Breaking News. SCOTUS rejects the premature Special Counsel bid to rule on his cases

A trial ruling. I believe they might if one becomes necessary.
U.S. District Judge Tanya 'I have that White Man Trump' Chutkan has already ruled against him. Now it goes the normal route up to the DC Court of Appeals
U.S. District Judge Tanya 'I have that White Man Trump' Chutkan has already ruled against him. Now it goes the normal route up to the DC Court of Appeals

The bottom line?

None of the trials they weaponized in an attempt to convict Orange Man may even commence prior to election day.

And even if they do?

A conviction won't stop him from running.

One thing that is 100% certain: He won't be incarcerated by 11/5, '24.

Aside from Michelle O., the Deep State only retains one option.

Big T better watch his six.
Ouch. A far left activist prosecutor wants to jump over the legal process?

Hey, cult fucks…what happened to your “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW” bullshit?

You guys were so fucking convincing…but like always, you are just lying bags of shit.

Well the Democrats have to "protect" their democracy, even if it mean using fascist, unconstitutional, and illegal means to do so.

So Jack got dick-slapped by the Supreme Court, right?

I'm loving it. :laughing0301:
It's more like the SCOTUS is following the same protocol that other generations of the Supremes would have done for anyone. It's not like they haven't dealt with lawyers who persecute innocent people for any case resembling what Soros bucks can buy. Nobody can buy the honorable justices that are invited by Presidents and their advisers on who will do the best job of going by the Constitution of the United States with full knowledge, keen memory, and devotion to we, the people for our Supreme Court.

Chief Justice Roberts just went up two steps on leading this group of justices to do the right thing. As the meat and bones of the SupremeCourt, it is excellent to have 9 good justices regardless of party who have their ear to the ground on people who arrogantly trample on the Constitution along party lines. They likely know that the majority of Americans regardless of party want right to be done to people whose lives take them in front of the Supreme Court because their cases are survival of the good. I am so grateful for this year's Supreme Court Justices. They're going by the book, except in this case, the book is the Constitution of the United States of America. It was written by God-fearing and reasonable men of the Continental Congress and the Colony's military leaders whose time to serve this country was well spent. God blessed America with these men who were true to their fellow countrymen as well as posterity.
If either party could produce a real live actual human being to run against Trump, I'd support them. All we got are automatons that support greater state power. Will I vote for Trump? Nope. Do I hate his opponents more than I do him? Absolutely, every damn one of them.
Big win for President Trump. This likely pushed the date for this political persecution case beyond the election date.

A big loss for the this request overly outs their political if the fact wasn't already completely obvious. It might not have been worthwhile if the request was granted...but it is a total disaster now that it has failed.
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"The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a request by special counsel Jack Smith to fast-track arguments on whether Donald Trump has any immunity from federal prosecution for alleged crimes he committed while in office – a move that will likely delay his trial.

The court did not explain its reasoning and there were no noted dissents."

Commentary: Big win for President Trump. This likely pushed the date for this political persecution case beyond the election date.

A big loss for the this request overly outs their political if the fact wasn't already completely obvious. It might not have been worthwhile if the request was granted...but it is a total disaster now that it has failed.
All the Democrats do is throw shit against the wall and see if they can get it to stick.
"The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a request by special counsel Jack Smith to fast-track arguments on whether Donald Trump has any immunity from federal prosecution for alleged crimes he committed while in office – a move that will likely delay his trial.

The court did not explain its reasoning and there were no noted dissents."

Commentary: Bg win for President Trump. This likely pushed the date for this political persecution case beyond the election date.

A big loss for the this move overly outs their political if the fact wasn't already completely obvious.

So the innocent man can now delay proving his innocense. Got it. That's what innocent people do. Delay every chance to clear their name.

No problem. The 4th Circuit hands down decisions within days, not weeks or months. Now Judge Chutckin can speed this trial up, as to give the innocent man his speedy trial to prove his name.

All of which will happen before the election. The innocent guy is going to have to sacrifice some campaign time for clear is innocent nae trial in court.

The Special Counsel motion was pretty ignorant.

He is trying to prosecute Trump. Trump says he might seek to appeal it on a legal theory of immunity. So the dopey special counsel tries to get “mother may I?” Permission?

Application DENIED.

Smith's argument wasn't stupid. It was a gamble. That's all.
They turned it down on procedural grounds, not on the facts. Basically kicked the can down the road.
They turned it down on the fact Jerk Smith wasn't following normal procedures.. In short, he is full of shit.

Told him to hit the road.

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