Breaking News: Sebelius on the Hot Seat at Todays Hearing on Obamacare


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Breaking News: Sebelius on the Hot Seat at Todays Hearing on Obamacare

Early reports are that there will be no apologies from Kathleen. All blame will go to the website designers, not to her, who hired them without vetting them.
No need to watch it.
Here is what will happen:

Sebelious...deny, deny, divert, deny - divert.
Republican members...too busy grandstanding and pandering all over themselves and likely not ask any real questions.
Democrat members..."I like your hair, where did you buy that dress?...
Both sides are performing for the cameras rather than asking pragmatic questions, getting to the basic problems and possible solutions.
Joseph Pitts, R. asked excellent questions and Sebelius gave good, informative answers. Very good, give and take.
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Both sides are performing for the cameras rather than asking pragmatic questions, getting to the basic problems and possible solutions.

Yep...see my first post.
I knew this would happen.
It gives the Democrats a way out...the media will show how "buffonish" the republicans are acting - and that will be the story - not Sebelious. :evil:
Breaking News: Sebelius on the Hot Seat at Todays Hearing on Obamacare

Early reports are that there will be no apologies from Kathleen. All blame will go to the website designers, not to her, who hired them without vetting them.

No surprise there. Weren't they the FLOTUS friends from Canada??? :lmao:

I would wish Sebelius would just tell the truth, but she has learned how not to for it isn't expected of her. Her immediate boss has never set that example. He leads with lies and coverups, and blame and those who defer to him in his administration, follow his lead and that is why "they" were hired.....because they would.

They are all weak little people.
I have a problem with CGI not getting the website done properly on time and then there is no consequences, but the opposite. They are paid again to get it right a second time! They should not have been paid a second time and perhaps a penalty put upon them.
Diane DeGette D, Co. CGI telling HHS website was fine. Never told them problems were there but told vendors there were problems four days earlier!. Very interesting.
Her responses concerning Individual Insureds losing their coverage strike me as disingenuous bureaucratic bullshit.
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ObamaCare Site Crashes Minutes Before Sebelius Testimony

Just minutes before Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was set to testify on Capitol Hill, the site crashed. Spot checks verified that the State of North Carolina, Virginia, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, New York, Maryland, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Kentucky, Minnesota, and New Hampshire are all down - which likely means the entire federal site is down.
The site was still down thirty-minutes into Sebelius' testimony.

ObamaCare Site Crashes Minutes Before Sebelius Testimony
Diane DeGette D, Co. CGI telling HHS website was fine. Never told them problems were there but told vendors there were problems four days earlier!. Very interesting.

Personally, I think that answer is bull. I can't imagine a co. willing to expose themselves to that degree of ineptness for the world to see.
So far the white haired witches answers have been:

I don't know...

I wasn't aware...

I'll get you those answers...

Sounds like someone else we know... in fact, it sounds exactly like all the filthy democraps I've seen before congress... obstruct, deflect, plead ignorant and LIE.

Good God I hate these slimy sons a bitches.

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