?

So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.

Nah, they'll be less inclined to spit in your soda if they're making a decent wage. You definitely want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants. Trust me, it's for the best.

I don't think they're doing it to good customers. Now if you're an asshole to them, then you should worry.

Trust me, you really do want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants especially. But happy & prosperous workers make for better workers overall. They're proud of their work and happy to serve.

You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?
Well, it if were left up to you greedy Corporate-bootlickers, GM Employees would have been making McDonalds wages. That's why American Workers don't count on people like you to stand up for em. They have to stand up for themselves instead.

So they wanted to make more money for themselves and their families? Nothing wrong with that. More power to em. Like i said, if GM Workers never stood up, you bootlickers would have had em making McDonalds and Walmart wages. All Workers should stand up for themselves. That's how shit gets done. Period, end of story.

Oh yeah, they stud up for themselves and voted for two-tier wages. Democracy at work got old worker wages (Tier 1 - average $27/hr) intact and new worker wages slash in half (Tier 2 - $15.50/hr). Now they're crying how two-tier plan is not fair and demand changes. But it was fair when they were saving their asses, right?

What do you care? You weren't paying em. They got what they could get. And like i said, if it were left up to Corporate-bootlickers like you, GM Workers would have made McDonalds and Walmart wages. You really should reconsider licking Corporate boots so much. Try standing up for the workin man sometime. Give it a shot.

If you buy a GM car, you are paying them.
Lifting the ball right before its kicked there Lucy?

So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.

Nah, they'll be less inclined to spit in your soda if they're making a decent wage. You definitely want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants. Trust me, it's for the best.

I don't think they're doing it to good customers. Now if you're an asshole to them, then you should worry.

Trust me, you really do want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants especially. But happy & prosperous workers make for better workers overall. They're proud of their work and happy to serve.

Trust me, you're an idiot if you think people who feel entitled and aggrieved enough to behave unprofessionally are suddenly going to morph into happy, professionally competent worker bees just because you pandered to them. They'll simply find some OTHER reason to feel put-upon and justify their bad behavior.
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They said the same thing back when they were talking about raising minimum wage from $4 to $5 and the sky didn't fall.
That's right genius, just ignore the facts.
Hey, how about YOU opening a business. Say a retail store. Pay your employees excessively high wages. See how long you last...
If you have not operated a business, then you have no right to an opinion here because you do not have any idea what it is you are talking about.
Are you claiming the Ford model was a bad idea?
Where did I mention Ford?
Are you claiming the Ford model was a bad idea?

Ford astonished the world in 1914 by offering a $5 per day wage ($120 today), which more than doubled the rate of most of his workers.[23] A Cleveland, Ohio newspaper editorialized that the announcement "shot like a blinding rocket through the dark clouds of the present industrial depression."[24] The move proved extremely profitable; instead of constant turnover of employees, the best mechanics in Detroit flocked to Ford, bringing their human capital and expertise, raising productivity, and lowering training costs.[25][26] Ford announced his $5-per-day program on January 5, 1914, raising the minimum daily pay from $2.34 to $5 for qualifying workers.--Source: Henry Ford - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What does this have to do with Seattle and the min wage for Starbucks barristas or Walmart shopping cart retrievers? Ford made cars. It only stood as logical to increase Ford worker's wages so they could in turn buy one of the cars the workers sent down the assembly line.
So Seattle wants to make sure those Starbucks workers can buy more coffee? Hey, at $6 per 10 oz cup, Starbucks should think about how that looks to their workers then adjust accordingly.
It could be said to be based on the Ford model to a certain extent regarding wages. Should we attempt to collect market based metrics.
So don't own a restaurant or eat in one in Seattle. Or eat in restaurants where they pay their workers shit wages and they spit on your cheeseburger. Problem solved. Bon Appetit.

What is a shit wage? Once they get $15, they'll still be on minimum and demand more. They'll spit in burgers regardless of money they make.

Nah, they'll be less inclined to spit in your soda if they're making a decent wage. You definitely want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants. Trust me, it's for the best.

I don't think they're doing it to good customers. Now if you're an asshole to them, then you should worry.

Trust me, you really do want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants especially. But happy & prosperous workers make for better workers overall. They're proud of their work and happy to serve.

You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?
They will never say what a fair wage is, they wont their tiny brains can not compute economics ..or the bottom line...

But spell a word wrong or use improper Grammar, these liberal English useless majors will be all over you
Well, it if were left up to you greedy Corporate-bootlickers, GM Employees would have been making McDonalds wages. That's why American Workers don't count on people like you to stand up for em. They have to stand up for themselves instead.

So they wanted to make more money for themselves and their families? Nothing wrong with that. More power to em. Like i said, if GM Workers never stood up, you bootlickers would have had em making McDonalds and Walmart wages. All Workers should stand up for themselves. That's how shit gets done. Period, end of story.

Oh yeah, they stud up for themselves and voted for two-tier wages. Democracy at work got old worker wages (Tier 1 - average $27/hr) intact and new worker wages slash in half (Tier 2 - $15.50/hr). Now they're crying how two-tier plan is not fair and demand changes. But it was fair when they were saving their asses, right?

What do you care? You weren't paying em. They got what they could get. And like i said, if it were left up to Corporate-bootlickers like you, GM Workers would have made McDonalds and Walmart wages. You really should reconsider licking Corporate boots so much. Try standing up for the workin man sometime. Give it a shot.

Why do I care? Because, I have work relations with them and I know them pretty good. Many of them do not deserve more them McD or Walmart wages. On the other side, many of them deserve every dollar they make.

Now, why do you care, you're not paying them neither.

You're not paying em, so don't worry about it. And you just proved my point for me. You would have had em all making McDonalds and Walmart wages. You're certainly no friend to the workin man. So why should they care about anything you say?

You're a loyal Corporate-bootlicker. Don't know why, but you are. So your opinion is irrelevant to average working people. You're not on their side. It is what it is.

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