Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.
Link Trump to what, perfectly legal activities? Here's clue for you, dumbass, talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Many journalists have done it, and Mueller hasn't indicted them. Perhaps when you can find an actual crime the Trump has committed, people won't laugh at your ravings.

Again, spits the fucking moron who denied the highlighted text below is in the indictment though said fucking moron claims to have read it...

Day in and day out, you prove you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
That's what you do when you can't prove your point.

Fucking moron, you idiotically claimed the indictment was bullshit because it falsely stated that Wikileaks stole emails. My point, which I prove every time I post this, is you’re a fucking moron for believing that since the indictment actually states Wikileaks DIDN’T steal them. And when I quoted the indictment saying Wikileaks didn’t steal the e-mails, you called me a piece of shit liar for posting something that’s not in the indictment, when in fact, you’re the piece of shit liar because it is...

Who leaked news of the Stone bust to CNN?

Mueller needs to find and prosecute the leaker

Dumb ass....CNN had been camping our at Stone's house for days.....use your brain.....Everyone knew Stone was on Mueller's list.

What's that got to do with anything? Roger Stone and his cohurt Jerome Corsi have been all over the media telling everyone that they were under Mueller's spotlight, and may be indicted. So yes, I imagine the media was camped outside their homes for quite a long time.
Roger Stone Says Text Exchanges Cited in Indictment Were Mischaracterized
“I Probably Am the Person Referred to” in Russia Indictment, Says Trump Advisor Roger Stone
Meet Jerome Corsi, the right wing 'birther' who predicts he will soon be indicted by Mueller

Finally--someone was arrested & indicted over Hillary Clinton's emails--:auiqs.jpg:


Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election
CNN is in bed with the deep state...
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.
Link Trump to what, perfectly legal activities? Here's clue for you, dumbass, talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Many journalists have done it, and Mueller hasn't indicted them. Perhaps when you can find an actual crime the Trump has committed, people won't laugh at your ravings.

Again, spits the fucking moron who denied the highlighted text below is in the indictment though said fucking moron claims to have read it...

Day in and day out, you prove you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
You're following your usual pattern: I predict you will post this at least 100 times more.
Why shouldn’t I? You claim it’s not in the indictment and I’m proving what a fucking moron you are every time I post it...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:


Fucking moron, that means WikiLeaks released stolen emails, not that WikiLeaks stole the email.

How should you know that? It says so in the indictment...

”From in or around July 2016 through in or around November 2016, an organization (“Organization 1”), which had previously posted documents stolen by others from U.S. persons, entities, and the U.S. government, released tens of thousands of documents stolen from the DNC and the personal email account of the chairman of the U.S. presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton (“Clinton Campaign”)
That quote isn't in the indictment, you lying piece of shit.
I did a text search, and it said it wasn't found. Blame the software, dickbreath.
Fucking moron, you said you read the indictment. I don’t blame the software, I blame the fucking moron who’s too stupid to utilize text searching software and too moronic to understand the indictment he says he read. :badgrin:
the great patriot Julian Assange admitted as much- confessing that there was no collusion between Wikileaks, Russia or President Trump.

Assange is a "great patriot"?

Maybe in Russia

Assange isn't even an American citizen. He was born and raised in Australia and from the research I've found, he has never lived in America.

So he's a great patriot to Australia?

The person you're replying to has no idea what is going on, what they're talking about and just makes things up as they go.
CNN is in bed with the deep state...

The "deep state" is nothing more than the norms and stability of a modern democracy.

What YOU are talking about is a desire for anarchy
The deep is made up of corrupt high level federal government employees who along with career politicians are accountable to no one.
They are parasites to the country
Washington redskin...
CNN was waiting there for the FBI to show up at his house… The deep state and CNN are in bed together
You might want to read this:

Here is why Roger Stone is a 'slam dunk' to go to jail unless he begs for a plea deal and flips on Trump

That's good information. Thank you.
Washington redskin...
CNN was waiting there for the FBI to show up at his house… The deep state and CNN are in bed together
You might want to read this:

Here is why Roger Stone is a 'slam dunk' to go to jail unless he begs for a plea deal and flips on Trump

Yup....good read. As I said earlier....Stone cannot be trusted. Mueller may not offer him a plea deal. He is a apologies to snakes....worldwide.

I don't think Mueller needs Stone anyway. I expect he knows all the players already. I hope trump realized that when he submitted his written answers....
Washington redskin...
CNN was waiting there for the FBI to show up at his house… The deep state and CNN are in bed together
You might want to read this:

Here is why Roger Stone is a 'slam dunk' to go to jail unless he begs for a plea deal and flips on Trump

Yup....good read. As I said earlier....Stone cannot be trusted. Mueller may not offer his a plea deal. He is a apologies to snakes....worldwide.

I don't think Mueller needs Stone anyway. I expect he knows all the players already. I hope trump realized that when he submitted his written answers....
Mueller already has the tweets and emails which connect Stone to the stolen emails, clearly indicating the Trump campaign knew the emails were hacked before the public knew. He doesn’t need to make a deal with Stone.

The question is ... who directed a senior level Trump campaign member to contact Stone...?
Last edited:
Washington redskin...
CNN was waiting there for the FBI to show up at his house… The deep state and CNN are in bed together
You might want to read this:

Here is why Roger Stone is a 'slam dunk' to go to jail unless he begs for a plea deal and flips on Trump

That's good information. Thank you.
You're welcome. Recall that only yesterday he proclaim that he would not testify against Trump. Today he is singing a different tune after thinking about the jail time he might be facing. I love seeing theses sleazy bastards squirm.
Washington redskin...
CNN was waiting there for the FBI to show up at his house… The deep state and CNN are in bed together
You might want to read this:

Here is why Roger Stone is a 'slam dunk' to go to jail unless he begs for a plea deal and flips on Trump

That's good information. Thank you.
You're welcome. Recall that only yesterday he proclaim that he would not testify against Trump. Today he is singing a different tune after thinking about the jail time he might be facing. I love seeing theses sleazy bastards squirm.
...and stil no Russian connection
Washington redskin...
CNN was waiting there for the FBI to show up at his house… The deep state and CNN are in bed together
You might want to read this:

Here is why Roger Stone is a 'slam dunk' to go to jail unless he begs for a plea deal and flips on Trump

That's good information. Thank you.
You're welcome. Recall that only yesterday he proclaim that he would not testify against Trump. Today he is singing a different tune after thinking about the jail time he might be facing. I love seeing theses sleazy bastards squirm.

This guy...and this regime....are lower than a snake.

The evidence clearly shows the trump campaign knew that Wikileaks had and was releasing the emails. The key....legally, is whether Mueller can prove that the trump campaign was aware that Russia had stolen the emails. If he can....

Then we have criminal conspiracy and trump and his minions were colluding with a foreign adversary to disrupt a federal election....the bastard needs to rot in jail....
Washington redskin...
CNN was waiting there for the FBI to show up at his house… The deep state and CNN are in bed together
You might want to read this:

Here is why Roger Stone is a 'slam dunk' to go to jail unless he begs for a plea deal and flips on Trump

That's good information. Thank you.
You're welcome. Recall that only yesterday he proclaim that he would not testify against Trump. Today he is singing a different tune after thinking about the jail time he might be facing. I love seeing theses sleazy bastards squirm.

This guy...and this regime....are lower than a snake.

The evidence clearly shows the trump campaign knew that Wikileaks had and was releasing the emails. The key....legally, is whether Mueller can prove that the trump campaign was aware that Russia had stolen the emails. If he can....

Then we have criminal conspiracy and trump and his minions were colluding with a foreign adversary to disrupt a federal election....the bastard needs to rot in jail....
The emails showed the criminal behavior of the Hildabeast, Who gives a shit if they were stolen… The fucking Clintons deserve everything bad that happens to them.
Washington redskin...
CNN was waiting there for the FBI to show up at his house… The deep state and CNN are in bed together
You might want to read this:

Here is why Roger Stone is a 'slam dunk' to go to jail unless he begs for a plea deal and flips on Trump

That's good information. Thank you.
You're welcome. Recall that only yesterday he proclaim that he would not testify against Trump. Today he is singing a different tune after thinking about the jail time he might be facing. I love seeing theses sleazy bastards squirm.
...and stil no Russian connection

Are you really that stupid....Wikileaks did not steal the emails. The Russians did! They then gave the stolen emails to Wikileaks. The bastard called trump used Wikileaks to drip out the emails....

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