Because they were all trying to get a hold of the emails.

Were they in contact with Assange ?

If the reporters weren't their inside sources were. I think we need to use taxpayer dollars to investigate.

What is Mueller investigating if there is no Russian Collusion?

Considering the FACT that the e-mails were stolen BY Russians and all the other circumstantial evidence in the OP...I don't know how you came to that conclusion but that IS what Mueller is looking at[/QUOTE]

As bad as the Democrats security on their servers were do you really believe that the Russians were the only ones to hack?

Plus we can never know because again the Democrats tampered with evidence.
someone as dangerous as Stone, who requires 50 people to take down, it was the height of irresponsibility to leak this for the safety of not just the FBI employees but also the CNN staff that were assigned
brothers and sisters, the claim of Russian collusion is a politically motivated fairy tale!

It literally says in the Stone indictment that there was no Russian collusion. If there was then why was he charged with trying to get ahold of the emails.

Which is what everyone was trying to do.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
Uh, no. The indictment clearly noted that a senior level person from Trump’s campaign was “directed” to contact Stone about the email.

Now the question is ... who was high up enough in the ranks of the trump campaign to give directions to senior level campaign officials?


Is Mueller going to charge every news organization with the same thing? Because they were all trying to get a hold of the emails.

Next question: What is Mueller investigating if there is no Russian Collusion? The Democrats tampered with all the evidence so it is hard to investigate anything when your crime scene is compromised. We all learned that with the OJ and JonBenét Ramsey.

There's collusion everywhere--Go back to this post on this thread by clicking here--
Breaking news ... Roger Stone arrested by FBI

Stone admitted long ago he had a backdoor into Wikileaks and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0. Frankly, I was surprised that Mueller didn't put him in handcuff's long ago.
It literally says in the Stone indictment that there was no Russian collusion. If there was then why was he charged with trying to get ahold of the emails.

Which is what everyone was trying to do.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
Uh, no. The indictment clearly noted that a senior level person from Trump’s campaign was “directed” to contact Stone about the email.

Now the question is ... who was high up enough in the ranks of the trump campaign to give directions to senior level campaign officials?


Is Mueller going to charge every news organization with the same thing? Because they were all trying to get a hold of the emails.

Next question: What is Mueller investigating if there is no Russian Collusion? The Democrats tampered with all the evidence so it is hard to investigate anything when your crime scene is compromised. We all learned that with the OJ and JonBenét Ramsey.

There's collusion everywhere--Go back to this post on this thread by clicking here--
Breaking news ... Roger Stone arrested by FBI

Stone admitted long ago he had a backdoor into Wikileaks and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0. Frankly, I was surprised that Mueller didn't put him in handcuff's long ago.

Mr. Stone may have bragged about such a backdoor- but that doesn't mean he had one. Indeed, the great patriot Julian Assange admitted as much- confessing that there was no collusion between Wikileaks, Russia or President Trump.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
Uh, no. The indictment clearly noted that a senior level person from Trump’s campaign was “directed” to contact Stone about the email.

Now the question is ... who was high up enough in the ranks of the trump campaign to give directions to senior level campaign officials?


Is Mueller going to charge every news organization with the same thing? Because they were all trying to get a hold of the emails.

Next question: What is Mueller investigating if there is no Russian Collusion? The Democrats tampered with all the evidence so it is hard to investigate anything when your crime scene is compromised. We all learned that with the OJ and JonBenét Ramsey.

There's collusion everywhere--Go back to this post on this thread by clicking here--
Breaking news ... Roger Stone arrested by FBI

Stone admitted long ago he had a backdoor into Wikileaks and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0. Frankly, I was surprised that Mueller didn't put him in handcuff's long ago.

Mr. Stone may have bragged about such a backdoor- but that doesn't mean he had one. Indeed, the great patriot Julian Assange admitted as much- confessing that there was no collusion between Wikileaks, Russia or President Trump.
Which was a lie.
It literally says in the Stone indictment that there was no Russian collusion. If there was then why was he charged with trying to get ahold of the emails.

Which is what everyone was trying to do.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
Uh, no. The indictment clearly noted that a senior level person from Trump’s campaign was “directed” to contact Stone about the email.

Now the question is ... who was high up enough in the ranks of the trump campaign to give directions to senior level campaign officials?


Is Mueller going to charge every news organization with the same thing? Because they were all trying to get a hold of the emails.

Next question: What is Mueller investigating if there is no Russian Collusion? The Democrats tampered with all the evidence so it is hard to investigate anything when your crime scene is compromised. We all learned that with the OJ and JonBenét Ramsey.

There's collusion everywhere--Go back to this post on this thread by clicking here--
Breaking news ... Roger Stone arrested by FBI

Stone admitted long ago he had a backdoor into Wikileaks and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0. Frankly, I was surprised that Mueller didn't put him in handcuff's long ago.

Roger Stone is a professional liar and attention whore. Do we now take Pizzagate seriously?

Unless you can prove that Russia was the only ones to hack the servers and gave it to Assange then all of this is a complete waste of time and money.
the great patriot Julian Assange admitted as much- confessing that there was no collusion between Wikileaks, Russia or President Trump.

Assange is a "great patriot"?

Maybe in Russia
Unless you can prove that Russia was the only ones to hack the servers and gave it to Assange then all of this is a complete waste of time and money. you? Are you some kind of coding and cyber security expert? There seems to be enough evidence to have convinced our intelligence community. What evidence would satisfy you? Try to keep in mind that you couldn't understand the raw evidence if your life depended on it. Most of us couldn't.
Roger Stone is a professional liar and attention whore. Do we now take Pizzagate seriously?

Unless you can prove that Russia was the only ones to hack the servers and gave it to Assange then all of this is a complete waste of time and money.

Did you just get off the train from Crazytown?

You fuckers DID take Pizzagate seriously

The rest of that was just stupid.
Roger Stone is a professional liar and attention whore.

And STONE is where all the "Wall" bullshit came from. It's STONE"S Wall
from Forbes

In 2014, Trump’s plan to run for president moved into high gear. His political confidant was consultant Roger Stone. “Inside Trump’s circle, the power of illegal immigration to manipulate popular sentiment was readily apparent, and his advisers brainstormed methods for keeping their attention-addled boss on message,” writes Joshua Green, author of Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Nationalist Uprising. “They needed a trick, a mnemonic device. In the summer of 2014, they found one that clicked.”

Joshua Green had good access to Trump insiders, including Sam Nunberg, who worked with Stone. “Roger Stone and I came up with the idea of ‘the Wall,’ and we talked to Steve [Bannon] about it,” according to Nunberg. “It was to make sure he [Trump] talked about immigration.”
Roger Stone is a professional liar and attention whore.

And STONE is where all the "Wall" bullshit came from. It's STONE"S Wall
from Forbes

In 2014, Trump’s plan to run for president moved into high gear. His political confidant was consultant Roger Stone. “Inside Trump’s circle, the power of illegal immigration to manipulate popular sentiment was readily apparent, and his advisers brainstormed methods for keeping their attention-addled boss on message,” writes Joshua Green, author of Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Nationalist Uprising. “They needed a trick, a mnemonic device. In the summer of 2014, they found one that clicked.”

Joshua Green had good access to Trump insiders, including Sam Nunberg, who worked with Stone. “Roger Stone and I came up with the idea of ‘the Wall,’ and we talked to Steve [Bannon] about it,” according to Nunberg. “It was to make sure he [Trump] talked about immigration.”
It seems you want kill trump...
Roger Stone is a professional liar and attention whore.

And STONE is where all the "Wall" bullshit came from. It's STONE"S Wall
from Forbes

In 2014, Trump’s plan to run for president moved into high gear. His political confidant was consultant Roger Stone. “Inside Trump’s circle, the power of illegal immigration to manipulate popular sentiment was readily apparent, and his advisers brainstormed methods for keeping their attention-addled boss on message,” writes Joshua Green, author of Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Nationalist Uprising. “They needed a trick, a mnemonic device. In the summer of 2014, they found one that clicked.”

Joshua Green had good access to Trump insiders, including Sam Nunberg, who worked with Stone. “Roger Stone and I came up with the idea of ‘the Wall,’ and we talked to Steve [Bannon] about it,” according to Nunberg. “It was to make sure he [Trump] talked about immigration.”
Haha, they have to handle trump like an alzheimer's patient....
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
Uh, no. The indictment clearly noted that a senior level person from Trump’s campaign was “directed” to contact Stone about the email.

Now the question is ... who was high up enough in the ranks of the trump campaign to give directions to senior level campaign officials?


Is Mueller going to charge every news organization with the same thing? Because they were all trying to get a hold of the emails.

Next question: What is Mueller investigating if there is no Russian Collusion? The Democrats tampered with all the evidence so it is hard to investigate anything when your crime scene is compromised. We all learned that with the OJ and JonBenét Ramsey.

There's collusion everywhere--Go back to this post on this thread by clicking here--
Breaking news ... Roger Stone arrested by FBI

Stone admitted long ago he had a backdoor into Wikileaks and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0. Frankly, I was surprised that Mueller didn't put him in handcuff's long ago.

Roger Stone is a professional liar and attention whore. Do we now take Pizzagate seriously?

Unless you can prove that Russia was the only ones to hack the servers and gave it to Assange then all of this is a complete waste of time and money.

Clearly Mueller and the Federal Grand Jury have solid evidence to arrest & Indict Stone, regardless of his attention whore attitude, and clearly you didn't watch the video's--one is a FOX NEWS video or read the links at this link.
Breaking news ... Roger Stone arrested by FBI

Trump surrogates were being picked up in daily routine spying operations by several different foreign intelligence sources since 2015. The Guardian article was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper over 1 year ago.

This constant denial--is no longer working for you. Just click the above link and read & watch.

There is much more on this board that you can view.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Most damaging evidence of Russian collusion with Trump campaign released today
Pictures of the Russian adds on FB--Twitter--Google & Youtube are here!
Do you still believe FOX NEWS?--in light of the Nunes memo release
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?

All with verifiable, credible links and video's.

You're watching too much FOX NEWS--that promoted Trump throughout the primaries, while ignoring 16 other GOP candidates. They own Trump now, and if he goes down, they go too, and they know it, which is why they're not reporting on a lot of this..

A great article every REPUBLICAN should read is this.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Breaking news . . . Politicians Lie!!! And still nothing about Russia . . .

Really-- you might want to redirect to this post on this thread and actually spend more than 2 seconds there---:auiqs.jpg:
Breaking news ... Roger Stone arrested by FBI

It's one thing to be ignorant about a topic, it's quite a different circumstance when someone insists on remaining ignorant..

Then redirect to this post on this thread for a lot more Russian collusion information
Breaking news ... Roger Stone arrested by FBI
Who leaked news of the Stone bust to CNN?

Mueller needs to find and prosecute the leaker

Dumb ass....CNN had been camping our at Stone's house for days.....use your brain.....Everyone knew Stone was on Mueller's list.

What's that got to do with anything? Roger Stone and his cohurt Jerome Corsi have been all over the media telling everyone that they were under Mueller's spotlight, and may be indicted. So yes, I imagine the media was camped outside their homes for quite a long time.
Roger Stone Says Text Exchanges Cited in Indictment Were Mischaracterized
“I Probably Am the Person Referred to” in Russia Indictment, Says Trump Advisor Roger Stone
Meet Jerome Corsi, the right wing 'birther' who predicts he will soon be indicted by Mueller

Finally--someone was arrested & indicted over Hillary Clinton's emails--:auiqs.jpg:


Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election
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